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A new trilobite, Longaspis paiwuensis n. gen. n. sp., from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Stage 4) in northwestern Hunan, South China, is described. This rare trilobite adds to an expanding taxonomic list of organisms recognized from the Balang Lagerstätte, a deposit of exceptional preservation from the Cambrian. Longaspis paiwuensis is an unusually large-sized, micropygous oryctocephalid trilobite that has proparian facial sutures, pit-like lateral glabellar furrows, up to 17 thoracic segments, and a distinct medial notch in the pygidium; it lacks marginal spines.The classification of the family Oryctocephalidae is reviewed. Three subfamilies are recognized, and Longaspis n. gen. is assigned to the subfamily Oryctocarinae.  相似文献   

贵州东部寒武纪的杷榔组发育,化石丰富,含有杷榔动物群;其中掘头虫类、莱德利基虫类三叶虫保存好,序列完整,提供了研究这些类群属种个体发育的重要材料。本文据杷榔组Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) chinensis(Walcott,1905)的300多块标本的分析数据,详细讨论和重点研究了其从幼虫期、分节期至成虫期个体发育特征,分析各个阶段的形态变化及个体发育演化趋势。丰富了R.(Pteroredlichia) chinensis个体发育的资料,对莱德利基虫属种厘定起到积极的作用,提供了属种分类对比的重要证据。  相似文献   

A new eocrinoid locality of the Balang Formation (Cambrian Series 2) near Kaili City is reported. The fauna is associated with index trilobites, such as Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) murakamii Resser and Endo in Kobayashi, 1935 and Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899, that are common in the Balang Biota (Cambrian Series 2) but absent in the younger Kaili Biota (Cambrian Series 3). This new locality contains a new eocrinoid fauna (n = 22) that is different from Guizhoueocrinus yui Zhao, Parsley and Peng, 2007a in bearing a smaller theca, a shorter stalk, and a robust attachment disk; thus, a taxon Globoeocrinus zhaoyuanlongensis n. sp. is proposed.  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武纪杷榔组辣子寨剖面含有丰度较高的古蠕虫类化石。化石鉴定为Wronascolex geyiensis, 主要保存在三个层位。在对三个层位的岩石、沉积特征、化石成因及埋藏特征探讨分析后, 证实W. geyiensis化石保存于快速的沉积事件导致的浊流沉积层内, 而化石埋藏的完美程度受到成岩过程中埋藏位置、沉积物中矿物结晶和充填方式的影响, 这些后期的成岩、成矿作用对先期形成的化石精细结构产生了直接和间接的破坏作用。本文通过对W. geyiensis化石体上黏土矿物、草莓状黄铁矿、自形–半自形黄铁矿的成因分析后, 获得最适合保存软躯体化石的环境应该为缺氧且生物体与孔隙水中的硫酸盐无接触的原地和近原地埋藏条件。  相似文献   

Dabashanellids are univalved phosphatocopid crustaceans, and are among the earliest crustaceans known so far. They were reported mainly from the Cambrian Stage 3 of China, but only a single species was established. Here I report a new assemblage of dabashanellids from the Cambrian Stage 3 Shuijingtuo Formation in western Hubei Province, South China. All specimens are sub-millimetre in length, and are preserved as three-dimensional carbonaceous hollow shields. Five species of Dabashanella were recognized, including the previously reported D. hemicyclica, three new species, D. longa n. sp., D. semiorbiculata n. sp., D. unispinata n. sp., and an indeterminate form Dabashanella sp. In addition, five indeterminate forms of arthropods were recovered. These dabashanellids represent part of a meiofauna that lived in the off-shore, deeper environments of mid-northern Yangtze Sea during Cambrian Age 3. This study shows greater morphological diversity and ecologic disparity of dabashanellid crustaceans, and supports the previous suggestion that the invasion of meiofaunal ecdysozoans into the off-shore, deeper environments probably occurred simultaneously with their radiation in the shallow water.  相似文献   

