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SYNOPSIS. Platyamoeba stenopodia n. g., n. sp., isolated from a lake in Alabama, is an amoeba with flattened form, usually more than 2.5 × as long as broad, the anterior half hyaline and the posterior half granular, with a single vesiculate nucleus at the posterior edge of the hyaline region. It forms a transitory floating stage with slender, hyaline pseudopods. Its cyst is spherical, uninucleate, with a smooth inner wall and a thinner, closely applied outer wall, which is often slightly wrinkled. Length of locomotive amoeba 15–36 μ diameter of cyst 7–11.5 μ Reproduction by binary fission with mesomitotic nuclear division, the nuclear membrane disappearing in prophase. The genus Platyamoeba is erected for amoebae including this organism; the type species is P. placida.  相似文献   

Three new genera of trypanorhynch cestodes are described from Australian elasmobranchs: Cetorhinicola acanthocapax n. g., n. sp. from Cetorhinus maximus (Gunner, 1765), with four bothridia joined by avelum, a typical heteroacanthous armature with the ends of the hook rows not meeting on the external surface, and enlarged hooks on the base of the tentacle; Shirleyrhynchus butlerae n. g., n. sp., from Dasyatis fluviorum Ogilby, 1908 and D. sephen (Forsskal, 1775), with four bothridia, typical heteroacanthous armature, enlarged basal hooks, testes in linear rows, and lacking seminal vesicles; Stragulorhynchus orectologi n. g., n. sp., from Orectolobus tentaculatus (Peters, 1864) (type-host), O. maculatus (Bonnaterre, 1788) and O. ornatus (de Vis, 1882), with four bothridia, poeciloacanthous armature, with a band of hooklets on the external surface of the tentacle, external seminal vesicle, hermaphroditic duct, accessory seminal vesicle and post-ovarian testes. None of the new genera is readily accommodated by the existing classification of the Trypanorhyncha: the first two genera are tentatively allocated to the Gilquiniidae and the last to the Gymnorhynchidae.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Glauconema trihymene n. g., n. sp., a marine hymenostome ciliate, is described from the Virginia coast. Morphologic studies were made on specimens treated with the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technic and on animals observed with the phase microscope. Particular attention is given to the buccal ciliature and its importance to generic assignment in the order Hymenostomatida.  相似文献   

Summary Lobatodiscus australiensis n.g., n.sp. (family and subfamily uncertain) and Elseyatrema microacetabularis n.g., n.sp. (family Paramphistomidae, subfamily Dadaytrematinae?), from the intestine of the freshwater turtle Elseya dentata (Gray) in Queensland, Australia, are described. Lobatodiscus has a large lobed acetabulum, small oral diverticula which do not protrude out of the oral sucker, two pairs of lymph vessels and no oesophageal bulb. Elseyatrema has a small acetabulum, large protruding oral diverticula, an oesophageal bulb, juxtaposed testes, one pair of rudimentary lymph vessels and no cirrus-sac. ac]19830626  相似文献   

Summary Acugutturus parasiticus n.g., n.sp. is described from St. Lucia, W. Indies. The species is unique in the Aphelenchoidea because of the 50 to 60 μm stylet with the conus much longer than the shaft. A. parasiticus is ectoparasitic on Periplaneta americana (L.), all stages of the nematode, including the egg, being found on the body surfaces. Acugutturinae n.subf. is proposed to accommodate the new genus.  相似文献   

We report a new naked cercozoan flagellate, Esquamula lacrimiformis n. g., n. sp., collected from a sandy beach in Japan. Its cells were 4.5–11.3 μm in length and 3.9–8.8 μm in width and possess two unequal flagella. Cells move in a smooth gliding motion and have a trailing long posterior flagellum. Phylogenetic analyses with small and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes revealed that E. lacrimiformis forms a novel lineage within the Thaumatomonadida, the members of which are flagellates with siliceous scales. However, our light and electron microscopic observations indicated that E. lacrimiformis cells do not possess any siliceous structures. Furthermore, other morphological characteristics, such as the shape of the extrusomes and the structural arrangement of the microbody, were clearly different from those of previously described thaumatomonads. On the basis of a combination of these morphological observations and our phylogenetic analyses, we conclude that E. lacrimiformis should be treated as a new species of a new genus and placed into a new family, Esquamulidae n. fam., under Thaumatomonadida.  相似文献   

