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A peptide corresponding to residues 26–41 of α-bungarotoxin, and closed by a disulfide bond between two cysteine residues at the amino and C terminal ends of the peptide, was synthesized and the monomeric form was purified. The peptide, which represents the exposed part of the long central loop of the toxin molecule, was examined for binding to acetylcholine receptor. The peptide was shown by radiometric titrations to bind radiolabeled receptor, and radiolabeled peptide was bound by receptor. The specificity of the binding was confirmed by inhibition with the parent toxin. A synthetic analog of the peptide in which Trp-28 was replaced by glycine had very little (10%) of the original activity. Succinylation of the amino groups of the peptide resulted in virtually complete (98%) loss of the binding activity. These results indicate that a shortened loop peptide corresponding to the region 26–41 of α-bungarotoxin exhibits binding activities mimicking those of the parent molecule. In this region, Trp-28, and one or both of Lys-26 and Lys-38, are essential contact residues in the binding to receptor.  相似文献   

To study the structural organization of the main extracellular domain of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) subunit in live muscle cells, we examined the native membrane-bound receptors in cultured mouse skeletal muscle cells for their ability to bind a panel of antibodies against uniform-sized overlapping synthetic peptides which collectively represent this entire domain. The binding profile indicated that the regions 23–49,78–126,146–174, and182–210 are accessible to binding with antibody. Residues23–49,78–126, and194–210 contain binding regions for-neurotoxin and some myasthenia gravis autoantibodies. A comparison of this binding profile with the profile obtained for membrane-boundTorpedo californica AChR in isolated membrane fractions showed some similarities as well as significant differences between the subunit organization in the isolated membrane fraction and that in the membrane of live muscle cells. Regions89–104 and158–174, which are exposed in the isolated membrane fraction, are also exposed in the live cell. On the other hand, regions23–49, and182–210, which are exposed in the live cell, are not accessible in the isolated membrane and, furthermore, the region1–16, which has marginal accessibility in the cell, becomes highly accessible in the membrane isolates. The exposed regions defined by this study may be the primary targets for the initial autoimmune attack on the receptors in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

The extracellular surface of the-chain ofTorpedo california acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was mapped for regions that are accessible to binding with antibodies against a panel of synthetic overlapping peptides which encompassed the entire extracellular parts of the chain. The binding of the antipeptide antibodies to membrane-bound AChR (mbAChR) and to isolated, soluble AChR. was determined. The specificity of each antiserum was narrowed down by determining the extent of its cross-reaction with the two adjacent peptides that overlap the immunizing peptide. With mbAChR, high antibody reactivity was obtained with antisera against peptides1–16,89–104,158–174,262–276, and388–408. Lower, but significant, levels of reactivity were obtained with antibodies against peptides67–82,78–93,100–115, and111–126. On the other hand, free AChR bound high levels of antibodies against peptides34–49,78–93,134–150,170–186, and194–210. It also bound moderate levels of antibodies against peptides262–276 and388–408. Low, yet significant, levels of binding were exhibited by antibodies against peptides45–60,111–126, and122–138. These binding studies, which enabled a comparison of the accessible regions in mbAChR and free AChR, revealed that the receptor undergoes considerable changes in conformation upon removal from the cell membrane. The exposed regions found here are discussed in relation to the functional sites of AChR (i.e., the acetylcholine binding site, the regions that are recognized by anti-AChR antibodies, T-cells and autoimmune responses and the regions that bind short and long neurotoxins).Abbreviations used AChR acetylcholine receptor - mbAChR membrane-bound AChR - BSA bovine serum albumin - BTX -bungarotoxin - EAMG experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis - MG myasthenia gravis - PBS 0.15 MNaCl in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2.  相似文献   

