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SCD5 was identified as a multicopy suppressor of clathrin HC-deficient yeast. SCD5 is essential, but an scd5-Delta338 mutant, expressing Scd5p with a C-terminal truncation of 338 amino acids, is temperature sensitive for growth. Further studies here demonstrate that scd5-Delta338 affects receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis and normal actin organization. The scd5-Delta338 mutant contains larger and depolarized cortical actin patches and a prevalence of G-actin bars. scd5-Delta338 also displays synthetic negative genetic interactions with mutations in several other proteins important for cortical actin organization and endocytosis. Moreover, Scd5p colocalizes with cortical actin. Analysis has revealed that clathrin-deficient yeast also have a major defect in cortical actin organization and accumulate G-actin. Overexpression of SCD5 partially suppresses the actin defect of clathrin mutants, whereas combining scd5-Delta338 with a clathrin mutation exacerbates the actin and endocytic phenotypes. Both Scd5p and yeast clathrin physically associate with Sla2p, a homologue of the mammalian huntingtin interacting protein HIP1 and the related HIP1R. Furthermore, Sla2p localization at the cell cortex is dependent on Scd5p and clathrin function. Therefore, Scd5p and clathrin are important for actin organization and endocytosis, and Sla2p may provide a critical link between clathrin and the actin cytoskeleton in yeast, similar to HIP1(R) in animal cells.  相似文献   

Scd5p regulates endocytosis and cortical actin organization as a targeting subunit for the Ser/Thr protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) in yeast. To identify localization signals in Scd5p required for cell surface recruitment, visualization of GFP-tagged Scd5 truncations and deletions was performed. Scd5p contains a PP1 binding site, a 3-repeat region of 20 amino acids (3R), and a 9-repeat region of 12 amino acids (9R). We found that the 9R is critical for cortical localization of Scd5p, but cortical recruitment is not essential for Scd5p's function in actin organization and endocytosis. We propose that Scd5p can target PP1 to endocytic factors in the cytoplasm that have been disassembled and/or inactivated by phosphorylation. We also found that Scd5p undergoes nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling in a Crm1p-dependent manner. Scd5p-DeltaCT lacking the 9R region and its nuclear export signal (NES) accumulates in the nucleus, causing cortical actin and endocytic defects. Cytoplasmic localization and function of Scd5p-DeltaCT is restored by NES addition. However, removal of Scd5p's nuclear localization signal prevents nuclear entry, but endocytosis and actin organization remain relatively normal. These results indicate that nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling is not required for regulation of Scd5p's cortical function and suggest that Scd5p has an independent nuclear function.  相似文献   

The Prk1 family of protein kinases are important regulators of endocytosis and actin cytoskeleton in some eukaryotic cells. In budding yeast, Prk1p phosphorylates numerous endocytic proteins including Pan1p and Sla1p. Prk1p has been observed to undergo autophosphorylation in vivo . In this study, we determined the sites and underlying role of the autophosphorylation. Two sites located in the noncatalytic region were identified to be the autophosphorylation sites. When the sites were mutated, the non-autophosphorylatable Prk1p phosphorylated Pan1p and Sla1p more efficiently than the wild-type kinase, suggesting a negative effect of the autophosphorylation. In addition, the dynamic properties of actin and the coat complex were also altered in the autophosphorylation mutant cells. Interestingly, the autophosphorylation of Prk1p was dependent on cortical localization of the kinase and could be induced by phosphorylated Sla1p. These results suggest that the autophosphorylation of Prk1p may represent a feedback mechanism possibly involved in fine-tuning the pace of progression during actin-coupled endocytosis.  相似文献   

