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The popular Hill model for muscle activation and contractile dynamics has been extended with several different formulations for predicting the metabolic energy expenditure of human muscle actions. These extended models differ considerably in their approach to computing energy expenditure, particularly in their treatment of active lengthening and eccentric work, but their predictive abilities have never been compared. In this study, we compared the predictions of five different Hill-based muscle energy models in 3D forward dynamics simulations of normal human walking. In a data-tracking simulation that minimized muscle fatigue, the energy models predicted metabolic costs that varied over a three-fold range (2.45–7.15 J/m/kg), with the distinction arising from whether or not eccentric work was subtracted from the net heat rate in the calculation of the muscle metabolic rate. In predictive simulations that optimized neuromuscular control to minimize the metabolic cost, all five models predicted similar speeds, step lengths, and stance phase durations. However, some of the models predicted a hip circumduction strategy to minimize metabolic cost, while others did not, and the accuracy of the predicted knee and ankle angles and ground reaction forces also depended on the energy model used. The results highlights the need to clarify how eccentric work should be treated when calculating muscle energy expenditure, the difficulty in predicting realistic metabolic costs in simulated walking even with a detailed 3D musculoskeletal model, the potential for using such models to predict energetically-optimal gait modifications, and the room for improvement in existing muscle energy models and locomotion simulation frameworks.  相似文献   

The inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptor (IPR) plays a crucial role in calcium dynamics in a wide range of cell types, and is often a central feature in quantitative models of calcium oscillations and waves. We compare three mathematical models of the IPR, fitting each of them to the same data set to determine ranges for the parameter values. Each of the fits indicates that fast activation of the receptor, followed by slow inactivation, is an important feature of the model, and also that the speed of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) binding cannot necessarily be assumed to be faster than Ca2+ activation. In addition, the model which assumed saturating binding rates of Ca2+ to the IPR demonstrated the best fit. However, lack of convergence in the fitting procedure indicates that responses to step increases of [Ca2+] and [IP3] provide insufficient data to determine the parameters unambiguously in any of the models.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to re-examine the influence of the isometric plantarflexors contraction on the Achilles tendon moment arm (ATMA) and the factors influencing the ATMA in three-dimensions. A series of coronal magnetic resonance images of the right ankle were recorded at foot positions of 10° of dorsiflexion, neutral position, and 10° of plantarflexion for the rest condition and the plantarflexors contraction condition at 30% maximal voluntary effort. The shortest distance between the talocrural joint axis and the line of action of the Achilles tendon force projected to the orthogonal plane of the talocrural joint axis was determined as the ATMA. The ATMA determined in the contraction condition was significantly greater by 8 mm than that determined in the rest condition. The talocrural joint axis was displaced anteriorly by 3 mm and distally by 2 mm due to the muscle contraction. As the same time, the line of action of the Achilles tendon force was displaced posteriorly by 5 mm and medially by 2 mm. These linear displacements of the talocrural joint axis and the line of action of the Achilles tendon force accounted for the difference in the ATMAs between the two conditions by 35.9 and 62.4%, respectively. These angular displacements accounted for the total of 0.4% increase in the ATMA. These results confirm the previous findings reported in two-dimensional studies and found that the linear displacement of the line of action of the Achilles tendon force is the primary source of the contraction-induced increase in the ATMA.  相似文献   



Balloon injury (BI) of the rat carotid artery (CCA) is widely used to study intimal hyperplasia (IH) and decrease in lumen diameter (LD), but CCA's small diameter impedes the evaluation of endovascular therapies. Therefore, we validated BI in the aorta (AA) and iliac artery (CIA) to compare it with CCA.


Rats underwent BI or a sham procedure (control). Light microscopic evaluation was performed either directly or at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16 weeks follow-up. The area of IH and the change in LD (LD at 16 weeks minus LD post BI) were compared.


In the BI-groups the area of IH increased to 0.14 ± 0.08 mm2 (CCA), 0.14 ± 0.03 mm2 (CIA) and 0.12 ± 0.04 mm2 (AA) at 16 weeks (NS). The LD decreased with 0.49 ± 0.07 mm (CCA), compared to 0.22 ± 0.07 mm (CIA) and 0.07 ± 0.10 mm (AA) at 16 weeks (p < 0.05). The constrictive vascular remodelling (CVR = wall circumference loss combined with a decrease in LD) was -0.17 ± 0.05 mm in CIA but absent in CCA and AA. No IH, no decrease in LD and no CVR was seen in the control groups.


