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The molecular organization and functional activity of porins isolated from the outer membrane (OM) of the Yersinia enterocolitica and three phylogenetically close nonpathogenic Yersinia species (Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, and Y. frederiksenii) cultured at 6–8°C were comparatively studied for the first time. The proteins were isolated in two molecular forms (trimeric and monomeric), and their spatial structures were characterized by the methods of optical spectroscopy, CD and intrinsic protein fluorescence. The studied porins were shown to belong to the β-structural proteins (they have 59–96% total β structures and 0–17% α helices). The spatial structures of the proteins were demonstrated to depend on the nature of the detergent used for solubilization. Unlike the enterobacterial pore-forming proteins, the porin trimers are less stable to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The spatial structures of the porins become more compact after the substitution of octyl β-D-glucoside for SDS: the content of β structures increases and the accessibility of Trp residues to solvent decreases. It was established with the use of the technique of bilayer lipid membranes that the functional properties of the porins are similar to those of the OmpF proteins of Gram-negative bacteria. Trimers are functionally active forms of the porins. Special features of the pore-forming activity of the Yersinia porins were revealed to depend on the microorganism species and the value of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are unique cell wall components of gram-negative bacteria. They represent amphiphilic biopolymeric compounds combining in a single molecule hydrophilic (O-specific chains, core oligosaccharide, etc.) and hydrophobic (lipid A) entities. LPS play a crucial role in various interactions between micro- and macroorganisms and display a broad range of biological activities including toxic activity and ability to activate immune cells. Biological activities of LPS are based on their ability to bind with high affinity to mammalian proteins, e.g., lipoproteins, bactericidal permeability-increasing proteins, lysozyme, etc., and thus to neutralize toxic effects of endotoxins. LPS are specific targets for antimicrobial polycationic compounds used in the therapy of bacterial infections. Studies of mechanisms of toxic effects of LPS culminated in the development of novel approaches to LPS neutralization. One of them is based on the use of compounds able to neutralize LPS toxicity at the expense of formation of macromolecular complexes with them. This approach is highly specific and has no effect on functional activity of antipathogenic defense mechanisms of the host. Interaction of LPS with various classes of cationic amphiphilic molecules including proteins, peptides, and polyamines was the subject of intensive studies in the past decade. Binding of cationic polymers is provided by electrostatic interactions between LPS and negatively charged phosphate and carboxylic groups of LPS localized in lipid A core. The present study is an overview of recently published data on different mechanisms of interactions of LPS with soluble proteins and polycations and modification of physiological activity of LPS.  相似文献   

Analysis of the codon usage of genes coding for the structuralcomponents of the outer membrane in Escherichia coli, is consistentwith the requirement for high expression of these genes. Becauseporins (which constitute the major protein component of theouter membrane), and LPS (which constitute the major outermostconstituent of the outer membrane), are synthesized from genesdisplaying widely different codon usage, it is possible to investigatethe origin of the outer membrane. The analysis predicts thatthe outer membrane might originate from a genome other thanthe genome coding for the major part of the cell. Such a specialorigin would explain in structural terms, the likely lethalityof porins if they were inadvertently inserted within the innermembrane, giving rise to the Gram-negative bacterial type, havingan envelope comprising two membranes, instead of a single cytoplasmicmembrane and a murein sacculus.  相似文献   

We have synthesized four 6-thio pseudo glycolipid analogues and assessed how two of them self-assembled on a gold surface. These structures were designed as candidate tethers molecules to anchor bilayer lipid membranes on gold. 6-Deoxy-6-thiogalactose was chosen to anchor the macromolecule to the gold and define an aqueous zone at the gold surface. A long alkane chain (C-12 or C-18) linked to the anomeric position of the sugar residue was chosen to anchor a bilayer lipid membrane. The linkage between the carbohydrate and the hydrophobic chains is either a glycosidic bond or a 1,4-disubstituted triazole formed by copper(I)-catalysed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) of the propargyl glycoside with azido-dodecane and azido-octadecane. We are expecting that the hydrocarbon chains will orient themselves perpendicular to the gold surface and be incorporated into the first leaflet of the bilayer membrane. We have studied self assembled monolayers of the C-12 aglycone analogues on gold using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS). We compared the results given by the IRRAS experiments to the IR spectra recorded by attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy on films of the randomly oriented analogues. Our results demonstrate that the C-12 analogues did bind to gold and did orient themselves perpendicular to the gold slide.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas spp are phylogenetically placed in the α-4 subclass of Proteobacteria. They have glycosphingolipids (GSL) in their membranes instead of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as in other Gram-negative bacteria. S. paucimobilis, the type species of the genus, has GSL-1, which contains only glucuronic acid (GlcA) as a sugar moiety, and GSL-4A, which contains a tetrasaccharide including GlcA. GSL-1 and GSL-4A form the outer membrane of S. paucimobilis with outer membrane proteins and phospholipids. In the outer membrane, GSLs are assumed to locate and function as does the LPS of other Gram-negative bacteria. Sphingomonas spp closely related to the type species contain both GSL-1 and the oligosaccharide-type GSL such as GSL-4A, but other Sphingomonas spp and other genera in the α-4 subclass of Proteobacteria contain only GSL-1. Structural variations of fatty acids and dihydrosphingosines in the GSL-1 are presented. Received 19 April 1999/ Accepted in revised form 18 June 1999  相似文献   

