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The incorporation of 13C labelled glucose into trichocolein, deoxytomentellin, trans-phytol and stigmasterol has been studied in axenic cultures of the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella. Quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis of the resulting labelling patterns showed that the isoprene units of the hemi- and monoterpenoid moieties and the diterpene phytol are derived from the methylerythritol phosphate pathway, whereas the isoprene units of stigmasterol are built up via the mevalonic acid pathway. These results indicate the involvement of both IPP biosynthetic pathways in different cellular compartments. A new, hydroperoxy geranyl phenyl ether derivative is also described.  相似文献   

The prehallux is a sesamoid bone occurring in the region of the hallucial tarso-metatarsal joint in a number of metatherian and eutherian orders and in some nonmammalian tetrapods. Within the order Primates, it occurs invariably in ceboids and Hylobates, with extreme infrequency in pongids and Homo, and is absent in other primates groups. It has been suggested that, first, the prehallux is homologous both within and across the infraclasses Metatheria and Eutheria; second, it has functional significance in that it contributes to joint stability and is an adaptation to arboreality; third, its presence results in diagnostic features on the entocuneiform and hallucial metatarsal, so that original presence or absence can be unambiguously assessed in instances when the bone itself is not preserved; and fourth, because of presumed homology, it may be employed in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships. The present study concludes that the homologous nature of the bone is open to reasonable doubt, the assumption of homology does not yield significantly more parsimonious phylogeny reconstructions than does the assumption of analogy, there are no invariant diagnostic features associated with its presence, and functional explanations currently offered are of questionable validity. Thus, the prehallux is at present of little utility in either establishing or precluding phylogenetic relationships among primates.  相似文献   

本研究利用活体观察和蛋白银染色方法对采自西藏日喀则和那曲的3种苔藓栖生纤毛虫,鬃异源棘尾虫(Tetmemena pustulata)、棘毛虫未定种(Sterkiella sp.)和殖口虫未定种(Gonostomum sp.)进行了形态学研究,描述了活体、核器以及纤毛图式等形态学特征.同时,测定了这3种纤毛虫的SSU r...  相似文献   

Loreti  Juan  Oesterheld  Martín  Sala  Osvaldo 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):197-204
Grass species frequently show marked intraspecific variation inmorphology and tolerance to defoliation. Remarkably, most of this evidencecomesfrom grasslands with long evolutionary history of grazing. Here, we explore theintraspecific variation in grazing tolerance and morphometric traits associatedwith grazing avoidance of Paspalum dilatatum (Poir.), agrass from the Flooding Pampa (Argentina), where grazing is a novel disturbancein evolutionary time. We performed a clipping experiment in a greenhouse withtwo populations from sites with contrasting short term grazing regime:continuous grazing and 20 year-old grazing exclosure. The populations did notdiffer in their tolerance to clipping, and showed minor differences in the wayclipping affected plant height, a trait associated with grazing avoidance. Ourresults indicate that there are exceptions to the generalized findings of highlevels of intraspecific variation in grazing resistance among populations ofgrasses. These exceptions may be associated to evolutionary history of grazing.  相似文献   

  1. Intraspecific variation plays important roles in ecology and evolution. Yet, information on how species and populations vary remains scarce, particularly for insects and regarding functional traits. This lack of knowledge can be problematic in trait‐based ecology because traditional approaches assume negligible intraspecific variation, even for analyses that assess highly variable taxa.
  2. We measured 291 Arctic fritillary butterflies (Boloria chariclea) to assess the intraspecific variation in one population of this species, evaluating (i) how wingspan of Arctic fritillaries varies in relation to the other species of its community, and (ii) how well wingspan, a measure of body size, predicts weight, a measure of body mass.
  3. Wingspan of Arctic fritillaries varied between 2.62 and 4.07 cm, with the 95% interval range, including ~33% (14/42) of the species in the community, and ~30% (84/279) of the butterflies of Canada. The relationship between wingspan and weight was significant (βwingspan = 0.002, SE = 0.0008, P < 0.001), but relatively weak (R2adj = 0.31, F2,288 = 67.82, P < 0.001).
  4. We discuss our findings in relation to the assumption of species homogeneity and the use of proxies in the analysis of species traits, complementing our case study with simulations to illustrate how intraspecific and interspecific variation interact in determining when traditional trait analyses are robust. We suggest entomologists interested in trait analyses should critically evaluate how intraspecific variation could affect their inference, especially when evaluating species that are highly sexually dimorphic, phenotypically plastic, and/or distributed across broad environmental and spatial clines.