A set of seven peptides constituting the various loops and most of the surface areas of -bungarotoxin (BgTX) was synthesized. In appropriate peptides, the cyclical (by a disulfide bond) monomers were prepared. In all cases, the peptides were purified and characterized. The ability of these peptides to bindTorpedo californica acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was studied by radiometric adsorbent titrations. Three regions, represented by peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59, were able to bind125I-labeled AChR and, conversely,125I-labeled peptides were bound by AChR. In these regions, residues Ile-1, Val-2, Trp-28 and/or Lys-38, and one or all of the three residues Ala-45, Ala-46, and Thr-47, are essential contact residues in the binding of BgTX to receptor. Other synthetic regions of BgTX showed little or no AChR-binding activity. The specificity of AChR binding to peptides 1–16, 26–41, and 45–59 was confirmed by inhibition with unlabeled BgTX. It is concluded that BgTX has three main AChR-binding regions (loop I with N-terminal extension and loops II and III extended toward the N-terminal by residues 45–47).  相似文献   

Potential B epitopes and T-helper epitopes in the N-terminal extracellular domain of the α7-subunit of human acetylchloline receptor (AChR) were theoretically calculated in order to reveal peptides that can induce the formation of specific antibodies to this domain. Four peptides structurally corresponding to four α7-subunit regions containing 16–23 aa and three of their truncated analogues were synthesized. Rabbits were immunized with both free peptides and protein conjugates of their truncated analogues, and a panel of antibodies to various exposed regions of the N-terminal extracellular domain of the AChR α7-subunit was obtained. All of the four predicted peptides were shown to induce the production of antipeptide antibodies in free form, without conjugation with any protein carrier. The free peptides and the protein conjugates of truncated analogues induced the formation of almost equal levels of antibodies. Most of the obtained antisera contained antibodies that bind to the recombinant extracellular N-terminal domain of the rat AChR α7-subunit and do not react with the analogous domain of the α1-subunit of the ray Torpedo californica AChR.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) of human skeletal muscle has a reducible disulfide bond near the neurotransmitter binding site in each of its alpha-subunits. By testing a panel of overlapping synthetic peptides encompassing the alpha-subunit segment 177-208 (containing cysteines 192 and 193) we found that specific binding of 125I-labelled alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BTx) was maximal in the region 185-199. Binding was inhibited by unlabelled alpha-BTx greater than d-tubocurarine greater than atropine greater than carbamylcholine. Peptide 193-208 did not bind alpha-BTx, whereas 177-192 retained 40% binding activity. Peptides corresponding to regions 125-147 (containing cysteines 128 and 142) and 389-409, or peptides unrelated to sequences of the AChR failed to bind alpha-BTx. No peptide bound 125I-alpha-labelled parathyroid hormone. The apparent affinity (KD) of alpha-BTx binding to immobilized peptides 181-199 and 185-199 was approximately 25 microM and 80 microM, respectively, in comparison with alpha-BTx binding to native Torpedo ACh receptor (apparent KD approximately 0.5 nM). In solution phase, both peptides effectively competed with solubilized native human AChR for binding of alpha-BTx, and peptide 185-199 showed little evidence of dissociation after 24 h. Peptides that bound alpha-BTx did so when sulfhydryls were reduced. Cysteine modification, by N-ethylmaleimide or acetamidomethylation, abolished alpha-BTx-binding activity. The data implicate the region of cysteines 192 and 193 in the binding of neurotransmitter to the human receptor.  相似文献   