Pan1p plays essential roles in both actin and endocytosis in yeast. It interacts with, and regulates the function of, multiple endocytic proteins and actin assembly machinery. Phosphorylation of Pan1p by the kinase Prk1p down-regulates its activity, resulting in disassembly of the endocytic vesicle coat complex and termination of vesicle-associated actin polymerization. In this study, we focus on the mechanism that acts to release Pan1p from phosphorylation inhibition. We show that Pan1p is dephosphorylated by the phosphatase Glc7p, and the dephosphorylation is dependent on the Glc7p-targeting protein Scd5p, which itself is a phosphorylation target of Prk1p. Scd5p links Glc7p to Pan1p in two ways: directly by interacting with Pan1p and indirectly by interacting with the Pan1p-binding protein End3p. Depletion of Glc7p from the cells causes defects in cell growth, actin organization, and endocytosis, all of which can be partially suppressed by deletion of the PRK1 gene. These results suggest that Glc7p antagonizes the activity of the Prk1p kinase in regulating the functions of Pan1p and possibly other actin- and endocytosis-related proteins.  相似文献   

Prk1p is a serine/threonine kinase involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton organization in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Previously, we have identified LxxQxTG as the phosphorylation site of Prk1p. In this report, the recognition sequence for Prk1p is investigated more thoroughly. It is found that the presence of a hydrophobic residue at the position of P-5 is necessary for Prk1p phosphorylation and L, I, V, and M are all able to confer the phosphorylation at various efficiencies. The residue flexibility at P-2 has also been identified to include Q, N, T, and S. A homology-based three-dimensional model of the kinase domain of Prk1p provided some structural interpretations for these substrate specificities. The characterization of the [L/I/V/M]xx[Q/N/T/S]xTG motif led to the identification of a spectrum of potential targets for Prk1p from yeast genome. One of them, Scd5p, which contains three LxxTxTG motifs and is previously known to be important for endocytosis and actin organization, has been chosen to demonstrate its relationship with Prk1p. Phosphorylation of Scd5p by Prk1p at the three LxxTxTG motifs could be detected in vitro and in vivo, and deletion of PRK1 suppressed the defects in actin cytoskeleton and endocytosis in one of the scd5 mutants. These results allowed us to conclude that Scd5p is likely another regulatory target of Prk1p.  相似文献   

The yeast protein Pan1p plays essential roles in actin cytoskeleton organization and endocytosis. It couples endocytosis with actin polymerization through its dual function in endocytic complex assembly and activation of the actin polymerization initiation complex Arp2/3p. Phosphorylation of Pan1p and other components of the endocytic complex by the kinase Prk1p leads to disassembly of the coat complex and the termination of vesicle-associated actin polymerization. A homologous kinase, Ark1p, has also been implicated in this regulatory process. In this study, we investigated the distinct roles of Prk1p and Ark1p. We found that the nonkinase domains determined the functional specificity of the two kinases. A short region located adjacent to the kinase domain unique to Prk1p was found to be required for the kinase to interact with Arp2p. Further studies demonstrated that the Prk1p-Arp2p interaction is critical for down-regulation of Pan1p. These findings reveal that, in addition to its role in the nucleation of actin polymerization, Arp2p also mediates what appears to be an auto-regulatory mechanism possibly adapted for efficient coordination of actin assembly and disassembly during endocytosis.  相似文献   

The Ark/Prk serine/threonine kinases initiate phosphorylation cycles that control the endocytic machinery in mammalian cells and in yeast, and the actin cytoskeleton in yeast. The members of this protein family are unified by homologies in their kinase domain, but are generally diverse in their other domains. The evolution of Ark/Prk family members in different organisms may have allowed the conserved role of the kinase domain, which is required for the phosphorylation of both endocytic and cytoskeletal components, to be coupled to other functional domains.  相似文献   

Sjl2p is one of three yeast phosphoinositide 5'-phosphatases that belong to the conserved family of synaptojanins. Here, we show that Sjl2p is specifically associated with cortical actin patches which aggregate upon loss of the actin-regulating kinases Ark1p and Prk1p. The Sjl2p-containing clumps overlap with clathrin and early endocytic structures generated independently of NSF/Sec18p, but not with endosome- and trans Golgi network-derived membranes. Consistent with the finding that Sjl2p can bind to clathrin heavy chain in vitro, our results suggest that Sjl2p localizes to smooth endocytic vesicles that may be derived from clathrin-coated structures.  相似文献   

