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Cardiovascular dysfunction is a common complication among heatstroke patients, but its underlying mechanism is unclear. This study was designed to investigate the role of calpain-2 and its downstream signal pathway in heat stress-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis and heart dysfunction. In cultured primary mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes (MNCs), heat stress (43°C for 2 hr) induced a heat-shock response, as indicated by upregulated heat-shock protein 27 (HSP27) expression and cellular apoptosis, as indicated by increased caspase-3 activity, DNA fragmentation and decreased cell viability. Meanwhile, heat stress decreased calpain activity, which was accompanied by downregulated calpain-2 expression and increased phosphorylation of p38, extraceIIuIar signaI-reguIated protein kinase (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminaI kinase (JNK). Calpain-2 overexpression abrogated heat stress-induced apoptosis and phosphorylation of p38 and JNK, but not of ERK1/2. Blocking only p38 prevented heat stress-induced apoptosis in MNCs. In cardiac-specific calpain-2 overexpressing transgenic mice, p38 phosphorylation and cardiomyocyte apoptosis were decreased in the heart tissue of heatstroke mice, as revealed by western blot and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling assays, respectively. M-mode echocardiography also demonstrated that calpain-2 overexpression significantly improved heatstroke-induced decreases in ventricular end-diastolic volume and cardiac output. In conclusion, our study suggests that heat stress reduces calpain-2 expression, which then activates p38, leading to cardiomyocyte apoptosis and heart dysfunction.  相似文献   

Apelin signaling to the family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), such as extracellular-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) and p38 MAPK, through the coupling of apelin receptor (APJ) to G-protein, mediates important pathophysiological responses. Although apelin fragments have been reported to induce ERK1/2 activation through Gi-protein, the intracellular pathways by which APJ activates these MAPKs are only partially understood. Here, using stably transfected human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells overexpressing human APJ (HEK293-apelinR), we showed that apelin-13 signaling leads to ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways through APJ activation. It was found in HEK293-apelinR cells that ERK1/2 activation was initiated by apelin-13 at 5 min, with the peak of activation occurring at 15 min, and a return to the basal level within 60 min. The activation of ERK1/2 appeared to be dose-dependent with a significant activation being observed at 10 nM apelin-13 and maximal activation at 100 nM. However, phosphorylated-p38 MAPK was not detected in HEK293-apelinR cells treated with apelin-13. We also shown that the apelin-13-induced ERK1/2 activation requires a coupling with pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein, and that overexpression of dominant-negative Gi2 completely inhibits the apelin-13-induced ERK1/2 activation. In addition, treatment with apelin-13 resulted in a concentration-dependent reduction of forskolin-stimulated cAMP production. It is therefore suggested that apelin-13 activates ERK1/2 but not p38 MAPK, which involves the coupling of APJ to the Gi2 cascade. In conclusion, the ERK1/ 2, but not p38 MAPKpathway is activated by apelin-13 through coupling of human APJ to Gi2-protein, which contributes to cellular responses.  相似文献   

