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Seventeen-year periodical cicadas ( Magicicada spp.) require 17 years to develop underground and all individuals at any location emerge synchronously within several days. The mechanisms that animals use to keep track of time are poorly understood and nothing is known about how cicada nymphs emerge after precisely 17 years. We altered the seasonal cycles of trees supporting cicada nymphs and thereby induced premature metamorphosis of the associated cicadas. This indicates that cicadas accomplish a consistently accurate 17-year preadult development time by counting host seasonal cycles and not either by the passage of real time or by the accumulation of degree days. 相似文献
J. G. Weihaupt 《Biological Rhythm Research》2013,44(1):25-35
Abstract Deep body temperature (DBT) and heart rate (HR) circadian rhythms were determined by radiotelemetry in 4 mares kept under controlled light and temperature conditions. Ovulations were determined by rectal palpation of their ovaries. Mean DBT values ranged from 35.85 ± .04 to 37.22 ± .02°C The circadian range of oscillation was extremely low, approximately 0.5° C, with time of maximum temperature occurring midway through the dark period. Mean HR values ranged from 36.4 ± 1.7 to 53.0 ±3.6 beats per min. The circadian range of oscillation was also low, less than 15 beats per min with time of maximum HR occurring approximately at the time of lights off. The HR circacadian rhythm peaked before the DBT circadian rhythm by 3 to 8 hrs. Ovulation did not appear to consistently affect DBT and HR circadian rhythms or their phase relationships. 相似文献
- 1 The same woodland rarely supports two different broods of 17-year cicadas, and never two that appear in successive years. Theoretically, this is because a build-up of predators, generated by the leading brood, would eliminate the lagging one, or because nymphs of the lagging brood would suffer a competitive disadvantage, or both.
- 2 Nevertheless, substantial numbers of 17-year cicadas of all three species (Magicicada septendecim, M.cassini and M.septendecula) did appear in Grant County, Kentucky, in 1974 (Brood XIV, expected) and 1975 (not expected). This is interpreted to mean that many individuals delayed their emergence until the eighteenth year.
- 3 Dissected eggnests show that the expected build-up of hymenopterous egg parasitoids failed to occur, although there may have been a build-up of dipteran parasitoids, which may leave no trace in the eggnest.
- 4 Excavated young nymphs show that establishment rate was poorer in 1975 than in 1974, which is attributed to nymphal competition.
- 5 Identification of eggnests from the two years shows that one of the species (M.septendecula, which is usually the rarest in mixed-species populations) is much more susceptible to delaying its development by a year than are the other two species.
- 6 It is predicted that the 1975 emergence will produce no adult progeny, i.e. that there will be no emergence in 1992.
- 7 The sporadic occurrence of this phenomenon, other factors being equal, would be sufficient to explain the comparative rarity of M. septendecula, or even its local extinction.
- 8 Historical records from northern Illinois show frequent emergences one year behind schedule. These delayed individuals never produce progeny that survive to the next generation. M.septendecula is absent from northern Illinois and indeed absent from the northern areas of all periodical cicada broods in the northern part of the range.
