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Ventral prostate development occurs by branching morphogenesis and is an androgen-dependent process modulated by growth factors. Many growth factors have been implicated in branching morphogenesis including activins (dimers of beta(A) and beta(B) subunits); activin A inhibited branching of lung and kidney in vitro. Our aim was to examine the role of activins on prostatic development in vitro and their localization in vivo. Organ culture of day 0 rat ventral prostates for 6 days with activin A (+/- testosterone) inhibited prostatic branching and growth without increasing apoptosis. The activin-binding protein follistatin increased branching in vitro in the absence (but not presence) of testosterone, suggesting endogenous activins may reduce prostatic branching morphogenesis. In vivo, inhibin alpha subunit was not expressed until puberty, therefore inhibins (dimers of alpha and beta subunits) are not involved in prostatic development. Activin beta(A) was immunolocalized to developing prostatic epithelium and mesenchymal aggregates at ductal tips. Activin beta(B) immunoreactivity was weak during development, but was upregulated in prostatic epithelium during puberty. Activin receptors were expressed throughout the prostatic epithelium. Follistatin mRNA and protein were expressed throughout the prostatic epithelium. The in vitro evidence that activin and follistatin have opposing effects on ductal branching suggests a role for activin as a negative regulator of prostatic ductal branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Key gene families such as FGFs and BMPs are important mediators of branching morphogenesis. To understand whether Wnt genes, and in particular, the canonical Wnt signaling pathway also function in the branching process, we have used a combination of experimental and genetic gain and loss of function approaches to perturb the levels of canonical Wnt signaling in two arborized structures, the lung and the lacrimal gland. Here, we show that the addition of Wnt3a conditioned medium or LiCl strongly represses growth and proliferation of the lung and lacrimal gland, a result that was confirmed in vivo using a dominant stable mutation of beta-catenin conditionally expressed in the lacrimal gland epithelium. In agreement with these data, knockdown of Wnt signaling with beta-catenin morpholinos results in a greater number of branches and increased cell proliferation. In addition, we show that canonical Wnt signaling is able to modulate the levels of Fgf10 and suppress BMP-induced proliferation in the lacrimal gland. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling negatively regulates branching morphogenesis providing a balance to FGFs and BMPs which positively regulate this process. This multilayered control of growth and proliferation ensures that branched structures attain the morphology required to function efficiently.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis of mouse submandibular glands is regulated by multiple growth factors. Here, we report that ex vivo branching of intact submandibular glands decreases when either FGFR2 expression is downregulated or soluble recombinant FGFR2b competes out the endogenous growth factors. However, a combination of neutralizing antibodies to FGF1, FGF7 and FGF10 is required to inhibit branching in the intact gland, suggesting that multiple FGF isoforms are required for branching. Exogenous FGFs added to submandibular epithelial rudiments cultured without mesenchyme induce distinct morphologies. FGF7 induces epithelial budding, whereas FGF10 induces duct elongation, and both are inhibited by FGFR or ERK1/2 signaling inhibitors. However, a PI3-kinase inhibitor also decreases FGF7-mediated epithelial budding, suggesting that multiple signaling pathways exist. We immunolocalized FGF receptors and analyzed changes in FGFR, FGF and MMP gene expression to identify the mechanisms of FGF-mediated morphogenesis. FGFR1b and FGFR2b are present throughout the epithelium, although FGFR1b is more highly expressed around the periphery of the buds and the duct tips. FGF7 signaling increases FGFR1b and FGF1 expression, and MMP2 activity, when compared with FGF10, resulting in increased cell proliferation and expansion of the epithelial bud, whereas FGF10 stimulates localized proliferation at the tip of the duct. FGF7- and FGF10-mediated morphogenesis is inhibited by an MMP inhibitor and a neutralizing antibody to FGF1, suggesting that both FGF1 and MMPs are essential downstream mediators of epithelial morphogenesis. Taken together, our data suggests that FGFR2b signaling involves a regulatory network of FGFR1b/FGF1/MMP2 expression that mediates budding and duct elongation during branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Epithelial organs are built through the movement of groups of interconnected cells. We observed cells in elongating mammary ducts reorganize into a multilayered epithelium, migrate collectively, and rearrange dynamically, all without forming leading cellular extensions. Duct initiation required proliferation, Rac, and myosin light-chain kinase, whereas repolarization to a bilayer depended on Rho kinase. We observed that branching morphogenesis results from the active motility of both luminal and myoepithelial cells. Luminal epithelial cells advanced collectively, whereas myoepithelial cells appeared to restrain elongating ducts. Significantly, we observed that normal epithelium and neoplastic hyperplasias are organized similarly, suggesting common mechanisms of epithelial growth.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell polarity during epithelial morphogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epithelial cells have an apical surface facing a lumen or outside of the organism, and a basolateral surface facing other cells and extracellular matrix. The identity of the apical surface is determined by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, while phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphophosphate determines the identity of the basolateral surface. The Par3/Par6/atypical protein kinase C complex, as well as the Crumbs and Scribble complexes, controls epithelial polarity. Par4 and AMP kinase regulate polarity during conditions of energy depletion. Lumens are formed in hollow cysts and tubules by fusions of apical vesicles, such as the vacuolar apical compartment, with the plasma membrane. The polarity of individual cells is oriented and coordinated with other cells by interactions with the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The glypican (Gpc) family of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans are expressed in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated fashion. To determine if individual Gpcs can modulate heparin-binding growth factor signaling, we examined hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-stimulated mitogenic, motogenic, and morphogenic responses of renal tubular cells expressing different Gpcs. Adult inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells were found to express primarily Gpc4 and to proliferate, migrate, and form tubules with HGF, correlating with sustained extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation. Embryonic IMCD cells expressing predominantly Gpc3 proliferated and migrated in response to HGF but activated ERK only transiently and failed to form tubules. Overexpressing Gpc-4 but not Gpc-3 or Gpc-1 led to sustained HGF-stimulated ERK activation and rescued the tubulogenic response in these cells. These results demonstrate that both signaling and phenotypic responses to HGF can be regulated by specific Gpc expression patterns.  相似文献   

