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Aiming to clarify the mechanisms by which eukaryotes acquire tolerance to oxidative stress, adaptive and cross-protection responses to oxidants were investigated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cells treated with sub-lethal concentrations of menadione (a source of superoxide anions) exhibited cross-protection against lethal doses of peroxide; however, cells treated with H2O2 did not acquire tolerance to a menadione stress, indicating that menadione response encompasses H2O2 adaptation. Although, deficiency in cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (Sod1) had not interfered with response to superoxide, cells deficient in glutathione (GSH) synthesis were not able to acquire tolerance to H2O2 when pretreated with menadione. These results suggest that GSH is an inducible part of the superoxide adaptive stress response, which correlates with a decrease in the levels of intracellular oxidation. On the other hand, neither the deficiency of Sod1 nor in GSH impaired the process of acquisition of tolerance to H2O2 achieved by a mild pretreatment with peroxide. Using a strain deficient in the cytosolic catalase, we were able to conclude that the reduction in lipid peroxidation levels produced by the adaptive treatment with H2O2 was dependent on this enzyme. Corroborating these results, the pretreatment with low concentrations of H2O2 promoted an increase in catalase activity.  相似文献   

A simple ion leakage assay was used to investigate the effect ofabscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment on desiccation tolerance in the mossAtrichum androgynum. Results from experiments involvingtheapplication of the protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexamide during desiccationor rehydration suggested that pretreatment with ABA does not facilitate theproduction of protection or repair proteins duringdesiccation or rehydration. Rather, ABA induces the synthesis of these proteinsduring pretreatment. The ABA-induced increase in tolerance was much less ifplants were pretreated in the dark. Exposure to red light could not substitutefor white light, suggesting that ABA action does not require phytochrome.Desiccating intact long stem segments or long segments separated into apicalandbasal parts had no effect on the desiccation tolerance of either plant part.This suggests that no movement of signals or protective molecules occurs fromthe stem bases to the apices during desiccation. Basal stem segments were muchmore sensitive to desiccation than apical regions, suggesting during senescencea breakdown in mechanisms that protect mosses from injury occurs. Theimplications of these findings for the water relations of A.androgynum are discussed.  相似文献   

Pulse amplitude modulation fluorescence was used to investigate whether abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment increases the desiccation tolerance of photosynthesis in the moss Atrichum undulatum. In unstressed plants, ABA pretreatment decreased the F V/F m ratio, largely as a result of an increase in F o. This indicated a reduction in energy transfer between LHCII and PSII, possibly hardening the moss to subsequent stress by reducing the production of the reactive oxygen species near PSII. During desiccation, F 0, F m, F v/F m, PSII, and NPQ and F 0 quenching declined in ABA-treated and nontreated mosses. However, during rehydration, F 0, F m, F v/F m, and PSII recovered faster in ABA-treated plants, suggesting that ABA improved the tolerance of photosystem II to desiccation. NPQ increased upon rehydration in mosses from both treatments, but much more rapidly in ABA-treated plants; during the first hour of rehydration, NPQ was two-fold greater in plants treated with ABA. F 0quenching followed a similar pattern, indicating that ABA treatment stimulated zeaxanthin-based quenching. The implications of these results for the mechanisms of ABA-induced desiccation tolerance in A. undulatum are discussed.  相似文献   

Vitamin C breaks DNA only in the presence of oxygen. Superoxide dismutase has no effect on the reaction but catalase suppresses it. Superoxide also gives rise to breaks in DNA suppressible by both superoxide dismutase and catalase. The hydroxyl radical seems to be the agent responsible for strand cleavage itself.  相似文献   

