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Gait is a powerful measurement tool to evaluate the functional decline throughout ageing. Falls in elderly adults happen mainly during the redirection of the center of mass of the body (CoM) in the transition between steps. In young adults, this step–to–step transition begins before the double contact phase (DC) with a simultaneous forward and upward acceleration of the CoM. We hypothesize that, compared to young adults, elderly adults would exhibit unbalanced contribution of the back leg and the front leg during the transition. We calculated the mean vertical push-off done by the back leg (FBACK) and the mean impact force on the front leg (FFRONT) during the transition. Eight young (mean ± SD; age: 24 ± 2 y) and 19 elderly (age: 74 ± 6 y) healthy adults walked on a force-measuring treadmill at five selected speeds ranging from 0.56 to 1.67 m·s−1. Results show that, at mid and high speeds, elderly adults exhibit a smaller FBACK compared to young adults, possibly linked to the decreased plantar flexion of the back foot. As a consequence, FFRONT is significantly increased and the transition begins lately in the step, at the beginning of DC. Also, elderly adults show an inability to accelerate the CoM upward and forward simultaneously. Our findings show a different adaptation of the step–to–step transition with speed in elderly adults and identify two potential indicators of gait impairment with age: the FFRONT/FBACK contribution and the synchronization between the upward and forward acceleration of the CoM during the transition.  相似文献   

When running, energy is lost during stance to redirect the center of mass of the body (COM) from downwards to upwards. The present study uses a collision-based approach to analyze how these energy losses change with slope and speed. Therefore, we evaluate separately the average collision angle, i.e. the angle of deviation from perpendicular relationship between the force and velocity vectors, during the absorptive and generative part of stance. Our results show that on the level, the collision angle of the absorptive phase is smaller than the collision angle of the generative phase, suggesting that the collision is generative to overcome energy losses by soft tissues. When running uphill, the collision becomes more and more generative as slope increases because the average upward vertical velocity of the COM becomes greater than on the level. When running downhill at a constant speed, the collision angle decreases during the generative phase and increases during the absorptive phase because the average downward vertical velocity of the COM becomes greater. As a result, the difference between the collision angles of the generative and absorptive phases observed on the level disappears on a shallow negative slope of ∼−6°, where the collision becomes 'pseudo-elastic' and collisional energy losses are minimized. At this 'optimal' slope, the metabolic energy consumption is minimal. On steeper negative slopes, the collision angle during the absorptive phase becomes greater than during the generative phase and the collision is absorptive. At all slopes, the collision becomes more generative when speed increases.  相似文献   

Balloon-occluded transarterial chemoembolisation (B-TACE) is an intraarterial transcatheter treatment for liver cancer. In B-TACE, an artery-occluding microballoon catheter occludes an artery and promotes collateral circulation for drug delivery to tumours. This paper presents a methodology for analysing the haemodynamics during B-TACE, by combining zero-dimensional and three-dimensional modelling tools. As a proof of concept, we apply the methodology to a patient-specific hepatic artery geometry and analyse two catheter locations. Results show that the blood flow redistribution can be predicted in this proof-of-concept study, suggesting that this approach could potentially be used to optimise catheter location.  相似文献   

The interaction between glutathione (GSH) and copper ions was investigated in vitro to determine whether such interaction could affect the free-radical scavenging properties of the tripeptide. To this end, the bleaching (decrease in OD734 nm) of a coloured solution containing the stable free-radical cation ABTS+, (which results from the addition of thiols to such a solution) was employed as an in vitro indication of the ability of the tripeptide to scavenge free radicals. While GSH bleached concentration-dependently (1.0-7.5 gM) the ABTS+-containing solution, its prior incubation (5 microM) in the presence of Cu+1 or Cu+2 ions (1-7.5 M) led to a metal concentration-dependent decrease of the bleaching capacity. At a ratio equal to one (5 microM each), the bleaching capacity of the copper plus GSH mixture was 50% of that seen for GSH alone. Further additions of copper (reaching ratios up to 2) did not result in greater decreases in the GSH-bleaching capacity. Noteworthy at the ratio of onewas that the copper plus GSH solutions maintained their bleaching capacity despite the lack of any DTNB-reactivity, i. e., the complete absence of thiols in the mixture. Mixtures of increasing concentrations of a fixed ratio (equal to 2) of copper plus GSH, which were found not to exhibit any DTNB-reactivity, showed a linear and concentration-dependent increase in bleaching capacity. The bleaching capacity remained unaltered when TRIEN, EDTA or histidine were added to pre-incubated (1:1) mixtures of copper plus GSH. However, the incubation of copper with TRIEN or EDTA (but not histidine) prior to GSH addition, totally prevented the loss of the original GSH-bleaching capacity. The present data supports the formation of a copper-glutathione complex which is stable to the presence of some copper-chelators, lacks all thiol reactivity, but fully conserves the free-radical scavenging properties of GSH.  相似文献   

