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The longevity of zoo animals is increasing due to continuous improvement in husbandry and veterinary medicine. However, increasing age is correlated to a higher prevalence of neoplasia. Despite tremendous improvement in diagnoses and monitoring capacities, cancers are still a challenge for veterinarians within the global zoo community. The recent use of copper isotopes as biomarkers for neoplasia in both human and veterinary medicine is a promising and cost‐effective diagnostic tool. Two hundred and twenty‐nine serum samples from 10 different species of wild felids under human care were processed through mass spectrometry to determine the ratio of heavy and light copper isotopes (65Cu/63Cu). The results of this preliminary study exhibit an important variability between felid species, with a ratio ranging between ?1.71 and 0.63. Additionally, copper isotopes seem to be a promising diagnostic tool in monitoring cancer in wild animals, as in human medicine, where the isotopic ratio decreases significantly with time in the presence of a tumor.  相似文献   

Although traditional feeding regimens for captive animals were focused on meeting physiological needs to assure good health, more recently emphasis has also been placed on non‐nutritive aspects of feeding. The provision of foraging materials to diversify feeding behavior is a common practice in zoos but selective consumption of foraging enrichment items over more balanced “chow” diets could lead to nutrient imbalance. One alternative is to provide balanced diets in a contrafreeloading paradigm. Contrafreeloading occurs when animals choose resources that require effort to exploit when identical resources are freely available. To investigate contrafreeloading and its potential as a theoretical foundation for foraging enrichment, we conducted two experiments with captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). In Experiment 1, bears were presented with five foraging choices simultaneously: apples, apples in ice, salmon, salmon in ice, and plain ice under two levels of food restriction. Two measures of contrafreeloading were considered: weight of earned food consumed and time spent working for earned food. More free than earned food was eaten, with only two bears consuming food extracted from ice, but all bears spent more time manipulating ice containing salmon or apples than plain ice regardless of level of food restriction. In Experiment 2, food‐restricted bears were presented with three foraging choices simultaneously: apples, apples inside a box, and an empty box. Although they ate more free than earned food, five bears consumed food from boxes and all spent more time manipulating boxes containing apples than empty boxes. Our findings support the provision of contrafreeloading opportunities as a foraging enrichment strategy for captive wildlife. Zoo Biol 29:484–502, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Enrichment can increase the complexity of the captive environment and possibly enhance captive animals' well‐being by stimulating active behaviors and reducing stereotypical behaviors commonly seen in zoo felids. In this study, three different enrichment items were added to outdoor enclosures of felids at the Montgomery Zoo to test their effects on activity levels and stereotypic pacing. Bones, frozen fish, and spices (cinnamon, chili powder, and cumin) were presented over a 3‐month period to six species of felids: cheetah, cougar, jaguar, lion, ocelot, and tiger. Proportion of time spent engaging in active behaviors and stereotypic pacing were compared before, during, and after treatments. All treatments resulted in a significant increase in activity level from baseline (bones: +15.59%; frozen fish: +35.7%; spices: +12.38%). Effects of enrichment items on activity levels were not sustained 7 days after removal. Proportion of time spent pacing significantly decreased during presentation of spices (?21.25%) and frozen fish (?26.58%), but not with the addition of bones. However, only the effect of frozen fish on stereotypic behavior was sustained 7 days after removal of the enrichment item. In conclusion, bones, spices, and frozen fish are inexpensive and easy‐to‐administer enrichment items that may be used to increase active behaviors of captive felids. Zoo Biol 26:371–381, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nutrient digestibility has not been well characterized in exotic felids. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate differences in nutrient digestibility and fecal characteristics in five large exotic captive felid species, including bobcats, jaguars, cheetahs, Indochinese tigers, and Siberian tigers. All animals were individually housed and adapted to a beef‐based raw diet (Nebraska Brand® Special Beef Feline, North Platte, NE) for 16 d. Total fecal collections were conducted from days 17 to 20. Fecal samples were weighed and scored on collection. Diet and fecal samples were evaluated for dry matter, organic matter, protein, fat, and energy to determine total tract digestibility. Fresh fecal samples were collected to determine fecal pH, ammonia, phenol, indole, short‐chain fatty acid, and branched‐chain fatty acid concentrations. Fecal scores were greater (P<0.01) in Indochinese tigers when compared with all other species, and cheetahs had greater (P<0.01) fecal scores than jaguars and bobcats. Fat digestibility was greater (P<0.01) in Siberian tigers, Indochinese tigers, and bobcats (96%) compared with cheetahs and jaguars (94%). Digestible energy was greater (P<0.05) in bobcats and Indochinese tigers at 93.5 and 92.9%, respectively, compared with cheetahs and jaguars, 91.6%. Fecal pH was greater (P<0.01) in bobcats compared with all other species evaluated. Indole concentrations were greater (P<0.05) in cheetahs and jaguars compared with bobcats and Indochinese tigers. Fecal ammonia concentrations were increased (P<0.05) in cheetahs compared with all other species. The beef‐based raw diet was highly digestible; however, differences in fat and digestible energy suggest that species should be considered when determining caloric needs of exotic felids. Zoo Biol 27:126–136, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The benefits to captive animals of environmental enrichment (EE) are widely recognized. Few studies have, however, studied how to maximise the effect of EE. One issue with EE programs seems to be habituation to the enrichment device. To study the effect of habituation to EE, 14 captive sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) were subjected to two different EE treatments. Treatment one presented EE (logs with honey containing holes) for five consecutive days, whereas treatment two presented EE on intermittent days for five days. Intermittent presentations tended to reduce habituation toward the EE. Both consecutive and intermittent presentations significantly reduced stereotypies; however, the consecutive presentations had a longer‐lasting effect. Explorative behaviors increased in both treatments, consistent with earlier findings that EE increase levels of natural behaviors. Other behaviors were unaffected by the EE presentations. The results show that intermittent presentation of EE objects may secure the interest of the animals, but continuous access to enrichment may be more efficient in reducing stereotypies in the long run. Zoo Biol 29:705–714, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background  The behavior of animals is modified by captivity. Environmental enrichment (EE) is a program designed to enhance the welfare of confined animals by providing them with a more stimulating background. This is carried out by the implementation of a series of activities that encourages them to present behaviors typical of their species, as well as keeps them active. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the influence of the EE in the behavioral variables in a colony of 24 stumptail macaques ( Macaca arctoides ). Our hypothesis is that the application of this program will reduce aggression, stereotypes and coprophilia behaviors and, at the same time, will increase exploration and solitary play.
Methods  The behavioral frequency previous to EE was compared with that during EE implementation.
Results  Our results showed that aggression, coprophilia stereotypic behaviors and social play were significantly reduced during EE, whereas exploration was significantly enhanced. The response of the individuals according to gender was similar for both sexes.
Conclusions  Environmental enrichment programs are indispensable for captive animals' wellbeing as they reduce aggression and stress while providing animals both physical and cognitive entertainment.  相似文献   

