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Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain how secretory cells remove from the plasmalemma the excess membrane resulting from the insertion of granule membrane during exocytosis: intact patches of membrane may be internalized and then reutilized within the cell; alternatively these membranes may be either disassembled to subunits or degraded. In the latter case new membranes should be synthetized at other sites of the cell, probably in the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi complex. In the present research, membrane subfractions were obtained from rough microsomes (derived from fragmented and resealed RER cisternae) and from smooth microsomes (primarily contributed by Golgi stacks and vesicles) of the guinea pig pancreas by incubation at 4°C for 4 hr in 0.0005 M puromycin at high ionic strength followed by mild (pH 7.8) alkaline extraction with 0.2 M NaHCO3. Such treatments release the majority of nonmembrane components of both microsomal fractions (i.e., contained secretory enzymes, ribosomes, and absorbed proteins of the cell sap) and allow the membranes to be recovered by centrifugation. The effect of in vitro stimulation of enzyme secretion (brought about in pancreas slices by 0.0001 M carbamoyl choline) on the rate of synthesis of the phospholipid (PLP) and protein of these membranes was then investigated. In agreement with previous data, we observed that in stimulated slices the synthesis of microsomal PLP was greatly increased. In contrast, the synthesis of microsomal membrane proteins was unchanged. These results suggest that exocytosis is not coupled with an increased rate of synthesis of complete ER and Golgi membranes and are, therefore, consistent with the view that excess plasma membrane is preserved and reutilized, either as discrete membrane patches or as membrane macromolecules, throughout the secretory cycle.  相似文献   

The differentiated effects of phenobarbital treatment on liver microsomal enzymes have been further studied. The relationship between the resulting decrease in the specific glucose-6-phosphatase activity and the enhancement of formation of endoplasmic reticulum membranes with high drug-hydroxylating activity has been investigated with biochemical and histochemical methods. Biochemically and histochemically demonstrable glucose-6-phosphatase activity was found to be present in all endoplasmic reticulum membranes, including the phenobarbital-induced smooth-surfaced proliferates, even though there was an over-all decrease in activity. Actinomycin D did not inhibit the decrease in glucose-6-phosphatase activity. The findings are discussed with reference to the enzyme-membrane relationship in phenobarbital induction.  相似文献   

Subfractionation of preparations of rat liver microsomes with a suitable concentration of sodium deoxycholate has resulted in the isolation of a membrane fraction consisting of smooth surfaced vesicles virtually free of ribonucleoprotein particles. The membrane fraction is rich in phospholipids, and contains the microsomal NADH-cytochrome c reductase, NADH diaphorase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and ATPase in a concentrated form. The NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, a NADPH (or pyridine nucleotide unspecific) diaphorase, and cytochrome b5 are recovered in the clear supernatant fraction. The ribonucleoprotein particles are devoid of, or relatively poor in, the enzyme activities mentioned. Those enzymes which are bound to the membranes vary in activity according to the structural state of the microsomes, whereas those which appear in the soluble fraction are stable. From these findings the conclusion is reached that certain enzymes of the endoplasmic reticulum are tightly bound to the membranes, whereas others either are loosely bound or are present in a soluble form within the lumina of the system. Some implications of these results as to the enzymic organization of the endoplasmic reticulum are discussed.  相似文献   

The expression and intracellular localization of the Tetrahymena homolog of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) were investigated in wild-type Tetrahymena thermophila strain B1868 VII and the mutant strains IIG8, defective in food vacuole formation, MS-1, blocked in secretion of lysosomal enzymes, and SB 281, defective in mucocyst maturation. Immunoelectron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy demonstrated that Tetrahymena HPPD primarily localized to membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, Tetrahymena HPPD was detected in association with membranes of the Golgi apparatus, and transport vesicles in exponentially growing wild-type and mutant strains. In starved cells, Tetrahymena HPPD localized exclusively to membranes of small vesicles. Since no de novo synthesis ofTetrahymena HPPD takes place in cells starved for more than 30min, these results suggest that there is a flow ofTetrahymena HPPD from the endoplasmic reticulum to small vesicles, possibly via the Golgi apparatus, and thatTetrahymena HPPD contains a signal for vesicle membrane retrieval or retention.  相似文献   

