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SYNOPSIS. Differentiation of small-mouthed cells (microstomes) into large-mouthed, potentially carnivorous cells (macrostomes) in Tetrahymena vorax is prevented by 2-mercapto-1-(β-4-pyridethyl) benzimidazole (MPB). This differentiation, induced by the transforming principle, stomatin, isolated from the potential prey, Tetrahymena pyriformis, is a synchronous process in which 70–95% of the population of T. vorax microstomes transform into macrostomes within 450 min. MPB also inhibits RNA synthesis in transforming microstomes while having little effect on protein synthesis. Finally, the effect of MPB on both transformation and RNA synthesis is reversible.  相似文献   

Proteins of surface membranes and surface-related cytoskeletons in Tetrahymena vorax microstomes and macrostomes were compared by one-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to see if protein differences could be detected that correlate with the transformation from one phenotype to the other. Some differences were observed. However, these alterations appear to result from the heat-shock procedure used to synchronize the microstome-to-macrostome transition. The apparent lack of transformationspecific changes in cortical proteins is discussed. Similarities and differences between cytoskeletal proteins of T. pyriformis GL-C and T. vorax are also noted and discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Microstome →macrostome transformation in Tetrahymena vorax was induced by suspending microstomes in a transforming principle, stomatin, released by a potential prey, T. pyriformis. It was found that 70–90% of the microstomes formed macrostomes within 7 hours following suspension in this transforming principle. Macrostome formation occurred by the process of oral replacement. This process involved resorption of the microstome oral apparatus and its replacement with a larger (macrostome) one, which arose from an anarchic field that formed behind the resorbing oral area. Ninety-five percent of those microstomes which were destined to form macrostomes were in some stage of oral replacement 195 minutes after their suspension in stomatin. Several commercially produced products were tested over a wide range of concentrations to determine their ability to act as an inducer of macrostomes. Only 2, Trypticase and Bactocasitone, had any activity, and it was too small to be considered really effective. An attempt was also made to destroy the activity of stomatin by using enzymes. RNAse was effective but only in very high concentrations, so it was suggested that this activity might be related to the destruction of RNA within the transforming cell and not related to hydrolysis of stomatin. None of the other enzymes tested had any effect in reducing the activity of stomatin.  相似文献   

A reliable method for producing reproductive cysts in Tetrahymena patula is described. The procedure involves the isolation of macrostomes without cytopharyngeal pouches in microdrops of distilled water under oil. The study of silver-impregnated specimens has shown that a complex pattern of oral resorption and reformation occurs within the cyst that leads to the formation of a group of small cells with recessed oral apparatuses. These cells, called “cryptostomes,” swim very rapidly on excystment and are incapable of either feeding or reproducing. They are presumably dispersal forms. Oral morphogenesis during the transformation of excysted cryptostomes into microstomes and macrostomes is also described.  相似文献   

Platyophrya bromelicola nov. spec. was discovered in tanks of bromeliads from Jamaica. Its morphology, ontogenesis, and small-subunit rDNA were studied using standard methods. Platyophrya bromelicola differs from its congeners mainly by the pyriform, unflattened body (vs. reniform and flattened); the free-swimming (planktonic) habit (vs. biofilm creepers); and the unique ability to form two distinct morphs, i.e., small, bacteriophagous microstomes and large, predaceous macrostomes. Microstomes and macrostomes can be distinguished not only by body size and feeding preferences but also by the postoral pseudomembrane composed of two vs. three to four dikinetids per kinety. The ability to form macrostomes is considered as an adaptation to the highly competitive habitat. Ontogenesis closely resembles that of other members of the family. Platyophrya bromelicola is distinct not only morphologically but also genetically (3.7% in the small-subunit rDNA) from P. vorax, a common, cosmopolitan moss and soil species.  相似文献   

The functional response of a predator, Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis, on the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, was investigated in two different experimental habitats: a piece of tiller in a petri dish (5.5?cm in diameter) and a rice plant in a net cage (5.5?cm diameter?×?43?cm height) for 24?h at room temperature. In the petri dish experiment, 2nd–5th instar nymphs, adult male, and female C. lividipennis were introduced in separate experiments to eggs of N. lugens at densities of five, 10, 20, 30, and 40 eggs per piece of rice. In the rice plant experiment, each C. lividipennis was introduced to a cage with a rice plant containing N. lugens eggs. After 24?h, the number of dead eggs and remaining eggs were counted and data fitted to three functional response models. Among the three types of functional responses, Type II best described the predator response to host densities in N. lugens in both experimental habitats, according to the logistic regression analysis value. The results showed that C. lividipennis was a more effective predator in the rice plant experiment compared to the disc experiment. Additionally, the searching efficiency and handling time parameters were different in the two different experimental habitats. This may cause errors when applying the functional response to biological control and predator–prey models. Different habitats and other environmental conditions from the experiment and natural rice field have to be considered.  相似文献   

