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We develop a neuromechanical model for running insects that includes a simplified hexapedal leg geometry with agonist-antagonist muscle pairs actuating each leg joint. Restricting to dynamics in the horizontal plane and neglecting leg masses, we reduce the model to three degrees of freedom describing translational and yawing motions of the body. Muscles are driven by stylized action potentials characteristic of fast motoneurons, and modeled using an activation function and nonlinear length and shortening velocity dependence. Parameter values are based on measurements from depressor muscles and observations of kinematics and dynamics of the cockroach Blaberus discoidalis; in particular, motoneuronal inputs and muscle force levels are chosen to approximately achieve joint torques that are consistent with measured ground reaction forces. We show that the model has stable double-tripod gaits over the animal's speed range, that its dynamics at preferred speeds matches those observed, and that it maintains stable gaits, with low frequency yaw deviations, when subject to random perturbations in foot touchdown and lift-off timing and action potential input timing. We explain this in terms of the low-dimensional dynamics.  相似文献   

The ultrafine particle measurements in the Augsburger Umweltstudie, a panel study conducted in Augsburg, Germany, exhibit measurement error from various sources. Measurements of mobile devices show classical possibly individual–specific measurement error; Berkson–type error, which may also vary individually, occurs, if measurements of fixed monitoring stations are used. The combination of fixed site and individual exposure measurements results in a mixture of the two error types. We extended existing bias analysis approaches to linear mixed models with a complex error structure including individual–specific error components, autocorrelated errors, and a mixture of classical and Berkson error. Theoretical considerations and simulation results show, that autocorrelation may severely change the attenuation of the effect estimations. Furthermore, unbalanced designs and the inclusion of confounding variables influence the degree of attenuation. Bias correction with the method of moments using data with mixture measurement error partially yielded better results compared to the usage of incomplete data with classical error. Confidence intervals (CIs) based on the delta method achieved better coverage probabilities than those based on Bootstrap samples. Moreover, we present the application of these new methods to heart rate measurements within the Augsburger Umweltstudie: the corrected effect estimates were slightly higher than their naive equivalents. The substantial measurement error of ultrafine particle measurements has little impact on the results. The developed methodology is generally applicable to longitudinal data with measurement error.  相似文献   

Exposure measurement error can result in a biased estimate of the association between an exposure and outcome. When the exposure–outcome relationship is linear on the appropriate scale (e.g. linear, logistic) and the measurement error is classical, that is the result of random noise, the result is attenuation of the effect. When the relationship is non‐linear, measurement error distorts the true shape of the association. Regression calibration is a commonly used method for correcting for measurement error, in which each individual's unknown true exposure in the outcome regression model is replaced by its expectation conditional on the error‐prone measure and any fully measured covariates. Regression calibration is simple to execute when the exposure is untransformed in the linear predictor of the outcome regression model, but less straightforward when non‐linear transformations of the exposure are used. We describe a method for applying regression calibration in models in which a non‐linear association is modelled by transforming the exposure using a fractional polynomial model. It is shown that taking a Bayesian estimation approach is advantageous. By use of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, one can sample from the distribution of the true exposure for each individual. Transformations of the sampled values can then be performed directly and used to find the expectation of the transformed exposure required for regression calibration. A simulation study shows that the proposed approach performs well. We apply the method to investigate the relationship between usual alcohol intake and subsequent all‐cause mortality using an error model that adjusts for the episodic nature of alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

In comparing two independent binomial proportions by modified X2 tests: Gart's modified likelihood-ratio, Overall and Starbuck's “tailored F”, Pearson's adjusted X2[=X2 multiplied by (n - 1)/n] and its skewness-corrected version proposed by Berchtold, it was found that the last two have error probabilities that in the mean are close to the significance level.  相似文献   

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