梁思琪  张宪春  卫然 《生物多样性》2019,27(11):1205-159
广泛的杂交和多倍化使得铁角蕨属(Asplenium)下存在着许多分类困难的物种复合体, 针对这些类群进行整合分类学的研究, 有助于我们更加全面和深入地理解物种的界限以及形成机制。线裂铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium coenobiale complex)是铁角蕨属下一个形态多样性较高的类群, 由于缺乏全面取样和系统研究, 该复合体的物种划分长期存在争议。本研究选取线裂铁角蕨复合体中形态变异和地理分布具有代表性的个体, 通过孢粉学研究确定该类群的生殖特性, 运用流式细胞分析获取倍性信息, 同时结合叶绿体和核基因组片段系统发生分析的证据, 对该类群的系统演化关系和起源方式进行了探讨。结果表明: (1)虽然部分孢子囊败育的情况在线裂铁角蕨复合体中十分普遍, 但正常孢子囊内形成的64个孢子说明该类群植物仍能进行正常的有性生殖; (2)该复合体中存在着倍性变异, 其中多角铁角蕨(A. cornutissimum)是二倍体, 而其他成员均为四倍体; (3)依据母系遗传的叶绿体序列所构建的系统发生关系将该类群划为4个分支, 与基于核基因序列构建的系统树存在冲突, 这暗示杂交可能在该复合体的形成过程中起到了重要的推动作用。综上所述, 我们建议将线裂铁角蕨复合体划分为4个物种, 即同源四倍体新种马关铁角蕨(A. maguanense sp. nov.), 二倍体多角铁角蕨, 以及两个由同一对亲本正反交产生的异源四倍体线裂铁角蕨(A. coenobiale)和叶基宽铁角蕨(A. pulcherrimum)。  相似文献   

The discovery of pharmaceutical agents is a complex, lengthy and costly process, critically depending on the availability of rapid and efficient screening methods. In particular, when targets are large, multidomain proteins, their complexity may affect unfavorably technical feasibility, costs and unambiguity of binding test interpretation.A possible strategy to overcome these problems relies on molecular design of receptor fragments that are: sensible targets for ligand screenings, conformationally stable also as standalone domains, easily synthesized and immobilized on chip for Biacore experiments.An additional desirable feature for new ligands is the ability of selectively targeting alternative conformational states typical of many proteins.To test the feasibility of such approach on a case with potential applicative interest, we developed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based screening method for drug candidates toward HER2, a Tyr-kinase receptor targeted in anticancer therapies. HER2 was mimicked by HER2-DIVMP, a modified fragment of it immobilized onto the sensor surface specifically modeling HER2 domain IV in its bounded form, designed by structural comparison of HER2 alone and in complex with Herceptin, a monoclonal therapeutic anti-HER2 antibody.This design and its implementation in SPR devices was validated by investigating Herceptin- HER2-DIVMP affinity, measuring its dissociation constant (KD = 19.2 nM). An efficient synthetic procedure to prepare the HER2-DIVMP peptide was also developed. The HER2-DIVMP conformational stability suggested by experimental and computational results, makes it also a valuable candidate as a mold to design new molecules selectively targeting domain IV of HER2.  相似文献   

