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The transduction of responses to bitter and sweet compounds utilizes guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G proteins) and their coupled receptors. Alpha-gustducin, a transducin-like G protein alpha-subunit, and rod alpha-transducin are expressed in taste receptor cells. Alpha-gustducin knockout mice have profoundly diminished behavioral and electrophysiological responses to many bitter and sweet compounds, although these mice retain residual responses to these compounds. Alpha-gustducin and rod alpha-transducin are biochemically indistinguishable in their in vitro interactions with retinal phosphodiesterase, rhodopsin and G protein betagamma-subunits. To determine if alpha-transducin can function in taste receptor cells and to compare the function of alpha-gustducin versus alpha-transducin in taste transduction in vivo, we generated transgenic mice that express alpha-transducin under the control of the alpha-gustducin promoter in the alpha-gustducin null background. Immunohistochemistry showed that the alpha-transducin transgene was expressed in about two-thirds of the alpha-gustducin lineage of taste receptor cells. Two-bottle preference tests showed that transgenic expression of rod alpha-transducin partly rescued responses to denatonium benzoate, sucrose and the artificial sweetener SC45647, but not to quinine sulfate. Gustatory nerve recordings showed a partial rescue by the transgene of the response to sucrose, SC45647 and quinine, but not to denatonium. These results demonstrate that alpha-transducin can function in taste receptor cells and transduce some taste cell responses. Our results also suggest that alpha-transducin and alpha-gustducin may differ, at least in part, in their function in these cells, although this conclusion must be qualified because of the limited fidelity of the transgene expression.  相似文献   

We have derived skeletal muscle cell lines from wild-type (wt) and insulin receptor (IR) knockout mice to unravel the metabolic potential of IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). Both wt and IR(-/-) myoblasts differentiated into myotubes with similar patterns of expression of muscle-specific genes such as MyoD, myogenin and MLC1A indicating that IR is not required for this process. Binding of 125I-IGF-1 on wt and IR(-/-) myotubes was similar showing that IGF-1R was not upregulated in the absence of IR. Stimulation of IR(-/-) myotubes with IGF-1 (10(-10) to 10(-7) M) increased glucose uptake and incorporation into glycogen, induced IRS-1 phosphorylation and activated PI 3-kinase and MAP kinase, two enzymes of major signaling pathways. These effects were comparable to those obtained with wt myotubes using insulin or IGF-1 or with IR(-/-) myotubes using insulin at higher concentrations. This study provides a direct evidence that IGF-1R can represent an alternative receptor for metabolic signaling in muscle cells.  相似文献   

Allelic variation of SLAM expression on CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes has been proposed to play a major role in NKT cell development. In this article, this hypothesis is tested by the production of subcongenic mouse strains and Slamf1 transgenic lines. The long isoform of the C57BL/6 allele of Slamf1 was transgenically expressed on CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes under control of an hCD2 minigene. NOD.Nkrp1b.Tg(Slamf1)1 mice, which had a 2-fold increase in SLAM protein expression on CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, had a 2-fold increase in numbers of thymic NKT cells. The additional thymic NKT cells in NOD.Nkrp1b.Tg(Slamf1)1 mice were relatively immature, with a similar subset distribution to those of congenic NOD.Nkrp1b.Nkt1 and NOD.Nkrp1b.Slamf1 mice, which also express increased levels of SLAM on CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes and produce larger numbers of NKT cells. Transgenic enhancement of SLAM expression also increased IL-4 and IL-17 production in response to TCR-mediated stimulation. Paradoxically, NOD.Nkrp1b.Tg(Slamf1)2 mice, which had a 7-fold increase in SLAM expression, showed no significant increase in NKT cells numbers; on the contrary, at high transgene copy number, SLAM expression levels correlated inversely with NKT cell numbers, consistent with a contribution to negative selection. These data confirm a role for SLAM in controlling NKT cell development and are consistent with a role in both positive and negative thymic selection of NKT cells.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice which specifically express the human insulin gene in the pancreatic beta cells have been obtained. Expression is demonstrated by the presence in the serum of human insulin (determined by a radioimmunoassay for the human C-peptide), the level of which increases upon glucose stimulus, and by the presence of human insulin mRNA in pancreas, but not in the other tissues tested. This result indicates that nucleotide sequences necessary for tissue-specific expression are within the transferred gene and/or in its vicinity. It also suggests that the regulatory molecules are quite similar if not identical in human and mouse.  相似文献   

