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Summary Organizational changes in the microtubules of isolated generative cells of Allemanda neriifolia during mitosis were examined using anti--tubulin and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Due to an improved resolution and a lack of out-of-focus interference, the images of the mitotic cytoskeleton obtained using the confocal microscope are much clearer than those obtained using the non-confocal fluorescence systems. In the confocal microscope one can see clearly that the spindle-shaped interphase cells contain a cage-like cytoskeleton consisting of numerous longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles and some associated smaller bundles. At prophase, the shape of the cells invariably becomes spherical. The microtubule cytoskeleton inside the cells concomitantly changes into a less organized form — consisting of thick bundles, patches, and dots. This structural form is not very stable, and soon afterwards the cytoskeleton changes into a reticulate network. Then the nuclear envelope breaks down, and the microtubules become randomly dispersed throughout the cell. Afterwards, the microtubules reorganize themselves into a number of half-spindle-like structures, each possessing a microtubule-nucleating center. The locations of these centres mark out the positions of the presumptive spindle poles. Numerous microtubules radiate from these centres toward the opposite pole. At metaphase, the microtubules form a number of bipolar spindles. Each spindle has two half-spindles, and each half-spindle has a sharply focused microtubule centre at the pole region. From the centres, kinetochore and non-kinetochore microtubules radiate toward the opposite half-spindle. At anaphase A, sister chromatids separate, the cells elongate, and the kinetochore microtubules disappear; the non-kinetochore microtubules, however, remain, and a new array of microtubules, in the form of a cage, appears. The peripheral cage bundles and the non-kinetochore bundles coverge into a sharp point at the pole region. Later, at anaphase B the microtubule cytoskeleton undergoes reorganization giving rise to a new array of longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles in the cell centre and a cage-like cytoskeleton in the periphery. At telophase, some of the cells elongate further, but some become spherical. The microtubules in the central region of the elongated cell become partially disrupted due to the formation of a phragmoplast-junction-like structure in the mid-interzone region. The microtubule bundles at the periphery are spirally organized, and they appear not to be disrupted by the phragmoplast-like junction. The microtubules in the spherical telophase cells (unlike those seen in the elongated telophase cells) are arranged differently, and no phragmoplast-junction-like structure forms in the spherical cells. The structural and functional significances of some of these new features of the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton as revealed by the confocal microscope are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of isolated generative cells ofAllemanda neriifolia at interphase and prophase was studied. The microtubule organization of the isolated cells was also investigated by immunofluorescence microscopy with a monoclonal anti--tubulin. After the generative cells had been isolated from the growing pollen tubes by osmotic shock, most of the cells were at prophase and only a few were at interphase. The interphase cell is spindle shaped and contains an ellipsoidal nucleus. In addition to the usual organelles, the cytoplasm of the interphase cell contains numerous vesicles (each measuring 40–50 nm in diameter) and two sets of longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles — one in the cortical region and the other near the nucleus. Most of the prophase cells are spherical in shape. Based on the ultrastructure and the pattern of microtubule cytoskeleton organization three types of prophase cells can be recognized. (1) Early prophase cell, which contains the usual organelles, numerous vesicles, and a spherical nucleus with condensed chromosomes. Longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles can no longer be seen present in the early prophase cell. A new type of structure resembling a microtubule aggregate appears in the cytoplasm. (2) Mid prophase cell, which has a spherical nucleus containing chromosomes that appear more condensed than those seen in the early prophase cell. In addition to containing the usual organelles, the cytoplasm of this cell contains numerous apparently randomly oriented microtubules. Few vesicles are seen and microtubule aggregates are no longer present. (3) Late prophase cell, typified by the lack of a nuclear envelope. Consequently, the chromosomes become randomly scattered in the cytoplasm. Microtubules are still present and some become closely associated with the chromosomes. The changes in the ultrastructure and in the pattern of microtubule organization in the interphase and prophase cells are discussed in relation to the method of isolation of the generative cells.  相似文献   

Mitosis and microtubule organizational changes in rice root-tip cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of change of the microtubule cytoskeleton of the root-tip cells of rice during mitosis was studied using immunofluorescence technic and confocal laser scanning microscopy. All the major stages of ceil division including preprophase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase were observed. The most significant finding was that in the preprophase cells microtubules radiating from the nuclear surface to the cortex were frequently seen. During development these microtubules became closely associated with the preprophase band and prophase spindie indicating that the microtubules radiating from the nuclear surface, the preprophase band and the prophazc spindle were structurally and functionally closely related to each other. Granule-like anchorage sites for the radiating microtubules at the muclear surface were often seen and the possibility that these gramle-like anchorage sites might represent the microtubule organizing centres was discussed.  相似文献   

