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UVB-irradiated HeLa cells undergoing apoptosis have increased cell surface protease (CSP) activity compared to viable or necrotic cells. In order to elucidate whether caspase 3 plays a role in the activation of CSP in cells undergoing apoptosis, HeLa cell cultures were pre-treated with the caspase inhibitor, DEVD, prior to being exposed to 500 Jm(-2) UVB. DEVD significantly inhibited caspase 3 activity in cells undergoing apoptosis, but did not affect the activation of CSP in these cells. The findings suggest that the activation of CSP in apoptotic cells is unrelated to caspase 3 activity.  相似文献   

Release from the cell surface of a variety of growth factors, cytokines, and proteases follows exposure to genetically stressful agents capable of inducing apoptosis and necrosis. Increased ectoprotease activity is responsible for their release. We show that increased activity of several metalloproteases on the HeLa cell surface occurs after stresses due to UVC, actinomycin D, cycloheximide, and cisplatinum, which induce the release of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha) and other bioactive molecules. The ectoprotease activities increase preferentially on apoptotic cells, while little change occurs in viable cells. Gross decreases, except for the putative TGFalphaase activity, accompany necrosis. These changes may contribute to tissue repair and the absence of an inflammatory reaction to apoptotic cell death. They appear to be due to preferential enzyme activation or to retention by cells undergoing significant categorical decreases in protein content.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for measuring cell surface and secreted protease activity utilizing 3H-labelled casein is described. The method is based upon proteolytic degradation of the casein substrate into trichloroacetic acid soluble 3H-labelled peptides. Utilizing the radioassay we found that all cultured cell lines examined contain cell surface proteolytic activity which is not secreted into the media. The protease activity was found to be due to protease(s) other than plasminogen activator or plasmin. A comparison of surface protease activity of normal and transformed mouse epidermal cells indicated that the transformed cells contained approximately 3–4 times more proteolytic activity than the normal cells.Surface protease activity was also correlated with the doubling times of various cultured cells. The results indicated that cultured cells with doubling times of greater than three days possess less surface protease activity than cells with shorter doubling times. In order to determine changes in the levels of surface protease activity during the cell cycle several cell lines were synchronized. In synchronized rabbit aortic fibroblasts, mouse transformed epidermal cells and human melanoma cells, a marked increase in surface protease activity was observed during or before mitosis. The protease levels decreased following mitosis. The results suggest that in culture, cell surface protease(s) may be important factor in regulating the rate of cell growth.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for measuring cell surface and secreted protease activity utilizing 3H-labelled casein is described. The method is based upon proteolytic degradation of the casein substrate into trichloracetic acid soluble 3H-labelled peptides. Utilizing the radioassay we found that all cultured cell lines examined contain cell surface proteolytic activity which is not secreted into the media. The protease activity was found to be due to protease(s) other than plasminogen activator or plasmin. A comparison of surface protease activity of normal and transformed mouse epidermal cells indicated that the transformed cells contained approximately 3--1 times more proteolytic activity than the normal cells. Surface protease activity was also correlated with the doubling times of various cultured cells. The results indicated that cultured cells with doubling times of greater than three days possess less surface protease activity than cells with shorter doubling times. In order to determine changes in the levels of surface protease activity during the cell cycle several cell lines were synchronized. In synchronized rabbit aortic fibroblasts, mouse transformed epidermal cells and human melanoma cells, a marked increase in surface protease activity was observed during or before mitosis. The protease levels decreased following mitosis. The results suggest that in culture, cell surface protease(s) may be important factor in regulating the rate of cell growth.  相似文献   

DNA ligase activity in UV-irradiated monkey kidney cells.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA ligase activity of monkey kidney CV-1 cells has been measured at different stages of culture growth and after different time intervals following ultraviolet irradiation. Results indicate that: - The level of enzyme activity is about twice higher in non synchronous, rapidly dividing cells than in confluent cultures. - UV-irradiation of cells induces a "de novo" synthesis of DNA ligase. - This induction is dose dependent in its extent and kinetics, and may lead to a DNA ligase level in UV-irradiated stationary cultures of the same order as observed in unirradiated exponentially growing cells. - This induction seems to be independent of semiconservative DNA synthesis since it is not affected by fluorodeoxyuridine.  相似文献   