The mouse prostate gland develops by branching morphogenesis from the urogenital epithelium and mesenchyme. Androgens and developmental factors, including FGF10 and SHH, promote prostate growth (Berman, D.M., Desai, N., Wang, X., Karhadkar, S.S., Reynon, M., Abate-Shen, C., Beachy, P.A., Shen, M.M., 2004. Roles for Hedgehog signaling in androgen production and prostate ductal morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 267, 387-398; Donjacour, A.A., Thomson, A.A., Cunha, G.R., 2003. FGF-10 plays an essential role in the growth of the fetal prostate. Dev. Biol. 261, 39-54), while BMP4 signaling from the mesenchyme has been shown to suppresses prostate branching (Lamm, M.L., Podlasek, C.A., Barnett, D.H., Lee, J., Clemens, J.Q., Hebner, C.M., Bushman, W., 2001. Mesenchymal factor bone morphogenetic protein 4 restricts ductal budding and branching morphogenesis in the developing prostate. Dev. Biol. 232, 301-314). Here, we show that Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7) restricts branching of the prostate epithelium. BMP7 is expressed in the periurethral urogenital mesenchyme prior to formation of the prostate buds and, subsequently, in the prostate epithelium. We show that BMP7(lacZ/lacZ) null prostates show a two-fold increase in prostate branching, while recombinant BMP7 inhibits prostate morphogenesis in organ culture in a concentration-dependent manner. We further explore the mechanisms by which the developmental signals may be interpreted in the urogenital epithelium to regulate branching morphogenesis. We show that Notch1 activity is associated with the formation of the prostate buds, and that Notch1 signaling is derepressed in BMP7 null urogenital epithelium. Based on our studies, we propose a model that BMP7 inhibits branching morphogenesis in the prostate and limits the number of domains with high Notch1/Hes1 activity.  相似文献   



The gene encoding integrator complex subunit 6 (INTS6), previously known as deleted in cancer cells 1 (DICE1, OMIM 604331) was found to be frequently affected by allelic deletion and promoter hypermethylation in prostate cancer specimens and cell lines. A missense mutation has been detected in prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Together, these results suggest INTS6/DICE1 as a putative tumor suppressor gene in prostate cancer. In this study, we examined the growth inhibitory effects of INTS6/DICE1 on prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

Nemeth MJ  Bodine DM 《Cell research》2007,17(9):746-758
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a rare population of cells that are responsible for life-long generation of blood cells of all lineages. In order to maintain their numbers, HSCs must establish a balance between the opposing cell fates of self-renewal (in which the ability to function as HSCs is retained) and initiation of hematopoietic differentiation. Multiple signaling pathways have been implicated in the regulation of HSC cell fate. One such set of pathways are those activated by the Wnt family of ligands. Wnt signaling pathways play a crucial role during embryogenesis and deregulation of these pathways has been implicated in the formation of solid tumors. Wnt signaling also plays a role in the regulation of stem cells from multiple tissues, such as embryonic, epidermal, and intestinal stem cells. However, the function of Wnt signaling in HSC biology is still controversial. In this review, we will discuss the basic characteristics of the adult HSC and its regulatory microenvironment, the "niche", focusing on the regulation of the HSC and its niche by the Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In the field of breast biology, there is a growing appreciation for the "gatekeeping function" of basal cells during development and disease processes yet mechanisms regulating the generation of these cells are poorly understood. Here, we report that the proliferation of basal cells is controlled by SLIT/ROBO1 signaling and that production of these cells regulates outgrowth of mammary branches. We identify the negative regulator TGF-β1 upstream of Robo1 and show that it induces Robo1 expression specifically in the basal layer, functioning together with SLIT2 to restrict branch formation. Loss of SLIT/ROBO1 signaling in this layer alone results in precocious branching due to a surplus of basal cells. SLIT2 limits basal cell proliferation by inhibiting canonical WNT signaling, increasing the cytoplasmic and membrane pools of β-catenin at the expense of its nuclear pool. Together, our studies provide mechanistic insight into how specification of basal cell number influences branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