Limited data are available on long-term, seasonal changes in testicular steroidogenic activity in nondomestic felids, primarily because of the difficulties associated with longitudinal blood sampling (e.g., handling, restraint, anesthesia). Therefore, a noninvasive approach for assessing testicular androgen production was developed using the domestic cat (Felis catus) as a model. Two adult males were injected i.m. with 4 μCi14-testosterone to determine the time course and relative proportions of androgen metabolites excreted in urine and feces. Peak urinary radioactivity was detected 13 and 19 hr postinjection and accounted for ∼8% of the total radioactivity recovered. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis detected multiple polar urinary metabolites, none of which eluted with the 3H-testosterone reference tracer. The majority of urinary testosterone metabolites consisted of nonenzyme-hydrolyzable, water-soluble (presumably conjugated) forms. In feces, radioactivity was detected in the first sample collected at 22 hr postinjection for both males, although peak metabolite excretion in one male was not observed until 61 hr postinjection. HPLC analysis detected several fecal metabolites consisting primarily of nonhydrolyzable, water-soluble forms (84.4 ± 0.9%) with some ether-soluble forms (15.6 ± 0.9%). None of the fecal androgen metabolites were associated with free testosterone. However, one or more of the water-soluble fecal metabolites was quantifiable using a commercially available testosterone radioimmunoassay. The biological relevance of this immunoactivity was confirmed in the domestic cat; concentrations were high in adult, intact males and nondetectable in intact females and castrated males and females. In addition, fecal androgen concentrations in a male Pallas' cat (Felis manul) exhibited seasonal fluctuations that corresponded with parallel changes in serum testosterone and ejaculate quality. These data indicate that testicular steroidogenic activity can be monitored non invasively in felids, providing a potentially valuable tool for endangered felid management to: (1) assess pubertal status, (2) determine the influence of season on reproduction, and (3) diagnose possible causes of sub- or infertility. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The modern zoo has brought about two major advances in the behavioral welfare of their exhibited animals: (a) The use of environmental enrichment to promote naturalistic behaviors and (b) the use of training to improve voluntary husbandry care. Whereas training itself has been talked about as an effective enrichment strategy, little has been done to combine training procedures with enrichment. Typically, enrichment is treated as a trial and error process, where potential enrichment items or procedures are cycled through until successful enrichment is found. The use of shaping or other training techniques has seldom been documented to increase engagement with possible enrichment items or procedures. The following study examined the possibility of combining training and enrichment to produce continued interactions with enrichment devices. Two species of penguin, Magellanic and southern rockhopper penguins, were studied. Two measures were taken: Time spent swimming and contact with enrichment devices. The enrichment devices could be manipulated by placing fish within and hanging out of each device. During baseline sessions, no hits to either device were observed. During training sessions, several hits were recorded when fish were in the devices and overall swimming time increased during these conditions. When baseline was reintroduced without fish in the devices, contact with the enrichment devices rapidly declined and swimming time for the rockhopper penguins decreased. When the devices were reintroduced with fish but without training, the greatest number of enrichment device contacts and the highest percentage of time spent swimming were observed for the rockhopper penguins.  相似文献   