An osmotic shock method of isolating generative cells from Allemanda neriifolia was described. Fresh pollen grains were first placed ill a Brewbaker and Kwack's medium (BK medium) containing 50% sucrose, incubated at 28℃ for 2 hours. During this incubation period pollen grains germinated and produced pollen tubes measuring about 200 μm long. After this initial incubation period, a fixed amount of BK medium without sucrose was added thus diluting the original medium to a sucrose concentration of 30% – an optimum concentration for generative cell growth. The addition, of the BK medium without sucrose brought about an osmotic shock effect on the pollen tubes and caused most of the tubes to burst at the tip region thus releasing the contents together with the generative cell from the tube into the 30% sucrose + BK medium. After isolation and filtering into a fresh lot of 30% sucrose + BK medium, generative cells changed from spindle into spherical-shaped cells. In the 30% sucrose + BK medium, the generative cells divided and within a short period of 3 to 5 hours a laege number of cells at various stages of mitosis was obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Changing patterns of tubulin immunofluorescence as onion root meristematic cells progress from a mature pre-prophase band (PPB) stage into mitosis are reported here. The PPB reaches its narrowest profile at maturity and then remains the same width throughout the rest of the transition. Concomitant with continuation of chromatin condensation and nucleolar breakdown, both initiated earlier in pre-prophase, alignment of fluorescent fibers along the nuclear envelope (NE) changes. Perinuclear microtubules (MTs), which were parallel to the PPB or randomly arranged when first seen at earlier stages of pre-prophase, assume the orientation of spindle MTS at late preprophase. They lie close to the NE and follow the nuclear contour, ultimately converging upon two focal points directly at the NE surface. MTs also can be seen traversing the cytoplasm between nucleus and cell periphery.As spindle initiation proceeds, PPB fluorescence intensity decreases and eventually is exceeded by the NE-associated fluorescence. PPB and spindle arrays co-exist briefly in the transition period, with spindle MTs typically aligned perpendicular to both the axis of the PPB and its constituent MTs. Total disappearance of the PPB occurs only after chromosome condensation is complete and the nucleus is contained within a spherical or ellipsoid cage of fluorescent fibers comprised of two non-overlapping half-spindles. Like the fully formed prophase spindle which follows, the incipient spindle is neither barrel-shaped nor fusiform, but rather displays MTs radiating from the poles in a smooth arc.  相似文献   

