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The hipparions from the late Miocene locality Nikiti-2 (NIK), Macedonia, Greece are described and compared with those from the other Greek and Eurasian localities. Two species have been determined, the medium-sized Hipparion dietrichi and the small-sized Hipparion macedonicum, while a third large-sized Hipparion is also recognized. The scanty material of the latter species indicates similarities with Hipparion proboscideum, as well as with Hipparion mediterraneum and it is referred to as Hipparion sp. The locality is dated to early Turolian as this is proved by the resemblance of the hipparions from “Nikiti 2” faunal assemblage with those from the neighbouring localities of “Ravin des Zouaves 5” and “Prochoma 1”, of Axios Valley, Greece. Interesting differences, which are inferred by the comparison of the studied material with those of Axios Valley, Samos and Turkey, are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents the new fossil material of bovids from the recently discovered upper Miocene locality of Platania, Drama (Greece). The material was excavated from 2012 to 2016 and yielded approximately 760 specimens attributed to hipparions, rhinos, cervids, giraffids, suids, proboscideans, hyaenids, and turtles. The bovid material described here includes six taxa of Antilopinae and one of Bovinae. Antilopines are represented by Gazella sp., Gazella cf. ancyrensis, Prostrepsiceros aff. syridisi, cf. Palaeoreas, Palaeoryx minor nov. sp., and Tragoreas? aff. oryxoides. Bovines are recorded by a single boselaphine attributed to Miotragocerus sp. Departing from other Palaeoryx species, the new species P. minor has rather straight and weakly divergent horn-cores tilted backwards, obtuse facial and occipito-parietal angles, and smaller cranial and horn-core size, though associated with a proportionally large toothrow. Miotragocerus sp. from Platania seems to be conspecific to the Miotragocerus sp. from the end-Vallesian Nikiti-1 fauna (Greece). The bovid assemblage of Platania shows a mix of both Vallesian and Turolian taxa indicating a likely late Vallesian-early Turolian age.  相似文献   

A small hipparion from the Vallesian (early Late Miocene) of Northern Greece is studied. It is coming from the locality “Ravin de la Pluie” of the lower Axios valley, near Thessaloniki. Its characteristics as the small size, the short symphysis, the long snout, the high enamel plication, the well developed protostylid, the large m3 and the elongated m1-m3 series distinguish it from the other known eurasiatic small hipparions, allowed us to derive a new species,Hipparion macedonicum. It lived during Vallesian and can be used as a stratigraphic species for this period.  相似文献   

The mammalian fauna from Gülpinar (Canakkale, Turkey), dated Turolian, comprises threeHipparion taxa:H. cf.matthewi, H. sp. medium-sized, andH. sp. large. Two metatarsals may represent a fourth taxon or may derive from a different locality. The hipparion material is described here.  相似文献   

Morphological characters useful for supraspecific grouping of hipparionid horses are discussed. On the basis of such characters supraspecific groups are distinguished among Old World hipparions. These are the generaHipparion, Proboscidipparion, andNeohipparion, the latter with the subgeneraNeohipparion andStylohipparion. The relationship of the New World hipparions to the Old World groups is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Several species ofHipparion from Turolian/Middle Sarmatian-Meotian faunas in the East Mediterranean and Paratethys areas are compared. The large hipparions common to the faunas are referred toH. primigenium (v. Meyer), the smaller hipparions discussed belong to the speciesH. verae Gabunia,H. mediterraneum Roth & Wagner,H. cf.moldavicum Gromova, andH.schlosseri Antonius. A correlation of the faunas in the two areas is attempted on the basis of evolutionary events (e. g. radiation) and the presence of taxonomically similar species.  相似文献   

