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Heterogeneity of the mechanical properties of demineralized bone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Knowledge of the mechanical properties of the collagenous component of bone is required for composite modeling of bone tissue and for understanding the age- and disease-related reductions in the ductility and strength of bone. The overall goal of this study was to investigate the heterogeneity of the mechanical properties of demineralized bone which remains unexplained and may be due to differences in the collagen structure or organization or in experimental protocols. Uniaxial tension tests were conducted to measure the elastic and failure properties of demineralized human femoral (n = 10) and tibial (n = 13) and bovine humeral (n = 8) and tibial (n = 8) cortical bone. Elastic modulus differed between groups (p = 0.02), varying from 275 +/- 94 MPa (mean +/- SD) to 450 + 50 MPa. Similarly, ultimate stress varied across groups from 15 + 4.2 to 26 + 4.7 MPa (p = 0.03). No significant differences in strain-to-failure were observed between any groups in this study (pooled mean of 8.4 +/- 1.6%; p = 0.42). However, Bowman et al. (1996) reported an average ultimate strain of 12.3 +/- 0.5% for demineralized bovine humeral bone, nearly 40% higher than our value. Taken together, it follows that all the monotonic mechanical properties of demineralized bone can display substantial heterogeneity. Future studies directed at explaining such differences may therefore provide insight into aging and disease of bone tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The contractile properties of swimming muscles have been investigated in marine teleosts from Antarctic (Trematomus lepidorhinus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus), temperate (Pollachius virens, Limanda limanda, Agonis cataphractus, Callionymus lyra), and tropical (Abudefduf abdominalis, Thalassoma duperreyi) latitudes. Small bundles of fast twitch fibres were isolated from anterior myotomes and/or the pectoral fin adductor profundis muscle (m. add. p). Live fibre preparations were viable for several days at in vivo temperatures, but became progressively inexcitable at higher or lower temperatures. The stimulation frequency required to produce fused isometric tetani increased from 50 Hz in Antarctic species at 0°C to around 400 Hz in tropical species at 25°C. Maximum isometric tension (Po) was produced at the normal body temperature (NBT) of each species (Antarctic, 0–2°C; North Sea and Atlantic, 8–10°C; Indo-West Pacific, 23–25°C). P0 values at physiological temperatures (200–300 kN·m–2) were similar for Antarctic, temperate, and tropical species. A temperature induced tension hysteresis was observed in muscle fibres from some species. Exposure to <0°C in Antarctic and <2°C in temperate fish resulted in the temporary depression of tension over the whole experimental range, an effect reversed by incubation at higher temperatures. At normal body temperatures the half-times for activation and relaxation of twitch and tetanic tension increased in the order Antarctic>temperate>tropical species. Relaxation was generally much slower at temperatures <10°C in fibres from tropical than temperate fish. Q10 values for these parameters at NBTs were 1.3 2.1 for tropical species, 1.7–2.6 for temperate species, and 1.6–3.5 for Antarctic species. The forcevelocity (P-V) relationship was studied in selected species using iso-velocity releases and the data below 0.8 P0 iteratively fitted to Hill's equation. The P-V relation at NBT was found to be significantly less curved in Antarctic than temperate species. The unloaded contraction velocity (Vmax) of fibres was positively correlated with NBT increasing from about 1 muscle fibre length·s–;1 in an Antarctic fish (Trematomus lepidorhinus) at 1°C to around 16 muscle fibre lengths·s–1 in a tropical species (Thalassoma duperreyi) at 24°C. It is concluded that although muscle contraction in Antarctic fish shows adaptations for low temperature function, the degree of compensation achieved in shortening speed and twitch kinetics is relatively modest.Abbreviations ET environmental temperature - m. add. p major adductor profundis - m. add. s. major adductor superficialis - NBT normal body temperature - P 0 maximum isometric tension - P-V force velocity - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - T 1/2 a half activation time - T 1/2 r half relaxation time - V max unloaded contraction  相似文献   

