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报道了夹竹桃科萝藦亚科长瓣球兰[Hoya acuminata (Wight) Benth. ex Hook. f.]在中国的新分布记录。长瓣球兰过去记录在不丹、印度东北部(Sikkim, Khasia)和缅甸,2015年在中国西南部的西藏墨脱县内、海拔1 577 m的山林树上发现长瓣球兰。该物种与景洪球兰相近,但前者枝条光滑无毛,每个花序着花3~5朵,花冠直径达5 cm,花冠裂片长2 cm。凭证标本存放于广西药用植物园标本馆(GXMG)。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):165-168

The genus Gottschelia Grolle is reported as new to mainland China, from Yunnan Province. Previously G. schizopleura (Spruce) Grolle was the only known Chinese species, reported from Taiwan. However, two further species have recently been found in the Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province, G. patoniae Grolle, Schill & D.G. Long, previously known from the East Himalaya of Nepal and India (Sikkim) and G. grollei D.G. Long & Váňa, described here as a new species endemic to China, the fourth known species in the genus. The differences between the three Chinese species are enumerated with notes on distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):292-296
Atrichum laoshanense Y.-J.Yi &; S.He, a new species of Polytrichaceae from Laoshan mountain in Shandong Province, eastern China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles, and is related to A. angustatum (Brid.) Bruch &; Schimp., but differs in the presence of stellately papillose median leaf cells, multicellular laminal teeth with well-defined outgrowths of pedestal cells on the distal dorsal lamina, and papillose stem epidermal cells. An updated key to species of Atrichum in China is presented.  相似文献   

Zingiber pauciflorum L.Bai, ?korni?k., D.Z.Li & N.H.Xia (Zingibereae, Zingiberaceae), a new species from southern Yunnan, China, is described and colour plates are provided. It belongs to Z . sect. Cryptanthium Horan. and is compared with three similar species, namely Z. tenuifolium L.Bai, ?korni?k. & N.H.Xia, Z. smilesianum Craib and Z. yunnanense S.Q.Tong & X.Z.Liu. A colour plate of the most similar species, Z. smilesianum is also provided for comparison.  相似文献   

A new subgenus of Polia, Metallopolia subgen. n., two new species (Polia (Metallopolia) dysgnorima sp. n. and P. (M.) metagnorima sp. n.) from China (Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu), and a new subspecies, P. (M.) subviolacea kanchenjunga ssp. n. from Nepal and SE Tibet (Sikkim) are described. Habitus, antennae, male and female genitalia of all Metallopolia species are characterised, depicted and compared with the related species.  相似文献   

Haplodontium zangii X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao, a new moss species from Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. Previously, specimens of H. zangii have been identified as Mielichhoferia himalayana Mitt. However, H. zangii is distinctly different from M. himalayana in having excurrent costae with short awns (vs long denticulate awns), short-pyriform capsules, 0.8–1?mm (vs long-pyriform capsules, 2.5–3?mm), and densely papillose exostome teeth (vs smooth or vertically striped exostome teeth). Haplodontium zangii is similar to H. macrocarpum (Hook.) J.R.Spence, which was traditionally placed in Mielichhoferia Nees &; Hornsch. as M. macrocarpa (Hook.) Bruch &; Schimp. The main differences between H. zangii and H. macrocarpum are in the morphology of the leaves, capsules, guide cells, and stomata. Mielichhoferia himalayana and another Chinese species of Mielichhoferia, M. sinensis Dix., are also transferred to Haplodontium Hampe, a new genus in the bryoflora of China, as H. himalayanum (Mitt.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao and H. sinensis (Dix.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao. A morphological comparison and a key to the three species of Haplodontium in China as well as to H. macrocarpum, a species that is likely to be found in China, are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):457-464

A new species of Orthotrichum (O. lewinskyae) from the Rif Cordillera and the Mid Atlas Mountains (Morocco) is described. This taxon is included in subgenus Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt section Pulchella Schimp. It is close to O. scanicum Grönv. and o. holmenii Lew.-Haap., from which it differs by the following combination of characters: large spores (22–30 μm); leaves linear-Ianceolate with wide and excavate at bases; leaf margins progressively narrowed at apices, which can be plane or incurved on one or both sides; upper leaf-cells larger than those of related taxa; seta intermediate between those of O. scanicum and o. holmenii.  相似文献   

刘佳  谭维政  冯慧喆  廖文波 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1257-1260
在广东省德庆县进行全国第四次中药资源普查时采集了大量标本,经过鉴定和查阅相关资料,确定其中一号标本为紫花苣苔属(Loxostigma Clarke)东兴紫花苣苔[Loxostigma dongxingensis(Chun ex K.Y.Pan)M9llerY.M.Shui]。该属及该种在广东尚无分布报道,这是首次发现。紫花苣苔属为草本或亚灌木,根状茎匍匐或不存在,花冠粗筒状,檐部二唇形,雄蕊4,花药顶端成对连着,两对雄蕊紧密靠合,种子两端具毛状附属物。紫花苣苔属目前共11种,我国、尼泊尔、锡金、不丹、印度、缅甸及越南北部均有分布,在我国11种全产,分布于四川、云南、贵州和广西,广东首次记录。目前广东省是紫花苣苔属自然分布的最东界。东兴紫花苣苔为多年生草本,具横走根状茎,茎高为20~60 cm,花冠粗筒状,黄色,下方肿胀,近基部之上、中部之下突然收缩呈缢缩状,檐部2唇形,雄蕊4,花药成对连着,分布于广西及越南北部,广东首次记录,发现地位于德庆县象牙山林场,种群沿山间溪流两侧分布,生于林下沟谷旁光线较暗处。  相似文献   