The hipparions of the locality Prochoma-1 of the lower Axios valley (Macedonia, Greece) are studied. Two species can be distinguished, the medium-sizedH. dietrichi (Wehrli) and the smallsizedH. macedonicum Koufos. The presence of the large-sizedH. proboscideum Studer, is possible. The locality dates back to Latest Vallesian-Early Turolian as it is proved by some morphological characteristics of hipparions, by the faunal composition and by its similarity with the faunas of the other localities of the lower Axios valley.  相似文献   

Several large suid cranial remains attributed to Microstonyx major are part of a new Hipparion Fauna collection from the Hezheng area, Northern China. The new material confirms the presence of Microstonyx in the late Miocene of the area. The Chinese form belongs to a small-sized eastern population with reduced premolar row and clear sexual bimodality. Statistical comparison shows that Microstonyx major was a polymorphic species and reinforces recognition of Hippopotamodon as a separate genus, defined by relatively stout premolars resulting from a different underlying pattern of allometric growth. The presence of Microstonyx in North China and the distinct suid assemblage that lived there suggest biogeographic connections between Northern China and Western Eurasia in contrast to isolation from Southern China and the Indian subcontinent. The suid fauna of the late Miocene of Northern China seems to have been restricted to the later, more humid phase represented by the Red Clay faunas.  相似文献   

首次报道了伊朗西北部 Varzeghan 附近发现的大型哺乳动物化石,材料包括三趾马和恐象。根据个体大小和形态特征,将三趾马标本暂时分为一个小至中型类似 Hipparion moldavicum 的种和一个中至大型类似 H. prostylum 或 H. dietrichi 的种。Deinotherium giganteum 也出现于这一地区。依据与其他晚中新世地点哺乳动物化石的对比,这些新化石地点的时代推测为吐洛里期( Turolian) 中期或相当于欧洲哺乳动物带的 MN12。  相似文献   

甘肃结沟保德期Agriotherium的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述了郊熊的一个新种: Agriotherium inexpetans sp. nov..这是 Agriotherium 与保德期三趾马动物群共生的首次可靠记录.新种个体小,下臼齿具有若干近祖性状:如 M_2 的下前尖和 M_3 各主尖尚可辨认等.A. inexpetans 在形态上与内蒙古通古尔中中新统发现的 Dinocyon (=Hemicyon) teilhardi 有许多相近之处.它们很可能有最直接的系统关系.作者还就这一发现对熊科分类的含义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(2):155-167
The Early Miocene sites of Napak (Uganda), which have been prospected by the Uganda Palaeontology Expedition since 1985, have yielded abundant fossil remains, including a rich and diverse rodent fauna. Ever since the work of Lavocat (1973) on the East African Miocene rodents, which focused mainly on the Kenyan remains (but included some material from Napak discovered by Bishop during the 1950s and 1960s), few studies have been made on the Ugandan specimens. This lack provides motivation for further study of Napak micro-mammals, especially the abundant rodents, which were collected at five sites, Napak IV, V, XV, XXX and XXXI. The fossils described here are attributed to six species representing four families: Afrocricetodontidae (Afrocricetodon songhori, Protarsomys macinnesi), Myophiomyidae (Myophiomys arambourgi), Kenyamyidae (Simonimys genovefae, Kenyamys mariae) and Sciuridae (Vulcanisciurus africanus). Comparison of the dentition of extant and extinct taxa allows us to propose dietary hypotheses (granivory, herbivory and omnivory) for these rodents. In addition, the fossil rodents associated with other fauna from the same localities suggest a more-or-less dense forest environment with clearings, and the probable presence of a humid climate at the time of deposition.  相似文献   