I Cunningham 《Experimental parasitology》1973,33(1):34-45
Tissues from pupae of Glossina morsitans of various ages were cultured in modified Trager's medium. Cellular outgrowths were produced from explants of proventriculus, brain, and imaginal body wall and large vesicles were extruded from pieces of midgut of young pupae. Complete alimentary tract from older pupae displayed rhythmic contractions for up to 3 weeks. When Trypanosoma brucei and T. congolense in mouse blood were added to hanging drop cultures of tsetse tissues and incubated at 28 C, the organisms multiplied and changed into forms morphologically similar to those found in the tsetse fly midgut. The trypanosomes were maintained for 30 days by serial passage at 5-day intervals. The growth of T. brucei in the presence of different pupal tissues was studied. Of all the tissues tested the complete alimentary tract from pupae older than 21 days gave the best results. Growth also occurred when the trypanosomes were separated from the insect tissue by a semipermeable membrane. The trypanosomes failed to grow in (a) culture medium alone, (b) media containing extracts of alimentary canal and (c) medium in which alimentary tract had been cultured for 3 or 4 days. 相似文献
Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest is one of the most widespread biocoenoses in the southern part of France. Until recently, clearcutting of wood for domestic use was carried out every 20 years or so in these coppice stands. In order to study coppice stand dynamics after cutting this paper presents results of observations of some items describing the vegetation structure, the floral composition, and the life cycles in a holm oak coppice stand during a six year period after clearcutting. One of the questions addressed in this study was whether these coppice stands reach a steady state based on auto-succession, or if they continue to change. The results of the floristic changes after cutting suggest that the model of auto-succession best fits with the vegetation dynamics, even if changes in the density and life cycles of herbaceous species still exist six years after clearcutting. 相似文献
Lack of protection against Trypanosoma cruzi by multiple doses of T. lewisi culture forms. A discussion on some strains of "lewisi" 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
No protection against Trypanosoma cruzi was afforded to mice by previously inoculating multiple doses of T. lewisi blood stream forms, strain RU or culture forms of the IMT strain.Since these results conflicted with those obtained by other authors, we secured a sample of the strain used by them. This strain, labeled “T. lewisi” and which we called “F”, was verified to be actually T. cruzi. It was characterized by its morphologic features in axenic cultures, its capability to infect HeLa cells where the intracellular cycle was completed, by its infectivity for white mice which had amastigotes in their heart muscle, and in which the strain has been maintained by serial passages, and by the completion of its biologic cycle in triatoma bugs.The necessity for carefully testing doubtful strains, and the criteria to be adopted in these cases are discussed. 相似文献
Gary M. Barker 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):581-595
Summary Life cycles of the slugs Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermedius were studied over a 2.5-year period in a sheep-grazed pasture in the Kaimai Range, New Zealand. D. reticulatum approximated a bivoltine phenology, with intervals between consecutive generations ranging from 4 to 7 months and maximum life span from 8 to 12 months. Egg laying occurred in autumn and spring-early summer. Periods of egg hatching were followed by a phase of juvenile growth characterised by linear increase in the logarithm of population mean body weights. This was followed by a phase of reproductive activity. A. intermedius had an annual life cycle. Eggs laid during late summer and autumn hatched during autumn-winter. Immature slugs were characterised by a period of low growth rate during winter followed by a period of rapid growth culminating in reproductive maturity. In both species, the phase of rapid growth rate was associated with enlargement of the hermaphrodite gland. The size of the hermaphrodite gland relative to body weight reached a maximum during the spermatozoon stage, generally coincident with maximum body weight. During the reproductive period of D. reticulatum and A. intermedius the body weight remained relatively stable but the hermaphrodite gland became progressively smaller as the slugs approached the post-reproductive stage. The albumen gland attained maximum weight at the oocyte stage of the hermaphrodite gland, at the onset of reproductive activity. The pasture, strongly dominated by grasses, was heterogenous in slope, vegetation and treading/grazing influences from sheep due to stratification of the habitat into contour tracks, associated with sheep movement around the slope contours, and intertrack areas. High population densities of D. reticulatum were