Acid extracts of carefully dissected proadenohypophysis (PA) and metaadenohypophysis (MA) of the teleost Prochilodus platensis were subjected to chromatography in Sephadex G-50 after which several pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides were detected by means of three heterologous RIA systems: alpha-MSH, ACTH and beta-endorphin. Parallelism among extracts displacement curves ranged from 26% to 95% of those of the standard curves for the different systems employed. In PA chromatograms, peaks of ACTH immunoreactivity (IR) were detected at the positions of 30 kilodalton (K), 20K, 9K, a large 4.5K peak and 2K. Only one peak of beta-endorphin IR was detected at 30K. In MA chromatograms, ACTH IR detected similar peaks as in PA runs, but 4.5K peak was much smaller, whereas a large 2K peak roughly coincided with all alpha-MSH detected in the chromatograms. beta-Endorphin IR was detected mainly as a large peak coinciding with synthetic beta-endorphin in MA runs. Bioactivity was detected in both PA and MA 4.5K ACTH peaks, whereas little activity could be demonstrated associated with the 30K, 20K and 9K ACTH IR peaks. Prochilodus PAs and MAs were incubated with tritiated aminoacids and the extracts immunoprecipitated with ACTH, beta-endorphin and N-terminal POMC (N-POMC) antisera. The dissociated complexes were run in SDS polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. The tritiated bands detected confirmed the results obtained with Sephadex chromatography. N-POMC immunoprecipitated peptides were located at 28K, 18K and 9K positions. The first two probably accounted for POMC and the N-POMC/ACTH intermediate respectively; the third corresponded to the mammalian 1-76N-POMC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

该文从200个微卫星标记中筛选出149个多态性标记,并对镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio)子代个体数最多的家系进行了肌间刺数量的相关性分析。结果表明有8个微卫星标记与肌间刺数量显著相关(P<0.05)。其中,HLJ3086、HLJ2642及HLJ3515与肌间刺数量极显著相关(P<0.01)。多重比较同一标记不同基因型,得到与肌间刺数量相关的基因型。将得到的与肌间刺数量显著相关微卫星标记在NCBI上进行BLAST比对,结果显示HLJ2891与斑马鱼编码蜘蛛毒素亲和蛋白-2(latrophilin-2-like)基因相似,一致度达92%,HLJ3515与斑马鱼编码丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶32B(serine/threonine-protein kinase 32B-like)基因相似,一致度达81%。该结果为镜鲤肌间刺数量的分子标记辅助育种(molecular marker assisted breeding)提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

Summary The corpuscles of Stannius (CS) of the cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus (formerly Sarotherodon mossambicus) were studied in relation to sexual maturation and plasma calcium levels. After sexual maturation, the CS are enlarged in female fish, because of an increase in size and number of the type-1 cells. During the ovarian cycle, the size of the CS increases in parallel with the growth of the ovaries. Concurrently, plasma total calcium increases markedly until spawning. This increase is mainly accounted for by calcium bound to proteins (vitellogenins), but the ultrafiltrable calcium fraction is also slightly higher than in males. Ovariectomy is followed by a reduction in the size of the CS, mainly a result of involution of the type-1 cells, and by a reduction in plasma calcium to levels typical for males. Gonadectomy in males does not affect size or ultrastructure of the CS, or plasma calcium levels. Since the type-1 cells of the CS are the presumptive source of a hypocalcemic hormone, we conclude that activation of the CS during the female reproductive cycle is a response to elevated calcium levels that accompany ovarian maturation. We suggest that the CS respond in particular to the elevated ultrafiltrable or ionic calcium levels.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons has been localized in the forebrain and pituitary of the molly (Poecilia latipinna), using the unlabelled antibody immunocytochemical method.In the hypothalamus, reactive perikarya were scattered throughout the parvocellular divisions of the preoptic nucleus. These cells were smaller in size and more ventral in position than those which stained with antisera to the neurohypophysial hormones, vasotocin and isotocin. A few very small somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were observed in the tuberal region and in the nuclei of the lateral and posterior recesses — areas which were rich in somatostatin-immunoreactive fibres.Somatostatin cells were also found in a small area of the ventral thalamus, mainly in the dorsolateral nucleus. Some of these neurons were large and multipolar, and appeared to form tracts of fibres into the posterior hypothalamus. In the telencephalon there were a few stained cells in the ventral area, with a complex pattern of fibres occurring in parts of the dorsal area.Somatostatin-immunoreactivity was intense in the central and posterior neurohypophysis, and particularly in its finger-like projections into the proximal pars distalis, around groups of growth hormone cells. Examination of material from fishes under various experimental conditions provided evidence for the somatostatin fibres originating from the preoptic neurons being involved in the control of growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Kang KS  Yahashi S  Matsuda K 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2242-2247
Ghrelin was first identified and characterized from rat stomach as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Ghrelin and its receptor system are present not only in peripheral tissues such as stomach and intestine, but also in the central nervous system of mammals. Interestingly, administration of ghrelin induces an orexigenic effect and also modifies locomotor activity, suggesting its involvement in feeding control and the regulation of energy balance, in addition to the regulation of growth hormone release. Information about ghrelin in non-mammals, such as teleost fish, has also been increasing, and important data have been obtained. An understanding of the evolutionary background of the energy regulation system and the central and peripheral roles of ghrelin in teleost fish could provide indications as to their roles in mammals, particularly humans. In this review, we overview the central and peripheral effects of ghrelin on energy balance, locomotor activity, and lipid metabolism in teleost fish.  相似文献   