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequence variation is currently the most widely used tool for the inference of phylogenetic relationships among plants at all taxonomic levels. Generally, noncoding regions tend to evolve faster than coding sequences and have recently been applied to the study of phylogenetic relationships among closely related taxa. An implicit assumption of many of these studies is that intraspecific cpDNA variation is either absent or low and therefore will not interfere with the reconstruction of interspecific relationships. A survey of cpDNA sequence variation in the common alpine plant species Draba aizoides L. was undertaken to assess levels of intraspecific cpDNA sequence variation. These levels were compared to levels of interspecific sequence divergence between D. aizoides and related alpine Draba species. Intraspecific cpDNA sequence divergence was extensive in D. aizoides, and intraspecific differences were often larger than interspecific differences. cpDNA haplotype relationships were explored using a maximum parsimony approach and minimum-spanning networks. Results from both methods were largely congruent but comparisons provided interesting insights into the presumed evolutionary history of cpDNA haplotypes. A combined effect of cpDNA introgression and complex lineage sorting was inferred to explain the pattern of cpDNA variation found in D. aizoides. Our results suggest that intraspecific cpDNA variation can be extensive and that intraspecific variation needs to be taken into account when inferring phylogenetic relationships among closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Many species show intraspecific variation in their social organization (IVSO), which means the composition of their social groups can change between solitary living, pair living, or living in groups. Understanding IVSO is important because it demonstrates species resilience to environmental change and can help us to study ultimate and proximate reasons for group living by comparing solitary and group‐living individuals in a single species. It has long been realized that the environment plays a key role in explaining the occurrence of IVSO. IVSO is expected to have evolved in variable environments and can thus be a key adaptation to environmental change. It has previously been suggested that four different mechanisms relying on the environment exist that can lead to IVSO: environmental disrupters, genetic differentiation, developmental plasticity, and social flexibility. All four mechanisms depend on the environment such that focusing only on environmental factors alone cannot explain IVSO. Importantly, only three represent evolved mechanisms, while environmental disrupters leading to the death of important group members induce nonadaptive IVSO. Environmental disrupters can be expected to cause IVSO even in species where IVSO is also an adaptive response. Here, we focus on the questions of why IVSO occurs and why it evolved. To understand IVSO at the species level, it is important to conduct continuous long‐term studies to differentiate between nonadaptive and adaptive IVSO. We predict that IVSO evolves in environments that vary in important ecological variables, such as rainfall, food availability, and population density. IVSO might also depend on life history factors, especially longevity. IVSO is predicted to be more common in species with a short life span and that breed only for one breeding season, being selected to respond optimally to the prevailing environmental situation. Finally, we emphasize the importance of accounting for IVSO when studying social evolution, especially in comparative studies, as not every species can be assigned to one single form of social organization. For such comparative studies, it is important to use data based on the primary literature.  相似文献   

1. Although populations harbour considerable diversity, most ecological studies still assume they are homogeneous. However, mounting evidence suggests that intraspecific diversity is not only common, but also important for interactions with community members. Here, intraspecific variation in Daphnia dentifera in haemoglobin content is shown to be a marker of hypolimnion use. 2. Hypolimnion use differed substantially within and among D. dentifera populations. Daphnia dentifera with haemoglobin resided primarily in the hypolimnion, while D. dentifera lacking haemoglobin migrated vertically. These ‘deep’ and ‘migratory’D. dentifera had different seasonal phenologies and dynamics. 3. Deep and migratory D. dentifera had qualitatively different relationships with an important competitor, Daphnia pulicaria. Deep D. dentifera density was negatively correlated with D. pulicaria density, whereas migratory density was not correlated with D. pulicaria density. 4. Given that D. pulicaria tends to reside in the hypolimnion, this negative correlation probably reflects competition between D. pulicaria and the deep D. dentifera. This pattern would have been missed if only the relationship between the overall lake populations of D. dentifera and D. pulicaria had been studied. 5. Abundances of deep D. dentifera and D. pulicaria were both correlated with the size of the hypolimnetic refuge from fish predation, but in opposite directions. Lakes with large refuges generally had high D. pulicaria and low deep D. dentifera densities.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of Coleorrhyncha, a key-taxon within the Hemiptera, are described in detail and documented using modern techniques. The main focus is on Hackeriella veitchi, but two additional representatives of the Gondwanan relict group were also examined, and also head structures of Enicocephalidae, a member of a potentially basal heteropteran lineage. Features were compared to those documented in literature for the Sternorrhyncha, Auchenorrhyncha, and Heteroptera. Coleorrhyncha are characterized by highly modified head structures and correspondingly an entire series of autapomorphies, such as for instance a strongly flattened head capsule with fenestrations. However, they also display features that are likely plesiomorphic compared to members of other hemipteran groups. These include the almost complete tentorium and the lack of the gula. The sistergroup relationship between Coleorrhyncha and Heteroptera is well supported by cephalic features. Potential synapomorphies are the presence of a distinct mandibular sulcus, the reduced number of antennomeres, the absence of clasping organs in the labial groove, coiled accessory salivary ducts, the presence of a small cervical muscle M1a (M. pronotopostoccipitalis medialis), the presence of a second mandibular promotor M14 (M. zygomaticus mandibulae), the presence of M28 (M. verticopharyngalis), and M30 (M. frontobuccalis posterior).  相似文献   