Notogaeanemertes folzae gen. n., sp. n., a monoecious and ovoviviparous hoplonemertean, is described from the supra-littoral at Kaikoura, New Zealand. It shares more characters with group I terrestrial nemerteans than with group II which brings into question the significance of certain features in the systematics of semiterrestrial/terrestrial nemerteans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and molecular phylogeny of Pseudodiophrys nigricans n. g., n. sp., and Paradiophrys zhangi n. sp., isolated from a sandy beach near Qingdao, China, were investigated. Pseudodiophrys is characterized by the Diophrys‐like ciliature pattern, but having only a single, reduced undulating membrane. Pseudodiophrys nigricans, the type species by monotypy, is described from live and silver‐impregnated specimens. Paradiophrys zhangi is similar to the type species Paradiophrys irmgard but can be recognized by its border body and the number (7 vs. 8–10) and arrangement (in rows vs. sparsely distributed) of the frontoventral cirri. Small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data support the validity of both species. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence data currently available for uronychiids and other related taxa indicate that P. nigricans is most closely related to Diophrys scutum and Diophrys apoligothrix, while P. zhangi clusters most closely with Apodiophrys ovalis within a clade that also includes two other Paradiophrys species.  相似文献   

Humesiella corallicola n.g., n.sp., a lichomolgid copepod associated with the hard coral Hypnophora sp. is described from the South East Coast of India. Genus Humesiella nov. is close to Lichomolgus Thorell, Nasomolgus Sewell, Lichomolgides Gotto and Epimolgus Bocquet & Stock, in possessing a two-segmented fourth endopod with 2 terminal spines. However, it differs from all the known lichomolgid genera in having a massive appendage-like posterior basal lobe on the second maxilla.  相似文献   

Synopsis. Facieplatycauda pratti gen. n., sp. n. and Myxobolus kozloffi sp. n., from the Klamath Lake sucker, Catostomus luxatus (Cope), are described. The new genus is placed in the family Myxobolidae between Henneguya and Myxobolus. The spore valves beyond the sporoplasmic space are broad and long but not attenuated as an inverted triangle as in certain species of Myxobolus with tails, or of Henneguya with sometimes bifurcated tails. An organism resembling Myxobolus insidiosus (Wyatt & Pratt) was found in the muscle of the body of Salmo clarki (Richardson). Differences in spore structure and site of infection suggest this is a subspecies of the previous form which should be designated Myxobolus insidiosus clarki. A previously unreported species of Myxobolus from Cottus aleuticus (Gilbert) is also described.  相似文献   

Lusitaneura covensis n. gen., n. sp., from the Late Carboniferous (Lower Stephanian C) of the Douro Basin (NW of Portugal), is the first Portuguese representative of the Palaeozoic insect order Caloneurodea.  相似文献   


A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Praealbonemertes whangateaunienses n. gen. and n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species is characterised by inter alia a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, and a well-developed muscle plate dorsal to the foregut and anterior intestine. The material was collected in New Zealand.  相似文献   

A new soil ciliate, Pseudonotohymena antarctica n. g., n. sp., from King George Island, Antarctica, is described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and its 18S rRNA gene. The new genus Pseudonotohymena is morphologically similar to the genus Notohymena Blatterer and Foissner 1988 in the following characteristics: 18 fronto‐ventral‐transverse cirri, a flexible body, undulating membranes, dorsomarginal kineties, and the number of cirri in the marginal rows. However, Pseudonotohymena differs from Notohymena particularly in the dorsal ciliature, that is, in possessing a nonfragmented dorsal kinety (vs. fragmented). In addition, the molecular phylogenetic relationship of the new species differs from that of Notohymena species. On the basis of the morphological features, the genetic data, and morphogenesis, we establish P. antarctica n. g., n. sp. In addition, the cyst morphology of this species is described.  相似文献   