BI resulted in: (1.) a decrease in LD in CCA due to IH, (2.) a decrease in LD in CIA due to IH and CVR, (3.) no change in LD in AA, (4.) Comparable IH development in all arteries, (5.) CCA has no vasa vasorum compared to CIA and AA, (6.) The CIA model combines good access for 2 F endovascular catheters with a decrease in LD due to IH and CVR after BI.  相似文献   

The Achilles is the thickest tendon in the body and is the primary elastic energy-storing component during running. The form and function of the human Achilles is complex: twisted structure, intratendinous interactions, and differential motor control from the triceps surae muscles make Achilles behavior difficult to intuit. Recent in vivo imaging of the Achilles has revealed nonuniform displacement patterns that are not fully understood and may result from complex architecture and musculotendon interactions. In order to understand which features of the Achilles tendon give rise to the nonuniform deformations observed in vivo, we used computational modeling to predict the mechanical contributions from different features of the tendon. The aims of this study are to: (i) build a novel computational model of the Achilles tendon based on ultrashort echo time MRI, (ii) compare simulated displacements with published in vivo ultrasound measures of displacement, and (iii) use the model to elucidate the effects of tendon twisting, intratendon sliding, retrocalcaneal insertion, and differential muscle forces on tendon deformation. Intratendon sliding and differential muscle forces were found to be the largest factors contributing to displacement nonuniformity between tendon regions. Elimination of intratendon sliding or muscle forces reduced displacement nonuniformity by 96% and 85%, respectively, while elimination of tendon twist and the retrocalcaneal insertion reduced displacement nonuniformity by only 35% and 3%. These results suggest that changes in the complex internal structure of the tendon alter the interaction between muscle forces and tendon behavior and therefore may have important implications on muscle function during movement.  相似文献   

小鼠、大鼠糖尿病模型对基础与临床防治研究十分重要,不同的研究目标对应不同的动物模型载体。本文就目前常用的2型糖尿病鼠类模型的构建、主要疾病特征及应用等进行评述,为研究者了解、选择适合的动物模型提供参考。  相似文献   

目的利用超声技术来评价大鼠酒精性脂肪肝动物模型。方法选取40只SD大鼠随机分为两组(n=20只)。模型组按每周测定的体重早晚各1次乙醇灌胃(10 g/kg),第1周浓度为40%,第2、3周分别为45%和50%,第4周为55%灌胃直至12周;对照组给予等体积的生理盐水灌胃。造模于第4、8和12周时对两组大鼠进行超声监测,并从两组中各随机抽取3只大鼠进行肝脏病理学分析,与超声监测结果进行对比分析。结果超声与病理检查结果均提示酒精性脂肪肝造模成功,超声可以监测模型组大鼠肝脏脂肪病变从轻到重的渐变过程以及对照组大鼠无脂肪病变过程。这与肝组织的病理学诊断结果具有一致性。结论超声检测技术可以较好地进行活体评价大鼠酒精性脂肪肝动物模型。  相似文献   

冲击波致伤动物模型是原发冲击伤模拟实验研究的前提和保障。目前绝大多数实验模拟冲击波是使用炸药产生冲击波和冲击波生成装置两种方法。早期建立冲击伤模型是使用烈性炸药产生冲击波致伤动物,随着技术的发展,冲击波生成装置取代烈性炸药应用到动物实验研究中。冲击波生成装置常见两种类型:生物激波管装置和激光冲击波发生装置。各种生物激波管装置已发展成熟并被广泛使用,激光冲击波发生装置也显示出独特的优势,大大促进了冲击伤模拟实验研究的开展。  相似文献   

Random effects Cox models: A Poisson modelling approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A comparison has been made between the estimates obtained from maximum likelihood estimation of gamma, inverse normal, and normal distribution models for stage-frequency data. Results have been compared for six of sets of test data, and from many sets of simulated data. It is concluded that (1) some estimates may differ substantially between the models, (2) estimates from the correct model have little bias, and estimated standard errors are generally close to theoretical values, (3) there are problems in determining degrees of freedom for chi-squared goodness of fit tests, so that it is best to compare test statistics with simulated distributions, and (4) goodness of fit tests may not discriminate well between the three models.  相似文献   