Summary Cytoskeletal organization and chromosome behavior were studied inTradescantia generative cells prior to and during sperm formation using in vitro grown pollen tubes and fluorescence staining methods. Before pollen germination, the crescent-shaped generative cell contains a reticulate microtubule (Mt) system. The cell elongates dramatically after germination, and its Mts assume a helical to longitudinal arrangement. Chromosome condensation is evident approximately 3hr after germination. Kinetochores appear as dark interruptions in the Mt array, and thus seem to attach directly to interphase fibers. No metaphase plate typical of other cells is observed with either DAPI or anti-tubulin staining. Instead, the chromosomes adopt a twisted or braided arrangement, with kinetochores distributed along the length of the cell and kinetochore fibers linked to each other and to surrounding fibers. Anaphase is characterized by a staggered, overlapping separation of chromosomes and by elongation of Mt branches connecting opposing kinetochore fibers. Cytokinesis appears to utilize a furrowing process; a phragmoplast or cell plate was never seen. As a result of these events, the sperm directly inherit their cytoskeleton from generative cell Mts involved in division. No actin fibers are observed at any stage using rhodamine-phalloidin staining. The results are discussed in terms of other reports on sperm formation, possible mitotic and cytokinetic mechanisms, and past distinctions between Mt arrays in higher plant somatic cells.Abbreviations CD cytochalasin D - DAPI 46-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - K-fiber kinetochore fiber - Mf microfilament - Mt microtubule - PPB preprophase Mt band - RP rhodamine phalloidin  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural observations on monoplastidic root tip cells ofIsoetes andSelaginella demonstrate two important phenomena associated with preprophasic preparation for mitotic cell division, 1. the preprophase band and 2. precise orientation of the dividing plastid relative to the preprophase band. Both of these phenomena accurately predict the future plane of cell division. The plastid divides in a plane parallel to the spindle and each cell inherits a single plastid which caps the telophase nucleus. When succesive transverse divisions occur, the plastid migrates prior to prophase from a position near an old transverse wall to a lateral position in the cell. The plastid is oriented with its median constriction precisely intersected by the plane of the preprophase band. When a longitudinal division follows a transverse division, the plastid remains in its position adjacent to an old transverse wall where it is bisected by the plane of the longitudinally oriented preprophase band microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary The epidermal transfer cells in developingVicia faba L. cotyledons are highly polarized. Extensive wall ingrowths occur on their outer periclinal walls and extend part way down both anticlinal walls. This ingrowth development serves to increase the surface area of the plasma membrane and thus maximize porter-dependent uptake of sugars from the seed apoplasm. In contrast, the inner periclinal walls of these transfer cells do not form wall ingrowths. We have commenced a study of the mechanisms responsible for establishing this polarity by first analysing the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton in developing transfer cells. Thin sections of fixed cotyledons embedded in methacrylate resin were processed for immunofluorescence microscopy using monoclonal anti--tubulin and counterstained with Calcofluor White to visualize wall ingrowths. In epidermal cells of young cotyledons where wall ingrowths were yet to develop, MT labelling was detected around all cortical regions of the cell. However, in cells where wall ingrowths were clearly established, MT labelling was detected almost exclusively in cortical regions adjacent to the wall ingrowths. Little, if any, MT labelling was detected on the anticlinal or inner periclinal walls of these cells. This distribution of MTs was most prominent in cells with well developed wall ingrowths. In these cells, a subpopulation of MTs were also detected emanating from the subcortex and extending towards the wall ingrowth region. The possible role of MT distribution in establishing transfer cell polarity and wall ingrowth formation is discussed.Abbreviations MT microtubule  相似文献   

Summary Upon squashing of the pollen grain, the isolated generative cell ofNicotiana tabacum looses its spindle shape to become spherical; this phenomenon is independent of the sucrose concentration used. The time necessary for this change can vary from 1 min (0% sucrose) to 20 min (30% sucrose). The microtubular cytoskeleton was studied by means of immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Just after isolation, 5 to 15 clearly visible bundles in microtubules organized in a basket-like structure are present. After 15 min in medium with 15% sucrose, the microtubular cytoskeleton disappears, and a diffusely spread tubulin can be observed. Neither the addition of 10–20 M taxol to the medium, nor the omission of Ca2+ to the medium has any effect on the changes in cell shape and loss of microtubular bundles after isolation.Abbreviations GC Generative cell - SC sperm cell - BK Brewbaker and Kwack - CLSM confocal laser scanning fluorescence micros copy  相似文献   

Summary Microtubule organization in the generative cells of Zephyranthes grandiflora was investigated by immunofluorescence microscopy with a monoclonal anti--tubulin. The experimental materials used were generative cells located within pollen grains and tubes (i.e., in situ) as well as those artificially isolated after osmotic shock or grinding treatments of the pollen grains. Diverse microtubule organization patterns were revealed. In situ, the generative cells appeared spindle-shaped and contained mainly longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles, although other types were found as well. After isolation, as the alteration in microtubule patterns took place, the spindle-shaped generative cells became ellipsoidal and then spherical. In the ellipsoidal cells a transitional form consisting of a mixture of microtubule bundles and meshes could be found. In spherical cells the mesh structure appeared to be the predominant pattern. These results indicate that the microtubule cytoskeleton of the generative cells can change easily from one structural form to another in accordance with environmental conditions and may play an important role in determining the cell shape.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional organization of microtubules in generative cells during their development in pollen grains of Hippeastrum vittatum and the dynamic changes that occur were studied by collecting large quantities of fixed and isolated generative cells for immunofluorescence microscopy. The framework configuration and the arrangement pattern of the microtubule organization was investigated. The microtubule framework changed in shape from being spherical at an early stage to being long spindle-shaped at maturity: various transitional forms were observed: ellipsoidal, pear-shaped and short spindle-shaped. The microtubule arrangement making up this framework changed correspondingly from the original network, which was random in distribution, to axially oriented long bundles via an intermediate pattern composed of a mixture of networks with long bundles. However, cells with the same framework configuration might be heterogeneous in microtubule arrangements.  相似文献   