Chaenea vorax, a predatory marine gymnostome, was established in laboratory culture using Cyclidium sp. as a food source. The respective cultures were used to study the predator-prey relationships of these organisms. In addition, the feeding specifics of Chaenea vorax were studied and a possible sexual phenomenon, herein called “coupling”, was observed. Whenever Chaenea vorax is introduced into a laboratory culture of Cyclidium sp. the predator brings about a decimation of the prey population. Other food sources were offered to the predator, but only those organisms having a long caudal cilium were used and/or grasped. The phenomenon of “coupling” is proposed to be conjugation, but the nuclear events have not been established.  相似文献   

RÉSUMÉ. Des expérimentations portant sur des cellules isolées ont montré que 77% des microstomes de Tetrahymena paravorax, prélevés au hasard dans des cultures en phase logarithmique de croissance, se transforment directement en macrostomes en présence de “stomatine.” Ces macrostomes apparaissent à des moments variés entre 1,5 et 9 h après l'addition de la stomatine (“point 50% de transformations” vers 2,5 h). La compétence pour le remplacement oral est en relation avec la position dans le cycle cellulaire. Les pourcentages de transformation les plus élevés sont observés avec les populations testées pendant la première moitié de la période moyenne d'interfission. La formation des macrostomes est d'autant plus rapide que l'ǎge initial des microstomes est plus proche du point médian du cycle cellulaire (“point de compétence”). Dans la seconde moitié de ce cycle, le temps moyen de transformation reste à peu près constant, mais le pourcentage de divisions augmente: le “point de transition” (50% de divisions) se trouve au début d'une phase terminale représentant 19–20% de la durée totale du cycle. La transformation des produits de bipartition antérieur et postérieur est nettement asynchrone: dans la majorité des paires cellulaires, l'opisthe se transforme avant le proter. Les cellules-soeurs se divisent aussi de manière asynchrone: le temps de génération du proter est plus long que celui de l'opisthe. Le problème de l'acquisition de la compétence pour le changement de phénotype est discuté en envisageant les corrélations éventuelles avec certains processus majeurs du cycle cellulaire. SYNOPSIS. Seventy-seven percent of the microstomes of Tetrahymena paravorax taken from random samples of log-phase cultures transform directly into macrostomes in the presence of “stomatin.” These macrostomes appear between 1.5 and 9 h after addition of stomatin (“50% transformation point,”~ 2.5 h). Competence for oral replacement is related to the position in the cell cycle. The highest percentages of transformation are observed in populations tested during the first half of the mean interfission period. Formation of macrostomes is more rapid when the initial age of the microstomes is nearer to the midpoint of the cell cycle (“competence point”). In the 2nd half of this cycle, the mean transformation time remains approximately constant, but the percentage of cells undergoing division is increasing. The “transition point” (50% divided cells) is found at the beginning of a terminal phase which accounts for 19–20% of the cell cycle. Transformation of anterior and posterior fission products is fairly asynchronous; in the majority of individual pairs, the opisthe is transformed before the proter. The daughter cells also divide asynchronously, the generation time of the proter being longer than that of the opisthe. The problem of acquisition of competence for phenotypic change is discussed in light of possible correlations with certain major processes of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Polymorphic ciliates, like Tetrahymena vorax, optimize food utilization by altering between different body shapes and behaviours. Microstome T. vorax feeds on bacteria, organic particles, and solutes, whereas the larger macrostome cells are predators consuming other ciliates. We have used current clamp and discontinuous single electrode voltage clamp to compare electrophysiological properties of these morphs. The resting membrane potential was approximately ?30 mV in both morphs. The input resistance and capacitance of microstomes were approximately 350 MΩ and 105 pF, whereas the corresponding values for the macrostomes were 210 MΩ and 230 pF, reflecting the larger cell size. Depolarizing current injections elicited regenerative Ca2+ spikes with a maximum rate of rise of 7.5 Vs?1 in microstome and 4.7 Vs?1 in macrostome cells. Depolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of ?40 mV induced an inward Ca2+ ‐current (Ica) peaking at ?10 mV, reaching approximately the same value in microstome (?1.4 nA) and macrostome cells (?1.2 nA). Because the number of ciliary rows is the same in microstome and macrostome cells, the similar size of ICa in these morphs supports the notion that the voltage‐gated Ca2+ channels in ciliates are located in the ciliary membrane. In both morphs, hyperpolarizing voltage steps revealed inward membrane rectification that persisted in Na+‐free solution and was only partially inhibited by extracellular Cs+. The inward rectification was completely blocked by replacing Ca2+ with Co2+ or Ba2+ in the recording solution, and is probably due to Ca2+ ‐activated inward K+ current secondary to Ca2+ influx through channels activated by hyperpolarization.  相似文献   


