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Kumpatla SP  Hall TC 《IUBMB life》1999,48(4):459-467
Molecular analyses of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) transgene locus introduced using biolistic techniques revealed the presence of multiple copies of rearranged fragments, as well as an intact copy of the supplied constructs. Both the gene of interest (35S-Btt cryIIIA) and the selectable marker used (Ubi1-bar) were methylated and silenced. Additionally, vector sequences were present in great abundance and were also highly methylated, indicating that the entire transgene insert was marked for methylation. The rearrangement of input DNA resulted in interspersion of plasmid backbone regions with the gene of interest. Permutation of segments encoding the gene of interest and the selectable marker was also detected, perhaps explaining why sequences introduced on separate plasmids are frequently found to be inserted at the same locus. The 35S promoter contained several hotspots for fragmentation. These observations strongly support the concept that intrusive DNA is recognized by host surveillance systems and that transgene loci with anomalous structural organization are subjected to inactivation by processes such as methylation.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is a conserved eukaryotic pathway in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers destruction of homologous target RNA via production of short-interfering RNA (siRNA). In plants, at least some cases of RNA silencing can spread systemically. The signal responsible for systemic spread is expected to include an RNA component to account for the sequence specificity of the process, and transient silencing assays have shown that the capacity for systemic silencing correlates with the accumulation of a particular class of small RNA. Here, we report the results of grafting experiments to study transmission of silencing from stably transformed tobacco lines in the presence or absence of helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro), a viral suppressor of silencing. The studied lines carry either a tail-to-tail inverted repeat, the T4-IR transgene locus, or one of two different amplicon transgene loci encoding replication-competent viral RNA. We find that the T4-IR locus, like many sense-transgene-silenced loci, can send a systemic silencing signal, and this ability is not detectably altered by HC-Pro. Paradoxically, neither amplicon locus effectively triggers systemic silencing except when suppressed for silencing by HC-Pro. In contrast to results from transient assays, these grafting experiments reveal no consistent correlation between capacity for systemic silencing and accumulation of any particular class of small RNA. In addition, although all transgenic lines used to transmit systemic silencing signals were methylated at specific sites within the transgene locus, silencing in grafted scions occurred without detectable methylation at those sites in the target locus of the scion.  相似文献   

We present isogenic transgenic tobacco lines that carry at a given chromosomal position a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene either with or without the presence of the matrix-associated region known as the chicken lysozyme A element. Plants were generated with the Cre-lox site-specific recombination system using heterospecific lox sites. Analysis of GUS gene expression in plant populations demonstrates that the presence of the A element can shield against RNA silencing of the GUS gene. Protection was observed in two of three independent tobacco transformants. Plants carrying an A element 5' of the GUS gene always had stable GUS activity, but upon removal of this A element, the GUS gene became silenced over time in two lines, notably when homozygous.  相似文献   

This paper describes molecular and cytogenetic evidence for the instability of a transgene locus that is present on the triplicated chromosome in an aneuploid tobacco line. This instability was manifested in several ways in trisomics including a major chromosome rearrangement that was detectable cytogenetically, smaller scale DNA rearrangements that occurred both germinally and somatically, and methylation/epigenetic silencing. In a deletion derivative of the locus, DNA breakpoints were found in AT-rich regions. One of these regions binds to nuclear scaffolds in vitro , suggesting a possible role for aberrant topoisomerase II cleavage in destabilization of the locus. The implications of increased chromosome instability in aneuploids for plant karyotype evolution and human carcino-genesis are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the transmission of RNA silencing signal in non-transgenic tomato and tobacco scions grafted onto the tobacco Sd1 rootstocks, which is silenced in both NtTOM1 and NtTOM3 required for tobamovirus multiplication. When the non-transgenic tomato scions were grafted onto the Sd1 rootstocks, RT-PCR analysis of the scions showed the reduced level of mRNA compared with that before grafting in both LeTH3 and LeTH1, tomato homologs of NtTOM1 and NtTOM3, respectively. siRNAs from both genes were detected in the scions after grafting but not before grafting. Further tomato scions were inoculated with Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and used for virus infection. They showed very low level of virus accumulation. Necrotic responding tobacco to tobamovirus was grafted onto the rootstock of Sdl. RT-PCR analysis showed low level expression of both NtTOM1 and NtTOM3 in the scions but siRNA was detected after grafting. When the leaves of scions were inoculated with ToMV or Tobacco mosaic virus, they produced very few local necrotic lesions (LNLs) while the control scions did many LNLs. These results suggest that RNA silencing was transmitted to non-transgenic tomato and tobacco scions after grafting onto the Sd1 rootstocks and that virus resistance was induced in the scions.  相似文献   

Tandem constructs to mitigate transgene persistence: tobacco as a model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some transgenic crops can introgress genes into other varieties of the crop, to related weeds or themselves remain as 'volunteer' weeds, potentially enhancing the invasiveness or weediness of the resulting offspring. The presently suggested mechanisms for transgene containment allow low frequency of gene release (leakage), requiring the mitigation of continued spread. Transgenic mitigation (TM), where a desired primary gene is tandemly coupled with mitigating genes that are positive or neutral to the crop but deleterious to hybrids and their progeny, was tested as a mechanism to mitigate transgene introgression. Dwarfism, which typically increases crop yield while decreasing the ability to compete, was used as a mitigator. A construct of a dominant ahasR (acetohydroxy acid synthase) gene conferring herbicide resistance in tandem with the semidominant mitigator dwarfing Delta gai (gibberellic acid-insensitive) gene was transformed into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The integration and the phenotypic stability of the tandemly linked ahasR and Delta gai genomic inserts in later generations were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The hemizygous semidwarf imazapyr-resistant TM T1 (= BC1) transgenic plants were weak competitors when cocultivated with wild type segregants under greenhouse conditions and without using the herbicide. The competition was most intense at close spacings typical of weed offspring. Most dwarf plants interspersed with wild type died at 1-cm, > 70% at 2.5-cm and 45% at 5-cm spacing, and the dwarf survivors formed no flowers. At 10-cm spacing, where few TM plants died, only those TM plants growing at the periphery of the large cultivation containers formed flowers, after the wild type plants terminated growth. The highest reproductive TM fitness relative to the wild type was 17%. The results demonstrate the suppression of crop-weed hybrids when competing with wild type weeds, or such crops as volunteer weeds, in seasons when the selector (herbicide) is not used. The linked unfitness would be continuously manifested in future generations, keeping the transgene at a low frequency.  相似文献   

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