在安徽省萧县凤凰山剖面炒米店组中上部(江山阶上部到第十阶)岩层中采得丰富的索克虫科三叶虫标本。共计4属6种(含2新种), 包括Eosaukia bella (Walcott, 1906)、E. anhuiensis sp. nov.、Lophosaukia orientalis (Kobayashi, 1933)、Prosaukia campe (Walcott, 1905)和P. xiaoxianensis sp. nov.、Lichengia onigawara Kobayashi, 1942。在对属征进行修订与讨论的基础上, 通过对比这些属的模式种及其他种, 对4个旧种进行了再研究和种征厘定, 最后对这6个种的谱系关系展开了简要讨论。  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian succession in the Jiaobang section, Jianhe County, eastern Guizhou, China, includes, in ascending order, the Bianmachong, Balang, and Tsinghsutung formations, with a total thickness of about 645 m. Twenty-six morphological genera (including one new genus) are identified from the Balang and the underlying Bianmachong formations, many of which are common and widely distributed. Six acritarch assemblages are discerned in the Balang Formation. They are, in ascending order, the Adara alea‒Skiagia ornata, the Acrum radiale‒Pterospermella velata, the Comasphaeridium molliculum‒Solisphaeridium baltoscandium, the Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp.‒Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp., the Acrum novum‒Heliosphaeridium oligum, and the Acrum membranosum‒Adarve diafanum acritarch assemblages. An obvious change of organic-walled microfossil assemblages occurred in the interval between 84 m and 98 m from the bottom of the Balang Formation which roughly corresponds to the boundary between the Oryctacarella duyunensis trilobite Zone and the overlying Arthricocephalus chauveaui trilobite Zone. In addition, organic-walled microfossils are scarce in about 24 m thick from the bottom of the Balang Formation. One new genus and five new species including Plagasphaera balangensis n. gen. n. sp., Asteridium tubulus n. sp., Cymatiosphaera spina n. sp., Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp., and Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp. are described.  相似文献   

寒武纪特异埋藏化石库保存了海洋生物群落最原始的生态结构, 为群落生态研究提供了宝贵材料。贵州寒武纪斜坡相区的杷榔动物群(第4期)具有较高的生物多样性, 但定量生态学研究相对薄弱。本研究对贵州麻江地区杷榔动物群的新产地平定剖面进行化石采集和分类统计, 并运用多元数理统计方法开展定量化分析。鉴定出腕足动物、海绵动物、刺胞动物、节肢动物、软舌螺动物、古虫动物、开腔骨动物和曳鳃动物8个化石门类, 计31属33种, 划分出12种生态类型。其中, 腕足动物具有最高的个体丰度(占比61.5%), 节肢动物物种分异度最高(占比60%), 群落以底栖固着生态类型为主, 游泳捕食为辅。对比分析结果显示, 寒武纪海洋群落具有空间异质性, 且节肢动物在影响群落组成和生态空间利用上起决定性作用。随水体深度增加, 海洋生态群落中的表栖类群出现明显扩张, 也体现了环境对群落面貌的塑造作用。  相似文献   

贵州台江早-中寒武世凯里组保存大量的生物化石,它构成了寒武纪重要的生物群之一——凯里生物群。在凯里生物群中保存有丰富的碳质薄膜藻类化石,新发现类似苔藓植物化石(Parafunaria sinensis Yang(gen.et sp.nov)),它具有藓类植物所拥有的典型的叶状体轮生现象、孢朔、孢朔柄和复杂的根系特征。推测它是藓类植物祖先,它为进一步研究藓类植物和陆生高等植物的起源和演化提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

贵州台江早-中寒武世凯里组保存大量的生物化石,它构成了寒武纪重要的生物群之一--凯里生物群.在凯里生物群中保存有丰富的碳质薄膜藻类化石,新发现类似苔藓植物化石(Parafunaria sinensis Yang(gen.et sp.nov)),它具有藓类植物所拥有的典型的叶状体轮生现象、孢朔、孢朔柄和复杂的根系特征.推测它是藓类植物祖先,它为进一步研究藓类植物和陆生高等植物的起源和演化提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