Surface protease activity and secreted protease activity has been determined on several cell lines utilizing 3H-acetyl casein as substrate. When normal rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts stopped proliferating at high cell density a decrease in surface protease activity was observed. No decrease in surface protease activity or in the rate of cell proliferation was observed in either transformed melanoma or epidermal cells. The decrease of surface protease activity was related to a decrease in cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of UV-irradiation-induced (254 nm) DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) were studied in single human hematopoietic cells using alkaline comet assay. Three cell populations were investigated: (i) Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNCs) isolated by density gradient centrifugation, (ii) CD34- cells, and (iii) CD34+ cells. The two latter populations were purified from BMMNCs by negative and positive selection, respectively, using anti-CD34 immunobeads. SSBs were induced faster by 10 and 50 J/m2 than by 2 J/m2 and those caused by 2 J/m2 were joined faster that those caused by 10 or 50 J/m2. During the first 1.5 h after irradiation with a dose of 10 J/m2, CD34+ cells joined SSBs faster than did BMMNCs. The superior joining capacity of CD34+ cells was further substantiated with a higher UV dose. The comet lengths, indicating the extent of DNA repair, among 8/8 study subjects were shorter in CD34+ than in CD34- cells when assessed 24 h after a dose of 50 J/m2. Overall, the comet lengths at 24 h after irradiation were: CD34+ cells; 39+/-12 *m, and CD34- cells; 65+/-18 *m (8 subjects, 50 cells measured from each donor, mean+/-S.D.; p=0.0087, Mann-Whitney U-test). These results strongly suggest that nucleotide excision repair, the major mechanism responsible for the repair of UV-irradiation-induced DNA lesions in mammalian cells, is increased in CD34+ cells compared with CD34- cells and with BMMNCs. These results may have implications in stem cell purging, clinical chemotherapy and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Intracellular proteases play key roles in cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. In nerve cells, little is known about their relative contribution to the pathways which control cell physiology, including cell death. Neoplastic transformation of avian neuroretina cells by p60(v-src) tyrosine kinase results in dramatic morphological changes and deregulation of apoptosis. To identify the proteases involved in the cellular response to p60(v-src), we evaluated the effect of specific inhibitors of caspases, calpains and the proteasome on cell shape changes and apoptosis induced by p60(v-src) inactivation in quail neuroretina cells transformed by tsNY68, a thermosensitive strain of Rous sarcoma virus. We found that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is recruited early after p60(v-src) inactivation and is critical for morphological changes, whereas caspases are essential for cell death. This study provides evidence that distinct intracellular proteases are involved in the control of the morphology and fate of v-src-transformed cells.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed to estimate proteolytic activity available at the cell surface. Radioiodinated protein substrates are covalently linked to modified polystyrene-divinylbenzene beads with various diameters. These beads are presented to viable cells. Secreted enzyme activity is estimated when no contact occurs between beads and cells. Surface associated proteolytic activity is estimated by the increased rate of iodinated peptide release due to a contact between beads and cells. This method was applied to various lymphocyte preparations. In the absence of serum, mouse spleen lymphocytes produce three- to fourfold higher proteolytic activity than lymph node cells. This activity is completely inhibited by serum diluted 1:10. Since the proteolysis is so marked in the case of spleen cells, one must conclude that lymphocytes removed from the serum and treated in buffered mediums at 37° C have enzymatically altered surface properties. Cell surface associated enzyme activity was measured using rat lymph node lymphocytes with less than 0.1% contamination by granulocytes. This predominantly thymus derived, T cell population had 30% increase in proteolysis due to contact between cells and solid-phase localized substrate of casein. The released enzymatic activity was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, but its effect on the surface associated enzyme activity remains questionable since it perturbs several membrane functions.  相似文献   