The attraction of Allodorylaimus americaus towards excised (cut into two pieces) and non-excised (live) individuals of plant parasitic nematodes viz., Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi, Hoplolaimus indicus, Helicotylenchus indicus, Hirschmanniella oryzae, Xiphinema americanum and Hemicriconemoides mangiferae used as prey were tested in a Petri dish. A. americanus responded positively and significantly to prey kairomones but showed variation in their individual behaviour. A. americanus was most attracted towards excised individuals of T. mashhoodi. The differential responses of A. americanus towards different prey were attributed to the inert behaviour of the predator, their preference for a particular species of prey, chemical composition, concentration, quality, quantity of prey attractant, formation of minimum perceptible attraction gradient of prey and minimum response threshold of predators. Different factors such as temperature, period of prey incubation, prey density, starvation of predators, agar concentration, and agar thickness governed the attraction responses of the predator. A. americanus responded maximally towards T. mashhoodi, when tested as 5-day starved predators in agar plates containing a 2 mm thick layer of 1% water-agar with 200 prey individuals previously incubated for 16 h at 30°C.  相似文献   

Column chromatography with Biogel P2 (molecular exclusion of 1800 daltons) indicates that the transforming principle causing microstomes to become macrostomes is a small molecule. Absorbance tests show that only those fractions with high absorbance at 260 nm have biological activity, indicating that the active principle is a component of nucleic acids. Tests of purines and pyrimidines show that purines are active, with hypoxanthine having the highest activity. The combination of hypoxanthine with uridine shows a synergistic reaction. As these two compounds are the natural catabolic excretory products from nucleic acids in Tetrahymena, the fact that they induce transformation in concentrated, starving cells may be a survival mechanism allowing cannibalism to be induced when nutrients are depleted, thereby allowing the survival of the transformed cells until such time as adequate nutritional conditions are restored.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Periodically, stocks of Tetrahymena vorax, which normally yield 70–90% macrostomes when subjected to heat shock or other induction methods, become low-transformers and yield ≥30% macrostomes. The addition to the post-heat-shock wash buffer (pH 6.8) of 2.7 × 10-4 M Fe3+, 1.6 × 10-5 M Cu2+, 1 × 10-4 M retinol palmitate or the adjustment of the buffer to a pH of 4 to 5 boosts transformation significantly over controls in inorganic medium alone. The addition of Fe2+ or Cu1+ has a similar, but less pronounced effect on transformation. Ferric ion (2.7 × 10-4 M) will significantly increase transformation in starved non-heat-shocked cells, whereas Fe2+, copper, retinol palmitate, and hydrogen ion concentration have no effect. The agents that boost transformation appear to act by delaying cell division in pre-transformants. Membrane fluidity, as inferred by fluorescence polarization measurements of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, is altered in a consistent manner by starvation and heat shock. Enhancing agents, including compounds previously shown to boost heat-shock-induced macrostome formation, produce diverse shifts in membrane fluidity. Their effect on transformation of these low-transforming cells therefore appears to be attributable to some mechanism or mechanisms other than a direct alteration of membrane physical properties.  相似文献   

By rotating on a short, flexible, pedal stalk, Cupelopagis vorax captures prey that traverse the substratum to which this sessile rotifer attaches. Microvideographic analysis (including slow motion and freeze-frame) permitted us to examine some of the details of Cupelopagis foraging behavior. When undisturbed, Cupelopagis usually faces forward in a resting or neutral position (NP) with its unciliated infundibulum (corona) directed parallel to the surface of the substratum. However, vibrations produced by artificial means (fine pins) or small prey (protists) evoke unique behaviors in Cupelopagis. Our analysis of Cupelopagis foraging on two protozoan prey (Paramecium bursaria and a small, unidentified flagellate, SUF) indicates that this predator possesses a 360 ° encounter field (EF) biased towards the NP Size of the EF appears to be a function of both predator and prey size, but it extends at least 650 µm, as measured from the point of attachment of the predator's pedal stalk to the substratum. When a prey comes close to Cupelopagis, this predator can lean toward the organism, stretching forward on its pedal stalk and extending its corona over the prey in a swift motion (< 0.5 s). Probability of capture after attack was a function of prey type (61.6% for P. bursaria and 41.5% for the SUF). Analysis of prey capture by Cupelopagis indicates that this predator has a handling time ranging from a few seconds to several minutes: 24.6 ± 16.8 s for P. bursaria (n= 274) and 34.6 ± 25.4 s for the SUF (n=111). Occasionally Cupelopagis sweeps part of the EF by retracting its corona, turning to the right or left (mean angle subtended 63 ° ± 42 °), unfolding the corona, and slowly returning to the original resting position. This behavior, termed surveillance, occurs in the presence or absence of prey. While not unique in its ability to detect water movements, Cupelopagis is the only rotifer known to exhibit specific behaviors to vibrations produced by potential prey.  相似文献   