Two cicada hatchlings (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in Burmese and Dominican amber are described as Burmacicada protera n. gen., n. sp. and Dominicicada youngi n. gen., n. sp., respectively. Although very similar in appearance, the two species can be separated by body contour, the nature of the process on the terminal antennomere and the shape and size of protrusions, teeth and spines on the forelegs. A comparison of the forelegs of the fossil hatchlings with those of an extant hatchling of the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim (L.), reveals a remarkable degree of morphological conservatism over 100 million years. A brief review of fossil cicadas is presented.  相似文献   

The morphologies of two novel ciliates, Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. gen., n. sp. and Naxella paralucida n. sp., collected from Shanghai, China, have been investigated using live observation and silver staining methods. Arcanisutura n. gen. can be easily distinguished from related genera by its inconspicuous, oblique anterior suture. Arcanisutura chongmingensis n. sp. is mainly recognized by its elongated body with a tail‐like posterior end, 25–33 somatic kineties, and 4–11 excretory pores. Naxella paralucida n. sp. can be distinguished from its congeners based on its two short nassulid organelles, fusiform trichocysts, 37–49 somatic kineties, and 16 nematodesmal rods. The small‐subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of these two species are presented, revealing the phylogenetic positions of Arcanisutura and Naxella. Phylogenetic analyses show that Arcanisutura forms a sister clade to other synhymeniid genera, namely, Chilodontopsis, Orthodonella, and Zosterodasys; Naxella is most closely related to Nassula spp. and is located within the monophyletic clade of the family Nassulidae.  相似文献   

The present work shows predatory behaviour of the social orb-weaver spider, Geratonephila burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Araneae: Nephilidae) against a parasitic wasp, Cascoscelio incassus n. gen., n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) in Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. An adult male and juvenile of G. burmanica in the same web provide the first fossil evidence of sociality in spiders. The spider is characterised by a pedipalp with a hemispherical tegulum, a subtegulum curved at 180°and an apical spiralled embolas-conductor bent approximately 45°at midpoint. The male wasp is characterised by an ocellar tubercle, 12-segmented antennae with a feeble five-segmented clava, thick sensilla trichodea curvata with rounded ends on the claval antennomeres, a short uncus, a short post-marginal vein and a nebulose radial sector (Rs) vein extending from the uncus to the costal margin of the forewing. This is the first fossil evidence of spider sociality and a fossil spider attacking prey trapped in its web.  相似文献   

A new nematode, Elaeolenchus parthenonema n. g., n. sp., is described from the palm-pollinating weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. The new genus is placed in the Anandranematidae n. fam., which, together with the genus Anandranema Poinar et al., 1993, is characterised by nematodes having only a single autotokous generation in the insect host. This is the first report of a member of this superfamily reproducing only parthenogenetically. The development of E. parthenonema and its effect on the weevil host is discussed, along with a phylogenetic synopsis of the families of the Sphaerularioidea Lubbock 1861. The Beddingiidae n. fam. is proposed for Beddingia Blinova & Korenchenko, 1986, comprising the original Deladenus parasites of Hymenoptera that possess both free-living and parasitic amphimictic generations in their life-cycles. This family is considered to have the most primitive type of development in the superfamily.  相似文献   

Nilobathynella predynastica n.g., n.sp. from Abri, Nubia, is the first representative of the Tribus Cteniobathynellini in the Nile Valley. Its relationship with the other Cteniobathynellini, as well as its biogeographical significance, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Renivermis crocodyli, n. g., n. sp., is described from the kidneys of the saltwater crocodileCrocodylus porosus Schneider from northern Australia. The genusRenivermis is grouped withExotidendrium Mehra, 1935 andSimhatrema Chattopadhyaya, 1970 in the family Exotidendriidae Mehra, 1935. An amended diagnosis of the family and a key to its genera are given.  相似文献   

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