Earlier we have demonstrated that inhibition of endothelin biosynthesis ameliorates endotoxemia-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activation and phosphorylation of p38-mitogen activated protein kinase (pp38-MAPK). Therefore, in the present study, we tested the hypothesis that activation of endothelin (ET)-1 biosynthesis using bigET-1 during early sepsis would upregulate iNOS and affect myocardial function in the rat. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (350–400 g) were anesthetised using Nembutal® (50 mg/kg, i.p.) and jugular vein, tail artery (Mean arterial pressure, MAP) and right carotid arteries (advanced to left ventricle, LV) were cannulated. The rats were randomly divided into saline-, bigET-1- and C-terminal fragment of bigET-1(bigET-1(22-38))-treated groups. Sepsis was induced using i.p. injection of cecal inoculum obtained from a donor rat (200 mg/kg in 5 ml 5% sterile dextrose water, D5W). Sham animals received an i.p. injection of D5W (5 ml/kg). MAP and LVP were recorded and cardiodynamic parameters were calculated at 0, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h post sham or sepsis-induction. A significant elevation in LV isovolumic relaxation rate constant (tau), LV end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and rate pressure product (RPP) was observed in vehicle-treated septic group at 24 h. BigET-1 significantly increased concentration of LV ET-1 both in sham and septic groups. BigET-1 elevated tau and LVEDP both in sham and septic animals as early as 12 h which persisted through 24 h. However, bigET-1(22-38) elevated LVEDP in septic group at 24 h but not in sham group. BigET-1 accentuated the levels of plasma nitric oxide byproduct (NOx) levels in both sham and septic animals at 6, 12 and 24 h. Sepsis increased myocardial iNOS at 24 h. BigET-1 significantly upregulated expression of myocardial iNOS and pp38-MAPK. The data suggest that increased substrate availability for ET-1 at the time of sepsis-induction contributes in diastolic dysfunction, iNOS activation and p38-MAPK phosphorylation. (Mol Cell Biochem 271: 225–237, 2005)  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) and extra-cellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the oxidative stress-induced increase of permeability in endothelial cells, the effects of a p38 MAPK inhibitor (SB203580) and ERK inhibitor (PD90859) on the H2O2-induced increase of permeability in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAEC) were investigated using a two-compartment system partitioned by a semi-permeable filter. H2O2 at 1 mM caused an increase of the permeation rate of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled dextran 40 through BPAEC monolayers. SB203580 inhibited the H2O2-induced increase of permeability but PD98059 did not, though activation (phosphorylation) of both p38 MAPK and ERK was observed in H2O2-treated cells in Western blot analysis. An H2O2-induced increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was also observed and an intracellular Ca2+ chelator (BAPTA-AM) significantly inhibited the H2O2-induced increase of permeability. However, it showed no inhibitory effects on the H2O2-induced phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and ERK. The H2O2-induced increase of [Ca2+]i was not influenced by SB203580 and PD98059. These results indicate that the activation of p38 MAPK and the increase of [Ca2+]i are essential for the H2O2-induced increase of endothelial permeability and that ERK is not.  相似文献   

The human cardiovascular system has adapted to function optimally in Earth''s 1G gravity, and microgravity conditions cause myocardial abnormalities, including atrophy and dysfunction. However, the underlying mechanisms linking microgravity and cardiac anomalies are incompletely understood. In this study, we investigated whether and how calpain activation promotes myocardial abnormalities under simulated microgravity conditions. Simulated microgravity was induced by tail suspension in mice with cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of Capns1, which disrupts activity and stability of calpain-1 and calpain-2, and their WT littermates. Tail suspension time-dependently reduced cardiomyocyte size, heart weight, and myocardial function in WT mice, and these changes were accompanied by calpain activation, NADPH oxidase activation, and oxidative stress in heart tissues. The effects of tail suspension were attenuated by deletion of Capns1. Notably, the protective effects of Capns1 deletion were associated with the prevention of phosphorylation of Ser-345 on p47phox and attenuation of ERK1/2 and p38 activation in hearts of tail-suspended mice. Using a rotary cell culture system, we simulated microgravity in cultured neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes and observed decreased total protein/DNA ratio and induced calpain activation, phosphorylation of Ser-345 on p47phox, and activation of ERK1/2 and p38, all of which were prevented by calpain inhibitor-III. Furthermore, inhibition of ERK1/2 or p38 attenuated phosphorylation of Ser-345 on p47phox in cardiomyocytes under simulated microgravity. This study demonstrates for the first time that calpain promotes NADPH oxidase activation and myocardial abnormalities under microgravity by facilitating p47phox phosphorylation via ERK1/2 and p38 pathways. Thus, calpain inhibition may be an effective therapeutic approach to reduce microgravity-induced myocardial abnormalities.  相似文献   