报道了在甘肃省东乡县龙担地点发现的中国长鼻三趾马Hipparion(Proboscidipparion)sinense头骨化石。此前在早更新世龙担动物群中记述过的长鼻三趾马材料仅有一枚第三掌骨,头骨化石的发现不仅使该动物群的三趾马种级分类得到证实,同时扩大了对这个种头骨和牙齿特征的认识。由于最初建种的正型标本为老年个体,此后也未发现过中国长鼻三趾马的完好头骨化石,因此龙担的新材料将为该种的特征补充更多重要的信息,尤其是鼻切迹的构成。其鼻骨下部呈一细窄条状向前强烈延伸,组成鼻颌切迹下缘的后部,其前端尖,到达P2/P3界线水平,与前颌骨鼻突的末梢间有30mm的距离。这些特征的识别对判断长鼻三趾马的系统关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地晚中新世三趾马化石   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Bohlin描述的柴达木动物群中的三趾马材料非常少 ,仅能证明三趾马在这个地点的存在。近年来新的野外考察在这一地区发现了更多的三趾马化石材料 ,至少包括 3个种 ,即Hipparioncf.H .chiai、H .weihoense和H .teilhardi。H .cf.H .chiai和H .weihoense在柴达木盆地的发现进一步证实了晚中新世早期 (保德早期 )动物群在这个地区的存在。柴达木盆地的H .teilhardi基本上与H .cf.H .chiai和H .weihoense产自同一层位 ,其时代也应为保德早期。H .cf.H .chiai和H .weihoense在柴达木盆地的发现为该地区在晚中新世早期为草原型环境的判断提供了更多的证据。H .teilhardi更细长的远端肢骨也是对开阔环境的一种适应性状  相似文献   

柴达木盆地新近纪犀科化石新材料   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
近年来在青海柴达木盆地中新世地层内新发现的犀科化石 ,经研究有 3属 3种 ,即Ac erorhinustsaidamensis,Hispanotheriummatritense和Dicerorhinusringstromi,其中后两个种是在这一地区的初次报道。新材料虽较破碎 ,但其发现扩大了H .matritense和D .ringstromi的地理分布范围。更重要的是 ,柴达木动物群原来被确定为晚中新世早期 ,其主要依据是安琪马动物群的残余分子与三趾马动物群共生 ,而此次的发现证明这一地区确实有含H .matritense的中中新世动物群存在。D .ringstromi的发现还证明柴达木盆地有相当于保德动物群时代的晚中新世晚期沉积。  相似文献   

In Europe, faunas of squamates (lizards and snakes) from the middle Eocene are very poorly known, with the exception of those from the level MP 16 (latest middle Eocene). From the MP 11-MP 15 interval, squamates were previously reported only from Messel (MP 11, earliest middle Eocene) and from the untere and obere Mittelkohle of Geiseltal (MP 12 and MP 13 respectively) in Germany. The present report describes the middle Eocene assemblage of squamates from Lissieu (France), the first fauna reported from the level MP 14. Whereas fossils from Messel and Geiseltal are mostly articulated skeletons, fossils from Lissieu are represented by disarticulated bones; such fossils may be more easily compared to those from other Cenozoic localities, in which bones are almost always disarticulated. The fauna from Lissieu is more diverse than those from the Geiseltal sites and approximately as diverse as that from Messel as they are presently known; it is comprised of 17 distinct taxa. These taxa cannot be all identified to the species or genus level. They belong to iguanids, gekkonids, lacertids, anguids, thecoglossan platynotans, ophidians incertaesedis, boids, ?tropidophiines, “tropidophiids” incertaesedis, booids incertaesedis, and perhaps russellophiids. The fauna includes several new taxa but only a presumed tropidophiine snake may be named on the basis of the available material. The fauna from Lissieu is a mixture of taxa restricted to the middle Eocene and taxa known from older or younger levels. Taxa shared by Lissieu and the few other localities from the middle Eocene of Europe are rare. This fauna from Lissieu represents a stratigraphical landmark for the middle Eocene.  相似文献   