SCD5, an essential gene, encodes a protein important for endocytosis and actin organization in yeast. Previous two-hybrid screens showed that Scd5p interacts with Glc7p, a yeast Ser/Thr-specific protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) that participates in a variety of cellular processes. PP1 substrate specificity in vivo is regulated by association with different regulatory or targeting subunits, many of which have a consensus PP1-binding site ((V/I)XF, with a basic residue at the -1 or -2 position). Scd5p contains two of these potential PP1-binding motifs: KVDF (amino acids 240-243) and KKVRF (amino acids 272-276). Deletion analysis mapped the PP1-binding domain to a region of Scd5p containing these motifs. Therefore, the consequence of mutating these two potential PP1-binding sites was examined. Although mutation of KVDF had no effect, alteration of KKVRF dramatically reduced Scd5p interaction with Glc7p and resulted in temperature-sensitive growth. Furthermore, this mutation caused defects in fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis and actin organization. Overexpression of GLC7 suppressed the temperature-sensitive growth of the KKVRF mutant and partially rescued the actin organization phenotype. These results provide evidence that Scd5p is a PP1 targeting subunit for regulation of actin organization and endocytosis or that Scd5p is a PP1 substrate, which regulates the function of Scd5p in these processes.  相似文献   

Clathrin‐mediated endocytosis is a fundamental transport pathway that depends on numerous protein‐protein interactions. Testing the importance of the adaptor protein‐clathrin interaction for coat formation and progression of endocytosis in vivo has been difficult due to experimental constrains. Here, we addressed this question using the yeast clathrin adaptor Sla1, which is unique in showing a cargo endocytosis defect upon substitution of 3 amino acids in its clathrin‐binding motif (sla1AAA) that disrupt clathrin binding. Live‐cell imaging showed an impaired Sla1‐clathrin interaction causes reduced clathrin levels but increased Sla1 levels at endocytic sites. Moreover, the rate of Sla1 recruitment was reduced indicating proper dynamics of both clathrin and Sla1 depend on their interaction. sla1AAA cells showed a delay in progression through the various stages of endocytosis. The Arp2/3‐dependent actin polymerization machinery was present for significantly longer time before actin polymerization ensued, revealing a link between coat formation and activation of actin polymerization. Ultimately, in sla1AAA cells a larger than normal actin network was formed, dramatically higher levels of various machinery proteins other than clathrin were recruited, and the membrane profile of endocytic invaginations was longer. Thus, the Sla1‐clathrin interaction is important for coat formation, regulation of endocytic progression and membrane bending.   相似文献   

Coordinated cell movements are crucial for vertebrate gastrulation and are controlled by multiple signals. Although many factors are shown to mediate non-canonical Wnt pathways to regulate cell polarity and intercalation during gastrulation, signaling molecules acting in other pathways are less investigated and the connections between various signals and cytoskeleton are not well understood. In this study, we show that the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase Arg modulates gastrulation movements through control of actin remodeling. Arg is expressed in the dorsal mesoderm at the onset of gastrulation, and both gain- and loss-of-function of Arg disrupted axial development in Xenopus embryos. Arg controlled migration of anterior mesendoderm, influenced cell decision on individual versus collective migration, and modulated spreading and protrusive activities of anterior mesendodermal cells. Arg also regulated convergent extension of the trunk mesoderm by influencing cell intercalation behaviors. Arg modulated actin organization to control dynamic F-actin distribution at the cell-cell contact or in membrane protrusions. The functions of Arg required an intact tyrosine kinase domain but not the actin-binding motifs in its carboxyl terminus. Arg acted downstream of receptor tyrosine kinases to regulate phosphorylation of endogenous CrkII and paxillin, adaptor proteins involved in activation of Rho family GTPases and actin reorganization. Our data demonstrate that Arg is a crucial cytoplasmic signaling molecule that controls dynamic actin remodeling and mesodermal cell behaviors during Xenopus gastrulation.  相似文献   