The IgG binding Fcgamma receptors (FcgammaRs) play a key role in defence against pathogens by linking humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Impaired expression and/or function of FcgammaR may result in the development of pathological autoimmunity. Considering the functions of FcgammaRs, they are potential target molecules for drug design to aim at developing novel anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory therapies. Previous data mostly obtained by X-ray analysis of ligand-receptor complexes indicate the profound role of the CH2 domain in binding to various FcgammaRs. Our aim was to localize linear segments, which are able to bind and also to modulate the function of the low affinity FcgammaRs, like FcgammaRIIb and FcgammaRIIIa. To this end a set of overlapping octapeptides was prepared corresponding to the 231-298 sequence of IgG1 CH2 domain and tested for binding to human recombinant soluble FcgammaRIIb. Based on these results, a second group of peptides was synthesized and their binding properties to recombinant soluble FcgammaRIIb, as well as to FcgammaRs expressed on the cell surface, was investigated. Here we report that peptide representing the Arg(255)-Ser(267) sequence of IgG1 is implicated in the binding to FcgammaRIIb. In addition we found that peptides corresponding to the Arg(255)-Ser(267), Lys(288)-Ser(298) or Pro(230)-Val(240) when presented in a multimeric form conjugated to branched chain polypeptide in uniformly oriented copies induced the release of TNFalpha, a pro-inflammatory cytokine from MonoMac monocyte cell line. These findings indicate that these conjugated peptides are able to cluster the activating FcgammaRs, and mediate FcgammaR dependent function. Peptide Arg(255)-Ser(267) can also be considered as a lead for further functional studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to map, on the heavy (H) chain of botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A), the regions that bind to mouse brain synaptosomes (snps). We prepared 60 synthetic overlapping peptides that had uniform size and overlaps and encompassed the entire H chain (residues 499 to 1296) of BoNT/A. The ability of each peptide to inhibit the binding of 125I-labeled BoNT/A to mouse brain snps was studied. The binding of 125I-labeled BoNT/A to mouse brain snps was completely inhibited by free unlabeled BoNT/A, but not by unrelated proteins, indicating that the binding of BoNT/A to mouse brain snps was a specific event. Inhibition studies with the individual peptides showed that, on the HN domain, inhibitory activities greater than 10% were exhibited, in decreasing order, by peptides 799–817, 659–677, 729–747, 533–551, 701–719, and 757–775. Lower inhibitory activities (between 5.6% and 8.7%) were exhibited by five other peptides, 463–481, 505–523, 519–537, 603–621 and 645–663. The remaining 18 HN peptides had little or no inhibitory activity. In the HC domain, peptides 1065–1083, 1163–1181 and 1275–1296 had the highest inhibitory activities (between 25% and 29%), followed (10–12% inhibitory activity) by peptides 1107–1125, 1191–1209 and 1233–1251. Two other peptides, 1079–1097 and 1177–1195, had very low (5.8% and 4.9 %) inhibitory activities. The remaining 23 HC peptides had no inhibitory activity. Inhibition with mixtures of equimolar quantities of the most active 6 peptides of HN, 5 of HC or all 11 of HN and HC revealed that the peptides contain independent non-competing binding regions. Comparison of the locations of the snp-binding regions on the H-subunit with the regions that bind blocking mouse anti-BoNT/A Abs helped explain the protecting ability of these Abs. In the three-dimensional structure of BoNT/A, the snp-binding regions that completely coincide or significantly overlap with the antigenic regions occupy surface locations and most of them reside in the last half of the HC domain. But some of the regions reside in the HN domain and might play a role in the translocation event.  相似文献   

Seven regions of the subunit of human insulin receptor (HIR) were synthesized and examined for their ability to bind radioiodinated insulin. A peptide representing one of these regions (namely, residues 655–670) exhibited a specific binding activity for insulin. In quantitative radiometric titrations, the binding curves of125I-labeled insulin to adsorbents of peptide 655–670 and of purified placental membrane were similar or superimposable. The binding of radioiodinated insulin to peptide or to membrane adsorbents was completely inhibited by unlabeled insulin, and the inhibition curves indicated that the peptide and the membrane on the adsorbents had similar affinities. Synthetic peptides that were shorter (peptide 661–670) or longer (peptide 651–670) than the region 655–670 exhibited lower insulin-binding activity. It was concluded that an insulin-binding region in the HIR subunit resides within residues 655–670. The results do not rule out the possibility that other regions of the subunit may also participate in binding of HIR to insulin, with the region described here forming a face within a larger binding site.  相似文献   

A set of 18 synthetic uniform overlapping peptides spanning the entire extracellular part (residues 1–210) of the -subunit of human acetylcholine receptor were studied for their binding activity of125I-labeled -bungarotoxin and cobratoxin. A major toxin-binding region was found to reside within peptide 122–138. In addition, low-binding activities were obtained with peptides 34–49 and 194–210. It is concluded that the region within residues 122–138 constitutes a universal major toxin-binding region for acetylcholine receptor of various species.  相似文献   

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