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The GLI gene is amplified in a subset of human tumors and encodes a protein product with five zinc finger DNA-binding motifs. In this study, we show that the GLI gene product has a predominantly nuclear localization and binds DNA in a sequence-specific fashion. Three GLI binding sites were identified by using a novel procedure in which total human DNA was bound to a GLI recombinant fusion protein, and the polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify and recover the bound sequences. The GLI protein protected a 23- to 24-base region within all three binding sites, and the protected region in each case included the 9-base-pair sequence 5'-GACCACCCA-3'. One of the binding sites was contained within a 63-base-pair repeat of the variable number of tandem repeat type, whereas the other two sites were represented once in the genome. The approach used here to identify GLI binding sites should be applicable to the characterization of other zinc finger proteins.  相似文献   

Prediction of the subcellular location of apoptosis proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Apoptosis proteins have a central role in the development and the homeostasis of an organism. These proteins are very important for understanding the mechanism of programmed cell death. The function of an apoptosis protein is closely related to its subcellular location. Based on the concept that the subcellular location of an apoptosis protein is mainly determined by its amino acid sequence, a new algorithm for prediction of the subcellular location of an apoptosis protein is proposed. By using of a distinctive set of information parameters derived from the primary sequence of 317 apoptosis proteins, the increment of diversity (ID), the sole prediction parameter, is calculated. The higher predictive success rates than the previous other algorithms is obtained by the jackknife tests using the expanded dataset. Our prediction results show that the local compositions of twin amino acids and hydropathy distribution are very useful to predict subcellular location of protein.  相似文献   

The ras1- mutation of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe interferes with sexual differentiation by preventing conjugation and causing inefficient sporulation. From a gene library, we have isolated a gene, byr1+, which when in high copy number restores efficient sporulation to ras1- strains. byr1+ encodes a putative 340-amino acid protein product, the sequence of which strongly suggests that it functions as a protein kinase. Gene disruption experiments show that loss of byr1+ function does not interfere with mitotic growth but it completely prevents both conjugation and sporulation. byr1 is thus another important gene in the sexual differentiation pathway and we believe that at least part of ras1 function is to act directly or indirectly through byr1 to modulate protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We have examined the interaction of the NF-kappa B precursor p105 with NF-kappa B subunits. Similar to an I kappa B molecule, p105 associates in the cytoplasm with p50 or p65. Through this assembly, p105 efficiently blocks nuclear transfer of either subunit. Moreover, the p105 protein inhibits DNA binding of dimeric NF-kappa B subunits in a similar, but not identical, manner to its isolated C-terminal domain, which contains an ankyrin-like repeat domain (ARD). The proto-oncogene product Bcl-3 also controls nuclear translocation of p50, but not of p65. Hence, p50 can be retained in the cytoplasm via at least three distinct interactions: through direct interactions either with its own precursor, with Bcl-3 or indirectly through I kappa B alpha or -beta when attached to p65. We discuss a function of p105 as a cytoplasmic assembly unit for homo- and heteromeric NF-kappa B complexes and of Bcl-3 as an I kappa B with novel subunit specificity.  相似文献   

Four well-characterised DNA-binding ligands have been tested for effects on reconstituted nucleosome core particles containing the 160 bp tyrT DNA fragment. Two, netropsin and berenil, were found to change the rotational orientation of the DNA on the surface of the protein as judged by marked alterations in the pattern of fragments produced by exposure to DNAase I. Qualitatively their effects were very similar to those previously reported for the related antibiotic distamycin, suggesting that the phenomenon of induced rotation may be a characteristic property of ligands which bind in the narrow groove of the DNA helix. Two intercalators did not produce the effect but, at high concentrations, caused gross disruption of the nucleoprotein structure with apparent release of DNA from the histone octamer. At moderate concentrations little or no effect was detectable with nogalamycin, suggestive of failure to bind as a result of constraints on local opening of the DNA helix. With moderate concentrations of actinomycin, protection of GpC sequences was clearly visible together with some evidence of increase in helix pitch, but no sign of altered phasing of DNA within the nucleosome core particles.  相似文献   



Different cell types have distinctive patterns of chromosome positioning in the nucleus. Although ectopic affinity-tethering of specific loci can be used to relocate chromosomes to the nuclear periphery, endogenous nuclear envelope proteins that control such a mechanism in mammalian cells have yet to be widely identified.