T. Kanbe  K. Tanaka 《Protoplasma》1985,129(2-3):198-213
Summary Mitosis in the dermatophyteMicrosporum canis was studied by freeze substitution and electron microscopy, and analyzed by three dimensional reconstruction from serial sections of the mitotic nuclei. The interphase nucleus has associated nucleus-associated organelle (NAO) on a portion of the outer surface of the nuclear envelope, subjacent to which there was dense intranuclear material. The NAO divided and separated on the envelope, and a spindle was formed. The spindle was composed mostly of microtubules extended between opposite NAOs. Pairing of kinetochores was observed in the spindle from an early stage of development, when chromosomes were not so condensed, and remained unchanged while chromosome condensation proceeded until metaphase. Before the completion of nuclear division, daughter nuclei were connected by a narrow spindle channel, and then the nucleolus, whose structure underwent minimal change during mitosis, was eliminated into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Reproductive cells (androgonidia) ofVolvox carteri f.weismannia divide to form packets of 64 or 128 sperm cells. The androgonidium morphology, stages of mitosis, and cytokinesis were examined by electron microscopy. The biflagellate androgonidium loses its flagella before mitosis but the flagellar bases at the anterior end of the cell are retained. Two additional basal bodies are formed and the nucleus migrates from its central position to the area of the basal bodies before mitosis begins. A five-layered kinetochore is present on the chromosomes and remnant nucleolar material persists during mitosis. A furrow at the chloroplast end of the cell and the formation of phycoplast microtubules and vesicles signal the beginning of cytokinesis at early telophase. The cells maintain cytoplasmic connections until after the packet of sperm cells completes its development.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  R. A. Humber 《Protoplasma》1989,151(2-3):115-123
Summary Mitosis in a mite-pathogenic species ofNeozygites (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using an antibody against -tubulin for visualization of microtubules (MTs). DAPI and rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin were used to stain chromatin and actin, respectively. Salient features of mitosis inNeozygites sp. are (1) a strong tendency for mitotic synchrony in any given cell, (2) conical protrusions at the poles of metaphase and anaphase nuclei revealed by actin staining, (3) absence of astral and other cytoplasmic MTs, (4) a spindle that occupies most of the nuclear volume at metaphase, (5) a spindle that remains symmetrical throughout most of mitosis, (6) kinetochore MTs that shorten during anaphase A, (7) a central spindle that elongates during anaphase B, pushing the daughter nuclei into the cell apices, and (8) interpolar MTs that continue to elongate even after separation of the daughter nuclei. Cortical cytoplasmic MTs are present in a few interphasic and post-cytokinetic cells. The data presented show thatNeozygites possesses features unique to this genus and support the erection of theNeozygitaceae as a separate family in theEntomophthorales.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - MT microtubule - SPB spindle pole body  相似文献   

B. Liu  B. A. Palevitz 《Protoplasma》1992,166(3-4):122-133
Summary In dividing generative cells ofTradescantia, kinetochore pairs do not line up on a typical metaphase plate, but instead are distributed along the length and depth of the cell prior to anaphase onset. Kinetochore (K) fibers are linked to each other and to a system of axial microtubule (Mt) bundles in an arrangement that makes discrete half spindles, if present, not immediately obvious. Because such arrangements may have important implications for the conduct of the remainder of division, anaphase events were closely scrutinized using a combination of tubulin and kinetochore immunocytochemistry (the latter with CREST serum). Anaphase appears to consist of three principal processes. Around the time of anaphase onset, K-fibers and surrounding Mts become reorganized into two large superbundles. To each superbundle is attached a set of nonfilial kinetochores bound for one end of the cell. The K-fibers then appear to shorten to varying degrees; in many cases, kinetochores become linked directly to the superbundles. The superbundles then separate in an anaphase B-like process, further moving the kinetochores toward opposite ends of the cell. The superbundles themselves shorten, and distances within the bundles also decrease, such that the kinetochores cluster closer together. The results indicate that reorganization of Mts into superbundles (and the consequential manifestation of bipolarity) is important for orderly chromosome separation.  相似文献   