Dysregulated expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is closely associated with the pathogenesis of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (I/R). The production of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) causes tissue damage. Increased ROS production causes activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, which participates in gene regulation of MMPs, especially MMP-2 and MMP-9 (gelatinases). Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) in mammalian cells functions in bile acid conjugation, maintenance of calcium homeostasis, osmoregulation, membrane stabilization, and antioxidation, antiinflammatory, and antiapoptotic action. We investigated the effects of taurine and the possible role of p38 MAPK signaling on regulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in a renal I/R injury model in rats. Rats were divided into three groups: sham, I/R, and I/R + taurine treated. After a right nephrectomy, I/R was induced by clamping the left renal pedicle for 1 h followed by 6 h reperfusion. Taurine was administered 45 min prior to induction of ischemia. Renal function was assessed by serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. Tubule injury and structural changes were evaluated by light microscopy. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity levels were measured using a colorimetric kit. mRNA expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 was determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities were measured using a fluorimetric kit. Phosphorylated p38 (p-p38) and total p38 MAPK protein expressions were evaluated by western blot. Taurine pretreatment significantly attenuated renal dysfunction and histologic damage, such as renal tubule dilation and loss of brush borders. The pretreatment also decreased the MDA level and attenuated the reduction of SOD activity in the kidney during I/R. Taurine pretreatment also decreased significantly both MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA expression and MMP-9 activity induced by I/R. In addition, the activity of p38 MAPK signaling was down-regulated significantly by taurine administration. Inhibition of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression and MMP-9 activity caused by taurine may be associated with suppression of p38 MAPK activation during I/R induced renal injury in rats. Therefore, taurine administration may prove to be a strategy for attenuating renal I/R injury.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that trophic factor supplementation (TFS) of University of Wisconsin (UW) solution reduced early apoptotic changes in vascular endothelial cells. Here, we examine the effect of TFS on cell signaling pathways related to cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis after cold ischemic storage. In this study, the effect of TFS on the phosphorylation of signaling molecules ERK (extracellular regulated-signaling kinase) 1/2 and p38 MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinases) and of HO-1 (hemeoxygenase-1), relative to changes seen in unmodified UW solution, were determined by Western blot in cells stored under cold ischemic conditions. Primary cultures of canine kidney proximal tubule cells (CKPTC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were used in this study. There was a significant decrease, relative to UW solution, after 1 min rewarming in ERK 1 and 2 activity in CKPTCs. For p38 MAPK, a significant decrease after 5 min rewarming was seen in CKPTC (p < 0.05) while significant reductions relative to UW solution were seen in HUVECs after both 1 and 5 min rewarming (p < 0.05). Phosphorylated HO-1 was also decreased by 43% and 50% in HUVECs, relative to UW solution, after 1 and 5 min rewarming (p < 0.05 at each time point). Collectively, TFS not only limits ERK 1/2 and p38 MAPK activity induced by cold ischemic injury and subsequent rewarming, but also substantially restricted increases in HO-1 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the mechanism of cell entry of avian reovirus (ARV). The aim of this study was to explore the mechanism of ARV entry and subsequent infection. Cholesterol mainly affected the early steps of the ARV life cycle, because the presence of cholesterol before and during viral adsorption greatly blocked ARV infectivity. Although we have demonstrated that ARV facilitating p38 MAPK is beneficial for virus replication, its mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that ARV-induced phosphorylation of caveolin-1 (Tyr(14)), dynamin-2 expression, and Rac1 activation through activation of p38 MAPK and Src in the early stage of the virus life cycle is beneficial for virus entry and productive infection. The strong inhibition by dynasore, a specific inhibitor of dynamin-2, and depletion of endogenous caveolin-1 or dynamin-2 by siRNAs as well as the caveolin-1 colocalization study implicate caveolin-1-mediated and dynamin-2-dependent endocytosis as a significant avenue of ARV entry. By means of pharmacological inhibitors, dominant negative mutants, and siRNA of various cellular proteins and signaling molecules, phosphorylation of caveolin-1, dynamin-2 expression, and Rac1 activation were suppressed, suggesting that by orchestrating p38 MAPK, Src, and Rac1 signaling cascade in the target cells, ARV creates an appropriate intracellular environment facilitating virus entry and productive infection. Furthermore, disruption of microtubules, Rab5, or endosome acidification all inhibited ARV infection, suggesting that microtubules and small GTPase Rab5, which regulate transport to early endosome, are crucial for survival of ARV and that exposure of the virus to acidic pH is required for productive infection.  相似文献   