Schizopholis Waagen, 1885 is a genus of linguliform brachiopod, which is known from Cambrian Stage 4 to the Wuliuan Stage of Australia, Antarctica, Pakistan and China. Recently, new material of Schizopholis was discovered from the upper part of the Tsinghsutung Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, China. These specimens display the oval pedicle opening in the ventral valve, a median tongue and a pair of tubercles in the dorsal valve that are characteristic features of Schizopholis napuru (Kruse, 1990). This is the first time that this species has been described from Guizhou Province, China. Previously, fossils of this species are usually preserved in carbonate deposits, but the new material documented herein preserved in mudstone of the Tsinghsutung Formation, providing new information regarding both the paleogeographic distribution and paleoecology of this species.  相似文献   

Pagetia is the most abundant trilobite in the Kaili Formation (lower to middle Cambrian). During the course of studying the museum collections of Kaili trilobites ( n  > 1000), a cluster containing 22 pagetiid individuals at various growth stages is noted. Specimens record the growth range from the degree 0 meraspid to late holaspid phases. Based on the relative completeness of the moults except for missing free cheeks, these specimens are interpreted as intact exuviae that had undergone minimal transport prior to burial. If Kaili pagetiids had pelagic or planktonic living habits as previously suggested, it would be difficult to explain the presence of intact exuviae in clusters. Therefore, Kaili pagetiids are interpreted here as having a benthic mode of life after the onset of the meraspid phase.  相似文献   

Animals with radial symmetry are abundant in the Cambrian Fortunian Stage of South China, but with relatively low diversity: representatives include Olivooides, Quadrapyrgites, carinachitiids, hexangulaconulariids and Pseudooides. Here, we report a new radial animal, Qinscyphus necopinus gen. et sp. nov., from the Fortunian small shelly fauna of southern Shaanxi Province, South China. Qinscyphus necopinus has a cup‐shaped profile, with slightly raised annuli and five groups of triangular thickenings in pentaradial symmetry. This organism has a comparable morphology to, and thus a close affinity with, Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites, and is interpreted as a coronate scyphozoan. This discovery adds a new crown‐group cnidarian to the Cambrian Explosion.  相似文献   

三叶虫是寒武纪演化动物群中最引人注目的成员之一,其内部解剖结构一直以来受到广泛关注.与其他非生物矿化软体结构相比,三叶虫的消化系统更容易留下化石记录,为探索其内部结构提供了难得的机会.本文描述了来自山东省潍坊市寒武系馒头组的Proasaphiscus,Lioparia,Deiradonyx和Iranoleesia,以及...  相似文献   

A detailed exploration of growth and trunk segmentation of the oryctocephalid trilobite, Duyunaspis duyunensis Chang & Chien in Zhou et al. 1977, from the lower Cambrian (Stage 4, Series 2) Balang Formation in western Hunan Province, South China, is presented. Because of the excellent preservation, the complete post‐protaspid ontogenetic series from merapsid degree 0 to the holaspid phase is described. The ontogenetic series reveals new information on morphological changes such as the migration of the posterior branch of the facial sutures (from proparian to opisthoparian) and contraction of the posteromedial notch in the pygidium. The abundance of articulated specimens available from a narrow stratigraphical interval makes this material singularly useful for studying the morphogenesis and post‐embryonic growth of D. duyunensis in comparison with other oryctocephalids. Strong evidence that multiple numbers of pygidial segment are recognized in each meraspid degree as well as in the holaspid period showed unusual intraspecific variability in the rate of trunk segmentation, providing insights into how Cambrian subisopygous trilobites controlled their body patterning, including size, shape and trunk segment number in both thorax and caudal plate during growth.  相似文献   

寒武系腕足动物属种多样性高、个体数量丰富、形态差异明显、地理分布广泛,具有辅助寒武系三叶虫生物地层划分和对比的潜力.华北板块寒武系苗岭统沉积和化石记录发育良好,是中国苗岭统的经典研究区之一.前人己针对华北寒武系苗岭统乌溜阶腕足动物的系统古生物学开展了一系列基础工作,但这些相关研究主要集中于辽宁地区,目前对华北其他地区苗...  相似文献   

