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Tobacco chloroplast tRNAs have been purified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, identified by aminoacylation, labelled at their 3-end and hybridized to tobacco chloroplast DNA restriction fragments, in order to establish a tRNA gene map. These hybridization studies have revealed the localization of at least seven genes in each inverted repeat region, a minimum of 22 tRNA genes in the large single copy region and one tRNA gene in the small single copy region. Comparison of the tobacco chloroplast tRNA gene map to that of maize shows many similarities, but also some differences suggesting that DNA sequence rearrangements have occurred in the chloroplast genome during evolution.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced over 9 kb of the mitochondrial genome from the sea starPisaster ochraceus. Within a continuous 8.0-kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1, 2, 3, and 4L (ND1, ND2, ND3, and ND4L), cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III (COI, COII, and COIII), and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 (ATPase 6 and ATPase 8). This large fragment also contains a cluster of 13 tRNA genes between ND1 and COI as well as the genes for isoleucine tRNA between ND1 and ND2, arginine tRNA between COI and ND4L, lysine tRNA between COII and ATPase 8, and the serine (UCN) tRNA between COIII and ND3. The genes for the other five tRNAs lie outside this fragment. The gene for phenylalanine tRNA is located between cytochrome b and the 12S ribosomal genes. The genes for tRNAglu and tRNAthr are 3 to the 12S ribosomal gene. The tRNAs for histidine and serine (AGN) are adjacent to each other and lie between ND4 and ND5. These data confirm the novel gene order in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of sea stars and delineate additional distinctions between the sea star and other mtDNA molecules.  相似文献   

The cloverleaf secondary structure of transfer RNA (tRNA) is highly conserved across all forms of life. Here, we provide sequence data and inferred secondary structures for all tRNA genes from 8 new arachnid mitochondrial genomes, including representatives from 6 orders. These data show remarkable reductions in tRNA gene sequences, indicating that T-arms are missing from many of the 22 tRNAs in the genomes of 4 out of 7 orders of arachnids. Additionally, all opisthothele spiders possess some tRNA genes that lack sequences that could form well-paired aminoacyl acceptor stems. We trace the evolution of T-arm loss onto phylogenies of arachnids and show that a genome-wide propensity to lose sequences that encode canonical cloverleaf structures likely evolved multiple times within arachnids. Mapping of structural characters also shows that certain tRNA genes appear more evolutionarily prone to lose the sequence coding for the T-arm and that once a T-arm is lost, it is not regained. We use tRNA structural data to construct a phylogeny of arachnids and find high bootstrap support for a clade that is not supported in phylogenies that are based on more traditional morphological characters. Together, our data demonstrate variability in structural evolution among different tRNAs as well as evidence for parallel evolution of the loss of sequence coding for tRNA arms within an ancient and diverse group of animals.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of a 1105 by Streptomyces rimosus DNA fragment containing five transfer RNA genes was determined. Two tRNAGln (CUG) genes, differing by 1 by in the aminoacyl stem, and three identical tRNAGlu (CUC) genes were identified. The five tRNA genes, arranged in the order: Gln1-Glul-Glu2-Gln2-Glu3, were separated by short, nonhomologous intergenic regions. Surprisingly, none of these tRNA genes encoded the CCA 3 terminus of mature tRNAs. All five encoded tRNAs for the translation of GC rich codons, which are preferentially used in Streptomyces genes (CAG and GAG, respectively). We recently reported nucleotide sequences of two initiator tRNA genes from S. rimosus, which also do not encode the CCA end of mature tRNAs. It is therefore very likely that S. rimosus represents an example of those eubacteria in which the majority of tRNA genes do not encode the 3 terminal CCA end of mature tRNAs. Evolutionary implications of this finding remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   



Vertebrate mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are 16–18 kbp double-stranded circular DNAs that encode a set of 37 genes. The arrangement of these genes and the major noncoding region is relatively conserved through evolution although gene rearrangements have been described for diverse lineages. The tandem duplication-random loss model has been invoked to explain the mechanisms of most mitochondrial gene rearrangements. Previously reported mitogenomic sequences for geckos rarely included gene rearrangements, which we explore in the present study.