J A King  R P Millar 《Peptides》1985,6(4):689-694
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactive peptides in extracts of hake (Merluccius capensis) and tilapia (Tilapia sparrmanii) brain were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and radioimmunoassay with region-specific antisera. In hake brain, content and concentration of GnRH was higher in the pituitary gland than in the hypothalamic lobes or extrahypothalamic brain. Hake pituitary gland GnRH was purified by six consecutive HPLC systems. The major GnRH molecular form co-eluted with salmon brain GnRH (Trp7, Leu8-GnRH) in four different HPLC systems which were specifically designed to separate the four natural vertebrate GnRHs (mammalian, salmon, chicken I and II). The immunoreactive peak in the final purification step had a retention time identical to that of Trp7, Leu8-GnRH and an UV absorbance (280 nm) peak appropriate for two tryptophan residues in the peptide, as in Trp7, Leu8-GnRH. Six additional less hydrophobic forms of GnRH were detected. Tilapia brain extract contained two major GnRH molecular forms which had identical retention times to chicken GnRH I (Gln8-GnRH) and Trp7, Leu8-GnRH in an HPLC system which separates the natural vertebrate GnRHs. The immunological properties of these two immunoreactive peaks, determined by relative interaction with four region-specific GnRH antisera raised against vertebrate GnRHs, were identical to those of Gln8-GnRH and Trp7, Leu8-GnRH. Additional GnRH molecular forms were also detected. In summary, these findings indicate that a major GnRH molecule in hake pituitary gland is Trp7, Leu8-GnRH, while tilapia brain contains both Trp7, Leu8-GnRH and Gln8-GnRH. Additional GnRH molecular forms were detected in both species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Normal and virus-infected (lymphocystis disease) integument from five species of teleosts was examined by light and TEM autoradiography and SEM to establish metabolic-morphologic characteristics of integument with mature lymphocystis cells (LC's). LC's with numerous morphologic attributes of a late developmental stage showed highest incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in vivo (1–91 h) above the intracytoplasmic inclusion body (ci) with little radiolabel in nuclei, cytoplasmic icosahedral deoxyriboviruses (ICDVs) or capsule. Analysis by quantitative autoradiography revealed that the % total cell label in ci and cytoplasm did not vary appreciably from 1–91 h and was corroborative with morphologic criteria of maturity. A possible phylogenetic difference was noted between teleosts, wherein normal integument showed uptake of [3H]-thymidine in vivo (1 h) by cells at all levels of the epidermis, and cyclostomes (Spitzer et al. 1979) wherein labeling was confined to the basal third of the epidermis. Among four infected teleost species, the mean diameters of the ICDVs measured under the same conditions, ranged from 259.5 nm to 290.0 nm with the mean for each species differing significantly (p < 0.01) from each of the other means. Ruptured LC's were shown by TEM and SEM to have released ICDVs onto the lesions and integument. Various stages of LC degeneration, host response, and integumental repair processes were documented. An evaluation of labeling in vivo of the capsular matrix was compatible ([3H]-D-galactose> [3H]-L-lysine [3H]-L-fucose) with a glycosaminoglycan-protein structure.  相似文献   

In order to maintain their native properties, cryopreserved tendons are usually used in biomechanical research and in transplantation of allogenic tendon grafts. The use of different study protocols leads to controversy in literature and thus complicates the evaluation of the current literature. The aim of this study consisted in examining the influence of different freezing and thawing temperatures on the mechanical properties of tendons. 60 porcine tendons were frozen at either −80 °C or −20 °C for 7 days and thawed at room or body temperature for 240 or 30 min, respectively. A subgroup of ten tendons was quick-frozen with liquid nitrogen (−196 °C) for 2 s before cryopreservation. Biomechanical testing was performed with a material testing machine and included creep, cyclic and load-to-failure tests. The results showed that freezing leads to a reduced creep strain after constant loading and to an increased secant modulus. Freezing temperature of −80 °C increased the secant modulus and decreased the strain at maximum stress, whereas thawing at room temperature reduced the maximum stress, the strain at initial tendon failure and the Young’s Modulus. Quick-freezing led to increased creep strain after constant loading, increased strain at initial failure in the load-to-failure test, and decreased strain at maximum stress. When cryopreserving, tendons for scientific or medical reasons, freezing temperature of −20 °C and thawing temperature of 37.5 °C are recommended to maintain the native properties of tendons. A treatment with liquid nitrogen in the sterilization process of tendon allografts is inadvisable because it alters the tendon properties negatively.  相似文献   