This study investigated the signaling pathways responsible for ketamine-induced cardiac depression in guinea pigs. The left ventricular development pressure (LVDP), velocity of the change in pressure (dP/dt), and heart rate (HR) accompanied with the total magnesium efflux ([Mg]e) were measured simultaneously in perfused hearts. The level of activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK 1/2) and p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. The intracellular ionized magnesium concentration ([Mg2+]i) was measured using Mag-fura 2 AM in a single cardiomyocyte. Ketamine produced reversible decreases in the LVDP, dP/dt, and HR accompanied by increases in the [Mg]e. Ketamine also produced significant activation of p38 MAP kinase and ERK 1/2, and produced a dose-dependent increase in the [Mg2+]i, which was inhibited SB203580 and PD98059. These results suggest that ketamine-induced cardiac depression can be partly responsible for the increase in [Mg2+]i and [Mg]e, accompanied by the activation of p38 MAP kinase and ERK 1/2 in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

The murine X-linked gene Chisel (Csl/Smpx) encodes a 9-kDa protein that associates in heart and skeletal muscle cells with the costameric cytoskeleton, implicated in maintaining muscle integrity and responses to biomechanical stress. After expression in C2C12 myoblasts, MYC epitope-tagged Csl co-localized with actin networks at peripheral membranes, and with focal adhesion proteins vinculin, paxillin, integrin beta1, and the small GTPase Rac1. Csl could be co-immunoprecipitated with vinculin from extracts of C2C12 cells and native muscle. MYC-Csl induced cell spreading and lamellipodia formation in C2C12 cells at the expense of filopodia, suggestive of modulation of Rac1 activity. Lamellipodia formation was indeed Rac1-dependent, and in MYC-Csl cells replated on fibronectin, Rac1 activity was increased relative to controls. Expression of MYC-Csl led to an increased association between vinculin and p34, a subunit of the Arp2/3 actin nucleation complex, a Rac1-dependent event. Induced cell spreading was also dependent upon p38 kinases that act downstream of Rac1 to control the actin capping activity of heat shock protein 27. Our data suggest that Csl localizes to the costameric cytoskeleton of muscle cells through an association with focal adhesion proteins, where it may participate in regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics through the Rac1-p38 pathway.  相似文献   

Low calcemic analogs of vitamin D are candidates for differentiation therapy of human myeloid leukemias. We report here that the seco-steroid synthesized to have resistance to intracellular degradation and low calcemia-inducing activity, 1alpha-hydroxymethyl-3beta-16-ene-24,24-difluoro-25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 (JKF), induces monocytic differentiation in four established human myeloid leukemia cell lines, HL60, U937, THP-1, NB-4, and murine myeloid leukemia cells WEHI-3B D. JKF has differentiation-inducing potency which is slightly lower than the physiologically active form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2vitamin D3 (1,25D). However, simultaneous addition of carnosic acid (CA), an antioxidant, and SB20190 (SB), an inhibitor of p38MAP kinase, increases the differentiation efficiency of JKF to a level similar to the level observed when 1,25D is used in such combinations. We also show for the first time that SB inhibits the phosphorylation of MAPKAPK2, a downstream target of p38MAPK, but upregulates the phosphorylation of at least one of the isoforms of JNK (p46 JNK1) and of c-jun in all four human myeloid cell lines studied here. These studies indicate that the JNK1 pathway is positively associated with monocytic differentiation of several subtypes of myeloid leukemia cells arrested at different developmental stages. Further, since JKF is less calcemic than 1,25D, the data suggest that JKF combined with CA and SB is likely to have a therapeutic advantage over 1,25D-based experimental regimens for myeloid leukemias.  相似文献   