Cell surface molecules undergo specific changes during apoptosis, including the expression of phosphatidylserine (PS) and some proteins and alterations in sugar chains. Among the various sugar chains on the cell surface, Lewis X (Le(X)) and Lewis Y (Le(Y)) antigens are key determinants for a variety of biological processes. We studied the changes in Le(X) and Le(Y) expression in Jurkat cells, a human T cell line, during apoptosis. Flow cytometry showed that Le(X) and Le(Y) antigen expression was enhanced on the cell surface during apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody. To clarify the mechanism of enhanced Le(X) and Le(Y) expression, we assessed the expression levels of fucosyltransferase (FUT1, 2, 3-5-6, 4, and 9) mRNAs that are predominantly expressed in Jurkat cells and which are considered to form Le(X) and Le(Y). The expression of FUT4 mRNA was up-regulated after exposing cells to anti-Fas antibody. Moreover, the increase in Le(X) and Le(Y) antigen levels was significantly suppressed by caspase 3 or 8 inhibitors. These results indicated that the induction of FUT (mainly FUT4), the gene expression of which is mediated by signals downstream of caspase 3, increases Le(X) and Le(Y) expression in apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The peritoneal fluid (PF) of women with endometriosis contains protease(s) activity able to hydrolyze insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), increasing the bioavailability of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) locally. Therefore, we characterized the effects of IGF-1 on KLE endometrial-like cells in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mitogenic effect of IGF-1 was assessed by the analysis of the DNA content and cell count. Apoptosis was triggered experimentally by the 48 hr exposure of KLE cells to 100 nM of adriamycin in the presence and absence of IGF-1 (50 ng/ml). Adriamycin apoptosis of KLE cells was determined by the number of dead KLE cells using trypan blue exclusion and by the DNA fragmentation on simple agarose gel and flow cytometry of propidium iodide and HOECHST 33342-stained KLE cells using an EPICS 753 pulse cytometer. RESULTS: IGF-1 stimulated the growth of KLE cells in a dose-dependent manner (optimal dose of 50 ng/ml) and protected KLE cells from adriamycin (100 nM)-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that IGF-1 is a survival factor for KLE cells. Conceivably, increased IGF-1 activity in the PF can optimize both the survival and ectopic growth of endometrial cells in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

Acne rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that affects 3% of the US population over 30 years of age and is characterized by erythema, papulopustules and telangiectasia. The etiology of this disorder is unknown, although symptoms are exacerbated by factors that trigger innate immune responses, such as the release of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides. Here we show that individuals with rosacea express abnormally high levels of cathelicidin in their facial skin and that the proteolytically processed forms of cathelicidin peptides found in rosacea are different from those present in normal individuals. These cathelicidin peptides are a result of a post-translational processing abnormality associated with an increase in stratum corneum tryptic enzyme (SCTE) in the epidermis. In mice, injection of the cathelicidin peptides found in rosacea, addition of SCTE, and increasing protease activity by targeted deletion of the serine protease inhibitor gene Spink5 each increases inflammation in mouse skin. The role of cathelicidin in enabling SCTE-mediated inflammation is verified in mice with a targeted deletion of Camp, the gene encoding cathelicidin. These findings confirm the role of cathelicidin in skin inflammatory responses and suggest an explanation for the pathogenesis of rosacea by demonstrating that an exacerbated innate immune response can reproduce elements of this disease.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors were used to test the hypothesis that caspases and other proteases were active during apoptosis in cultured porcine granulosa cells. Cells isolated from 3 to 6 mm follicles were cultured for 24 h in Dulbecco's modified Eagles medium: Hams F12 (1:11 containing 1% fetal bovine serum. Final inhibitor concentrations, added in 10 microL of dimethylsulfoxide, were 0, 1, 5, 25 and 125 microM. Cells with compromised plasma membrane integrity, identified by uptake ethidium homodimer, increased during culture in the absence of inhibitors from 37% to 43%. Apoptotic (A0) cells, identified by DNA fluorescence flow cytometry, increased (P < 0.05) from 1.7% to 29%. The serine protease inhibitor N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) at 125 microM was lethal increasing (P < 0.05) cells with compromised membranes to 92%. In response to TPCK, A0 cells decreased from 55% to 1.2%; progesterone and estradiol production were decreased by 94% and 98%, respectively. The general caspase inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-valinyl-alaninyl-aspartyl fluoro methylketone, decreased (P < 0.05) A0 cells linearly from 33% to 3 % between 0 and 125 microM without significant effect on steroidogenesis or on the percentage of cells with compromised plasma membranes. Other inhibitors only had a marginal effect on apoptosis; concentrations of > or = 1 microM decreased (P < 0.05) A0 cells from 29% to 18% to 21% and had no significant effect on membrane integrity or steroid production. We conclude that caspases are associated with apoptosis in cultured porcine granulosa cells. Death induced by TPCK was through a non-apoptotic mechanism.  相似文献   