This study examined the mechanical (hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness) and rheological (zero-rate viscosity and thixotropy) properties of polyethylene glycol (PEG) gels that contain different ratios of Carbopol 934P (CP) and polyvinylpyrrolidone K90 (PVP). Mechanical properties were examined using a texture analyzer (TA-XT2), and rheological properties were examined using a rheometer (Rheomat 115A). In addition, lidocaine release from gels was evaluated using a release apparatus simulating the buccal condition. The results indicated that an increase in CP concentration significantly increased gel compressibility, hardness, and adhesiveness, factors that affect ease of gel removal from container, ease of gel application onto mucosal membrane, and gel bioadhesion. However, CP concentration was negatively correlated with gel cohesiveness, a factor representing structural reformation. In contrast, PVP concentration as negatively correlated with gel hardness and compressibility, but positively correlated with gel cohesiveness. All PEG gels exhibited pseudoplastic flow with thixotropy, indicating a general loss of consistency with increased shearing stress. Drug release T50% was affected by the flow rate of the simulated saliva solution. A reduction in the flow rate caused a slower drug release and hence a higher T50% value. In addition, drug release was significantly reduced as the concentrations of CP and PVP increased because of the increase in zero-rate viscosity of the gels. Response surfaces and contour plots of the dependent variables further substantiated that various combinations of CP and PVP in the PEG gels offered a wide range of mechanical, rheological, and drug-release characteristics. A combination of CP and PVP with complementary physical properties resulted in a prolonged buccal drug delivery.  相似文献   

This study investigates the early evolution of vertebrate red blood cell (rbc) carbonic anhydrase (CA) by examining the physiological and molecular properties of rbc CA in teleost fish. When representatives of four different families of teleosts were compared, it was found that differences in overall rbc CA activity were due to different concentrations of CA, rather than differences in the enzymes kinetic properties. Additional molecular analysis of CA from the rbcs of rainbow trout provided further evidence that critical elements of the enzyme, such as the active site, have been highly conserved during vertebrate evolution. The active site of the trout CA differed from that of gar rbc CA at only two amino acid positions. The rainbow trout rbc CA sequence also showed high sequence homology with CA sequences from other fish tissues, and fits into an emerging group of fish CAs that are basal to mammalian CA I, II and III. Northern blot analysis of the tissue expression of the sequenced CA indicated that it is primarily found in the rbcs, but high amounts of cytosolic CA activity were also found in the gill, suggesting the presence of other cytosolic CA isozymes in this species.Abbreviations Az acetazolamide - CA carbonic anhydrase - MP maximum parsimony - NJ neighbour joining - RACE rapid amplification of cDNA ends - rbc red blood cellCommunicated by L.C.-H. Wang  相似文献   

We studied theoretically how the network topology influences the mechanical properties of polymers. We used conclusions of thermofluctuation theory of fracture and graph theory. The long-term strengths of monofunctional and polyfunctional networks were compared. The cross-link functionality distribution of the polyfunctional networks is a power function. All other conditions being equal, the long-term strengths of the polyfunctional polymer networks are some three to four times the long-term strengths of the monofunctional networks.  相似文献   