In the frog skeletal muscle cell a well defined and highly organized system of tubular elements is located in the sarcoplasm between the myofibrils. The sarcoplasmic component is called the sarcotubular system. By means of differential centrifugation it has been possible to isolate from the frog muscle homogenate a fraction composed of small vesicles, tubules, and particles. This fraction is without cytochrome oxidase activity, which is localized in the mitochondrial membranes. This indicates that the structural components of this fraction do not derive from the mitochondrial fragmentation, but probably from the sarcotubular system. This fraction, called sarcotubular fraction, has a Mg++-stimulated ATPase activity which differs from that of muscle mitochondria in that it is 3 to 4 times higher on the protein basis as compared with the mitochondrial ATPase, and is inhibited by Ca++ and by deoxycholate like the Kielley and Meyerhof ATPase. We therefore conclude that the "granules" of the Kielley and Meyerhof ATPase, which were shown to have a relaxing effect, are fragments of the sarcotubular system. The isolated sarcotubular fraction has a high RNA content and demonstrable activity in incorporating labeled amino acids, even in the absence of added supernatant.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of thin sections of interphase cells has revealed the following:— Circular pores are formed in the double nuclear envelope by continuities between the inner and outer membranes which permit contact between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm unmediated by a well defined membrane. The pores, seen in sections normal to the nuclear envelope, are profiles of the ring-shaped structures described by others and seen in tangential section. The inner and outer nuclear membranes are continuous with one another and enclose the perinuclear space. The pores contain a diffuse, faintly particulate material. A survey of cells of the rat derived from the embryonic ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, and of a protozoan and an alga has revealed pores in all tissues examined, without exception. It is concluded that pores in the nuclear envelope are a fundamental feature of all resting cells. In certain cells, the outer nuclear membrane is continuous with membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, hence the perinuclear space is continuous with cavities enclosed by those membranes. There are indications that this is true for all resting cells, at least in a transitory way. On the basis of these observations, the hypothesis is made that two pathways of exchange exist between the nucleus and the cytoplasm; by way of the perinuclear space and cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum and by way of the pores in the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

1. The electromotive forces which arise, if two electrolyte solutions are separated from each other by a layer of any kind, are discussed. A general equation is derived comprising the known equations for diffusion, partition, and membrane (Donnan) potentials as special cases. 2. A method is proposed to analyse membranes potentiometrically with respect to their cation or anion selectivity, their dissolving power for ions, and their influence on ion mobility (migration velocity). 3. The possibility of analysing a membrane composed of several layers of different permeability is discussed. 4. The investigation of the skin of the belly of Rana temporaria leads to the following results. It is composed of at least four layers of different permeability, one of which is specifically permeable to H ions and is very likely identical with the "basal membrane" situated between the stratum germinativum and the corium. The major part of the resting potential of the skin is located across this membrane and is due to the difference of H+ concentrations on both sides of the membrane. 5. Experiments on muscle show that the sarcolemma is specifically permeable to H ions. The injury potential of the muscle is attributed to the difference of H+ concentration inside and outside the fibre.  相似文献   

本文以荧光探针为手段,通过测量膜偏振度的变化,探讨了竹红菌甲素光敏作用对红细胞膜和几种磷脂脂质体膜的流动性的损伤。结果表明,甲素光敏作用使不同种类的磷脂(DPPC,DPPC/DPPE,红细胞膜磷脂)脂质体的流动性增加,其对光敏作用的敏感程度为红细胞膜磷脂脂质体显著小于DPPC/DPPE脂质体及DPPC脂质体。对红细胞膜来说,甲素光敏作用使其流动性呈现先降低而后增加的现象。去除膜上的spectrin以及用胰蛋白酶处理可使这种流动性变化的幅度受到抑制。据此,我们认为,膜磷脂,膜蛋白对甲素光敏作用中膜流动性的变化有着不同的影响,膜蛋白,特别是spectrin,是其中极重要的因素。  相似文献   

目的 :研究幽门螺杆菌 (H elicobacter pylori,H .pylori)临床分离株的空泡毒作用及其与空泡毒素抗原 (Vacuolated cytotoxin antigen,Vac A)的关系。方法 :用细胞毒试验、SDS- PAGE结合薄层扫描研究H.pylori临床分离株空泡毒作用及其与 Vac A的关系。结果 :6 2株 H.pylori临床分离株 ,43株为空泡毒作用阳性 H .pylori(Toxin+) ,其余为空泡毒作用阴性的 H .pylori(Toxin- )。 30 .2 3% (13/ 43) H .pylori(Toxin+)临床分离株的肉汤培养滤液 (broth culture filter,BCF)含有分子量为 87k Da的 Vac A,而所有H .pylori(Toxin- )的 BCF不含有这种蛋白 ,二者之间差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;Vac A含量与 H .pylori(Toxin+) BCF的空泡毒作用滴度明显相关 (r=0 .6 7,P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :H.pylori(Toxin+)空泡毒作用是由 Vac A引起的。  相似文献   