associated with the track edges (kerbs) and the upper intertrack slopes, while densities of A. intermedius were highest for the intertrack slopes. Low densities of both species occurred on the tracks and at sheep campsites. Analysis of cohort life tables indicated that these dispersion patterns were important in the dynamics of the populations. The stage mortality contributing most to the variance in reproductive populations of both species was that between hatching and onset of reproduction; most of the mortality occurred shortly after hatching on south-facing slopes, but tended to occur later in the life cycle on north slopes. For D. reticulatum this mortality was inversely related to initial density and associated, at least in part, with predation by carabids and birds and with treading by sheep. Density relationships, both at whole plot and plot stratum level, indicated that variations in natality had a stabilizing influence on D. reticulatum populations. 相似文献
Newborn larvae of Trichinella spiralis were infective when injected directly into the thigh muscle of mice and rats. Infections initiated in this manner resulted in synchronously growing populations of muscle larvae, thereby permitting a detailed study of larval growth to be carried out.In mice, the mean larval growth, as measured by increase in larval volume, occurred in three phases; an initial growth phase (Day 0–1), a lag phase (Days 1–3), and an exponential growth phase (Days 3–19). Larvae grew an average of 39% per day during the exponential phase.No further increase in larval volume was noted after Day 19. There was no statistically significant difference found in the rate of larval growth among individual mice for any given day. The larval growth rate was the same in rats as in mice. 相似文献
《Journal of biological education》2012,46(3):167-173
Aspects of practical assessment such as question design and management of the assessment are discussed. Reference is made to some of the problems and to the possibilities for innovation which are possible as a result of implementing practical assessment of the kind required by the GCSE examining groups. 相似文献
Holly L. Menninger Margaret A. Palmer Laura S. Craig David C. Richardson 《Ecosystems》2008,11(8):1306-1317
The emergence of 17-year periodical cicadas in Maryland, USA, in 2004 provided a unique opportunity to study the effect of
a large, but temporally limited, resource pulse of arthropod detritus on stream ecosystem function. Cicada emergence was quantified
in the forests adjacent to two small streams with different histories of riparian disturbance (Intact and Disturbed sites).
We estimated the input of cicada detritus to the streams, described its retention and breakdown dynamics, and measured whole-stream
respiration over the cicada flight season (May–July). Average emergence density was significantly greater at the Intact site,
but average cicada detritus input rates were greater at the Disturbed site. Cicada detritus was locally retained within both
streams and rapidly broke down. Daily whole-stream respiration (CR24) at both sites responded dramatically to the cicada pulse, with CR24 doubling pre-cicada measurements following the period of greatest cicada input (Intact: 12.82 → 23.78 g O2 m−2 d−1; Disturbed: 2.76 → 5.77 g O2 m−2 d−1). CR24 returned to baseline levels when cicada input decreased at the Intact site, but more than doubled again at the Disturbed
site (13.14 g O2 m−2 d−1), despite a decline in cicada input rate. Differences in respiration response may be a function of differences in cicada
input rates as well as differences in microbial community activity. The strong effects on stream ecosystem function exerted
by a short but intense input of periodical cicada detritus may provide insights regarding the response of streams to other
irregular resource pulses.
HM, MP, LC, and DR conceived and designed study; HM, LC, and DR performed research; HM, LC, and DR analyzed data; HM, MP,
LC, and DR wrote the paper. 相似文献
Synopsis Two species ofGasterosteus were collected from the surface waters of 48 stations in the Bay of Fundy from 1979–1982. Densities varied widely according to locality and time of year (range: 1 fish 0.2 m–2 to 1 fish 26.3 m–2 of sea surface) but peaked within 30 km of the New Brunswick/Maine coast in July and August. A few adults were caught as far as 100 km from the coast in winter. Guts ofG. wheatlandi were significantly fuller (63.3 ± 0.6%) than those ofG. aculeatus (44.6 ± 0.1%) but there were no differences between male and female guts within species. Quantitatively, gut contents were very similar between species, consisting primarily of (99.4%): calanoid copepods (Centropages typicus Kroyer andEurytemora cfamericana Williams), copepod nauplii, cladocerans (Podon leuckarti Sars andP. polyphemoides Leuckart) and planktonic eggs (in decreasing order of importance).Gasterosteus wheatlandi ate significantly more calanoids thanG. aculeatus but all other prey types were eaten in similar amounts. Within species, there were no differences in the numbers of each prey type eaten over time. The most abundant calanoid species caught alongside the fishes in the sampling nets did not occur in the sticklebacks' diets; probably they were too large to be ingested.Gasterosteus aculeatus bred in inshore, brackish water ponds in late April. By late July most juveniles had migrated out into the Bay but a few remained until early September.Gasterosteus wheatlandi bred later in the brackish water ponds (late May) and juveniles began migrating into the Bay in early August; a few remained in the ponds until early September. Adults were found in the Bay alongside juveniles suggesting that individuals of both species may survive for a second year. In both species, growth rates of juveniles were greater in brackish water than in the sea. 