Rasagiline [N-propargyl-l(R)-aminoindan] is a selective irreversible MAO-B inhibitor as is (-)deprenyl. The effect of the drug on antioxidant enzyme activities on dopaminergic tissue was examined in male F-344 rats (8.5-months-old). Two experimental groups were infused subcutaneously with rasagiline saline solutions by means of osmotic minipumps implanted subcutaneously in the back of the rats. Control animals were also similarly implanted with saline filled mini-pumps. Three-and-one-half weeks later, animals were sacrificed and selected tissue samples removed from brain, kidney and heart. Two doses of rasagiline (0.5 mg/kg/day, 1.0 mg/kg/day, both for 3.5 weeks) significantly increased catalase activities about 2-fold in substantia nigra and striatum but not in hippocampus. Interestingly, in both renal cortex and medulla. catalase (CAT) activities were significantly increased. Both Mn- and Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were increased 2 to 4 fold in substantia nigra, striatum and renal cortex and heart. Several groups, including our own have reported an extension of survival of deprenyl-treated animals of different species. Although the mechanism(s) of the life extension by deprenyl remains unresolved, it would be interesting to investigate the effect of rasagiline on the survival of animals, since deprenyl also was shown to increase antioxidant enzyme activities in brain dopaminergic regions.  相似文献   

Daily s.c. injection of (-)deprenyl (2.0 mg/kg/day) for three weeks in young male rats caused a threefold increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the striatum of the brain compared with the value in saline-injected control rats. Furthermore, the activity of catalase (but not of glutathione peroxidase) was also increased significantly by deprenyl treatment. The results confirmed the previous findings of Knoll on SOD activity and furthermore provided evidence that the activity of catalase is also significantly induced by the drug, which was not found in the previous study.  相似文献   

Selaginella tamariscina, one of the most primitive vascularplants, can remain alive in a desiccated state and resurrectwhen water becomes available. To evaluate the nature of desiccationtolerance in this plant, we compared the composition of solublesugars and saturation ratios of phospholipids (PLs) betweenhydrated and desiccated tissues of S. tamariscina using gaschromatography. In this study, differences in gene expressionand ABA contents were also analyzed during dehydration. Theresults revealed that trehalose (at >130 mg g–1 DW)was the major soluble sugar, and low saturated fatty acid contentin PLs (0.31) was maintained in both hydrated and desiccatedtissues. In addition, the ABA content of S. tamariscina increased3-fold, and genes involved in ABA signaling and cellular protectionwere up-regulated while photosystem-related genes were down-regulatedduring dehydration. The biochemical and molecular findings suggestthat both constitutive and inducible protective molecules contributeto desiccation tolerance of S. tamariscina.  相似文献   

Brain antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) levels were studied in the brains of early diabetic (72 hr) and long term diabetic (one month) rats. Diabetes was induced by injecting streptozotocin (50 mg/kg, i.p.) in citrate buffer. One group of diabetic rats was treated with insulin (1U/day/animal). The results indicate that early diabetic rats exhibit increased SOD and CAT activities with no alteration in the GPX activity. On the contrary, increased CAT decreased GPX activities with no alteration in the SOD activity, was noted in the long-term Diabetic rats. Insulin treatment reversed these alterations in both the groups. It can be concluded that, in diabetic condition antioxidant enzyme levels are elevated and insulin treatment attenuated these changes. Hence, diabetes mellitus, if left untreated, may initiate degenerative processes and other CNS complications due to accumulation of oxidative free radicals.  相似文献   

Abstract The planktonic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa is particularly sensitive to photoinhibition by visible light, Photosystem II and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase activities being affected. Although the organism contains superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, these protective enzymes are also photoinactivated during the illumination of whole cells by visible light.  相似文献   

The effect of carnitine administration on levels of lipid peroxide and activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase was studied in rats administered isoproterenol to induce myocardial infarction. Levels of fatty acid were lower in rats pretreated with carnitine at the peak period and given isoproterenol than the levels in isoproterenoltreated control rats. Lipid peroxides were decreased in the heart at peak infarction in carnitine-treated rats compared to the levels in isoproterenol-treated controls. Activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase showed no change in carnitine-treated animals given isoproterenol compared to those in normal control rats, while they decreased in animals treated with isoproterenol alone.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in S. cerevisiae has been studied under different experimental conditions: various H2O2 concentrations, time exposures, yeast cell densities and media for stress induction. The yeast treatment with 0.25–0.50 mM H2O2 led to an increase in catalase activity by 2–3-fold. At the same time, hydrogen peroxide caused an elevation by 1.6-fold or no increase in SOD activity dependently on conditions used. This effect was cancelled by cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis in eukaryotes. Weak elevation of catalase and SOD activities in cells treated with 0.25–0.50 mM H2O2 found in this study does not correspond to high level of synthesis of the respective enzyme molecules observed earlier by others. It is well known that exposure of microorganisms to low sublethal concentrations of hydrogen peroxide leads to the acquisition of cellular resistance to a subsequent lethal oxidative stress. Hence, it makes possible to suggest that S. cerevisiae cells treated with low sublethal doses of hydrogen peroxide accumulate non-active stress-protectant molecules of catalase and SOD to survive further lethal oxidant concentrations.  相似文献   