Caveolin‐1 has an atypical membrane‐spanning domain comprising of 34 residues. Caveolin‐1 targets to lipid droplets under certain conditions, where they are involved in signaling and cholesterol balance. In the present study, membrane association of synthetic peptides corresponding to the membrane‐spanning domain of caveolin‐1 has been investigated to obtain an insight into the topology of transmembrane region in the lipid bilayer and the effect of truncations in this sequence, as observed in the targeting to lipid droplets, by using model membranes. Fluorescence studies revealed strong association of the peptide corresponding to the membrane‐spanning domain of caveolin‐1 with anionic lipids as compared with zwitterionic lipids, which is consistent with the location of this domain in the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Association of a short 9 residue peptide corresponding to the C‐terminus of caveolin‐1 membrane‐spanning domain with lipid vesicles revealed the importance of this region for association with model membranes. Our investigations indicate that the peptide corresponding to the membrane‐spanning domain of caveolin‐1 does not span the lipid bilayer. We propose that both caveolin scaffolding domain and transmembrane segment of caveolin‐1 contribute to the strong association with the plasma membrane rendering the protein highly detergent resistant. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 produces both the OmpF and OmpC porins, the relative amounts of which in the outer membrane are affected in a reciprocal manner by the osmolarity of the growth medium. In contrast, E. coli B produces only the OmpF porin, regardless of the medium osmolarity. In this study, it was revealed that there is an extensive deletion within the ompC locus of the E. coli B chromosome. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the regulatory gene, ompR , of E. coli B revealed that there are two amino acid alterations (Lys-6 to Asn and Ala-130 to Thr) in the amino acid sequence of the OmpR protein, as compared with that of E. coli K-12. It is suggested that these particular amino acid alterations are responsible for the constitutive expression of the ompF gene observed in E. coli B.  相似文献   

The detection and alignment of locally conserved regions (motifs) in multiple sequences can provide insight into protein structure, function, and evolution. A new Gibbs sampling algorithm is described that detects motif-encoding regions in sequences and optimally partitions them into distinct motif models; this is illustrated using a set of immunoglobulin fold proteins. When applied to sequences sharing a single motif, the sampler can be used to classify motif regions into related submodels, as is illustrated using helix-turn-helix DNA-binding proteins. Other statistically based procedures are described for searching a database for sequences matching motifs found by the sampler. When applied to a set of 32 very distantly related bacterial integral outer membrane proteins, the sampler revealed that they share a subtle, repetitive motif. Although BLAST (Altschul SF et al., 1990, J Mol Biol 215:403-410) fails to detect significant pairwise similarity between any of the sequences, the repeats present in these outer membrane proteins, taken as a whole, are highly significant (based on a generally applicable statistical test for motifs described here). Analysis of bacterial porins with known trimeric beta-barrel structure and related proteins reveals a similar repetitive motif corresponding to alternating membrane-spanning beta-strands. These beta-strands occur on the membrane interface (as opposed to the trimeric interface) of the beta-barrel. The broad conservation and structural location of these repeats suggests that they play important functional roles.  相似文献   

NalP is an autotransporter secretory protein found in the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitidis. The crystal structure of the NalP translocator domain revealed a transmembrane β-barrel containing a central α-helix. The role of this α-helix, and of the conformational dynamics of the β-barrel pore have been studied via atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Three simulations, each of 10 ns duration, of NalP embedded within a solvated DMPC bilayer were performed. The helix was removed from the barrel interior in one simulation. The conformational stability of the protein is similar to that of other outer membrane proteins, e.g., OmpA, in comparable simulations. The transmembrane β-barrel is stable even in the absence of the α-helix. Removal of the helix results in an influx of water into the pore region, suggesting the helix acts as a ‘plug’. Water molecules entering the resultant pore form hydrogen bonds with the barrel lining that compensate for the loss of helix-barrel hydrogen bonds. The dimensions of the pore fluctuate over the course of the simulation revealing it to be flexible, but only wide enough to allow transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation. The simulations help us to understand the role of the central helix in plugging the pore and in maintaining the width of the barrel, and show that the NalP monomer is sufficient for the transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction of six 18-residue peptides derived from amphipathic helical segments of globular proteins with model membranes. The net charge of the peptides at neutral pH varies from −1 to +6. Circular dichroism spectra indicate that peptides with a high net positive charge tend to fold into a helical conformation in the presence of negatively charged lipid vesicles. In helical conformation, their average hydrophobic moment and hydrophobicity would render them surface-active. The composition of amino acids on the polar face of the helix in the peptides is considerably different. The peptides show variations in their ability to permeabilise zwitterionic and anionic lipid vesicles. Whereas increased net positive charge favours greater permeabilisation, the distribution of charged residues in the polar face also plays a role in determining membrane activity. The distribution of amino acids in the polar face of the helix in the peptides that were investigated do not fall into the canonical classes described. Amphipathic helices, which are part of proteins, with a pattern of amino acid distribution different from those observed in class L, A and others, could help in providing newer insights into peptide-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