Natural populations consist of phenotypically diverse individuals that exhibit variation in their demographic parameters and intra- and inter-specific interactions. Recent experimental work indicates that such variation can have significant ecological effects. However, ecological models typically disregard this variation and focus instead on trait means and total population density. Under what situations is this simplification appropriate? Why might intraspecific variation alter ecological dynamics? In this review we synthesize recent theory and identify six general mechanisms by which trait variation changes the outcome of ecological interactions. These mechanisms include several direct effects of trait variation per se and indirect effects arising from the role of genetic variation in trait evolution.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that structural plumage colour can be an honest signal of individual quality, but the mechanisms responsible for the variation in expression of structural coloration within a species have not been identified. We used full-spectrum spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy to investigate the effect of variation in the nanostructure of the spongy layer on expression of structural ultraviolet (UV)-blue coloration in eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) feathers. Fourier analysis revealed that feather nanostructure was highly organized but did not accurately predict variation in hue. Within the spongy layer of feather barbs, the number of circular keratin rods significantly predicted UV-violet chroma, whereas the standard error of the diameter of these rods significantly predicted spectral saturation. These observations show that the precision of nanostructural arrangement determines some colour variation in feathers.  相似文献   

Henn  Jonathan J.  Damschen  Ellen I. 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(6):669-680

Functional traits are often used to examine ecological patterns and processes. Ontogeny—changes that occur over time as the result of development—generates variation in traits within individual organisms. We aimed to quantify the role of ontogeny in structuring functional trait variation across a range of co-existing herbaceous perennial species and hypothesized that ontogenetic variation in traits would be greater in younger vs. older plants. We grew eight herbaceous perennial forb species common in tallgrass prairies from seed in a greenhouse in Madison, Wisconsin, USA to determine how and when time-related variation in functional traits is large relative to other sources of variation, such as differences between leaves and species. We destructively measured common functional traits on four individuals of each species every two weeks for 19 weeks, including leaf mass fraction, root mass fraction, stem mass fraction, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, and leaf area. We found that most functional traits indeed change through time, that the direction of many changes are consistent between species but the magnitude of change is species specific, and most time-related variation occurred earlier in development. These results emphasize the importance of considering sampling timing and differences between young and old plants when measuring functional traits. Our results suggest that ontogenetic intraspecific variation can be substantial, especially early in life. It may be problematic to use traits measured from mature plants to interpret the importance of processes that occur at earlier life stages or vice versa; using seedling traits to understand adult plant responses may also be inappropriate.


The nucleotide sequence of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) was determined for three populations of the parasitic nematode Trichostrongylus colubriformis which differed in their susceptibility to benzimidazole anthelmintics and/or in their geographical origin. No intraspecific variation was found in the ITS-2 sequence, indicating that this region of rDNA is inadequate to discriminate between resistant and susceptible populations of T. colubriformis, but it may prove useful for distinguishing between species of Trichostrongylus.  相似文献   

Andrew Siefert 《Oecologia》2012,170(3):767-775
Environmental filtering and niche differentiation are processes proposed to drive community assembly, generating nonrandom patterns in community trait distributions. Despite the substantial intraspecific trait variation present in plant communities, most previous studies of trait-based community assembly have used species mean trait values and therefore not accounted for intraspecific variation. Using a null model approach, I tested for environmental filtering and niche differentiation acting on three key functional traits??vegetative height, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf dry matter content (LDMC)??in old-field plant communities. I also examined how accounting for intraspecific variation at the among-plot and individual levels affected the detection of nonrandom assembly patterns. Tests using fixed species mean trait values provided evidence of environmental filtering acting on height and SLA and niche differentiation acting on SLA. Including plot-level intraspecific variation increased the strength of these patterns, indicating an important role of intraspecific variation in community assembly. Tests using individual trait data indicated strong environmental filtering acting on all traits, but provided no evidence of niche differentiation, although these signals may have been obscured by the effects of dispersal limitation and spatial aggregation of conspecific individuals. There was also strong evidence of nonrandom assembly of individuals within single species, with the strength of environmental filtering varying among species. This study demonstrates that, while analyses using fixed species mean trait values can provide insights into community assembly processes, accounting for intraspecific variation provides a more complete view of communities and the processes driving their assembly.  相似文献   