In mid-fifth-instar larvae of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania, the subcellular distribution of four antioxidant enzymes—superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), and glutathione reductase (GR)—were examined. Two-thirds (4.26 units ·mg protein?1) of the SOD activity was found in the cytosol, and one-thirds (2.13 units ·mg protein?1) in the mitochondria. CAT activity was unusually high and not restricted to the microsomal fraction where peroxisomes are usually isolated. The activity was distributed as follows: cytosol (163 units) mitochondria (125 units) and microsomes (119 units). Similar to CAT, the subcellular compartmentalization of both GPOX and GR was unusual. No activity was detected in the cytosol, but in mitochondria and microsomes, GR levels were 5.49 and 3.09 units. Although GPOX activity exhibited 14–16-fold enrichment in mitochondria and microsomes, respectively, over the 850g crude homogenate, the level was negligible (mitochondria = 1.4 × 10?3 units; microsomes = 1.6 × 10?3 units), indicating that this enzyme is absent. The unusual distribution of CAT has apparently evolved as an evolutionary answer to the absence of GR from the cytosol, and the lack of GPOX activity.  相似文献   

Purpose: Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is a major etiological factor in the bladder dysfunctions observed in men with lower tract obstruction, women with postmenopausal incontinence and with aging. A standardized grape suspension protects the rabbit urinary bladder from both the contractile dysfunctions and the morphologic changes mediated by I/R. Using a model of in vivo bilateral ischemia/reperfusion, the current study investigated the effect of this grape suspension on the endogenous antioxidant defense systems. Materials and methods: 24 NZW rabbits were separated into 6 groups of 4. Groups 1–3 were treated by gavage with aqueous grape suspensions; groups 4–6 received sugar-water vehicle. Groups 3 and 6 were controls. Groups 1 and 4 were subjected to bilateral ischemia for 2 h (I). Groups 2 and 5 underwent bilateral ischemia for 2 h and reperfusion for 1 week (I/R). For all rabbit bladders, the muscle and mucosa were separated by blunt dissection and analyzed separately. The effects of the various treatments on bladder antioxidant systems of cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase; SOD), and catalase (CAT) were evaluated. Results: The standardized grape suspension up-regulated both SOD and CAT activity of bladder muscle and mucosa in control animals. There were few differences in the grape suspension treated animals after ischemia, and in general the activities decreased following I/R. Conclusions: Increases of SOD and CAT activity in control animals as a result of grape suspension suggest a greater antioxidant capacity. This increase in the antioxidant defense system may explain the increased protection of grape suspension in the face of ischemia and I/R. However, the activities of both enzyme systems decreased in the smooth muscle subjected to I/R showing that reperfusion damages these systems probably via oxidation damage to the enzymes themselves.  相似文献   

Using high performance liquid chromatography, UV-VIS spectra and mass-spectra (FAB MS), 7 carotenoid species were identified in tissues of the bivalve mollusc Anadara inaequivalvis (Bruguiere, 1789): trans- and cis-pectenolon, alloxanthin, pectenol A, β-carotene, zeaxanthin, and diatoxanthin. Their quantitative ratio in hepatopancreas, gills and foot of animals were determined. A negative correlation (R 2 is about 0.9) was revealed between tissues content of a series of carotenoids (trans- and cis-pectenolon, zeaxanthin, alloxanthin, and diatoxanthin) and activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase). The existence of competitive interrelations between these molecular systems is proposed and underlying causes are discussed.  相似文献   

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