相似文献
Mikhail V. Kozlov Mark D. Hunter Seppo Koponen Jari Kouki Pekka Niemelä Peter W. Price 《Population Ecology》2010,52(2):295-305
Records of 232 moth species spanning 26 years (total catch of ca. 230,000 specimens), obtained by continuous light-trapping in Kevo, northernmost subarctic Finland, were used to examine the hypothesis that life-history traits and taxonomic position contribute to both relative abundance and temporal variability of Lepidoptera. Species with detritophagous or moss-feeding larvae, species hibernating in the larval stage, and species pupating during the first half of the growing season were over-represented among 42 species classified as abundant during the entire sampling period. The coefficients of variation in annual catches of species hibernating as eggs averaged 1.7 times higher than those of species hibernating as larvae or pupae. Time-series analysis demonstrated that periodicity in fluctuations of annual catches is generally independent of life-history traits and taxonomic affinities of the species. Moreover, closely related species with similar life-history traits often show different population dynamics, undermining the phylogenetic constraints hypothesis. Species with the shortest (1 year) time lag in the action of negative feedback processes on population growth exhibit the largest magnitude of fluctuations. Our analyses revealed that only a few consistent patterns in the population dynamics of herbivorous moths can be deduced from life-history characteristics of the species. Moreover, the diversity of population behaviour in one moth assemblage challenges any conventional wisdom suggesting predictable patterns. Our results raise several questions about perceptions and paradigms in insect population dynamics and stress the need for research on detritivorous insect population dynamics, as well as the need for more assemblage-wide studies using common trapping methods to provide comparative data on related and unrelated species with different life-history traits. 相似文献
M J Burridge 《Experimental parasitology》1973,34(2):257-261
Two Indian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), experimentally infected with Theileria lawrencei (Serengeti) by inoculation of stabilate material, died from acute theileriosis. Macroschizonts were first detected in both buffalo in the peripheral lymph node regional to the site of inoculation 8 days later. No microschizonts were seen in either animal and intraerythrocytic theilerial piroplasms were only detected in one in very low numbers. Both buffalo had marked febrile responses and died on Days 15 and 16 after exposure, when only low numbers of lymphoid cells were parasitized with macroschizonts, the vast majority of which contained few nuclei. Both buffalo showed evidence of terminal leucopenia and thrombocytopenia. On post mortem both animals showed generalised hyperplasia and edema of all lymphoid tissues, gross edema of the lungs, and hemorrhages in the heart and kidneys. T. lawrencei (Serengeti) infections of water buffalo and of cattle are compared and shown to be very similar. 相似文献
Most integrative studies involving phylogenetic, developmental and ecological trends showed that the diversity of developmental modifications among the Platyhelminthes was linked to transmission opportunity pressures. For parasitic flatworms with complex life cycles it was suggested that the evolutionary forces that constrained or enhanced developmental strategies implied heterochronic patterns. Similar patterns were also reported from the Monogenea with direct life cycles, especially for Polystomatidae, which infest amphibious Sarcopterygians. Polystoma, whose members are recovered almost exclusively from anuran hosts of the Neobatrachia, is capable of following two alternative developmental strategies depending on the physiological stage of its host. Processes by which parasites reach maturity are strikingly different, and lead to discrete adult phenotypes within the same parasite species. In the present study, we investigate the origin and evolution of developmental patterns of polystomatids in a phylogenetic framework, using an integrative approach of heterochrony and evolutionary ecology. The results suggest that both phenotypes have coexisted during the early stages of polystome evolution, and that neither of them can be considered as the ancestral one. The two developmental pathways, each associated with one life cycle, may have arisen independently prior to polystome diversification, when strictly aquatic sarcopterygians attempted colonization of temporary freshwater environments. The occurrence of these two patterns within species of the genus Polystoma is suggested to reflect the ancestral condition, and to have allowed both developmental strategies to be successful depending on shifts in transmission opportunities. Thus, host evolutionary ecology may be the main factor in shaping developmental strategies within polystomatids. 相似文献