We determined seven new mitogenomic sequences from Gekkonidae using a high-throughput sequencing method. The Tropiocolotes tripolitanus mitogenome involves a tandem duplication of the gene block: tRNAArg, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L, and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4. One of the duplicate copies for each protein-coding gene may be pseudogenized. A duplicate copy of the tRNAArg gene appears to have been converted to a tRNAGln gene by a C to T base substitution at the second anticodon position, although this gene may not be fully functional in protein synthesis. The Stenodactylus petrii mitogenome includes several tandem duplications of tRNALeu genes, as well as a translocation of the tRNAAla gene and a putative origin of light-strand replication within a tRNA gene cluster. Finally, the Uroplatus fimbriatus and U. ebenaui mitogenomes feature the apparent loss of the tRNAGlu gene from its original position. Uroplatus fimbriatus appears to retain a translocated tRNAGlu gene adjacent to the 5’ end of the major noncoding region.


The present study describes several new mitochondrial gene rearrangements from Gekkonidae. The loss and reassignment of tRNA genes is not very common in vertebrate mitogenomes and our findings raise new questions as to how missing tRNAs are supplied and if the reassigned tRNA gene is fully functional. These new examples of mitochondrial gene rearrangements in geckos should broaden our understanding of the evolution of mitochondrial gene arrangements.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-930) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

As a first step towards using cross-species comparison to complete the inventory of the nuclear genes that encode mitochondrial polypeptides, and ultimately to understand their function through systematic molecular and genetic analysis in a model organism of choice, we report here the characterization of 41 Drosophila melanogaster cDNAs. These cDNAs were isolated by screening an ovarian expression library with antibodies against mitochondrial proteins and identify 17 novel Drosophila genes. The deduced amino acid sequences encoded by the majority of these cDNAs turned out to show significant homology to mitochondrial proteins previously identified in other species. Among others, ORFs putatively encoding six different subunits of ATP synthase and three NADH:ubiquinone reductase subunits were detected. By in situ hybridization, all cDNAs were mapped to single bands on polytene chromosomes, thus identifying candidate Drosophila genes required for mitochondrial biogenesis and maintenance. A search of the Human Gene Index database made it possible in most cases to align the entire Drosophila coding sequence with a human consensus sequence, suggesting that the cDNAs originate from insect counterparts of expressed mammalian genes. Our experimental strategy represents an efficient approach to the identification and interspecies comparison of genes encoding products targeted to the mitochondrion. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 12 October 1998  相似文献   

The sequencing of the cloned Locusta migratoria mitochondrial genome has been completed. The sequence is 15,722 by in length and contains 75.3% A+T, the lowest value in any of the five insect mitochondrial sequences so far determined. The protein coding genes have a similar A+T content (74.1%) but are distinguished by a high cytosine content at the third codon position. The gene content and organization are the same as in Drosophila yakuba except for a rearrangement of the two tRNA genes tRNAlys and tRNAasp. The A+T-rich region has a lower A+T nucleotide content than in other insects, and this is largely due to the presence of two G+C-rich 155-bp repetitive sequences at the 5 end of this section and the beginning of the adjacent small rRNA gene. The sizes of the large and small rRNA genes are 1,314 and 827 bp, respectively, and both sequences can be folded to form secondary structures similar to those previously predicted for Drosophila. The tRNA genes have also been modeled and these show a strong resemblance to the dipteran tRNAs, all anticodons apparently being conserved between the two species. A comparison of the protein coding nucleotide sequences of the locust DNA with the homologous sequences of five other arthropods (Drosophila yakuba, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Anopheles gambiae, Apis mellifera, and Artemia franciscana) was performed. The amino acid composition of the encoded proteins in Locusta is similar to that of Drosophila, with a Dayhoff distance twice that of the distance between the fruit fly and the mosquitoes. A phylogenetic analysis revealed the locust genes to be more similar to those of the Dipterans than to those of the honeybee at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels. A comparative analysis of tRNA orders, using crustacean mtDNAs as outgroups, supported this. This high level of divergence in the Apis genome has been noted elsewhere and is possibly an effect of directional mutation pressure having resulted in an accelerated pattern of sequence evolution. If the general assumption that the Holometabola are monophyletic holds, then these results emphasize the difficulties of reconstructing phylogenies that include lineages with variable substitution rates and base composition biases. The need to exercise caution in using information about tRNA gene orders in phylogenetic analysis is also illustrated. However, if the honeybee sequence is excluded, the correspondence between the other five arthropod sequences supports the findings of previous studies which have endorsed the use of mtDNA sequences for studies of phylogeny at deep levels of taxonomy when mutation rates are equivalent. Correspondence to: P.K. Flook  相似文献   