Summary DA/HAN-strained male rats (pigmented rats) were submitted to two experimental tasks consisting of spatial learning (water-escape) and a passive avoidance conditioning. Both these tasks were performed by different animals. In order to destroy the inferior olivary complex, the animals were injected with 3-acetylpyridine either 9 days prior to the initial learning session or 24 h after completion of the learning task. They were retested (retrieval test) 10 days after the initial learning was achieved. Learning and retention were compared to those noted in control rats. Administration of 3-acetylpyridine before the initial learning did not prevent the spatial learning but the scores were greatly altered and the number of trials needed to reach the fixed learning criterion was much greater than in controls. However, 10 days later the animals had memorized their initial experience. Injection of 3-acetylpyridine after the initial learning session impaired memory: the animals had completely forgotten their initial learning. It can therefore be concluded that lesion of the afferent climbing fibres to the cerebellar cortex alters learning and retention of a spatial task. Such a lesion does not interfere with learning and retention of a passive avoidance conditioning, since in this condition the experimental animals injected with 3-acetylpyridine either before or after the initial learning behave similarly to controls. The effects of the inferior olivary complex lesion are obviously different according to the task to be learnt, suggesting that these two tasks do not require the integrity of the same nervous structures.Abbreviations 3-AP 3-acetylpyridine - C control - ILR initial learning-lesion-retrieval - IOC inferior olivary complex - LIR lesion-initial learning-retrieval  相似文献   

An unresolved question concerns the nuclear localization of the heterotrimeric CCAAT-binding complex, which is evolutionarily conserved in eukaryotic organisms including fungi, plants and mammals. All three subunits are necessary for DNA binding. In the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans the corresponding complex was designated AnCF (A.nidulans CCAAT-binding factor). AnCF consists of the HapB, HapC and HapE subunits. Here, by using various green fluorescent protein constructs, a nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) of the HapB protein was identified, outside of the evolutionarily conserved domain. HapB-EGFP was transported into the nucleus in both DeltahapC and DeltahapE strains, indicating that its NLS interacts with the import machinery independently of the other Hap subunits. In contrast, HapC-EGFP did not enter the nucleus in the absence of HapE or HapB. A similar finding was made for HapE-EGFP, which did not localize to the nucleus in the absence of HapC or HapB. Addition of the HapB-NLS to either HapC or HapE led to nuclear localization of the respective protein fusions, indicating that both HapC and HapE lack a functional NLS. Furthermore, these data strongly suggest that HapC and HapE have first to form a heterodimer and can be transported only as a heterodimer via the HapB protein into the nucleus. Therefore, the HapB subunit is the primary cargo for the import machinery, while HapC and HapE are transported to the nucleus only as a heterodimer and in complex with HapB via a piggy back mechanism. This enables the cell to provide equimolar concentrations of all subunits to the nucleus.  相似文献   

A subset of eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (a-RS) are contained in a multienzyme complex for which little structural detail is known. Three reversible chemical crosslinking reagents have been used to investigate the arrangement of polypeptides within this particle as isolated from rabbit reticulocytes. Identification of the crosslinked protein pairs was accomplished by two-dimensional SDS diagonal gel electrophoresis. Seventeen neighboring protein pairs have been identified. Eight are seen with at least two reagents: K-RS:p38, D-RS:K-RS, R-RS dimer, K-RS dimer, K-RS:Q-RS, E/P-RS:K-RS, E/P-RS:I-RS, and Q-RS with one of the nonsynthetase proteins. Nine more are observed with one reagent: D-RS dimer, R-RS:p43, D-RS:Q-RS, D-RS:M-RS, K-RS:L-RS, I-RS:R-RS, D-RS:E/P-RS, I-RS:Q-RS, I-RS:L-RS. One trimeric association is seen: E/P-RS:I-RS:L-RS. The observed neighboring protein pairs suggest that the polypeptides within the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex are distributed in three structural domains of similar mass. These can be arranged in a U-shaped particle in which each "arm" is considered a domain and the third forms the "base" of the structure. The arms have been termed domain I (D-RS, M-RS, Q-RS) and domain II (K-RS, R-RS), with domain III (E/P-RS, I-RS, L-RS) assigned to the base. The smaller proteins (p38, p43) may bridge the domains. This proposed spatial relationship of these domains, as well as their compositions, are consistent with earlier studies. Thus, this study provides an initial three-dimensional working model of the arrangement of polypeptides within the multienzyme aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex.  相似文献   

