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本文研究了不同外源激素组合对诱导同一花被不同部位细胞分化花芽的影响,测定了花被上部、中部、下部切块离体培养前后的内部IAA和Z+ZR含量。结果表明,风信子同一花被不同部位细胞均能分化花芽,当MS培养基中附加2.0mg/L的zeatin或6-BAP时,随着外源IAA浓度从0升高到10.0mg/L,花芽分化部位由花被下部向上部移动。  相似文献   

本文研究了不同外源激素组合对诱导同一花被不同部位细胞分化花芽的影响.测定了花被上部、中部、下部切块离休培养前后的内部IAA和Z+ZR会量。结果表明,风信子同一花被不同部位细胞均能分化花芽。当MS培养基中附加2.0mg/L的zeatin或6-BAP时,随着外源IAA浓度从0升高到10.0mg/L,花芽分化部位由花被下部向上部移动。  相似文献   

外源激素对风信子再生花芽发育的控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

外源激素诱导风信子(Hyacinthus orientalisL.)同一发育时期花被外植体不同部位细胞再生花芽的实验表明∶1. 诱导花被外植体细胞再生花芽,外源激素是必需的;2. 仅有细胞分裂素就可以诱导花芽再生,生长素并不是必需的;3. 花被外植体上的不同部位的细胞再生花芽时,需要不同浓度的外源激素. 单独加6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L可以诱导花被下部的细胞再生花芽;6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L和2,4-D 0.1 m g/L的组合有利于花被中部的细胞再生花芽;6-BAP或玉米素2 m g/L和2,4-D 1.0 m g/L的组合能促进花被上部的细胞分化花芽  相似文献   

诱导风信子再生花芽不断分化花被片的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过外源激素及外植体年龄的控制,诱导风信子再生花芽不断分化花被片已经获得成功。在250d的继代培养中平均每个花芽可分化70多片花被片,最多的可分化140多片。对这种花芽不断分化花被片的形态发生过程以及生长发育特点的观察表明,花芽的第1轮器官与风信子野生型花基本相同,查花被,它由花被筒及其上部的裂片-花被片组成。  相似文献   

瓠瓜离体潜在雌花芽性别分化的激素控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

宿红艳  李全梓  李兴国  张宪省 《遗传学报》2005,32(11):1191-1198
利用同源克隆策略,从风信子中分离出一个MADS box基因,命名为HoMADS2。序列比较分析表明,HoMADS2与B类MADS box蛋白具有较高的同源性。分子进化树分析显示,HoMADS2与PI家族类聚在一起。同时,在HoMADS2的Kbox和C末端区域均具有PI家族的特征序列。以上序列分析结果表明,HOMADS2可能是尸,的一个同源基因。RNA分子杂交结果显示,HoMADS2在四轮花器官中均表达,其表达模式不同于双子叶植物中尸,同源基因。利用风信子离体花器官再生系统研究表明,HoMADS2在再生花芽中的表达不同于HoMADS1和HAG1,该基因在再生花芽发育过程中组成型表达,不受外源细胞分裂素和生长素的影响。  相似文献   

烟草愈伤组织器官发生过程中外源激素的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,利用愈伤组织系统在与器官发生有关的形态学、生理学和生物化学研究方面已经取得了一些进展(Thorpe 1980,刘涤 1983)。对烟草愈伤组织系统的研究明确了外源激素对器官发生类型的调节作用(Skoog 1971,Engelke等1973,刘涤等1980)。但是,这些研究仅考虑到外源激素的作用,而对器官发生过程中的其它变化并不了解。最近,Kamada和Harada(1981)比较了胡萝卜体细胞胚发育过程中内源IAA和ABA含量的变化,Noma等(1982)证实形成胚的和不形成胚的细胞间GA_3含  相似文献   

外源激素对非洲紫罗兰叶分化芽的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

外源激素对风信子胚珠再生及其性细胞分化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风信子(HyacinthusorientalisL.)性器官分化和性细胞分化所需条件是不一样的,适合于性细胞(雌配子体)分化的外源激素水平大大低于性器官(胚珠)分化的外源激素水平。珠心细胞在低浓度的外源激素条件下可以分化性细胞;稍稍提高外源激素浓度,性细胞化化停止,代之以珠心细胞的增殖;进一步提高外源激素浓度,珠心细胞又可以分化出新的胚珠原基,进一步长大以后发育成许多新的胚珠  相似文献   