J. W. Taylor 《Protoplasma》1985,126(1-2):1-18
Summary This is a report of a light and electron microscopic study of mitosis in the basidiomycetous fungusTulasnella araneosa. The study employs serial section analyses of nuclei preselected with fluorescence microscopy. It is the first such study of nuclear division in theTulasnellaceae and the first of conjugately dividing nuclei in basidiomycetous hyphal segments lacking clamp connections. Mitosis inT. araneosa is unusual in that the spindle pole body (SPB) develops asymmetrically; the SPB middle piece is large and transversely curved; and the nuclear envelopes of adjacent late anaphase nuclei fuse. Analyses of mitotic characteristics used for phylogenetic purposes indicate that, of the many characters available, only SPB characteristics are presently valuable. Available evidence indicates that the SPB ofT. araneosa is more different from that ofUredinales than it is from representatives of the other four orders ofBasidiomycotina that have been thoroughly studied.  相似文献   

Summary The interphase meristematic root cells ofAdiantum capillus venerispossess a well developed cytoskeleton of cortical microtubules (Mts), which disappear at prophase. The preprophase-prophase cells display a well organized preprophase microtubule band (PMB) and a perinuclear Mt system. The observations favour the suggestion that the cell edges included in the PMB cortical zone possess a Mt organizing capacity and thus play an important role in PMB formation. The perinuclear Mts are probably organized on the nuclear surface. The preprophase-prophase nuclei often form protrusions towards the PMB cortical zone and the spindle poles, assuming a conical or rhomboid shape. Mts may be involved in this nuclear shaping.Reinstallation of cortical Mts in dividing cells begins about the middle of cytokinesis with the reappearance of short Mts on the cell surface. When cytokinesis terminates, numerous Mts line the postcytokinetic daughter wall. Many of them converge or form clusters in the cytoplasm occupying the junctions of the new and the old walls. In the examined fern, the cortical Mt arrays seem to be initiated in the cortex of post-cytokinetic root cells. A transitory radial perinuclear Mt array, comparable to that found in post-telophase root cells of flowering plants, was not observed inA. capillus veneris.  相似文献   

Summary In hyphae of the basidiomyceteSchizophyllum commune Fr. mitosis occurs through a longitudinal division of a strand of chromatin, which is followed by a parallel separation of the daughter strands.  相似文献   

Summary Cysts of the green algaAcetabularia develop a unique lid structure to enable the release of gametes. This lid is separated from the rest of the thick cellulose cell wall by a circular fault line formed within the fibrillar texture of the wall. By immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that, prior to the first division of the single cyst nucleus, the radially symmetrical, perinuclear microtubule system which is a remnant carried over from previous developmental stages of cyst morphogenesis transforms into a circular microtubule band (CMB) around the nucleus. This band consisting of only a few bundled microtubules beneath the plasma membrane encircles the cyst nucleus at a distance of 75 to 100m. In a previous fine structural study, a lid-forming apparatus (LFA) was described as a circular band of rod-like structures in the plane of the plasma membrane, demarcating the contour of the future lid. Both the CMB and the LFA are superimposed on the rim of the lid. We therefore propose that the microtubule band is a component of the LFA identical with the rod-like structures. Formation of the CMB and, hence, lid formation are blocked by the microtubule-specific herbicide Oryzalin but not by the actin filament-disrupting inhibitor cytochalasin D. Upon recovery from Oryzalin treatment, the nuclei but not the prospective sites of the CMBs serve as nucleation centers, indicating that the CMB is not formed by a pre-existing template in the plasma membrane. This suggests that the dynamic behavior of the microtubules within the perinuclear microtubule cytoskeleton gives rise to the CMB. Since the stage of CMB assembly marks the beginning of cell wall formation, it is proposed that the CMB determines the position of the lid by spatially controlling cell wall deposition. On the basis of current hypotheses, two scenarios for the role of the LFA/CMB in lid formation are discussed.Abbreviations CMB circular microtubule band - EGTA ethylene glycol bis-(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - LFA lid-forming-apparatus - MAP microtubule-associated protein - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubuleorganizing center Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

We describe a method for preparation and maintenance of isolated digestive-gland cells in the abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana. Viability of the isolated cells was confirmed by the fact that 18 h after preparation the cells exhibited less than 5% staining with trypan blue and actively synthesized glycogen following the addition of glucose substrate. Use of the method in a 15-month study of metabolic activity of the digestive gland of H. kamtschatkana showed significant differences in oxygen consumption of isolated-cell preparations correlated with seasonal differences in somatic and gametogenetic growth, and with relative size of the digestive gland.  相似文献   

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