Aabir Banerji  Peter J. Morin 《Oikos》2014,123(5):567-574
Apparent competition is of broad interest due to its effects on community structure and potential applications in agriculture, restoration, and medicine. It is well‐established that apparent competition can result from changes in predator abundance or behavior caused by interactions with alternate prey, but no previous empirical study has demonstrated that apparent competition can also result from prey‐induced changes in predator morphology. This trait‐mediated alternative mechanism of apparent competition would expand the range of conditions under which apparent competition might occur in nature and identify new ways to generate or modify apparent competition in applied contexts. Here, as a proof of concept, we show that trait‐mediated apparent competition can arise from inducible offenses and show how it operates using experiments involving three ciliates. When it feeds on Colpidium kleini, the intraguild predator Tetrahymena vorax increases in size to the extent that it can then consume Paramecium aurelia, an even larger prey. When feeding only on bacteria, however, Tetrahymena remains smaller and is unable to consume Paramecium. This trait‐mediated indirect effect leads to the predatory exclusion of Paramecium, while Tetrahymena and Colpidium coexist. Developmental expansions such as those underlying the interactions observed in our study are not limited to ciliates, such as Tetrahymena, but occur among many diverse taxa and may have a surprising degree of influence over the structure and dynamics of food webs.  相似文献   

The basic components of the predation of Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot feeding upon eggs of Tetranychus urticaeKoch were studied in an open system where the predator could disperse freely. The type of the functional response of the predator to the density of its prey was the same as that studied so far in a closed system, i.e.,Holling's Type 2. The search rate of the predator, however, was much lower in comparison with the result from a closed system. The oviposition of the predator per day was only weakly related to prey densities higher than 10 per leaf disc. But the emigration rate was inversely dependent upon the initial prey density up to 60 per leaf disc. The searching behaviour of the predator was influenced by both the web density spun by T. urticae and the density of the prey: the predator searched for its prey intensively only after it had contact with web. Mutual interference was observed in prey consumption, but not in the emigration rate. The emigration rate was largely dependent upon the prey density available per predator.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100 is an obligate predator that invades and grows within the periplasm of Gram‐negative bacteria, including mcl‐polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) producers such as Pseudomonas putida. We investigated the impact of prey PHA content on the predator fitness and the potential advantages for preying on a PHA producer. Using a new procedure to control P. putida KT2442 cell size we demonstrated that the number of Bdellovibrio progeny depends on the prey biomass and not on the viable prey cell number or PHA content. The presence of mcl‐PHA hydrolysed products in the culture supernatant after predation on P. putida KT42Z, a PHA producing strain lacking PhaZ depolymerase, confirmed the ability of Bdellovibrio to degrade the prey's PHA. Predator motility was higher when growing on PHA accumulating prey. External addition of PHA polymer (latex suspension) to Bdellovibrio preying on the PHA minus mutant P. putida KT42C1 restored predator movement, suggesting that PHA is a key prey component to sustain predator swimming speed. High velocities observed in Bdellovibrio preying on the PHA producing strain were correlated to high intracellular ATP levels of the predator. These effects brought Bdellovibrio fitness benefits as predation on PHA producers was more efficient than predation on non‐producing bacteria.  相似文献   