To search for such proteins, 23 nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins were screened for their ability to promote peripheral localization of human chromosomes in HT1080 fibroblasts. Five of these proteins had strong effects on chromosome 5, but individual proteins affected different subsets of chromosomes. The repositioning effects were reversible and the proteins with effects all exhibited highly tissue-restricted patterns of expression. Depletion of two nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that were preferentially expressed in liver each reduced the normal peripheral positioning of chromosome 5 in liver cells.


The discovery of nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that can modulate chromosome position and have restricted patterns of expression may enable dissection of the functional relevance of tissue-specific patterns of radial chromosome positioning.  相似文献   

Feng ZP 《In silico biology》2002,2(3):291-303
The present paper overviews the issue on predicting the subcellular location of a protein. Five measures of extracting information from the global sequence based on the Bayes discriminant algorithm are reviewed. 1) The auto-correlation functions of amino acid indices along the sequence; 2) The quasi-sequence-order approach; 3) the pseudo-amino acid composition; 4) the unified attribute vector in Hilbert space, 5) Zp parameters extracted from the Zp curve. The actual performance of the predictive accuracy is closely related to the degree of similarity between the training and testing sets or to the average degree of pairwise similarity in dataset in a cross-validated study. Many scholars considered that the current higher predictive accuracy still cannot ensure that some available algorithms are effective in practice prediction for the higher pairwise sequence identity of the datasets, but some of them declared that construction of the dataset used for developing software should base on the reality determined by the Mother Nature that some subcellular locations really contain only a minor number of proteins of which some even have a high percentage of sequence similarity. Owing to the complexity of the problem itself, some very sophisticated and special programs are needed for both constructing dataset and improving the prediction. Anyhow finding the target information in mature protein sequence and properly cooperating it with sorting signals in prediction may further improve the overall predictive accuracy and make the prediction into practice.  相似文献   

Nuclear envelopes and nuclear matrices were isolated from rat liver nuclei. Although differences in polypeptide composition of the structures are evident on SDS gel electrophoresis, they have an almost identical distribution of concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins. These matrix-associated concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins derive entirely from the nuclear envelope and are recovered almost quantitatively in the matrix. They constitute easily identifiable markers for nuclear envelope association with matrix or other nuclear subfractions. Surface labelling of nuclei with 125I using solid-phase lactoperoxidase further confirmed that a large number of envelope-associated nuclear surface proteins co-isolate with the matrix. Protein kinase activity, as well as endogenous substrates for the kinase(s) are shown to be the same in both envelopes and matrix. Envelope-derived proteins and glycoproteins may comprise a substantial proportion of total matrix protein.  相似文献   

Neural networks have been trained to predict the subcellular location of proteins in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells from their amino acid composition. For three possible subcellular locations in prokaryotic organisms a prediction accuracy of 81% can be achieved. Assigning a reliability index, 33% of the predictions can be made with an accuracy of 91%. For eukaryotic proteins (excluding plant sequences) an overall prediction accuracy of 66% for four locations was achieved, with 33% of the sequences being predicted with an accuracy of 82% or better. With the subcellular location restricting a protein's possible function, this method should be a useful tool for the systematic analysis of genome data and is available via a server on the world wide web.  相似文献   

We show that the non-DNA-binding precursor for the p50 subunit (p110), like NF-kappa B, is subject to control of nuclear uptake. In contrast to p50, p110 was excluded from nuclei and unable to associate detectably with p50 or p65 NF-kappa B subunits. The nuclear location signal in the N-terminal half of p110 was not accessible for monospecific antibodies. Removal of only 191 amino acids from the C-terminus of p110 restored antibody accessibility as well as nuclear uptake. The C-terminal half of p110, which is linked to the p50 portion via a glycine-rich hinge, could also noncovalently bind to p50. This helps to explain why p50, after cleavage of the precursor in intact cells, was still retained in an inactive form in the cytoplasm. Our study describes a novel mechanism of nuclear uptake control by masking of a nuclear location signal through a remote domain within a precursor molecule.  相似文献   