R N Rossan 《Experimental parasitology》1973,34(3):357-363
A monkey-adapted strain of Plasmodium vivax (Achiote) was transferred by trophozoites through 11 serial passages in Saguinus geoffroyi (Titi marmoset). Patent infections developed in both normal (23 of 24) and splenectomized (8 of 9) marmosets. The infections in the altered animals were of greater severity than in the intact subjects as indicated by patent periods () and maximum parasitemias ().Relapses were recorded in 13 of 14 unaltered and 4 of 4 splenectomized animals that survived the primary attack. As evidence for acquired immunity, the mean maximum parasitemias during relapse in the normal animals were of the values during the primary attack; patent periods were shorter than those in the initial infection. There was also some indication of an acquired immunity in the splenectomized group of animals. However, one splenectomized marmoset experienced a patent period of 325 days during the first relapse.There was considerable variation of infection parameters among the animals in each group. 相似文献
Dissemination of Leishmanias to the organs of Syrian hamsters following intrasplenic inoculation of promastigotes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Four strains of leishmanial promastigotes were inoculated intrasplenically into male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The dissemination of the parasites as amastigotes to various organs was followed at closely spaced intervals for 3.5 mo.An Israeli strain of Leishmania tropica and a strain isolated in Israel from a gerbil (Meriones shawi) displayed practically identical distribution patterns. Migration was outward from the spleen to the body surface, where intense multiplication of the amastigotes occurred, primarily in the ear pinnae and in the extremities of the limbs. A cryptic visceral infection persisted in the spleen, and most of the internal organs studied also developed cryptic infections. The bone marrow became rather heavily infected, and the epididymis, exceptionally heavily infected.An Indian strain of L. donovani led to a severe visceral infection in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow; and to mild to cryptic infections in most of the other visceral organs studied. However, no invasion of the genitalia occurred, nor did the body surface become infected.An Ethiopian strain of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) was noninfective to Syrian hamsters, following either the intrasplenic or the intradermal inoculation of promastigotes. 相似文献
M Yoeli 《Experimental parasitology》1973,34(3):448-458
An experimental study of the mechanisms and patterns of resistance to Plasmodium berghei in different mosquito species revealed a diversity of factors which prevent or inhibit sporogonic development in its different phases and in different sites in the mosquito vector. The experiments showed that Culex salinarius was a totally resistant species in which exflagellation and ookinete formation are prevented. In Aedes aegypti, ookinetes in small or moderate numbers are formed but penetration of the mosquito midgut wall is blocked and oocysts are not formed. In the three experimental vectors, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Anopheles aztecus, and Anopheles stephensi grades of enhanced susceptibility are recognized. They are expressed in lesser numbers of abnormal and degenerative oocysts, in higher numbers of sporozoites in the salivary gland, and greater viability and invasiveness of these sporozoites. In Anopheles dureni, the natural vector of rodent malaria, one observes both in nature and under experimental conditions the highest adaptation and most pronounced grade of susceptibility to P. berghei. 相似文献
Swiss mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with RBC infected with Plasmodium berghei. The moment a certain parasitemia was reached in each individual mouse was estimated by means of linear interpolation. The relationship between latent period and log inoculum was investigated by means of simple linear regression. The slopes of the latent period per log inoculum curves were significantly different using different donor mice inoculated with serial 10-fold dilution of infected RBC and exsanguinated in the same phase of the infection. It could not be demonstrated that the slopes of the regression lines depended on the stage of the disease of the donor mouse. 相似文献