It is often difficult to promote the successful performance of feeding behaviors in zoos, especially for carnivores. Feeding enrichment provides these opportunities and often improves behavioral indications of an animal's well‐being and the experience of the zoo visitor. The effectiveness of two different feeding enrichment techniques was evaluated on five subjects in two species of felids: African lions and Sumatran tigers. The activity budgets of each cat were compared before, during, and after enrichment, focusing on activity levels, frequency and variety of feeding behaviors, and occurrence of stereotypic behaviors. The presentation of live fish increased the variety and frequency of feeding behaviors, while presentation of horse leg bones increased the frequency of these behaviors. Fish reduced the tigers' stereotypic behavior from 60% of scans to 30% of scans on the day of presentation, and this change was maintained for 2 days following enrichment. Bone presentation also reduced stereotypic behavior and increased nonstereotypic activity in both species. Both of these techniques appear to have sustained effects on behavior lasting at least 2 days after presentation, which may indicate their ability to alter the animals' underlying activity patterns. Zoo Biol 22:189–198, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Autoaggression and stereotypies in individually housed cynomolgus monkeys were compared in a standard primate cage and an enriched playpen environment. Stereotypy and autoaggression were markedly reduced in the playpen, but reappeared on return to the home cage. Some of the various activities available in the playpen but not others engaged the animals' attention.  相似文献   

The behavior of captive felids is influenced by enclosure design and management regime. The behavior of nine felid species housed in 11 enclosures was recorded using instantaneous scan sampling. Stereotypic pacing was observed in 15 out of 19 individuals. Size of enclosure did not affect pacing behavior, but edges of enclosures were found to be used specifically for pacing behavior. Cats in relatively larger enclosures had a higher level of apparent movement, but only about 50% of enclosure space was used. Raised areas such as tree branches were found to be preferred sites in enclosures, particularly for observation of surroundings. The feeding regime was found to affect stereotypic pacing levels. Cats fed on a 3 day cycle paced more on fast days than on days they were fed. Although not statistically significant, 6 out of 7 of these cats paced more in the hour after feeding, whereas the cats fed daily paced more in the hour before feeding. Further research is required to understand the relationship between feeding and stereotypic behavior. Zoo Biol 16:71–83, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