BackgroungExposure to environmental pollutants in critical developmental windows may predispose the prostate to permanent changes in its homeostasis. Thus, it is essential to know the effects that environmental toxics, such as aluminum, can cause during the development of this gland. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of neonatal aluminum exposure on the ventral male prostate and the female prostate of 15 days old gerbils.MethodsMale and female gerbils were exposed orally to 10 mg/kg/day of aluminum chloride from the 1st to the 14th postnatal day life. At 15 days of life, gerbils were euthanized and their prostates were collected for biometric, morphological, morphometric, immunohistochemical and three-dimensional reconstruction analyzes.ResultsAl exposure caused a reduction in body weight in males and a significant increase in serum testosterone levels in females. Prostate branching morphogenesis was intensified in males, who had greater length, number and area of prostatic epithelial buds. Additionally, Al altered the prostate hormonal regulation of males and females, causing up regulation of the androgen receptor and estrogen receptor alpha in the female prostate, and increased immunostaining of the androgen receptor in the ventral male prostate. These changes were associated with an increased rate of epithelial and stromal cell proliferation in both sexes.ConclusionTogether, these results indicate that Al altered the neonatal development of the prostate and that this metal acted as an endocrine disruptor in this gland.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that rapid cell proliferation is associated with elevated glucose consumption. However, those studies did not establish whether glucose is required for prostate cancer cell proliferation or define the molecular mechanisms by which glucose regulates cell division. We addressed these issues by studying two metastatic human prostate cancer cell lines: DU145, which is androgen independent and highly proliferative; and LNCaP, which is androgen dependent and relatively slow growing. We found that proliferation of DU145 cells was significantly inhibited by reduction of glucose in the medium to 0.5 g/L, which is half the physiologic concentration, whereas LNCaP cells grew at control rates even in the presence of only 0.05 g/L glucose. Glucose deprivation of DU145 cells caused a 90% reduction in DNA synthesis; a 10–20-fold reduction in cyclins D and E and CDK4 levels; and cell cycle arrest in G0-G1. However, glucose deprivation did not cause global inhibition of protein synthesis, since mutant p53 levels increased in glucose-deprived DU145 cells. This observed increase in mutant p53 levels was not associated with a rise in p21 levels. Glucose deprivation of DU145 cells also led to apparent dephosphorylation of mutant retinoblastoma (RB) protein. We conclude that: 1) high levels of glucose consumption are required for rapid proliferation of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells, 2) glucose may not be required for slow growth of androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells, and 3) glucose promotes passage of cells through early G1 by increasing the expression of several key cell cycle regulatory proteins that normally inhibit RB function. J. Cell. Physiol. 180:431–438, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using the cre-loxP system, we generated a new mouse model [double stromal androgen receptor knockout (dARKO)] with selectively deleted androgen receptor (AR) in both stromal fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, and found the size of the anterior prostate (AP) lobes was significantly reduced as compared with those from wild-type littermate controls. The reduction in prostate size of the dARKO mouse was accompanied by impaired branching morphogenesis and partial loss of the infolding glandular structure. Further dissection found decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis of the prostate epithelium in the dARKO mouse AP. These phenotype changes were further confirmed with newly established immortalized prostate stromal cells (PrSC) from wild-type and dARKO mice. Mechanistically, IGF-1, placental growth factor, and secreted phosphoprotein-1 controlled by stromal AR were differentially expressed in PrSC-wt and PrSC-ARKO. Moreover, the conditioned media (CM) from PrSC-wt promoted prostate epithelium growth significantly as compared with CM from PrSC-dARKO. Finally, adding IGF-1/placental growth factor recombinant proteins into PrSC-dARKO CM was able to partially rescue epithelium growth. Together, our data concluded that stromal fibromuscular AR could modulate epithelium growth and maintain cellular homeostasis through identified growth factors.  相似文献   

Normal epithelial branching morphogenesis in the absence of collagen I   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Interstitial collagens are thought to mediate epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during organogenesis. We have used the collagen I-deficient mouse mutant Mov13 to directly investigate the role of this major representative of the interstitial collagens in epithelial branching morphogenesis. Since homozygous embryos die at midgestation, we have studied the development of organ rudiments from Mov13 homozygous (i.e., collagen I-deficient), heterozygous, and wild-type embryos in culture. Development of all explants, including lung, kidney, salivary glands, pancreas, and skin, was normal by light and electron microscopic criteria and was independent of the genotype of the donor embryo. Metabolic labeling and immune staining verified the complete absence of collagen I in homozygous explants while revealing substantial production of collagens III and V in explants of all three genotypes. These results indicate either that collagen I has no role in the morphogenesis of these organs, or that its function is shared, or can be substituted for, by other fibrillar collagens.  相似文献   

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