The critical role of exogenous hormone on inducing the initiation of different floral organs in the regenerated flower bud and controlling their numbers was further evidenced. The initiation of the flower buds was first induced from the perianth explants of Hyacinthus orientalis L. cv. White pearl by a combination of 2 mg/L 6-BA and 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D, and then a continuous initiation of over 100 tepals (a flower bud of H. orientalis in situ has only 6 tepals) was successfully controlled by maintenance of such a hormone concentration. However, a change of hormonal concentration (2 mg/L 6-BA and 0-0.000 1 mg/L 2,4-D) caused cessation of continuous initiation of the tepals but gave rise to induction of stamen initiation. Keeping the changed hormone concentrations could successfully control the continuous initiation of over 20 stamens (a flower bud of H. orientalis in situ has only 6 stamens). The experiment showed that the number of identical floral organs in the regenerated flower buds can be controlled by certain defined concentrations of the exogenous hormones, and the amount of the induced identical floral organs has no effect on the differentiation sequence of the different floral organs in the regenerated flower bud. Based on a systematic research on controlling the differentiation of the floral organs from both the perianth explants and the regenerated flower buds by the exogenous hormones in H. orientalis over the past decade, the authors put forward here a new idea on the role of phytohormone in controlling the automatic and sequential differentiation of the different floral organs in flower development. The main points are as follows: 1. the development of flower bud in plant is a process in which all of the floral organs are automatically and sequentially differentiated from the flower meristem. 2. Experiments in vitro showed that the effect of exogenous hormones in controlling the initiation of different floral organs is strictly concentration dependent, i.e., one kind of the floral organ can continuously and repeatedly initiate from the flower meristem as long as it is maintained in that specific concentration of the exogenous hormone which is suitable for the initiation of that particular kind of floral organ. 3. It shows that the flower buds in situ must be automatically able to adjust the endogenous hormonal concentrations just after the completion of the differentiation of one whorl of floral organ to suit the differentiation of the next whorl. Thus, the phytohormone in different concentrations takes after many change-over switches of the organ differentiation and plays a connective and regulatory role between the differentiation of every two whorls of the floral organ. In other words, these change-over switches play the roles of inhibiting the expression of the genes which control the initiation of the floral organs in the first whorl, meanwhile, activating the expression of the genes which control the initiation of the floral organs in the second whorl during the successive initiation of the different floral organs from the flower bud. It results in the automatic and sequential initiation of the various floral organs from the floral meristem.   相似文献   

Continuous differentiation of tepals was successively induced from regenerated flower buds in Hyacinthus orientalis L. cv. White Pearl by controlling the exogenous hormones and explant ages. In 250 days of subculture, each flower bud differentiated an average of more than 70 tepals, with a maximum of over 140 tepals. Studies on the morphogenesis and characteristics of growth and development of the flower buds indicate that the first whorled organ of the flower bud was perianth which consisted of perianth tube and tepals grown at the top of the perianth tube, which is the same as the flower bud of the wild type in H. orentalis. The second and third whorls of the flower bud, which should be stamen and pistil in the wild type, but remained as the tepals in the regenerated flower bud. Growth of the regenerated flower bud was faster in the first several months of culture, then slowed down gradually with time. After 150 days in culture the flower bud growth and organ differentiation became very slow. Other than the tepal differentiation the regenerated flower buds also differentiated at random positions some small flower buds that also differentiated the tepals only. Histological observation revealed that the origin of the regenerated flower buds was jointly participated by some cells in the epidermal and subepidermal layers at the inner surface of the perianth explant, and the inner small flower buds were originated from the meristem which was formed by the transformation of the parenchyma at the base of the very young tepal. The authors also compared and discussed the similarities and differences of the phenotypes between the regenerated flower bud in Hyacinthus and agamous flower in Arabidopsis, from which, they have hypothesized on the role of the hormones in the promotion and termination of the gene expressions by an order of development in plant.  相似文献   

Role of the exogenous hormone in inducing different position cells of perianth explants of hyacinth to regenerate flower buds was studied. Experiments showed that (1) Exogenous hormones are necessary for inducing cells of the perianth explant to regenerate the flower buds; (2) Only cytokinine alone could induce the regeneration of the flower buds, the auxin was not necessary; (3) Exogenous hormones in different concentrations could induce cells in the different parts of the perianth explants to differentiate the flower buds: 6-BAP or zeatin 2 mg/L alone could induce cells located at the lower part of the perianth to differentiate flower buds. Combination of 6-BAP or zeatin 2 mg/L and 2, 4-D 0.1 mg/L was advantageous to cells located middle part of the perianth to regenerate the flower buds. Combination of 6-BAP or zeatin 2 mg/L and 2, 4-D 1.0 mg/L could promote cells located at the upper part of the perianth to differentiate flower buds.  相似文献   