Shre.  KK 《植物分类学报》1997,35(5):396-433
Cyananthus Wallich ex Bentham, the only genus of Campanulaceae with superior ovary, is revised to clarify infrageneric relationships and phylogeny of the genus. Evidence obtained from the comparative gross morphology, anatomy, palynology, and karyomorpho-logy recommends a new infrageneric classification of the genus, recognizing 23 species, belonging to two subgenera, four sections and four subsections. One subgenus(Subgen. Mi-cranthus), one section(Sect. Suffruticulosi) and two subsections(Subsect. Flavi and Sub-sect. Lichiangenses)are described as new taxa. New combinations at sectional (Sect. Annui) and subsectional(Subsect. Stenolobi) ranks are also proposed. The genus Cyananthus is strictly distributed in the high mountains of China(Xizang, Yunnan and Sichuan), extending to Bhutan, Nepal and India (Kumaon-Garhwal, Assam and Sikkim), with altitudinal ranges from 2500 ~ 5300 m. It is observed that 13 species are endemic to SW China and only three species are endemic to the Himalayas( two species in Ne  相似文献   

A list of the Annonaceae taxa native to the Indo‐Burmese Region is presented. Species are listed with synonyms and types, and the regional distribution is given by country (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma). In total, 195 species from 28 genera are listed. Two new combinations, Monoon nitidum (A. DC.) I. M. Turner and Polyalthia malabarica (Bedd.) I. M. Turner, are included. Polyalthia corticosa (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep. is considered the correct name for P. obliqua in India and Bangladesh. Artabotrys cubittii Chatterjee is reduced to a synonym of A. burmanicus A. DC. Two new records for Burma, Polyalthia bullata King and Uvaria hahnii (Finet & Gagnep.) J. Sinclair, are presented.  相似文献   

The True Identity of Meconopsis Napaulensis DC.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  In assessing the true identity of M. napaulensis DC. it has been necessary to re‐evaluate the whole of the M. napaulensis aggregate, a single species according to George Taylor (1934) that stretched in a narrow band from west Nepal through Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam and northern Burma (Myanmar) to western China. This has necessitated revising the whole of subsection Eupolychaetia and, as a result, four new species are described here: M. chankheliensis, M. ganeshensis, M. staintonii and M. wilsonii , while M . wallichii Hook. f. is reinstated.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and illustrations are given for Braunia secunda (Hook.) Bruch & Schimp., and a Humboldt and Bonpland specimen (BM) is selected as the lectotype. Also a collection by Arséne (BM) is designated as the lectotype for B. secunda var. crassiretis Thér. This variety is retained as synonym of B. secunda. The species concept of B. secunda is revised and a provisional key is provided to help in the identification of 23 species of Braunia, based on examination of herbarium specimens worldwide. About half of specimens from Mexico actually represent another species, B. andrieuxii Lorentz. All material examined from India, previously identified as B. secunda belongs to B. macropelma (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger, whereas collections from Africa are actually B. rupestris (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, B. entodonticarpa Müll.Hal., or B. diaphana (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger. These and other species should no longer be considered synonyms of B. secunda. The worldwide distribution of the species is documented for the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Venezuela, and Bolivia.  相似文献   


Under the name Myricaria germanica var. prostrata two species, both distinct from M. germanica (L.) Desv., have been confused, namely M. prostrata Hook. f. & Thoms. (syn. M. hedinii Paulsen) and M. rosea W. W. Smith, hitherto considered endemic to Yunnan but now known to extend westward to central Nepal.  相似文献   

报道了2种禾本科植物,曲序黄花茅[Anthoxanthum flexuosum(Hook.f.)Veldkamp]在西藏的新分布,外来物种弗吉尼亚须芒草(Andropogon virginicus L.)在江西的归化,并提供了它们详细的形态学描述、图版、分布及生境等信息。此外,还讨论了弗吉尼亚须芒草的潜在入侵危险。  相似文献   

直角步甲属Orthogonius Macleay在不丹和锡金原记录仅1种,即卵直角步甲O.opacus Schmidt-Gobel,本文补充了该种的一些分布记录,并描述了产自不丹和锡金的直角步甲属3新种,即喜直角步甲O.himalayicus sp.nov.、杜氏直角步甲O.dureli sp.nov.和长茎直角步甲O.longiphallus sp.nov.,给出了该地区直角步甲属分种检索表.  相似文献   

为进行黄姜花复合体(Hedychium flavum Complex)的种类鉴定,对采自贵州、重庆、四川、云南、广西等地的标本和移栽后的植株进行形态观测和性状分析。结果表明,小花香气、叶舌、苞片、唇瓣、侧生退化雄蕊和果实等的形态特征是黄姜花复合体种类鉴定的重要指标。据此,把H. panzhuum Z. Y. Zhu归入H. flavum Roxb.中;把H. emeiense Z. Y. Zhu归入H. chrysoleucum Hook.中,而不是归入H. flavescens。该复合体包含H. flavum Roxb.、H. chrysoleucum Hook.、H. bipartitum G. Z. Li及待定种Hedychium sp.,共4种。  相似文献   

The Dactylicapnos macrocapnos complex is revised, and D. platycarpa Lidén, D. odontocarpa Lidén and D. macrocapnos subsp. echinosperma Lidén are recognised as new taxa. The complex consists of a chain of 4 vicariant taxa from northwestern India (Garhwal) to western Bhutan (Thimphu). Dactylicapnos cordata Lidén (eastern Nepal, Darjeeling) is described and contrasted with its close relative, the geographically disjunct D. burmanica (western Yunnan, Burma).  相似文献   

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