The covariation of a number of mechanical of properties, and some physical characteristics, of compact bones from a wide range of bones were examined. Young's modulus was well predicted by a combination of mineral content and porosity. Increasing Young's modulus was associated with: increasing stress at yield, increasing bending strength, and a somewhat higher resilience, tensile strength and fatigue strength. Contrarily, in the post-yield region a higher Young's modulus (and more clearly, a higher mineral content) was associated with: a reduced work to fracture in tension, a reduced impact strength and an increased notch sensitivity in impact. Increasing porosity is associated with deleterious effects in the pre-yield region, but has little effect in the post-yield region. Bone, like many other materials, is unable to have good qualities in both the pre- and post-yield regions. Since an increase in mineral or Young's modulus is more potent, that is deleterious, in the post-yield than it is advantageous in the pre-yield region, it is likely that mineral content will be selected to be slightly lower than would be the case if it were equally potent in both regions. As is usual in biology, different adaptive extremes are incompatible.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antiserum directed against the C-terminus of hGRH(1–44)NH2 and another recognizing the mid portion to C-terminal of hGRH(1–40)OH, we identify two immunocytochemically distinct GRH-immunoreactive systems in the brain of the codfish, Gadus morhua. The antiserum directed against GRF(1–44)NH2 stains cell bodies exclusively in the rostral pars distalis. The other antiserum immunoreactive with GRF(1–40)OH reacts with a population of parvocellular and magnocellular neuronal cell bodies in the hypothalamus and with two major axonal pathways which project toward the median eminence and terminate primarily in the pars nervosa. These results indicate the presence of at least two forms of hGRH-like peptides in the teleost which may have different roles in the regulation of pituitary function.  相似文献   

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS), an erythrocyte membranopathy, is a heterogeneous disease, even at the level of the erythrocyte population. The paper aims at studying the mechanical properties (the Young’s modulus, median and RMS roughness of friction force maps; fractal dimension, lacunarity and spatial distribution parameters of lateral force maps) of the cell surface layer of the erythrocytes of two different morphologies (discocytes and spherocytes) in HS using atomic force microscopy. The results of spatial-spectral and fractal analysis showed that the mechanical property maps of the HS spherocyte surface were more structurally homogeneous compared to the maps of HS discocytes. HS spherocytes also had a reduced RMS roughness and lacunarity of the mechanical property maps. The Young’s modulus and averaged friction forces over the microscale HS spherocyte surface regions were approximately 20% higher than that of HS discocytes. The revealed significant difference at the nano- and microscales in the structural and mechanical properties of main (discoidal and spheroidal) morphological types of HS erythrocytes can potentially cause blood flow disturbance in the vascular system in HS.  相似文献   

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), the primary risk factor for glaucoma, is thought to induce abnormally high strains in optic nerve head (ONH) tissues, which ultimately result in retinal ganglion cell damage and vision loss. The mechanisms by which excessive deformations result in vision loss remain incompletely understood. The ability of computational and in vitro models of the ONH to provide insight into these mechanisms, in many cases, depends on our ability to replicate the physiological environment, which in turn requires knowledge of tissue biomechanical properties. The majority of mechanical data published to date regarding the ONH has been obtained from tensile testing, yet compression has been shown to be the main mode of deformation in the ONH under elevated IOP. We have thus tested pig and rat ONH tissue using unconfined cyclic compression. The material constants C1, obtained from fitting the stress vs. strain data with a neo-Hookean material model, were 428 [367, 488] Pa and 64 [53, 76] Pa (mean [95% Confidence Interval]) for pig and rat optic nerve head, respectively. Additionally, we investigated the effects of strain rate and tissue storage on C1 values. These data will inform future efforts to understand and replicate the in vivo biomechanical environment of the ONH.  相似文献   

Nonlinear, linear and failure properties of articular cartilage and meniscus in opposing contact surfaces are poorly known in tension. Relationships between the tensile properties of articular cartilage and meniscus in contact with each other within knee joints are also not known. In the present study, rectangular samples were prepared from the superficial lateral femoral condyle cartilage and lateral meniscus of bovine knee joints. Tensile tests were carried out with a loading rate of 5 mm/min until the tissue rupture. Nonlinear properties of the toe region, linear properties in larger strains, and failure properties of both tissues were analysed. The strain-dependent tensile modulus of the toe region, Young's modulus of the linear region, ultimate tensile stress and toughness were on average 98.2, 8.3, 4.0 and 1.9 times greater (p<0.05) for meniscus than for articular cartilage. In contrast, the toe region strain, yield strain and failure strain were on average 9.4, 3.1 and 2.3 times greater (p<0.05) for cartilage than for meniscus. There was a significant negative correlation between the strain-dependent tensile moduli of meniscus and articular cartilage samples within the same joints (r=−0.690, p=0.014). In conclusion, the meniscus possesses higher nonlinear and linear elastic stiffness and energy absorption capability before rupture than contacting articular cartilage, while cartilage has longer nonlinear region and can withstand greater strains before failure. These findings point out different load carrying demands that both articular cartilage and meniscus have to fulfil during normal physiological loading activities of knee joints.  相似文献   

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