DNA hybridization,cladistics, and the phylogeny of phalangerid marsupials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Single-copy DNA/DNA hybridization experiments and numerical cladistic analyses of anatomical characters were used to investigate relationships among nine phalangerid (Marsupialia) species from four different genera. Both rate-dependent and rate-independent analyses of molecular data indicate that species ofTrichosurus form one clade and thatStrigocuscus, Phalanger, andSpilocuscus form a second. Within the latter group,Spilocuscus is excluded from aStrigocuscus-Phalanger calde, which, in turn, is not fully resolved on a jackknife strict consensus tree. Minimum-length Dollo, Wagner, and Camin-Sokal parsimony trees based on 35 anatomical characters, in contrast, suggest placement ofStrigocuscus withTrichosurus rather than withSpilocuscus andPhalanger. However, there are two derived characters that support the alternative arrange ofStrigocuscus withSpilocuscus andPhalanger and one character that further unitesStrigocuscus andPhalanger. Thus, DNA hybridization results are not inconsistent with the distribution of derived character states among anatomical characters, only with minimum-length trees based on character data.  相似文献   

Sequence evolution in and around the mitochondrial control region in birds   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
By cloning and sequencing 3.4 kilobases of snow goose mtDNA we found that the ND5 gene is followed by the genes for cytochrome b, tRNAThr, tRNAPro, ND6, tRNAGlu, the control region, tRNAPhe, and srRNA. This order is identical to that of chicken, quail, and duck mtDNA but differs from that of mammals and a frog (Xenopus). The mean extent of difference due to base substitution between goose and chicken is generally closer to the same comparison between rat and mouse but less than that between human and cow. For one of the nine regions compared (tRNAGlu), the bird differences appear to be anomalous, possibly implicating altered functional constraints. Within the control region, several short sequences common to mammals are also conserved in the birds. Comparison of the goose control region with that of quail and chicken suggests that a sequence element with similarity to CSB-1 duplicated once prior to the divergence of goose and chicken and again on the lineage leading to chicken. Between goose (or duck) and chicken there are four times more transversions at the third positions of fourfold-degenerate codons in mitochondrial than in nuclear genes.Abbreviations CSB conserved sequence block - cytb cytochrome b - ND NADH dehydrogenase - srRNA small-subunit ribosomal RNA Deceased July 21, 1991 Correspondence to: T.W. Quinn at the University of Denver  相似文献   

线粒体疾病与核基因-线粒体基因的表达调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严庆丰  管敏鑫 《生命科学》2008,20(4):496-505
线粒体与疾病是当前生物医学领域最前沿之一。本文简单介绍线粒体生物医学的基础知识、线粒体疾病的遗传模式,综述了近年来在线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变和疾病、核基因突变和疾病等领域的研究进展,着重阐明核基因(特别是核修饰基因)调控mtDNA突变致病表达的分子机制。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the mitochondrial DNA mutations are involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Our previous study identified mitochondrial tRNAIle A4263G mutation in a large Chinese Han family with maternally-inherited hypertension. This mutation may contribute to mitochondrial Ca2+ cycling dysfuntion, but the mechanism is unclear. Lymphoblastoid cell lines were derived from hypertensive and normotensive individuals, either with or without tRNAIle A4263G mutation. The mitochondrial calcium ([Ca2+]m) in cells from hypertensive subjects with the tRNAIle A4263G mutation, was lower than in cells from normotension or hypertension without mutation, or normotension with mutation (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]c) in hypertensive with mutation cells was higher than another three groups. After exposure to caffeine, which could increase the [Ca2+]c by activating ryanodine receptor on endoplasmic reticulum, [Ca2+]c/[Ca2+]m increased higher than in hypertensive with mutation cells from another three groups. Moreover, MCU expression was decreased in hypertensive with mutation cells compared with in another three groups (P < 0.05). [Ca2+]c increased and [Ca2+]m decreased after treatment with Ru360 (an inhibitor of MCU) or an siRNA against MCU. In this study we found decreased MCU expression in hypertensive with mutation cells contributed to dysregulated Ca2+ uptake into the mitochondria, and cytoplasmic Ca2+ overload. This abnormality might be involved in the underlying mechanisms of maternally inherited hypertension in subjects carrying the mitochondrial tRNAIle A4263G mutation.  相似文献   