The discovery of Upper Miocene vertebrates at Tizi N’Tadderht in the Ouarzazate basin (Morocco) helps to fill a gap in our knowledge of Neogene faunas in North Africa. The new fauna includes an ostrich cf. Struthio sp, a turtle cf. Centrochelys sp., Crocodylus cf. niloticus, and a relatively diverse fauna of large mammals. The mammal assemblage probably includes three hipparion species, including a very small form not previously reported from Africa, aff. Cremohipparion periafricanum, two species of rhinoceros cf. Ceratotherium sp. and aff. Chilotherium sp., a Proboscidean cf. Tetralophodon sp., a large member of the Giraffidae similar to “Palaeotragusgermaini and two bovids of which one is likely related to Prostrepsiceros, while the other is a new medium-sized antelope with spiral horns, certainly a representative of the Caprinae, a group that is rare in Africa. A late Miocene age, corresponding to the European Turolian Mammal age, is most likely for this fauna.  相似文献   

The known fossil record of crocodyliforms in Europe during the Paleogene is significantly biased, in that the fauna of Western Europe is far better sampled and understood compared to that of Eastern Europe. We describe in detail all known crocodyliform remains from the middle Eocene (Lutetian) Ikovo locality in Ukraine. We conclude that at least two taxa were present: a moderate to large-sized Tomistominae indet. similar to the basalmost known tomistomines, and the small-sized basal alligatoroid cf. Diplocynodon sp. Despite its scarcity, this is the first basal alligatoroid material reported from Eastern Europe (as part of post-Soviet countries) and the easternmost record of diplocynodontines in Europe so far. An allegedly freshwater cf. Diplocynodon sp. contributes a rare faunal element to the vertebrate assemblage of the Ikovo locality, otherwise dominated by resident or facultative marine taxa. The fossil record and historical paleobiogeography of crocodyliforms from the Paleocene and Eocene of Europe are reviewed. As it has been already known, the middle Eocene fauna of crocodyliforms proves to be taxonomically diverse and complex. Its constituent lineages geographically originated in Asia or North America (Diplocynodontinae, Asiatosuchus-like crocodyloids, Planocraniidae), North America (derived alligatorines), Africa (Tomistominae), and Gondwana (ziphodont mesoeucrocodylians Iberosuchus and Bergisuchus), with possible subsequent speciation in Europe. We propose a novel hypothesis of Asian origins of European diplocynodontines, which will be explicitly tested in future studies. The revealed similarities between crocodylians and turtles from the Ikovo locality and those from Western Europe support the presence of a single Pan-European biogeographical zone during the middle Eocene, distinct from that of Asia.  相似文献   

Brachiopod fauna from central Iran, recorded in the upper part of the Shemshak Group and attributed to the upper Toarcian (Pseudoradiosa-Aalensis zones), are reported for the first time in Iran. The assemblage recognized includes six different taxa: Homoeorhynchia sepahanensis nov. sp., formally described in this paper, Globirhynchia subobsoleta, Pseudogibbirhynchia sp., Tetrarhynchiidae sp. indet., Monsardithyris? aff. haresfieldensis, and Zeilleria cf. leckenbyi. Analysis of faunal affinities with other paleobiogeographical regions shows a free connection of the central Iranian brachiopod fauna and wide areas of the northern shelf margin of the Tethys Ocean. This is due to an apparent disruption of bioprovinciality inferred for the late Toarcian-earliest Aalenian, congruent with a connection through the northern seaway across the peri-Laurasian epicontinental platforms.  相似文献   

Although the Bothremydidae are the most abundant and diverse group of turtles in the Upper Cretaceous fauna of Europe, the record attributed to the genus Elochelys was, until now, quite scarce. However, the revision of the specimens previously attributed to this taxon and the analysis of new material from the Spanish record significantly increase our knowledge of these turtles. Evaluation of the morphological variability, affecting many characters that have been considered diagnostic until now and comparisons with other members of the node Bothremydini, allow us to amend the diagnosis of the genus Elochelys, recognising Elochelys perfecta as a valid single species and reassigning its other representative, “Elochelys” convenarum, to the new genus Iberoccitanemys.  相似文献   

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