High-resolution NMR is shown to be applicable for investigation of membrane proteins and membrane-active peptides embedded into lipid-protein nanodiscs (LPNs). 15N-Labeled K+-channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) and the antibiotic antiamoebin I from Emericellopsis minima (Aam-I) were embedded in LPNs of different lipid composition. Formation of stable complexes undergoing isotropic motion in solution was confirmed by size-exclusion chromatography and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. The 2D 1H-15N-correlation spectra were recorded for KcsA in the complex with LPN containing DMPC and for Aam-I in LPNs based on DOPG, DLPC, DMPC, and POPC. The spectra recorded were compared with those in detergent-containing micelles and small bicelles commonly used in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of membrane proteins. The spectra recorded in LPN environments demonstrated similar signal dispersion but significantly increased 1HN line width. The spectra of Aam-I embedded in LPNs containing phosphatidylcholine showed significant selective line broadening, thus suggesting exchange process(es) between several membrane-bound states of the peptide. 15N relaxation rates were measured to obtain the effective rotational correlation time of the Aam-I molecule. The obtained value (~40 nsec at 45°C) is indicative of additional peptide motions within the Aam-I/LPN complex.  相似文献   

The major portion of rat brain hexokinase (HK type I) is bound to the outer membrane of mitochondria and glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) can release the bound enzyme. In an attempt to look at the hydrophobic component of binding, interaction of the enzyme with a purely hydrophobic matrix, palmityl-substituted Sepharose-4B (Sepharose-lipid) was investigated. Hexokinase readily bound to this matrix with retention of its catalytic activity. Glucose-6-phosphate which has a releasing effect on the mitochondrially bound enzyme, enhanced binding of the enzyme on the hydrophobic matrix. Chymotrypsin treatment of hexokinase which causes loss of binding to mitochondria, also results in loss of adsorption to the hydrophobic matrix, thus demonstrating that the hydrophobic tail present at its N-terminal end is essential for binding in both cases. Data presented provide some new information relevant to understanding how hexokinase interacts with its natural binding matrix, the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

A method based on neural networks is trained and tested on a nonredundant set of beta-barrel membrane proteins known at atomic resolution with a jackknife procedure. The method predicts the topography of transmembrane beta strands with residue accuracy as high as 78% when evolutionary information is used as input to the network. Of the transmembrane beta-strands included in the training set, 93% are correctly assigned. The predictor includes an algorithm of model optimization, based on dynamic programming, that correctly models eight out of the 11 proteins present in the training/testing set. In addition, protein topology is assigned on the basis of the location of the longest loops in the models. We propose this as a general method to fill the gap of the prediction of beta-barrel membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A group of integral membrane proteins, known as C-tail anchored, is defined by the presence of a cytosolic NH2-terminal domain that is anchored to the phospholipid bilayer by a single segment of hydrophobic amino acids close to the COOH terminus. The mode of insertion into membranes of these proteins, many of which play key roles in fundamental intracellular processes, is obligatorily posttranslational, is highly specific, and may be subject to regulatory processes that modulate the protein's function. Although recent work has elucidated structural features in the tail region that determine selection of the correct target membrane, the molecular machinery involved in interpreting this information, and in modulating tail-anchored protein localization, has not been identified yet.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed for monitoring the interaction of charged phospholipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) by use of the antibiotics Valinomycin, Nonactin, and Monazomycin as surface-charge probes. Anionic phosphatidylserine vesicles, when added to one aqueous compartment of a BLM, are shown to impart negative surface charge to zwitterionic phosphatidylocholine and phosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. The surface charge is distributed asymmertically, mainly on the vesicular side of the BLM, and is not removed by exchange of the vesicular aqueous solution. Possible mechanisms for the vesicle-BLM interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The interaction of 125I-labelled concanavalin A with individual proteins from Escherichia coli and rat liver ribosomes was analyzed.
  • 2.2. Ribosomal proteins were first separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel slabs were then incubated with the radioactive lectin in the presence or absence of the competitor α-methyl-mannose, and the degree of specific binding was determined. Parallel experiments were carried out with known glycosylated and non-glycosylated reference proteins.
  • 3.3. It was mainly found that no significant interaction between ribosomal proteins and concanavalin A seems to occur.

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