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The extensibility of collenchyma cells was methodologicallyanalyzed; extensibility (elasticity and plasticity) and rheologyof this tissue are discussed. Experimental conditions are described.Rheological data for young and senescent cells were obtained;they were found to be not Boltzmannian. The permanent strainis not viscous, and is larger for young cells than older ones. (Received July 28, 1975; )  相似文献   

Fusicoccin enhanced the growth of collocytes from Apium Gravtolenspetioles and modified the rheological parameters tested. Butthese changes do not sufficiently explain the variations ofthe cell wall extension. Such effects are discussed. (Received March 7, 1978; )  相似文献   

Na+ transport studies in intestinal epithelial cells indicate that enterocytes from different regions of the small intestine differ in their response to actively transported sugars. 1. Compared with sugar-free medium total Na+ efflux rate constants from isolated rat jejunal cells were significantly increased when medium contained actively transported sugars, glucose and galactose, but not when medium contained fructose. 2 In contrast total Na+ efflux rate constants from isolated rat ileal cells did not respond to actively transported sugars, glucose and galactose. 3. Similar results for the effect of actively transported sugars on Na+ ellux were obtained for isolated rabbit jejunal and ileal epithelial cells. 4. Passive Na+ efflux rate constants for isolated jejunal and ileal enterocytes are not significantly different, indicating similiar permeability characteristics.  相似文献   

The low-pH interaction of proteins with erythrocyte membranes has been found to be correlated with pH-induced changes in the erythrocyte membrane. Using a 90 degree lightscattering method it was shown that red blood cell hemolysis was slow between pH 5.8 and 5 (t1/2 above 1 h) but became fast at and below pH 4.7 (t1/2 less than 20 min). At pH 4.7, the presence of glycophorin in the incubation medium inhibited the hemolysis of erythrocytes and this protective effect was found to be dependent on the glycophorin concentration. Electron microscope experiments showed the presence of membrane defects after 10 s incubation at pH 4.6 in the absence of glycophorin in the incubation medium. These defects could further develop into openings with average widths of 14 nm after 1.5 min incubation under the acidic conditions. Fluorescence and flow cytometry studies showed that at pH 4.7, but not at pH 7.4, glycophorin tightly associates with phosphatidylcholine liposomes, and that liposome associated glycophorin molecules are recognized by anti-glycophorin monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Arterial basement-membrane-like material was isolated from rabbit aortic myomedial cell cultures by sonication and differential centrifugation. Isolated basement-membrane-like material was shown to be free of both cellular and matrix contaminants, on the basis of determinations of DNA, RNA, cholesterol, phosphorus and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATPase, combined with electron microscopy. Amino acid analyses showed that arterial basement-membrane-like material was composed of predominantly non-collagenous amino acids. Evaluated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, reduced basement-membrane-like material comprised six major and about 30 minor components in the Mr range 10 000-600 000. One of the major peptides (Mr 225 000) was disulphide-linked. Periodic acid-Schiff staining of gels indicated that most high-molecular-weight components were glycoproteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis resolved reduced basement-membrane-like material into more than 100 components, with pI from 5 to 7. The disulphide-linked Mr-225 000 peptide appeared heterogeneous, with pI of 5.6-6.0, and was considered to represent fibronectin. All major peptides were of non-collagenous nature, on the basis of their susceptibility to pepsin and resistance to collagenase. Purified myomedial basement-membrane-like material contained collagenous peptides, as indicated by the presence of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of pepsin-treated and reduced basement-membrane-like material revealed five high-molecular-weight collagenous components appearing in the Mr range 105 000-375 000 relative to type I collagen standards.  相似文献   

Mine I  Okuda K 《Planta》2003,217(3):425-435
Apical cell wall fragments isolated from the giant-cellular xanthophycean alga Vaucheria terrestris sensu Götz were inflated with silicone oil by applying internal pressure ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 MPa, and the time-course of cell wall deformation was recorded and analyzed by videomicroscopy. Cell wall extensibility in the tip-growing region was estimated by the pressure required for cell wall extension, the amount of total extension until cell wall rupture and the rate of cell wall extension. Apical cell walls exhibited gradual extension, or creep, during inflation, which was eventually followed by rupture at the apical portion, whereas no appreciable extension was found in the cylindrical basal portion of the cell wall fragment. Besides the largest extension observed around the tip, substantial extension was also observed along the subapical region of the cell wall. The wall extensibility was dependent on the buffer pH used for infiltration before inflation. The optimum pH for the extension was about 8.0, but the cell wall was much less extensible after infiltration with an acidic buffer. Cell wall extensibility was dependent on the pH of the buffer used before inflation, regardless of that used in the previous infiltration. Moreover, pretreatment of the cell wall with a protease caused considerable loosening of cell walls, but affected the pH dependence of cell wall extensibility little. These results indicate that the extensibility of the cell walls in the giant tip-growing cells of the alga is distinct from that of plant cells that exhibit "acid growth" in its dependence on environmental pH and the role of cell wall proteins.  相似文献   