Aukema BH  Clayton MK  Raffa KF 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):418-426
Multiple predator species feeding on a common prey can lead to higher or lower predation than would be expected by simply combining their individual effects. Such emergent multiple predator effects may be especially prevalent if predators share feeding habitat. Despite the prevalence of endophagous insects, no studies have examined how multiple predators sharing an endophytic habitat affect prey or predator reproduction. We investigated density-dependent predation of Thanasimus dubius (Coleoptera: Cleridae) and Platysoma cylindrica (Coleoptera: Histeridae) on a bark beetle prey, Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), in a laboratory assay. I. pini utilize aggregation pheromones to group-colonize and reproduce within the stems of conifers. T. dubius and P. cylindrica exploit these aggregation pheromones to arrive simultaneously with the herbivore. Adult T. dubius prey exophytically, while P. cylindrica adults enter and prey within the bark beetle galleries. Larvae of both predators prey endophytically. We used a multiple regression analysis, which avoids confounding predator composition with density, to examine the effects of varying predator densities alone and in combination on herbivore establishment, herbivore reproduction, and predator reproduction. Predators reduced colonization success by both sexes, and decreased I. pini reproduction on a per male and per female basis. The combined effects of these predators did not enhance or reduce prey establishment or reproduction in unexpected manners, and these predators were entirely substitutable. The herbivores net replacement rate was never reduced significantly below one at prey and predator densities emulating field conditions. Similar numbers of each predator species emerged from the logs, but predator reproduction suffered from high intraspecific interference. The net replacement rate of P. cylindrica was not affected by conspecifics or T. dubius. In contrast, the net replacement rate of T. dubius decreased with the presence of conspecifics or P. cylindrica. Combinations of both predators led to an emergent effect, a slightly increased net replacement rate of T. dubius. This may have been due to predation by larval T. dubius on pupal P. cylindrica, as P. cylindrica develops more rapidly than T. dubius within this shared habitat.  相似文献   

Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) are important pests of Solanaceae in many countries. Several studies have demonstrated that T. urticae is an acceptable prey to many predatory mites, although the suitability of this prey depends on the host plant. T. evansi, has been shown to be an unfavorable prey to most predatory mites that have been tested against it. The predator Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found in association with the two species in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare biological parameters of P. fragariae on T. evansi and on T. urticae as prey. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. At all temperatures, survivorship was lower on T. evansi than on T. urticae. No predator reached adulthood at 10°C on the former species; even on the latter species, only about 36% of the predators reached adulthood at 10°C. For both prey, in general, duration of each life stage was shorter, total fecundity was lower and intrinsic rate of population increase (r m ) was higher with increasing temperatures. The slower rate of development of P. fragariae on T. evansi resulted in a slightly higher thermal requirement (103.9 degree-days) on that prey than on T. urticae (97.1 degree-days). The values of net reproduction rate (R 0), intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) and finite rate of increase (λ) were significantly higher on T. urticae, indicating faster population increase of the predator on this prey species. The highest value of r m of the predator was 0.154 and 0.337 female per female per day on T. evansi and on T. urticae, respectively. The results suggested that P. fragariae cannot be considered a good predator of T. evansi.  相似文献   

1. A type of arms race that includes predation, counterattacks and cross‐counterattacks occurs between the phytophagous mite Stigmaeopsis nanjingensis (Ma et Yuan), which lives in self‐woven nests and exhibits cooperative sociality, and its specialised phytoseiid mite predator, Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara. 2. First, the efficiency of the S. nanjingensis (prey) counterattacking T. bambusae (predator) was observed. The prey females frequently locked the immature predators out of their nests using silk web, and the predators subsequently died of starvation. Furthermore, the prey males often killed immature T. bambusae mites after they invaded the nests. 3. This reversal of roles in the predator–prey system was then re‐reversed (returned to a normal state) by the behaviour of T. bambusae females. Immature predators could maintain their predacious natures due to the presence of attending adult females, which are able to cope with the prey counterattack behaviours.  相似文献   

1. We experimentally tested if a multiplicative risk model accurately predicted the consumption of a common mayfly at risk of predation from three predator species in New Zealand streams. Deviations between model predictions and experimental observations were interpreted as indicators of ecologically important interactions between predators. 2. The predators included a drift‐feeding fish [brown trout (T), Salmo trutta], a benthivorous fish [galaxiid (G), koaro, Galaxias brevipennis] and a benthic predatory stonefly (S; Stenoperla sp.) with Deleatidium sp. mayflies as prey. Eight treatments with all predator species combinations and a predator‐free control were used. Experiments were performed in aquaria with cobbles as predator refuges for mayflies and we measured the proportion of prey consumed after 6 h for both day and night trials. 3. Trout consumed a higher proportion of prey than other predators. For the two predator treatments we found less than expected prey consumption in the galaxiid + trout treatment (G + T) for both day and night trials, whereas a higher than expected proportion of prey was consumed during night time in the stonefly + trout (S + T) treatment. 4. The results indicate interference (G + T) and facilitation (S + T) between predators depending on predator identity and time of day. Thus, to make accurate predictions of interspecific interactions, it is necessary to consider the ecology of individual species and how differences influence the direction and magnitude of interactions.  相似文献   

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