有壳变形虫(testate amoebae)的演化历史最早可追溯至新元古代早期, 以该时期北美、华北、挪威以及澳洲等多个地区浅海相碳酸盐岩、页岩中发现的瓶状微体化石(vase-shaped microfossils)为标志。此前认为, 显生宙的有壳变形虫最早出现在早泥盆世。长期以来, 早古生代的地层中未发现这类原生生物的明确化石证据。本研究通过对岩石样品进行常规孢粉酸泡分析处理和切磨岩石薄片, 获取原位保存的化石标本的技术方法, 从贵州东部剑河县交榜剖面出露的寒武系杷榔组(第2统第4阶)中获得数枚有壳变形虫(testate amoebae)化石标本。基于标本的显微形态特征, 并结合激光拉曼光谱等研究, 对原先记述为疑源类的Plagasphaera balangensisP. sp. A两形态种进行重新认识和描述。由于它们在结构和形态上与一些现生的鳞壳虫目(Euglyphida)有壳变形虫极为相似, 因此将先前定为疑源类的Plagasphaera balangensisP. sp. A两形态属、种名, 分别修订为Palaeoassulina balangensis gen. et sp. nov.和?Palaeoassulina sp. A。该发现不仅将显生宙有壳变形虫的原有化石记录从晚古生代泥盆纪向前延伸至寒武纪早期, 还为调查研究有壳变形虫的系统演化提供关键的生物化石证据。  相似文献   

A new late Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobite association is documented from the Daduhe Formation in Zhenxiong, northeastern Yunnan, including 17 species of 15 genera, among which four species (Malongullia sinensis, M. zhenxiongensis, Taklamakania paucisegmentatus and Amphitryon constrictus) are new. Lithologic and faunal evidence enables the recognition of a new association with medium diversity, named the Taklamakania Association. It is a typical representative of the Raphiophorid Community that lived in a deep subtidal environment close to the anoxic basin. A total of five trilobite ecological associations were found to occur in South China during the late Katian, in relation to the environmental gradients ranging from shallow subtidal zone, deep subtidal zone, slope to dysoxic shaly basin.  相似文献   

The Xiazhen Formation is an Upper Ordovician lithostratigraphic unit in the Jiangshan-Changshan-Yushan (JCY) area, which contains series of Late Ordovician reef successions. The reef successions of the Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai are critical for evaluation of the Late Ordovician marine diversity and palaeoecology. However, their age has long been uncertain and generally is regarded as of upper Katian, based on the occurrences of shelly fossils and correlation with the stratigraphic equivalent Changwu Formation. The newly discovered graptolite species Anticostia uniformis, in the Xiazhen Formation, together with the combined evidence of brachiopods and sedimentology, indicates an age range for the graptolite locality from the Dicellograptus complanatus Biozone to the Diceratograptus mirus Subzone of late Katian, but the graptolites do not rule out the possibility that it is Hirnantian.  相似文献   

Rhynchonelliform brachiopods made their first appearance in early Cambrian, and became a major group within the palaeozoic evolutionary fauna since late Cambrian. Exceptionally preserved fossils from the early Cambrian Lagerstätten provide valuable chances to investigate their phylogeny and ecology. Longtancunella is one of the most interesting early rhynchonelliforms, and has been mainly recovered from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Series 2, Stage 3). Here, we report a new rhynchonelliform Longtancunella xiazhuangensis n. sp. from the lower Hongjingshao Formation (upper Stage 3) in Yunnan Province, China. These specimens were well preserved with soft parts, including pinnate mantle canal system and a pedicle. It is identified as a new species based mainly on its difference in shell ornamentations, pinnate mantle canals and pedicle morphology from the type species. Its pedicle looks unusually stout with distinct annulated lamellae on the surface, and reveals crucial evidence in illustrating its ecology and settling strategy as an early marine epifauna. The ecological interaction between L. xiazhuangensis and other marine animals also provides insights into the food web structure in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

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