In many studies in medicine, including clinical trials and epidemiological investigations, data are clustered into groups such as health centers or herds in veterinary medicine. Such data are usually analyzed by hierarchical regression models to account for possible variation between groups. When such variation is large, it is of potential interest to explore whether additionally the effect of a within‐group predictor varies between groups. In survival analysis, this may be investigated by including two frailty terms at group level in a Cox proportional hazards model. Several estimation methods have been proposed to estimate this type of frailty Cox models. We review four of these methods, apply them to real data from veterinary medicine, and compare them using a simulation study.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot is an invalidating complication of diabetes that can lead to foot ulcers. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) allows characterizing the loads developed in the different anatomical structures of the foot in dynamic conditions. The aim of this study was to develop a subject specific 3D foot FE model (FEM) of a diabetic neuropathic (DNS) and a healthy (HS) subject, whose subject specificity can be found in term of foot geometry and boundary conditions. Kinematics, kinetics and plantar pressure (PP) data were extracted from the gait analysis trials of the two subjects with this purpose. The FEM were developed segmenting bones, cartilage and skin from MRI and drawing a horizontal plate as ground support. Materials properties were adopted from previous literature. FE simulations were run with the kinematics and kinetics data of four different phases of the stance phase of gait (heel strike, loading response, midstance and push off). FEMs were then driven by group gait data of 10 neuropathic and 10 healthy subjects. Model validation focused on agreement between FEM-simulated and experimental PP.  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of BMAP-28 alone and in combination with vancomycin in animal models ureteral stent infection due to Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. Study included a control group without bacterial challenge to evaluate the sterility of surgical procedure, a challenged control group that did not receive any antibiotic prophylaxis and for each bacterial strain three challenged groups that received (a) 10 mg/kg vancomycin intraperitoneally, immediately after stent implantation, (b) BMAP-28-coated ureteral stents where 0.2-cm(2) sterile ureteral stents were incubated in 1mg/l BMAP-28 solution for 30 min immediately before implantation and (c) intraperitoneal vancomycin plus BMAP-28-coated ureteral stent at the above concentrations. Experiments were performed in duplicate. Ureteral stents were explanted at day 5 following implantation and biofilm bacteria enumerated. Our data showed that rats that received intraperitoneal vancomycin showed the lowest bacterial numbers. BMAP-28 combined with vancomycin showed efficacies higher than that of each single compound. These results highlight the potential usefulness of this combination in preventing ureteral stent-associated in gram-positive infections.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel, linguistic-like method of genome analysis. We propose a natural approach to characterizing genomic sequences based on occurrences of fixed length words from a predefined, sufficiently large set of words (strings over the alphabet {A, C, G, T} ). A measure based on this approach is called compositional spectrum and is actually a histogram of imperfect word occurrences. Our results assert that the compositional spectrum is an overall characteristic of a long sequence i.e., a complete genome or an uninterrupted part of a chromosome. This attribute is manifested in the similarity of spectra obtained on different stretches of the same genome, and simultaneously in a broad range of dissimilarities between spectral representations of different genomes. High flexibility characterizes this approach due to imperfect matching and as a result sets of relatively long words can be considered. The proposed approach may have various applications in intra- and intergenomic sequence comparisons.  相似文献   

The costs of research in human subjects are compared to those in primate animals and in other animal models on the basis of data available from a U.S. institution. The cost of experimentation in a chimpanzee is 3.59% of the per diem cost of clinical research in man. The cost for the dog is 37.1% of that of the chimpanzee, and the mouse costs 2.02% of the cost of the dog.  相似文献   

We propose a general Bayesian approach to heteroskedastic error modeling for generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) in which linked functions of conditional means and residual variances are specified as separate linear combinations of fixed and random effects. We focus on the linear mixed model (LMM) analysis of birth weight (BW) and the cumulative probit mixed model (CPMM) analysis of calving ease (CE). The deviance information criterion (DIC) was demonstrated to be useful in correctly choosing between homoskedastic and heteroskedastic error GLMM for both traits when data was generated according to a mixed model specification for both location parameters and residual variances. Heteroskedastic error LMM and CPMM were fitted, respectively, to BW and CE data on 8847 Italian Piemontese first parity dams in which residual variances were modeled as functions of fixed calf sex and random herd effects. The posterior mean residual variance for male calves was over 40% greater than that for female calves for both traits. Also, the posterior means of the standard deviation of the herd-specific variance ratios (relative to a unitary baseline) were estimated to be 0.60 ± 0.09 for BW and 0.74 ± 0.14 for CE. For both traits, the heteroskedastic error LMM and CPMM were chosen over their homoskedastic error counterparts based on DIC values.  相似文献   

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