UV irradiation of epidermal cells (EC) in vitro and in vivo leads to an enhanced synthesis of the immunostimulating cytokine interleukin 1 (IL 1). However, UV exposure in vivo also results in local as well as systemic immunosuppression. Therefore, it was tested whether UV-exposed murine EC in culture in addition to IL 1 release an inhibitor of IL 1 activity. Supernatants of UV-irradiated BALB/c EC and of a transformed keratinocyte cell line (Pam 212) were evaluated for their ability to suppress IL 1-mediated thymocyte proliferation. Crude supernatants derived from either UV-exposed or unirradiated EC did not interfere with IL 1 activity. When supernatants were subjected to HPLC gel filtration, fractions eluting at approximately 40 kD significantly blocked the activity of EC-derived IL 1 and murine recombinant IL 1. The release of this inhibitory cytokine (EC-derived contra-IL 1 [EC-contra-IL 1]) was confined to UV-exposed BALB/c or Pam 212 keratinocytes, since no inhibitory activity was detected in supernatants of unirradiated cells. EC-contra-IL 1 also blocked IL 1-induced fibroblast proliferation but did not suppress IL 2 or IL 3 activity. Moreover, EC-contra-IL 1 did not inhibit spontaneous proliferation of a variety of cell lines (Pam 212, P388D1, L 929, EL 4). With the use of chromatofocusing EC-contra-IL 1 exhibited a pI of 8.8, and upon reversed-phase chromatography it eluted within three distinct peaks. Therefore, murine UV-exposed EC, in addition to the production of immunoenhancing cytokines, also may release immunosuppressing mediators and thereby participate in UV-induced immunosuppression. These findings further support the notion that the epidermis may not only be considered as a simple barrier against harmful agents but represents an active element of the immune system.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure on propidium iodide negative cells using FITC labelled annexin-V has been used to quantify apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Detection of PS within cells undergoing necrosis is also possible if labelled annexin-V specific for PS enters the cell following early membrane damage. Necrotic or late apoptotic cells can be excluded from flow cytometric analysis using propidium iodide which enters and stains cells with compromised membrane integrity. Here we show that thymocytes undergoing death exclusively by necrosis show early exposure of PS prior to loss of membrane integrity. This early exposure of PS occurs in cells treated with agents which both raise intracellular calcium levels and are also capable of interacting with protein thiol groups. We also demonstrate that PS exposure in thymocytes induced to undergo apoptosis by three different agents does not correlate with calcium rises but correlates with and precedes DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Guanidinobenzoatase is a trypsin-like protease on the surface of cells capable of migration, for example leukaemia cells. We have used a number of fluorescent probes that are competitive inhibitors of guanidinobenzoatase to locate leukaemia cells in resin sections of kidney tissue obtained from leukaemic rats. We have demonstrated how this competitive inhibition system can be used to direct desired molecules (such as cytotoxic drugs) to these cells and to monitor the arrival of such compounds at the active site of guanidinobenzoatase. The principles developed in this study could equally well be applied to other enzymes on other cells provided suitable competitive inhibitors were designed. The presence of an enzyme on the surface of a cell can be used to direct molecules to that cell provided that these molecules contain a functional group that acts as an inhibitor for the chosen enzyme.  相似文献   

During the development of roots, internodes and leaves, closely correlated changes occur in the rates of cell expansion, specific activities of acid invertase and concentrations of hexose sugars and sucrose. Rates of cell growth and acid invertase activities frequently exhibit closely coupled responses to environmental changes and to growth regulator treatments. The possibility is considered that, by controlling the availability of hexose substrates for cellular metabolism, acid invertase may regulate cell growth. Potential mechanisms regulating the in vivo activity of acid invertases are reviewed and attention is drawn to the need for more information on the sub-cellular localization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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