单调的饲养环境是导致圈养食肉动物表现刻板行为的主要原因之一。为减少圈养动物刻板行为的发生,探索便于操作、经济且有效的丰容方式是动物饲养管理者面临的一个挑战。本研究以狒狒圈舍废弃栖杠作为嗅觉丰容材料,对北京动物园小型(9种)、中型(4种)和大型(7种)食肉动物进行嗅觉丰容实验。在非投喂时段,采用扫描动物取样和瞬时记录法,分别对28只动物在丰容前后的5种行为进行观察和比较分析。结果显示,小型和中型食肉动物在丰容后对旧设施的使用频次显著下降(小型:P=0.026;中型:P=0.038),而大型食肉动物无显著变化(P> 0.05)。仅小型食肉动物的刻板性走动、休息和观望行为频次显著下降(走动:P=0.023;休息:P=0.023;观望:P=0.017),其他类群的各类行为均无显著变化(P> 0.05)。同时,丰容后小型食肉动物的行为多样性指数显著降低(P=0.008),主要表现为动物花费较多的时间探究新的丰容设施;中型和大型食肉动物的行为多样性指数变化不显著。结果表明,使用带有狒狒身体气味的栖杠进行嗅觉丰容,仅对小型食肉动物有效,对中型和大型食肉动物无效。研究认为,以其他动物圈舍的...  相似文献   

The movements of elephants in captivity have been an issue of concern for animal welfare activists and zoological professionals alike in recent years. In order to fully understand how movement rates reflect animal welfare, we must first determine the exact distances these animals move in the captive environment. We outfitted seven adult female African elephants (Loxodonta africana) at Disney's Animal Kingdom with collar-mounted global positioning recording systems to document their movement rates while housed in outdoor guest viewing habitats. Further, we conducted preliminary analyses to address potential factors impacting movement rates including body size, temperature, enclosure size, and social grouping complexity. We found that our elephants moved at an average rate of 0.409±0.007 km/hr during the 9-hr data collection periods. This rate translates to an average of 3.68 km traveled during the observation periods, at a rate comparable to that observed in the wild. Although movement rate did not have a significant relationship with an individual's body size in this herd, the movements of four females demonstrated a significant positive correlation with temperature. Further, females in our largest social group demonstrated a significant increase in movement rates when residing in larger enclosures. We also present preliminary evidence suggesting that increased social group complexity, including the presence of infants in the herd, may be associated with increased walking rates, whereas factors such as reproductive and social status may constrain movements. Zoo Biol 28:16–28, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Growing research effort has shown that physical enrichment (PE) can improve fish welfare and research validity. However, the inclusion of PE does not always result in positive effects and conflicting findings have highlighted the many nuances involved. Effects are known to depend on species and life stage tested, but effects may also vary with differences in the specific items used as enrichment between and within studies. Reporting fine-scale characteristics of items used as enrichment in studies may help to reveal these factors. We conducted a survey of PE-focused studies published in the last 5 years to examine the current state of methodological reporting. The survey results suggest that some aspects of enrichment are not adequately detailed. For example, the amount and dimensions of objects used as enrichment were frequently omitted. Similarly, the ecological relevance, or other justification, for enrichment items was frequently not made explicit. Focusing on ecologically relevant aspects of PE and increasing the level of detail reported in studies may benefit future work and we propose a framework with the acronym DETAILS ( D imensions, E cological rationale, T iming of enrichment, A mount, I nputs, L ighting and S ocial environment). We outline the potential importance of each of the elements of this framework with the hope it may aid in the level of reporting and standardization across studies, ultimately aiding the search for more beneficial types of PE and the development of our understanding and ability to improve the welfare of captive fish and promote more biologically relevant behaviour.  相似文献   

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