Summary A complete suite of comparisons among six bandicoot species and one outgroup marsupial was generated using the hydroxyapatite chromatography method of DNA/DNA hybridization; heterologous comparisons were also made with three other bandicoot taxa. Matrices of Tm's, modes, and T50Hs were generated and corrected for nonreciprocity, homoplasy, and, in the case of Tm's, normalized percent hybridization; these matrices were analyzed using the FITCH algorithm in Felsenstein's PHYLIP (version 3.1). Uncorrected and nonreciprocity-corrected matrices were also jackknifed and analyzed with FITCH to test for consistency. Finally, sample scores for Tm, mode, and T50H matrices were bootstrapped and then subjected to phylogenetic analysis. These manipulations were carried out, in part, to address criticisms of the statistics used to summarize DNA/DNA hybridization (especially T50H) and the method itself. However, with the exception of an unresolved trichotomy among the twoEchymipera species andPeroryctes longicauda, all trees showed the same branchpoints. Except in the case of the tree generated from reciprocal-corrected Tm data, nodes were stable under jackknifing; and, again excepting the above-mentioned trichotomy, all nodes were supported by 95% or more of the bootstrapped trees. These results suggest that, despite arguments to the contrary, all three summary statistics can be valid for DNA/DNA hybridization data. Of taxonomic interest is the placement ofEchymipera spp. andPeroryctes longicauda together and separate from the more distantPeroryctes raffrayanus; the genusPeroryctes is thus at least paraphyletic. The trees further groupedEchymipera-plus-Peroryctes as the sister group ofIsoodon-plus-Perameles. Limited hybridizations withMacrotis lagotis suggest that its current position as representative of an entirely distinct family of perameloids is correct.This article was presented at the C.S.E.O.L. Conference on DNA-DNA Hybridization and Evolution, Lake Arrowhead, California, May 11–14, 1989  相似文献   

Based on previous molecular and morphological analyses, Eurasian badgers are currently classified into Meles meles distributed in Europe, M. canescens in the Caucasus and Middle East, M. leucurus in continental Asia and M. anakuma in Japan. The precise locations of their distribution boundaries are still unclear. Therefore, in the present study, we clarified the phylogenetic relationships in the genus Meles around its distribution boundaries, based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-chromosomal genes. From 71 badgers examined, 29 mtDNA haplotypes were identified, including new 26 types. Multiple haplotypes of SRY and CAN-SINEs were identified from 23 males, including two new haplotypes of SRY. The mtDNA phylogeny showed that the Ural Mountains were not a current distribution boundary between M. meles and M. leucurus. In addition, our results supported the hypothesis that the Bosphorus Strait is a geographical barrier between M. meles and M. canescens. The badgers from Bulgaria north of the Bosphorus Strait shared haplotypes with M. meles. On the other hand, badgers from Far Eastern Russia distributed in the eastern peripheral region of the Asian Continent had haplotypes of M. leucurus. The badgers from Norway and Finland shared haplotypes with M. meles.  相似文献   

Summary Eight transfer RNA (tRNA) genes which were previously mapped to five regions of the Pisum sativum (pea) chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) have been sequenced. They have been identified as tRNAVal(GAC), tRNAAsn(GUU), tRNAArg(ACG), tRNALeu(CAA), tRNATyr(GUA), tRNAGlu(UUC), tRNAHis(GUG), and tRNAArg(UCU) by their anticodons and by their similarity to other previously identified tRNA genes from the chloroplast DNAs of higher plants or from E. gracilis. In addition,two other tRNA genes, tRNAGly (UCC) and tRNAIle(GAU), have been partially sequenced. The tRNA genes are compared to other known chloroplast tRNA genes from higher plants and are found to be 90–100% homologous. In addition there are similarities in the overall arrangement of the individual genes between different plants. The 5 flanking regions and the internal sequences of tRNA genes have been studied for conserved regions and consensus sequences. Two unusual features have been found: there is an apparent intron in the D-loop of the tRNAGly(UCC), and the tRNAGlu(UUC) contains GATTC in its T-loop.  相似文献   

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