An in silico survey of all known 3D-structures of glycoside hydrolases that contain a ligand in the -1 subsite is presented. A recurrent crucial positioning of active site residues indicates a common general strategy for electrostatic stabilisation directed to the carbohydrate's ring-oxygen at the transition state. This is substantially different depending on whether the enzyme's proton donor is syn or anti positioned versus the substrate. A comprehensive list of enzymes belonging to 42 different families is given and selected examples are described. An implication for an early evolution scenario of glycoside hydrolases is discussed.  相似文献   

A sensitive technique for inorganic phosphate determination was developed. It is based on the formation of an insoluble rhodamine B-phosphomolybdate complex. After it is washed with 1 HCl the precipitate is dissolved in acetone and rhodamine B is measured spectrophotometrically at 555 nm. In 1 HCl, the complex is composed of three molecules rhodamine B and one molecule phosphomolybdate. Due to the high molar absorbance of rhodamine B in acetone and to the threefold amplification of dye concentration compared to Pi concentration in the precipitated complex, a molar absorption coefficient of 330,000 ± 5000 −1 cm−1 (SD) is obtained. This allows the determination of quantities as low as 1.5 nmol Pi with good precision, while quantities as low as 0.5 nmol Pi are detectable. The effect of anions and buffers was studied. Some possible applications of the method are illustrated, as, e.g., enzyme activity measurement at very low substrate concentration and determination of small quantities of Pi and total phosphate in (biological) samples.  相似文献   

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) with a strong anion-exchange (Mono Q) column is applied to the purification of a high molecular weight membrane protein. The ATPase complex of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus 6716, partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, was fractionated in the presence of the detergent octylglucoside. The ATPase complex containing fractions were eluted by a linear NaCl gradient at about 0.4 M and within 10 min. The FPLC fractions were analyzed for protein and pigment contents and by polypeptide composition. The purest fraction is essentially free of pigments and has a high specific ATP hydrolysis activity (about 1.6 mumol ATP X min-1 X mg protein-1) which is sensitive to N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.  相似文献   

The gait pattern of a particular patient can be altered in a large set of pathologies. Tracking the body centre-of-mass (CoM) during the gait allows a quantitative evaluation of these diseases at comparing the gait with normal patterns. A correct estimation of this variable is still an open question because of its non-linearity and inaccurate location. This paper presents a novel strategy for tracking the CoM, using a biomechanical gait model whose parameters are determined by a Bayesian strategy. A particle filter is herein implemented for predicting the model parameters from a set of markers located at the sacral zone. The present approach is compared with other conventional tracking methods and decreases the calculated root mean squared error in about a 56% in the x-axis and 59% in the y-axis.  相似文献   

This article reports studies on a continuous pulsed plate bioreactor (PPBR) with the cells of Pseudomonas desmolyticum (NCIM2112) immobilized on granular activated carbon (GAC) used as a biofilm reactor for biodegradation of phenol. Almost complete removal of 200 ppm phenol could be achieved in this bioreactor. Biofilm structure and characteristics are influenced by hydrodynamic and shear conditions in bioreactors. In this article, the effect of shear stress induced by frequency of pulsation on biofilm characteristics during the startup period in the PPBR is reported. The startup time decreased with the increase in frequency of pulsation. The formation of biofilm in PPBR was found to have three phases: accumulation, compaction, and plateau. The effect of frequency on production of exoploymeric substances (EPS) such as, protein, carbohydrate, and humic substance is reported. An increase in shear stress induced by the frequency of pulsation increased the production of exopolymeric substances in the biofilm during startup of the bioreactor. Increase in shear stress caused a decrease in biofilm thickness and an increase in dry density of the biofilm. Increase in shear stress resulted in a smoother and thinner biofilm surface with more compact and dense structure.  相似文献   