Mammary gland involution is delayed by activated Akt in transgenic mice   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Activation of the antiapoptotic protein kinase Akt is induced by a number of growth factors that regulate mammary gland development. Akt is expressed during mammary gland development, and expression decreases at the onset of involution. To address Akt actions in mammary gland development, transgenic mice were generated expressing constitutively active Akt in the mammary gland under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter. Analysis of mammary glands from these mice reveals a delay in both involution and the onset of apoptosis. Expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), is prolonged and increased in the transgenic mice, suggesting that disruption of the MMP:TIMP ratio may contribute to the delayed mammary gland involution observed in the transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Three independent transgenic mouse lines were generated with the human Friedreich ataxia gene, FRDA, in an 188-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) genomic sequence. Three copies of the transgene per diploid mouse genome were integrated in a single site in each mouse line. Transgenic mice were mated with mice heterozygous for a knockout mutation of the murine Frda gene, to generate mice homozygous for the Frda knockout mutation and hemizygous or homozygous for the human transgene. Rescue of the embryonic lethality that is associated with homozygosity for the Frda knockout mutation was observed in all three lines. Rescued mice displayed normal behavioral and biochemical parameters. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that human FRDA mRNA is expressed in all the lines. The relative expression of the human FRDA and mouse Frda genes showed a similar pattern in different tissues in all three lines, indicating position-independent control of expression of the human FRDA transgene. However, large differences in the human:mouse mRNA ratio were observed between different tissues in all three lines. The human transgene is expressed at much higher levels in the brain, liver, and skeletal muscle than the endogenous gene, while expression of the human transgene in blood is only 25–30% of the mouse gene. These studies will facilitate the development of humanized mouse models of Friedreich ataxia through introduction of a GAA trinucleotide expansion or specific known point mutations in the normal human FRDA locus and the study of the regulation of gene expression from the FRDA locus.  相似文献   

Examination of random insertional mutations in transgenic animals harbouring an abnormal phenotype contributes to the discovery of new genes and/or the understanding of already known genes. Here we describe a transgenic mouse line showing early-onset obesity as consequence of the transgene insertion. Molecular genetic analysis revealed a partial deletion of the leptin receptor (Lepr, Ob-R) gene including the coding sequences downstream of exon 17'. This defect prevents the expression of all described membrane-bound isoforms of Ob-R except for isoform Ob-Rc in the homozygous transgenic animals. Thus, this mouse model might be useful for the investigation of the function of the short Ob-R isoforms.  相似文献   

Liver X receptors (LXR alpha and LXR beta) are nuclear receptors, which are important regulators of cholesterol and lipid metabolism. LXRs control genes involved in cholesterol efflux in macrophages, bile acid synthesis in liver and intestinal cholesterol absorption. LXRs also regulate genes participating in lipogenesis. To determine whether the activation of LXR promotes or inhibits development of atherosclerosis, T-0901317, a synthetic LXR ligand, was administered to low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)(-/-) mice. T-0901317 significantly reduced the atherosclerotic lesions in LDLR(-/-) mice without affecting plasma total cholesterol levels. This anti-atherogenic effect correlated with the plasma concentration of T-0901317, but not with high density lipoprotein cholesterol, which was increased by T-0901317. In addition, we observed that T-0901317 increased expression of ATP binding cassette A1 in the lesions in LDLR(-/-) mice as well as in mouse peritoneal macrophages. T-0901317 also significantly induced cholesterol efflux activity in peritoneal macrophages. These results suggest that LXR ligands may be useful therapeutic agents for the treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