1. It has previously been shown by the author and many others that growth, in animals and plants, is an autocatalysed process. In animals it is usual to find that growth occurs in several superimposed autocatalytic cycles. In many cases, in plants and animals, especially if the cycle is one which occupies a large proportion of the growing period, it is found that the velocity-constant of the autocatalysed monomolecular formula falls off as growth proceeds, at first rapidly and later more slowly. 2. It has previously been shown by the author that the fall of the velocity-constant of growth, in the white mouse, is directly proportional to the fall of the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, determined by the chemical method of Le Breton and Schaeffer. If we assume this relationship to be generally applicable to the growth of animals and plants, then the following additional conclusions may be deduced, without calling in the aid of any other assumption:— 3. The increase of cytoplasm in any given cycle of growth is proportional to the concurrent increase of nuclear material. 4. The growth of cytoplasm takes place in accordance with a monomolecular formula in which the velocity-constant varies directly as the mass of the nucleus. If we superadd to these facts and deductions the hypothesis that each growth-cycle represents the growth of a separate group of cells within the animal, then the additional conclusions follow:— 5. That the cells which participate in the growth composing any cycle have initially lower nucleo-cytoplasmic ratios than the cells which participated in the preceding cycles. 6. That cells of large nucleo-cytoplasmic ratios in a multicellular animal inhibit the growth of cells which possess smaller ratios. 7. These conclusions collectively imply that the nucleus plays a predominant role in determining the development of the cell in which it resides.  相似文献   

Frog ventricular cardiac muscle has structural features which set it apart from frog and mammalian skeletal muscle and mammalian cardiac muscle. In describing these differences, our attention focused chiefly on the distribution of cellular membranes. Abundant inter cellular clefts, the absence of tranverse tubules, and the paucity of sarcotubules, together with exceedingly small cell diameters (less than 5 µ), support the suggestion that the mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling differs in these muscle cells from that now thought to be characteristic of striated muscle such as skeletal muscle and mammalian cardiac muscle. These structural dissimilarities also imply that the mechanism of relaxation in frog ventricular muscle differs from that considered typical of other striated muscles. Additional ultrastructural features of frog ventricular heart muscle include spherical electron-opaque bodies on thin filaments, inconstantly present, forming a rank across the I band about 150 mµ from the Z line, and membrane-bounded dense granules resembling neurosecretory granules. The functional significance of these features is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Information on the sites of cellulose synthesis and the diversity and evolution of cellulose-synthesizing enzyme complexes (terminal complexes) in algae is reviewed. There is now ample evidence that cellulose synthesis occurs at the plasma membrane-bound cellulose synthase, with the exception of some algae that produce cellulosic scales in the Golgi apparatus. Freeze-fracture studies of the supramolecular organization of the plasma membrane support the view that the rosettes (a six-subunit complex) in higher plants and both the rosettes and the linear terminal complexes (TCs) in algae are the structures that synthesize cellulose and secrete cellulose microfibrils. In the Zygnemataceae, each single rosette forms a 5-nm or 3-nm single “elementary” microfibril (primary wall), whereas rosettes arranged in rows of hexagonal arrays synthesize criss-crossed bands of parallel cellulose microfibrils (secondary wall). In Spirogyra, it is proposed that each of the six subunits of a rosette might synthesize six β-1,4-glucan chains that cocrystallize into a 36-glucan chain “elementary” microfibril, as is the case in higher plants. One typical feature of the linear terminal complexes in red algae is the periodic arrangement of the particle rows transverse to the longitudinal axis of the TCs. In bangiophyte red algae and in Vaucheria hamata, cellulose microfibrils are thin, ribbon-shaped structures, 1–1.5 nm thick and 5–70 nm wide; details of their synthesis are reviewed. Terminal complexes appear to be made in the endoplasmic reticulum and are transferred to Golgi cisternae, where the cellulose synthases are activated and may be transported to the plasma membrane. In algae with linear TCs, deposition follows a precise pattern directed by the movement and the orientation of the TCs (membrane flow). A principal underlying theme is that the architecture of cellulose microfibrils (size, shape, crystallinity, and intramicrofibrillar associations) is directly related to the geometry of TCs. The effects of inhibitors on the structure of cellulose-synthetizing complexes and the relationship between the deposition of the cellulose microfibrils with cortical microtubules and with the membrane-embedded TCs is reviewed In Porphyra yezoensis, the frequency and distribution of TCs reflect polar tip growth in the apical shoot cell.The evolution of TCs in algae is reviewed. The evidence gathered to date illustrates the utility of terminal complex organization in addressing plant phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

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