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Didymodon vulcanicus J.A.Jiménez, Hedd. & Frank Müll. is described and illustrated as a new species from volcanic regions of tropical Africa. The species is distinguished morphologically by its lanceolate or more rarely ovate-lanceolate leaves that are strongly incurved distally when dry, acute apices, upper and middle laminal cells arranged in longitudinal rows with a low dorsal papilla over the transverse walls which reaches the two immediate cells, basal cells not or hardly differentiated from the medial cells, and the presence of gemmae in the leaf axils. Drawings and light microscope photographs of the main characters are given, and possible confusion with other closely related taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

D. J. Price 《Genetica》1975,45(4):497-508
Chiasma frequency variation has been studied in 12 populations ofCepaea hortensis and the results compared with those previously obtained forC. nemoralis from the same populations. Variation in chiasma frequency is effectively restricted to a single large bivalent. In both species there are significant differences between populations in chiasma frequency. Although mean population mean chiasma frequencies are similar inC. hortensis andC. nemoralis, C. hortensis is less variable thanC. nemoralis. This can be seen, to a greater or lesser extent, at several levels-(i) within cells, (ii) between cells, (iii) between snails, and (iv) between populations-and is most noticeable when interstitial chiasmata are considered separately from terminal chiasmata. Data from 6 populations suggest that chiasma frequency remains stable between successive years. It is suggested that, since sympatric populations were studied, the most likely explanation for differences in chiasma frequency statistics between the two species is thatC. hortensis andC. nemoralis are responding differently to similar selective pressures.  相似文献   

Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Mont. is lectotypified and its key features are discussed. A neotype is designated for Syrrhopodon hawaiicus Müll.Hal. and the taxon is placed in synonymy with S. gaudichaudii. A key to the species of Syrrhopodon occurring in the Hawaiian Islands is provided.  相似文献   

Sun SP  Sheng ML 《ZooKeys》2012,(170):21-28
A new species, Syntactus jiulianicus Sun & Sheng, sp.n. belonging to the tribe Pionini of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, is reported. Illustrations of the new species and Syntactus delusor (Linnaeus, 1758), Syntactus minor (Holmgren, 1857) and Syntactus varius (Holmgren, 1858) are provided. A key to the species of Syntactus known from the Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Regions is given.  相似文献   


Two new tentaculariid species were found infecting carcharhiniform sharks from off the coasts of Malaysian Borneo and the southwestern coast of the Baja California Sur, Mexico. Both new species exhibit a homeoacanthous heteromorphous basal and a homeoacanthous homeomorphous metabasal armature. Since this hook arrangement is unique within the tentaculariids and the taxonomy in this group deeply depends on the tentacular armature, Reimeriella n. g. is erected to accommodate R. varioacantha n. sp. ex Carcharhinus sorrah (Müller & Henle) and R. mexicoensis n. sp. ex Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith). Unlike R. mexicoensis n. sp., R. varioacantha n. sp. has a pars bothrialis not overlapping the pars bulbosa and the number of testes is higher. Reimeriella mexicoensis n. sp. possesses very large uncinate to falcate hooks in the basal armature, while in R. varioacantha n. sp. these hooks are almost the same in size as the remaining hooks in both the basal and metabasal armature. The latter species is the first tentaculariid species where the metabasal armature very closely resembles an eutetrarhynchid with a heteroacanthous typical homeomorphous metabasal armature and a high number of spiniform hooks per half spiral row (10–11 vs 6–7 in R. mexicoensis n. sp.) in the metabasal and apical armature. This pattern provides further morphological evidence for the close relationship of the Eutetrarhynchoidea and the Tentacularioidea. Reimeriella varioacantha n. sp. enriches the trypanorhynch fauna from off the coast of Malaysian Borneo while R. mexicoensis n. sp. is a novel record of a tentaculariid trypanorhynch from the Mexican Pacific.


《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):184-191

Arvernella microclada Hugonnot & Hedenäs is described from several localities in the Massif Central of France (Auvergne). This diminutive, autoicous, pleurocarpous moss has strongly prorate distal ends of the leaf lamina cells and straight and erect inner perichaetial leaves. It bears a superficial resemblance to small Heterocladium Bruch & Schimp. species, especially H. flaccidum (Schimp.) A.J.E.Sm. or weak phenotypes of H. wulfsbergii I.Hagen. Other small confervoid species, like Platydictya jungermannioides (Brid.) H.A.Crum or Serpoleskea confervoides (Brid.) Loeske differ in several respects, most notably in the absence of abaxial leaf lamina cell prorations, but also in rhizoid topography (Platydictya) and leaf orientation and leaf margin denticulation (Serpoleskea). Arvernella microclada grows in subalpine tall-herb communities and Fagus sylvatica L. mountain woods on small lava blocks on cold, unstable, and steep scree slopes. The restricted known geographical distribution may be of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Parasymmetrorbione bicauda n. g., n. sp. is described from Chinese waters infesting two species of Solenocera Lucas (Decapoda: Penaeoidea). The new genus differs from other orbionine genera by the following combination of features: a pronounced asymmetry of coxal and lateral plate development, biramous uropods, tuberculate lateral plates and a digitate internal ridge on oostegite 1. A key to the eight genera of the Orbioninae R. Codreanu, 1967 is presented. Orbione halipori Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923 is also recorded from a new Chinese locality and a new host.  相似文献   