We developed and analyzed two types of transgenic mice: rat insulin II promoter-ghrelin transgenic (RIP-G Tg) and rat glucagon promoter-ghrelin transgenic mice (RGP-G Tg). The pancreatic tissue ghrelin concentration measured by C-terminal radioimmunoassay (RIA) and plasma desacyl ghrelin concentration of RIP-G Tg were about 1000 and 3.4 times higher than those of nontransgenic littermates, respectively. The pancreatic tissue n-octanoylated ghrelin concentration measured by N-terminal RIA and plasma n-octanoylated ghrelin concentration of RIP-G Tg were not distinguishable from those of nontransgenic littermates. RIP-G Tg showed suppression of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Arginine-stimulated insulin secretion, pancreatic insulin mRNA and peptide levels, beta cell mass, islet architecture, and GLUT2 and PDX-1 immunoreactivity in RIP-G Tg pancreas were not significantly different from those of nontransgenic littermates. Islet batch incubation study did not show suppression of insulin secretion of RIP-G Tg in vitro. The insulin tolerance test showed lower tendency of blood glucose levels in RIP-G Tg. Taking lower tendency of triglyceride level of RIP-G Tg into consideration, these results may indicate that the suppression of insulin secretion is likely due to the effect of desacyl ghrelin on insulin sensitivity. RGP-G Tg, in which the pancreatic tissue ghrelin concentration measured by C-RIA was about 50 times higher than that of nontransgenic littermates, showed no significant changes in insulin secretion, glucose metabolism, islet mass, and islet architecture. The present study raises the possibility that desacyl ghrelin may have influence on glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Mice lacking NPY Y1 receptors develop obesity without hyperphagia indicating increased energy storage and/or decreased energy expenditure. Then, we investigated glucose utilization in these animals at the onset of obesity. Fasted NPY Y1 knockouts showed hyperinsulinemia associated with increased whole body and adipose tissue glucose utilization and glycogen synthesis but normal glycolysis. Since leptin modulates NPY actions, we studied whether the lack of NPY Y1 receptor affected leptin-mediated regulation of glucose metabolism. Leptin infusion normalized hyperinsulinemia and glucose turnover. These results suggest a possible mechanism for the development of obesity without hyperphagia via dysfunction in regulatory loops involving NPY, leptin and insulin.  相似文献   

FSH mediates its testicular actions via a specific Sertoli cell G protein-coupled receptor. We created a novel transgenic model to investigate a mutant human FSH receptor (FSHR(+)) containing a single amino acid substitution (Asp567Gly) equivalent to activating mutations in related glycoprotein hormone receptors. To examine the ligand-independent gonadal actions of FSHR(+), the rat androgen-binding protein gene promoter was used to direct FSHR(+) transgene expression to Sertoli cells of gonadotropin-deficient hypogonadal (hpg) mice. Both normal and hpg mouse testes expressed FSHR(+) mRNA. Testis weights of transgenic FSHR(+) hpg mice were increased approximately 2-fold relative to hpg controls (P < 0.02) and contained mature Sertoli cells and postmeiotic germ cells absent in controls, revealing FSHR(+)-initiated autonomous FSH-like testicular activity. Isolated transgenic Sertoli cells had significantly higher basal ( approximately 2-fold) and FSH-stimulated ( approximately 50%) cAMP levels compared with controls, demonstrating constitutive signaling and cell-surface expression of FSHR(+), respectively. Transgenic FSHR(+) also elevated testosterone production in hpg testes, in the absence of circulating LH (or FSH), and it was not expressed functionally on steroidogenic cells, suggesting a paracrine effect mediated by Sertoli cells. The FSHR(+) response was additive with a maximal testosterone dose on hpg testicular development, demonstrating FSHR(+) activity independent of androgen-specific actions. The FSHR(+) response was male specific as ovarian expression of FSHR(+) had no effect on hpg ovary size. These findings reveal transgenic FSHR(+) stimulated a constitutive FSH-like Sertoli cell response in gonadotropin-deficient testes, and pathways that induced LH-independent testicular steroidogenesis. This novel transgenic paradigm provides a unique approach to investigate the in vivo actions of mutated activating gonadotropin receptors.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes results from an impairment of insulin action. The first demonstrable abnormality of insulin signaling is a decrease of insulin-dependent glucose disposal followed by an increase in hepatic glucose production. In an attempt to dissect the relative importance of these two changes in disease progression, we have employed genetic knock-outs/knock-ins of the insulin receptor. Previously, we demonstrated that insulin receptor knock-out mice (Insr(-/-)) could be rescued from diabetes by reconstitution of insulin signaling in liver, brain, and pancreatic β cells (L1 mice). In this study, we used a similar approach to reconstitute insulin signaling in tissues that display insulin-dependent glucose uptake. Using GLUT4-Cre mice, we restored InsR expression in muscle, fat, and brain of Insr(-/-) mice (GIRKI (Glut4-insulin receptor knock-in line 1) mice). Unlike L1 mice, GIRKI mice failed to thrive and developed diabetes, although their survival was modestly extended when compared with Insr(-/-). The data underscore the role of developmental factors in the presentation of murine diabetes. The broader implication of our findings is that diabetes treatment should not necessarily target the same tissues that are responsible for disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