Argonaute-2 (AGO2), a member of the Argonaute family, is the only member possessing catalytic and RNA silencing activity. In here, a molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation was performed using the crystal structure of human AGO2 protein complex with miR-20a. miR-20a is involved with various kind of biological process like heart and lung development, oncogenic process, etc. In precise, MD simulation was carried out with AGO2 protein complex with wild type, two mutant sites and four mutant sites in guided microRNA (miRNA). It has been noted that root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions of nucleic acid for wild type and two mutant sites guided miRNA has the same pattern of fluctuations, which stabilizes around 0.27 nm after 2 ns. Cα atom of AGO2 protein in the complex shows that this complex with wild type and two mutant site mutation duplex has a stable RMSD value after 20 ns, ranging between 0.14 and 0.21 nm. From the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF), we observed an increased pattern of fluctuations for the atoms of four mutant complex of AGO2-miR-20a complex. This increased RMSF of non-mutated nucleic acids is contributed by U-A bond breaking at the site of the nucleotide of U2 of guided miRNA, as observed from the duplex structure taken at different time steps of the simulation. Superimposed structure of the miRNA-mRNA duplex for the three complexes depicts that the three miRNA-mRNA duplexes are stable during the simulation. Current work demonstrates the possible correlations between the conformational changes of this AGO2-miR-20a duplex structure and the interactions of different atoms.  相似文献   

Thymine glycol (Tg) is the most common oxidation product of thymine and is known to be a strong block to replicative DNA polymerases. A previously solved structure of the bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase (RB69 gp43) in complex with Tg in the sequence context 5′-G-Tg-G shed light on how Tg blocks primer elongation: The protruding methyl group of the oxidized thymine displaces the adjacent 5′-G, which can no longer serve as a template for primer elongation [Aller, P., Rould, M. A., Hogg, M, Wallace, S. S. & Doublié S. (2007). A structural rationale for stalling of a replicative DNA polymerase at the most common oxidative thymine lesion, thymine glycol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 814-818.].Several studies showed that in the sequence context 5′-C-Tg-purine, Tg is more likely to be bypassed by Klenow fragment, an A-family DNA polymerase. We set out to investigate the role of sequence context in Tg bypass in a B-family polymerase and to solve the crystal structures of the bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase in complex with Tg-containing DNA in the three remaining sequence contexts: 5′-A-Tg-G, 5′-T-Tg-G, and 5′-C-Tg-G. A combination of several factors—including the associated exonuclease activity, the nature of the 3′ and 5′ bases surrounding Tg, and the cis-trans interconversion of Tg—influences Tg bypass. We also visualized for the first time the structure of a well-ordered exonuclease complex, allowing us to identify and confirm the role of key residues (Phe123, Met256, and Tyr257) in strand separation and in the stabilization of the primer strand in the exonuclease site.  相似文献   

Synaptic dysfunction is considered the primary substrate for the functional declines observed within the nervous system during age-related neurodegenerative disease. Dietary restriction (DR), which extends lifespan in numerous species, has been shown to have beneficial effects on many neurodegenerative disease models. Existing data sets suggest that the effects of DR during disease include the amelioration of synaptic dysfunction but evidence of the beneficial effects of diet on the synapse is lacking. Dynactin mutant flies have significant increases in mortality rates and exhibit progressive loss of motor function. Using a novel fly motor disease model, we demonstrate that mutant flies raised on a low calorie diet have enhanced motor function and improved survival compared to flies on a high calorie diet. Neurodegeneration in this model is characterized by an early impairment of neurotransmission that precedes the deterioration of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) morphology. In mutant flies, low calorie diet increases neurotransmission, but has little effect on morphology, supporting the hypothesis that enhanced neurotransmission contributes to the effects of diet on motor function. Importantly, the effects of diet on the synapse are not because of the reduction of mutant pathologies, but by the increased release of synaptic vesicles during activity. The generality of this effect is demonstrated by the observation that diet can also increase synaptic vesicle release at wild-type NMJs. These studies reveal a novel presynaptic mechanism of diet that may contribute to the improved vigor observed in mutant flies raised on low calorie diet.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of the Pt(II) ion on the stacking interaction between tryptophan and a guanine base, the quenching of Trp fluorescence was monitored for some systems in the absence and presence of the metal ion, and the association constants were obtained by the analysis of Eadie-Hofstee plots. All spectral data suggested that the stacking interaction is enhanced by the Pt(II) coordination to the guanine N7 atom. The result indicates the importance of the metal ion as a bookmark in the specific recognition of a nucleic acid base by an aromatic amino acid residue.  相似文献   

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