A new species of amphistome digenean from the stomach and intestine of Podocnemis expansa (Pelomedusidae), of the tropical rain forest, from the State of Pará, Brazil, is described and allocated to a new genus ( Oriximinatrema noronhae ). The new species is characterized by the presence of an esophageal bulb, an esophageal extension uncovered by an extension of the pharyngeal sacs, a well-developed cirrus sac, post-bifurcal genital sucker, a ventro-terminal acetabulum with an anterior lip, and medium-sized eggs. This is the first report of a Dadayiinae trematode infecting a reptilian host.  相似文献   

A new genus, Neoanabrolepis gen. n. with the type species N. valentinae sp. n., parasitoid of the soft scale Asterolecanium sp. on bamboo in Vietnam, is described in the tribe Habrolepidini Hoffer.  相似文献   

A species of xanthopygine rove beetles is described and figured here as Darwinilus sedarisigen. n. and sp. n. The holotype was collected by Charles Darwin in Bahía Blanca, Argentina on the Beagle’s voyage. The contributions of Charles Darwin to rove beetle systematics are summarized briefly.  相似文献   

Macromitrium filicaule Müll.Hal., M. pacificum var. brevisetum Thér. and M. subnitidum Müll.Hal are placed in synonymy with Macromitrium microstomum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. The morphological variations of M. microstomum branch leaves, perichaetial leaves and capsules are illustrated by digital images.  相似文献   

Two new species of the new genus Athaumaspis gen. n., Athaumaspis minutus sp. n. and Athaumaspis tibetanus sp. n. from Vietnam and China are described. The subgenus Pseudothaumaspis of Thaumaspis is elevated to generic status and another two new species Pseudothaumaspis bispinosus sp. n. and Pseudothaumaspis furcocercus sp. n. are described, the remaining species of Thaumaspis are reviewed and keyed with the four new species.  相似文献   

The lectotype for Calymperes erosum Müll.Hal. is re-established, and lectotypes are designated for three West African taxa: Calymperes asterigerum Müll.Hal. ex Besch., C. leucomitrium Müll.Hal. and C. proligerum Dusén. Calymperes asterigerum and C. leucomitrium are placed in synonymy with C. erosum, and C. proligerum with C. palisotii Schwägr. A revised key to the seven species of Calymperes occurring in West Africa is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of cryptogonimid belonging to the genus Parspina Pearse, 1920 is described from the intestine of Pimelodella gracilis (Valenciennes) in the Paraná River basin, Argentina. Parspina pimelodellae n. sp. is characterised by having: (i) a body length/width ratio of 1:3.6–5.3 at the level of the ventral sucker; (ii) 21 oral spines; (iii) an oral sucker larger than the ventral sucker, with a sucker width ratio of 1:0.6–0.7; (iv) a postcaecal region of 16–19% of the body-length; (v) a compact, transversely elongate ovary, anterior to and well separated from the testes; (vi) small, branched vitelline follicles, extending from the level of the ventral sucker to the anterior margin of the ovary; and (vii) a large seminal vesicle situated posterodorsal to the ventral sucker. A key to the species of Parspina is presented.  相似文献   

Previous molecular studies have done much to shed some light on the taxonomy and phytogeographic position of Homalothecium sericeum and H. meridionale and the present study clarifies the taxonomy and distribution of the two species across Iberia. By conducting a revision of Homalothecium specimens available in Spanish and Portuguese herbaria, we concluded that sporophytic differences are the most appropriate characters for the delimitation of each species. Scanning electron microscope examination of the peristomes of the two taxa helped distinguish between them.

We also noted that H. meridionale is a frequently distributed taxon throughout the Iberian territory, but occurs mostly in Portuguese areas with a Mediterranean influence, becoming less frequent in the Atlantic as well as in continental parts of the Peninsula. As a result of this study, based on numerous new localities in Portugal and Spain, we provide an updated map of the distribution of H. meridionale, and an account of its ecology and habitat affinities.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1985, a species of chaicid wasps was reared from the pupae of fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera:Arctiidae) during myinvestigation on the parasitoids of this introduced harmful insect pest inShaanxi Province, China. With high parasitic ratio (over 80 percent) and a largenumber of individuals (over 200 were usually reared from a single pupa of the  相似文献   

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