2C T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice have been long used to study the molecular basis of TCR binding to peptide/major compatibility complexes and the cytotoxicity mechanism of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). To study the role of variable gene promoters in allelic exclusion, we previously constructed mutant mice in which the Vβ13 promoter was deleted (P13 mice). Introduction of 2C transgene into P13 mice accelerated the onset of systemic CD8 T cell lymphoma between 14 and 27 weeks of age, although parental P13 mice appeared to be normal. This observation suggests that the lymphoma development may be linked to features of 2C transgene. To identify the integration site of 2C transgene, Southern blotting identified a 2C-specific DNA fragment by 3′ region probe of 2C TCR α transgene, and digestion-circularization-polymerase chain reaction (DC-PCR) amplified the 2C-specific DNA fragment with inverse primers specific to the southern probe. Sequence analysis revealed that DC-PCR product contained the probe sequences and the junction sequences of integration site, indicating that 2C TCR α transgene is integrated into chromosome 1. Further genomic analysis revealed cytosolic phospholipase A2 group IVA (cPLA2) as the nearest gene to the integration site. cPLA2 expression was upregulated in the normal thymi and T cell lymphomas from 2C transgenic mice, although it was not altered in the lymph nodes of 2C transgenic mice. The result is the first report demonstrating the integration site of 2C TCR transgene, and will facilitate the proper use of 2C transgenic mice in studies of CTLs.  相似文献   

We are investigating human insulin gene expression in transgenic mice. An 8.8 kilobase (kb) human genomic DNA fragment, including the insulin gene (1.4 kb) and 2 kb of 5' human flanking sequences, was introduced into mouse embryos by pronuclear microinjection. Two lines of transgenic mice have been established, both of which carry the intact human gene in multiple copies. Animals from both lines have significantly higher insulin levels than control mice, and the degree of hyperinsulinemia shows a positive correlation with human gene copy number in the two lines. Expression of the human gene is confirmed by the detection of human C-peptide in plasma. Tissue specificity of expression is maintained, with human insulin mRNA detectable only in the pancreas. The transgenics maintain normal fasting blood glucose in spite of their high insulin levels, but preliminary studies show them to be glucose intolerant when given a glucose load. These mice provide a model system for further studies on the regulation of insulin gene expression and on the effects of chronic hyperinsulinemia on glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of MA-5, a human-specific monoclonal antibody to the insulin receptor alpha-subunit, on transmembrane signaling in cell lines transfected with and expressing both normal human insulin receptors and receptors mutated in their beta-subunit tyrosine kinase domains. In cell lines expressing normal human insulin receptors, MA-5 stimulated three biological functions: aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake, thymidine incorporation, and S6 kinase activation. Under conditions where these biological functions were stimulated, there was no detectable stimulation of receptor tyrosine kinase. We then combined the use of this monoclonal antibody with cells expressing insulin receptors with mutations in the beta-subunit tyrosine kinase domain; two of ATP binding site mutants V1008 (Gly----Val) and M1030 (Lys----Met) and one triple-tyrosine autophosphorylation site mutant F3 (Tyr----Phe at 1158, 1162, and 1163). In cells expressing V1008 receptors, none of the three biological functions of insulin was stimulated. In cells expressing M1030 receptors, AIB uptake was stimulated to a small, but significant, extent whereas the other two functions were not. In cells expressing F3 receptors, AIB uptake and S6 kinase activation, but not thymidine incorporation, were fully stimulated. The data suggest, therefore, that (1) activation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase may not be a prerequisite for signaling of all the actions of insulin and (2) there may be multiple signal transduction pathways to account for the biological actions of insulin.  相似文献   

Three agents which mimic insulin action in intact cells (concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, and polyclonal insulin receptor antibody), mimicked insulin's ability to stimulate the kinase activity of purified insulin receptors. In contrast, monoclonal insulin receptor antibody, an antagonist of insulin action, did not stimulate the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor either in intact IM-9 cells or in purified receptor preparations. This antibody, however, antagonized the ability of insulin to stimulate the phosphorylation of the receptor both in intact cells and in the purified receptor. These studies with insulin mimickers and an insulin antagonist are consistent with a role for the kinase activity of the receptor mediating the actions of insulin.  相似文献   

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