风信子花器官中HAP2基因的分离与表达研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在离体条件下,以风信子花被片为外植体,通过控制激素的浓度可诱导花被片、雄蕊或胚珠的再生。近年来,在拟南芥和金鱼草等模式植物中已经分离出了许多控制花器官发育的同源异形基因,如AG,AP1,AP2,AP3等,其中AP2在控制花萼和花瓣形成过程中起重要作用,因此本文从风信子中分离AP2的同源基因,并对它在风信子再生系统中的表达进行了分析。根据AP2同源基因功能域的保守序列设计一对简并引物:5'-TGGGA(A/G)TC(G/T/C)CA(C/T)AT(C/T)TGGA-3'和5'-TCCCA(AGC)(CT)(GT)(AG)CC(AG) CA(CT)TT(AG)TG-3', 以再生的花被片为材料进行RT-PCR,扩增出大小约300bp的片段,序列分析表明该片段的氨基酸序列与AP2同源性高达89%。进而,利用5’和3’Race PCR,得到全长的cDNA。该基因命名为HAP2,GenBank登记号为AF134116,该基因全长1597bp,编码368个氨基酸(Fig.1)。与AP2相比,HAP2也含有10个氨基酸长的碱性功能域,其中KKSR为核定位信号。此外,HAP2也含有两个序列重复的68个氨基酸长的功能域(HAP2-R1,HAP2-R2),HAP2-R1也含有能形成(-螺旋结构的核心区域,且与AP2-R1中的核心序列100%同源,而HAP2-R2中的核心区域与AP2-R2相比, 缺少9个氨基酸(Fig.2)。RT-PCR结合Southern 杂交结果表明(Fig.3),HAP  相似文献   

In order to culture the regenerated stamens of hyacinth in vitro to maturity, the effects of temperature on regeneration of stamens, microsporogenesis and pollen development were studied. Results showed: the proper temperature for stamen regeneration was 25℃. The temperature going down gradually was advantageous to the microsporogenesis and pollen development. The most suitable temperatures for differentiation of microsporocyte, meiotic division and pollen first mitosis were 20–25℃, 20℃ and 10℃ respectively. Under such temperature condition, it was possible to culture the regenerated stamens to maturity, and pollen grains in the stamens had the higher germination frequency. On the contrary, unsuitable temperature condition will make microsporogenesis and pollen development stop at certain development stage, it will finally result in pollen abortion.  相似文献   

风信子花被外植体年龄对花器官分化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
离体培养风信子(HyacinthusorientalisL.)不同年龄的花被外植体诱导花器官直接再生的实验表明:1.在MS附加6BA2mg/L、2,4D0.1mg/L的培养基上,年龄V的外植体大量衰老,基本丧失器官再生能力,处于年龄段II~IV的外植体可发生玻璃化反应。2.玻璃化反应的外植体转移至MS附加6BA0.2mg/L、NAA0.005mg/L的培养基上继续培养30d后可再生正常的花被片,表明降低培养基中外源激素浓度能够阻止玻璃化反应继续发生。3.在MS附加6BA2mg/L、2,4D0.1mg/L的培养基上,外植体形态学下部可再生雌蕊状早期结构。平均每块外植体分化雌蕊状早期结构数以年龄Ⅲ的外植体最多  相似文献   

风信子试管苗,取其芽体及切块在离体培养时存在全息现象,主要表现为,在风信子芽体的不同位置的切段上。不定芽发生的数量和频率呈梯度变化;在风信子芽体的不同大小的切段上,循着切段越小不定芽的分化数越少这一规律变化,这些现象都遵循了生物全息律。适当的激素浓度对全息胚的表现具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

选用5个风信子品种进行花粉生命力测定,对完全双列杂交获得的杂种种子剥胚进行离体培养.试验表明:(1)风信子不同品种花粉萌发率差别较大,其中Fondante的花粉萌发率最高为74.45%,Amsterdam的最低为12.68%,其他3个品种的花粉萌发率介于二者之间.(2)品种间自交杂交亲和力存在一定差异,结实率大于30%的组合从高到低依次为Fondante×Atlantic(61.2%)、Fondante×Fondante(54.0%)、Carnegie×Carnegie(42.6%)、JanBos×JanBos(36.0%)、Carnegie×Atlantic(32.7%)、Atlantic×Fondante(30.0%),组合Atlantic×Amster-dam、Carnegie×JanBos、Amsterdam×Fondante、Amsterdam×JanBos、JanBos×Amsterdam未得到果实,其余组合结实率介于0~30%之间.(3)适宜风信子杂交幼胚离体培养的初代培养基为MS+100 mg/L谷氨酰胺,其次为MS+0.2 mg/LIBA+0.02 mg/L6-BA+100 mg/L谷氨酰胺...  相似文献   

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