Clustering of macrophage Fc gamma receptors by multimeric immunoglobulin complexes leads to their internalization. Formation of small aggregates leads to endocytosis, whereas large particulate complexes induce phagocytosis. In RAW-264.7 macrophages, Fc gamma receptor endocytosis was found to be dependent on clathrin and dynamin and insensitive to cytochalasin. Clathrin also associates with nascent phagosomes, and earlier observations suggested that it plays an essential role in phagosome formation. However, we find that phagocytosis of IgG-coated large (> or =3 microm) particles was unaffected by inhibition of dynamin or by reducing the expression of clathrin using antisense mRNA but was eliminated by cytochalasin, implying a distinct mechanism dependent on actin assembly. The uptake of smaller particles (< or =1 microm) was only partially blocked by cytochalasin. Remarkably, the cytochalasin-resistant component was also insensitive to dominant-negative dynamin I and to clathrin antisense mRNA, implying the existence of a third internalization mechanism, independent of actin, dynamin, and clathrin. The uptake of small particles occurred by a process distinct from fluid phase pinocytosis, because it was not inhibited by dominant-negative Rab5. The insensitivity of phagocytosis to dominant-negative dynamin I enabled us to test the role of dynamin in phagosomal maturation. Although internalization of receptors from the plasma membrane was virtually eliminated by the K44A and S45N mutants of dynamin I, clearance of transferrin receptors and of CD18 from maturing phagosomes was unaffected by these mutants. This implies that removal of receptors from the phagosomal membrane occurs by a mechanism that is different from the one mediating internalization of the same receptors at the plasma membrane. These results imply that, contrary to prevailing notions, normal dynamin and clathrin function is not required for phagocytosis and reveal the existence of a component of phagocytosis that is independent of actin and Rab5.  相似文献   

Podosomes are dynamic actin-rich structures composed of a dense F-actin core surrounded by a cloud of more diffuse F-actin. Src performs one or more unique functions in osteoclasts (OCLs), and podosome belts and bone resorption are impaired in the absence of Src. Using Src−/− OCLs, we investigated the specific functions of Src in the organization and dynamics of podosomes. We found that podosome number and the podosome-associated actin cloud were decreased in Src−/− OCLs. Videomicroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis revealed that the life span of Src−/− podosomes was increased fourfold and that the rate of actin flux in the core was decreased by 40%. Thus, Src regulates the formation, structure, life span, and rate of actin polymerization in podosomes and in the actin cloud. Rescue of Src−/− OCLs with Src mutants showed that both the kinase activity and either the SH2 or the SH3 binding domain are required for Src to restore normal podosome organization and dynamics. Moreover, inhibition of Src family kinase activities in Src−/− OCLs by Src inhibitors or by expressing dominant-negative SrcK295M induced the formation of abnormal podosomes. Thus, Src is an essential regulator of podosome structure, dynamics and organization.  相似文献   

Morphine analgesic properties and side effects such as tolerance are mediated by the mu opioid receptor (MOR) whose endocytosis is considered of primary importance for opioid pharmacological effects. Here, we show that p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is required for MOR endocytosis and sufficient to trigger its constitutive internalization in the absence of agonist. Further studies established a functional link between p38 MAPK and the small GTPase Rab5, a key regulator of endocytosis. Expression of an activated mutant of Rab5 stimulated endocytosis of MOR ligand-independently in wild-type but not in p38alpha-/- cells. We found that p38alpha can phosphorylate the Rab5 effectors EEA1 and Rabenosyn-5 on Thr-1392 and Ser-215, respectively, and these phosphorylation events regulate the recruitment of EEA1 and Rabenosyn-5 to membranes. Moreover, phosphomimetic mutation of Thr-1392 in EEA1 can bypass the requirement for p38alpha in MOR endocytosis. Our results highlight a novel mechanism whereby p38 MAPK regulates receptor endocytosis under physiological conditions via phosphorylation of Rab5 effectors.  相似文献   