The oncoprotein MDM2 (murine double minute 2) is often overexpressed in human tumors and thereby attenuates the function of the tumor suppressor p53. In this study, we investigated the effects of the novel MDM2-inhibitor PXN727 on p53 activation, cell proliferation, cell cycle distribution and radiosensitivity. Since the localization of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) exerts different effects on radioresistance of tumor cells, we investigated the impact of PXN727 on intracellular, membrane, and secreted Hsp70 levels. We could show that PXN727 exerts its effects on wildtype p53 (HCT116 p53+/+, A549) but not p53 depleted (HCT116 p53−/−) or mutated (FaDu) tumor cells. PXN727 activates p53, induces the expression of p21, reduces the proportion of cells in the radioresistant S-phase and induces senescence. Radiosensitivity was significantly increased by PXN727 in HCT116 p53+/+ tumor cells. Furthermore, PXN727 causes a downregulation of Hsp70 membrane expression and an upregulated secretion of Hsp70 in wildtype p53 tumor cells. Our data suggest that re-activation of p53 by MDM2-inhibition modulates Hsp70 membrane expression and secretion which might contribute to the radiosensitizing effect of the MDM2-inhibitor PXN727.  相似文献   

The early gene products IE2 and PE38 of Autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus localize to distinct nuclear domains after transient expression. Here, the nuclear localization pattern and the putative association with cellular proteins have been determined during virus infection to shed light on the functional significance of the nuclear domains. IE2 was always localized to distinct nuclear structures while PE38 was partly present in nuclear dots. Confocal imaging indicated colocalization of PE38 and IE2 to common domains, prominently at 2 h p.i. The nuclear dot localization of PE38 in infected cells was different from that in transfected cells. Hence, we have performed cotransfection experiments that suggested that a viral factor influences the nuclear distribution. Since the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) that localizes to distinct nuclear multiprotein complexes termed ND10/PODs in mammalian cells functions as a target for some immediate early viral proteins, we have investigated whether baculovirus proteins act similarly. Transiently expressed IE2 and PE38 were found to be associated with endogenous PML in the mammalian cell line BHK21. Infection with a recombinant virus that expresses the human pml gene in insect cells reveals IE2 and PML to be colocalized during the early phase of infection followed by a redistribution of both proteins. Taken together our results provide first evidence that the early baculovirus protein IE2 associates at least with one component of mammalian PODs during virus infection, suggesting that POD-like structures can be formed in insect cells.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the role of high‐fat and high‐sugar (HFHS) diet‐induced oxidative stress, which is a risk factor for various diseases, in premature ovarian failure (POF).Materials and methodsOvarian granulosa cells (OGCs) were isolated from mice and cultured in medium supplemented with HFHS and poly (lactic‐co‐glycolic acid) (PLGA)‐cross‐linked miR‐146b‐5p nanoparticles (miR‐146@PLGA). RNA and protein expression levels were examined using quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively. HFHS diet‐induced POF model mice were administered miR‐146@PLGA.ResultsThe ovarian tissue of mice fed a HFHS diet exhibited the typical pathological characteristics of POF. HFHS supplementation induced oxidative stress injury in the mouse OGCs, activation of the Dab2ip/Ask1/p38‐Mapk signalling pathway and phosphorylation of γH2A.X in vitro and in vivo. The results of the luciferase reporter assay revealed that miR‐146 specifically downregulated p38‐Mapk14 expression. Meanwhile, co‐immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses revealed that HFHS supplementation upregulated nuclear p38‐Mapk14 expression and consequently enhanced γH2A.X (Ser139) phosphorylation. The HFHS diet‐induced POF mouse model treated with miR‐146@PLGA exhibited downregulated p38‐Mapk14 expression in the OGCs, mitigated OGC ageing and alleviated the symptoms of POF.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that HFHS supplementation activates the Dab2ip/Ask1/p38‐Mapk signalling pathway and promotes γH2A.X phosphorylation by inhibiting the expression of endogenous miR‐146b‐5p, which results in OGC ageing and POF development.  相似文献   

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