  • Galls display a multiplicity of traits, including colours, which are driven by pigment accumulation. Their conspicuousness has attracted researchers' attention and several hypotheses have been raised. However, plants themselves vary intra-specifically, including in their pigment concentrations. As galls are a result of host tissue development, colours may be a by-product of the host's own traits, being more conspicuous simply because the sites where galls develop already have the predisposition to accumulate more pigment. Here, we call this the host variation hypothesis.
  • We test this hypothesis using the system of galls induced by Palaeomystella oligophaga on Macairea radula host plant. Using spectrophotometry, we calculated the Anthocyanin Reflectance Index (ARI) of gall projections, which are responsible for their characteristic colours. We tested the influence of occupant identity (galling insect or any natural enemy), gall volume, parenchyma thickness, height from the ground, ARI of leaf, ARI of gall surface and ARI of the respective stem.
  • We corroborated the host variation hypothesis since the anthocyanin content in stems and in galls' projections were positively related. Moreover, anthocyanin in galls' projections was positively related to anthocyanin in the gall surface and negatively related to gall volume and parenchyma thickness. This shows that, besides the host specificities, galls' own traits may also be responsible for pigment accumulation, influencing their colours.
  • In this study, using colour as an example, we show that although galls tend to be considered complex expressions of galling insects' stimuli, their traits may be simply influenced by previous and specific attributes of the host organs.

Magnolia (disjuncts), however, have similar chemical profiles. A molecular phylogeny of Magnoliaceae was constructed to reveal phylogenetic relationships of taxa by sequencing the trnK intron (including the matK coding region), psbA-trnH, and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA from 25 Magnolia, two Michelia, and two Liriodendron taxa. The psbA-trnH spacer region showed twice the sequence divergence (0.0157) of the trnK intron (0.0073) or the matK coding region (0.0077). The strict consensus tree constructed from the combined data set (ca. 3,700 bp) indicated the genus Magnolia was polyphyletic containing Michelia species as ingroup. The clade of Magnolia liliifera var. obovata, M. coco, and M. delavayi formed the first branch. Among the remaining species, two additional large clades were recognized, i.e., one comprised of American evergreen Magnolia species and another of subgenus Yulania. The relationship among sect. Rytidospermum taxa was not clearly resolved. Parsimonious mapping of the floral scent chemical characters was performed onto the molecular phylogenetic tree to discuss evolutionary trends of the floral scent chemistries. Received 7 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 18 May 1999  相似文献   

The chloroplast mat-K region and rpL16 intron region were sequenced for 14 species of Schisandraceae, representing both genera Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss. and Schisandra Michx, to discuss the phylogeny of this family. Analyses were performed both in separate and combined sequence data sets (including the rbc-L sequence), with Illicium angustispealum A. C. Smith as the out-group. The results showed that the Schisandraceae are monophyletic. In all the analyses, Schisandra propinqua var. chinensis Oliva and Schisandra plena A. C. Smith were nested within Kadsura, which implies that the genera Kadsura and Schisandra are closely related. They might have originated from a common ancestor, but then evolved via different routes. The result inferred from the combined data showed a greater resolution within Schisandra than those from the two separate data sets. High bootstrap values supported the monophyly of most subgenera according to Law's system (1996). A combination of morphological, anatomical, and chemical analyses indicates that S. chinensis and S. rubriflora may be the primitive taxa in Schisandra.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiandra based on plastid DNA sequences. The phylogenetic tree showed that Cardiandra populations from the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) and Taiwan were monophyletic (Ryukyu–Taiwan clade), whereas taxa from China and mainland Japan were sisters to this clade. The divergence time between the Ryukyu–Taiwan clade and the other species was estimated to be 0.082 MYA, i.e., the late Pleistocene. The infrageneric and/or infraspecific differentiation of Cardiandra is estimated to have depended largely on allopatric differentiation caused by the presence or division of the past landbridge of the Ryukyu Islands, which connected mainland Japan to the Asian Continent during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

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