This paper deals with microviscosity parameters and thermoinduced structural transitions in the lipids of smooth and heavy rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from Krebs II ascites cells incubated with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The phorbol ester was found to bring about a threefold increase in the microviscosity of the lipids in heavy rough membranes. Spin probe I (2,2,6,6-tetrahydro-4-capryloyl-oxypiperidine-1-oxyl), localized in the surface layer of the membrane lipids, gave results which indicate an increased number of thermoinduced structural transitions in the smooth membranes in the treated cells due to the transitions occurring at relatively low temperature and a decreased number of such transitions in the heavy rough fraction especially at high temperature. For 5,6-benzo-2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-gamma-carboline-oxyl, probe II, mainly distributed in the annular lipids, a decrease in the number of low temperature transitions in the smooth fraction was observed, while an increase occurred in the heavy rough one. The results obtained are discussed in terms of the effect of phorbol esters as promoters of tumor progression.  相似文献   

The combined effects of microwave radiation and some drugs were studied in an isolated frog auricle preparation. The experiments established that exposure to pulse-modulated 915 MHz microwaves for up to 40 min had no effect on either the rate or the amplitude of spontaneous auricle twitches, unless the average absorbed power was high enough to produce preparation heating. Treatment of the preparation with saline containing (0.6–3.0) 10?5 M of propranolol or (0.5–1.5) 10?7 M of atropine altered neither its pacemaker nor its contractile functions; these drugs also had no effect when they were combined with nonthermal microwave irradiation. Caffeine (1 mM) strongly increased the average heart power, which was calculated as the product of twitch rate and amplitude. The caffeine effect appeared to be significantly augmented (by about 15%, P<0.02) under exposure to burst-type pulsed microwaves (pulse width, 1.5 msec; pause, 2.5 msec; 8 pulses/burst, 16 bursts/s; average SAR, 8–10 W/kg). By itself, this modulation was not effective; the heating of the preparation and saline during exposure was approximately 0.1°C, which could not account for the detected changes. The experimental results demonstrate that caffeine treatment increases the microwave sensitivity of the frog auricle preparation and reveals primarily subthreshold, nonthermal microwave effect. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human alveolar type II cells are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of lung injury. Patterns of mediator release of arachidonic acid metabolism by type II cells were therefore studied after challenge with calcium ionophore A23187, opsonized zymosan and hydrogen peroxide. A time- and concentration dependent release of cyclooxygenase products was observed, with release of PGE2 greater than 6-keto-PGF1 alpha greater than TxB2. Addition of glutathione or bicarbonate further increased the production of PGE2. N-ethylmaleimide, a sulfhydryl (SH) reactant, induced a dose-dependent increase in the release of TxB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, but not of PGE2. This relates most likely to the SH-dependency and glutathione requirement of the PGE2 isomerase and SH-independence of thromboxane and prostacyclin isomerase.  相似文献   

Summary Heavy metals including mercury, cadmium, cobalt, and copper (100 μM) exerted an adverse effect on the viability of isolated rat adrenal capsular (zona glomerulosa), adrenal decapsular (fasciculata and reticularis), and Leydig cells of the testis with mercury being the most potent. Due to the decreased cell viability there was a parallel reduction in corticotropin-stimulated, corticosterone production by adrenal decapsular cells and luteinizing hormone-stimulated testosterone production by Leydig cells. The results indicated a direct toxic action of these heavy metals on steroid-producing cell in the adrenal gland and the tectis. Other metals tested, including lead, zinc, aluminum, chromium, iron, nickel, and lithium, did not exert any deleterious effect on cell viability or hormone-induced steroidogenesis, in adrenal and Leydig cells when tested up to a concentration of 100 μM.  相似文献   

Isolated epidermis treated differently, i.e. fresh, frozen-thawedand methanol-treated, was subjected to extension tests undera tension of 2 ? 107 dyne/cm2 in buffer solution at differentpH values. (1) Fresh and frozen-thawed epidermis extended in response tobuffer solution at pH values lower than 5.5. Half of the maximumextension was achieved at pH 4.5. (2) Epidermis boiled in methanol or treated with pronase didnot extend in response to pH 4.5. Low temperature reduced therate of extension of fresh or frozen-thawed epidermis inducedby pH 4.5. (3) Pretreatment of the epidermis with 0.1% deoxycholate for30 min did not inhibit acid-induced extension. (4) Nojirimycin, 3 ? 10-3M, added to the buffer solution inhibitedacid-induced extension. (5) Epidermis peeled off from segments which had been treatedwith cycloheximide for 90 min, extended in response to pH 4.5. (6) Methanol-treated epidermis did not extend at pH 4.5, butextended somewhat at pH 3.0. These results suggest that hydrogen ions induce cell wall loosening,possibly through activation of wall-bound enzymes. (Received May 17, 1974; )  相似文献   

We have examined phospholipid-transfer activities in cytosols from rat and mouse whole lung, isolated rat alveolar type II cells and alveolar type II cell-derived mouse pulmonary adenomas. We report an enrichment in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol (but not phosphatidylinositol) protein-catalysed transfer in the type II cell and adenoma cytosols compared with the whole-lung cytosols. The activities from these cytosols were resolved using column chromatofocusing, which clearly demonstrated the presence of a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein in each of the four tissues. In addition, two proteins (rat) or three proteins (mouse) catalysing both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol transfer were resolved from whole lung, whereas in both the rat isolated alveolar type II cells and the mouse type II cell-derived adenomas one of these less specific proteins is not present.  相似文献   

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