During clathrin-mediated endocytosis, branched actin polymerization nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex provides force needed to drive vesicle internalization. Las17 (yeast WASp) is the strongest activator of the Arp2/3 complex in yeast cells; it is not autoinhibited and arrives to endocytic sites 20 s before actin polymerization begins. It is unclear how Las17 is kept inactive for 20 s at endocytic sites, thus restricting actin polymerization to late stages of endocytosis. In this paper, we demonstrate that Las17 is part of a large and biochemically stable complex with Sla1, a clathrin adaptor that inhibits Las17 activity. The interaction is direct, multivalent, and strong, and was mapped to novel Las17 polyproline motifs that are simultaneously class I and class II. In vitro pyrene-actin polymerization assays established that Sla1 inhibition of Las17 activity depends on the class I/II Las17 polyproline motifs and is based on competition between Sla1 and monomeric actin for binding to Las17. Furthermore, live-cell imaging showed the interaction with Sla1 is important for normal Las17 recruitment to endocytic sites, inhibition during the initial 20 s, and efficient endocytosis. These results advance our understanding of the regulation of actin polymerization in endocytosis.  相似文献   

Ark1p (actin regulating kinase 1) was identified as a yeast protein that binds to Sla2p, an evolutionarily conserved cortical actin cytoskeleton protein. Ark1p and a second yeast protein, Prk1p, contain NH2-terminal kinase domains that are 70% identical. Together with six other putative kinases from a number of organisms, these proteins define a new protein kinase family that we have named the Ark family. Lack of both Ark1p and Prk1p resulted in the formation of large cytoplasmic actin clumps and severe defects in cell growth. These defects were rescued by wild-type, but not by kinase-dead versions of the proteins. Elevated levels of either Ark1p or Prk1p caused a number of actin and cell morphological defects that were not observed when the kinase-dead versions were overexpressed instead. Ark1p and Prk1p were shown to localize to actin cortical patches, making these two kinases the first signaling proteins demonstrated to be patch components. These results suggest that Ark1p and Prk1p may be downstream effectors of signaling pathways that control actin patch organization and function. Furthermore, results of double-mutant analyses suggest that Ark1p and Prk1p function in overlapping but distinct pathways that regulate the cortical actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The yeast protein Pan1p plays a key role in actin-driven endocytosis. The molecular architecture enables the protein to perform multivalent tasks. First, Pan1p acts as a central scaffold for assembly of coat complex at the endocytic sites through its binding to multiple endocytic proteins. Secondly, Pan1p is also required for normal actin cytoskeleton organization and dynamics at the cell cortex. It is capable of F-actin binding and promoting the Arp2/3-mediated actin nucleation via its WH2 and acid domains. Pan1p, therefore, is responsible for the mechanism of coupling the vesicle coat to actin network in the early steps of internalization. The function of Pan1p is under a negative regulation by the kinase Prk1p. Phosphorylation of Pan1p by Prk1p results in disassembly of the coat complex and dissociation of the vesicle from actin meshwork after internalization. The phosphorylation of Pan1p is possibly reversed by the type 1 phosphatase Glc7p, which will allow Pan1p to be reused for coat assembly in the next round of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Actin-interacting protein 1 (Aip1p) is a 67-kDa WD repeat protein known to regulate the depolymerization of actin filaments by cofilin and is conserved in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. The crystal structure of Aip1p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined to a 2.3-A resolution and a final crystallographic R-factor of 0.204. The structure reveals that the overall fold is formed by two connected seven-bladed beta-propellers and has important implications for the structure of Aip1 from other organisms and WD repeat-containing proteins in general. These results were unexpected because a maximum of 10 WD repeats had been reported in the literature for this protein using sequence data. The surfaces of the beta-propellers formed by the D-A and B-C loops are positioned adjacent to one another, giving Aip1p a shape that resembles an open "clamshell." The mapping of conserved residues to the structure of Aip1p reveals dense patches of conserved residues on the surface of one beta-propeller and at the interface of the two beta-propellers. These two patches of conserved residues suggest a potential binding site for F-actin on Aip1p and that the orientation of the beta-propellers with respect to one another plays a role in binding an actin-cofilin complex. In addition, the conserved interface between the domains is mediated by a number of interactions that appear to impart rigidity between the two domains of Aip1p and may make a large substrate-induced conformational change difficult.  相似文献   

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