X Hang  W Dong    L A Guarino 《Journal of virology》1995,69(6):3924-3928
The Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) replicates in the nuclei of infected cells and encodes several proteins required for viral DNA replication. As a first step in the functional characterization of viral replication proteins, we purified a single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from AcNPV-infected insect cells. Nuclear extracts were chromatographed on single-stranded DNA agarose columns. An abundant protein with an apparent molecular weight of 43,000 was eluted from the columns at 0.9 to 1.0 M NaCl. This protein was not evident in extracts prepared from control cells, suggesting that the SSB was encoded by the virus. SSB bound to single-stranded DNA in solution, and binding was nonspecific with respect to base sequence, as single-stranded vector DNA competed as efficiently as single-stranded DNA containing the AcNPV origin of DNA replication. Competition binding experiments indicated that SSB showed a preference for single-stranded DNA over double-stranded DNA. To determine whether SSB was encoded by the lef-3 gene of AcNPV, the lef-3 open reading frame was cloned under the control of the bacteriophage T7 promoter. Immunochemical analyses indicated that LEF-3 produced in bacteria or in rabbit reticulocyte lysates specifically reacted with antiserum produced by immunization with purified SSB. Immunoblot analyses of infected cell extracts revealed that SSB/LEF-3 was detected by 4 h postinfection and accumulated through 48 h postinfection.  相似文献   

We previously obtained a monoclonal antibody (Th-10a mAb) that recognizes a single 95-kDa mouse nuclear protein (NP95). Immunostaining analyses revealed that the NP95 was specifically stained in the S phase of normal mouse thymocytes. In contrast, mouse T cell lymphoma cells exhibited a constantly high level of NP95 accumulation irrespective of cell stages during the cell cycle. In the present study, we isolated the cDNA encoding the NP95 from a λgt-11 cDNA expression library, using the Th-10a mAb. Sequencing of the whole 3.5-kb cDNA revealed that NP95 is a novel nuclear protein with an open reading frame (ORF) consisting of 782 amino acids. The ORF contains a zinc finger motif, a potential ATP/GTP binding site, a putative cyclin A/E-cdk2 phosphorylation site, and the retinoblastoma protein (RB)-binding motif ``IXCXE'. The chromosomal location of Np95 gene was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Np95 gene locates on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 17DE1.1. and rat Chr 9q11.2–q12.1. Np95 was strongly expressed in the testis, spleen, thymus, and lung tissues, but not in the brain, liver, or skeletal muscles. These results collectively implicate this novel nuclear protein in cell cycle progression and/or DNA replication. Received: 24 June 1998 / Accepted: 12 August 1998  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular characterization of the dominant suppressors of D-raf(C110) on the second chromosome identified two gain-of-function alleles of rolled (rl), which encodes a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in Drosophila. One of the alleles, rl(Su23), was found to bear the same molecular lesion as rl(Sem), which has been reported to be dominant female sterile. However, rl(Su23) and the current stock of rl(Sem) showed only a weak dominant female sterility. Detailed analyses of the rl mutations demonstrated moderate dominant activities of these alleles in the Torso (Tor) signaling pathway, which explains the weak dominant female sterility observed in this study. The dominant rl mutations failed to suppress the terminal class maternal-effect mutations, suggesting that activation of Rl is essential, but not sufficient, for Tor signaling. Involvement of rl in cell proliferation was also demonstrated by clonal analysis. Branching and integration of signals in the MAP kinase cascade is discussed.  相似文献   

BCL10/CLAP is an activator of apoptosis and NF-kappaB signaling pathways and has been implicated in B cell lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Although its role in apoptosis remains to be determined, BCL10 likely activates NF-kappaB through the IKK complex in response to upstream stimuli. The N-terminal caspase recruitment domain (CARD) of BCL10 has been proposed to function as an activation domain that mediates homophilic interactions with an upstream CARD-containing NF-kappaB activator. To identify upstream signaling partners of BCL10, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid analysis and identified CARD9 as a novel CARD-containing protein that interacts selectively with the CARD activation domain of BCL10. When expressed in cells, CARD9 binds to BCL10 and activates NF-kappaB. Furthermore, endogenous CARD9 is found associated with BCL10 suggesting that both proteins form a pre-existing signaling complex within cells. CARD9 also self-associates and contains extensive coiled-coil motifs that may function as oligomerization domains. We propose here that CARD9 is an upstream activator of BCL10 and NF-kappaB signaling.  相似文献   

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