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SYNOPSIS Strains of the various syngens of Paramecium aurelia respond differently to the culture media developed for Strain 299 of syngen 8. Not only is there a variety of response between the syngens, but strains belonging to the same syngen respond differently to the 3 growth media.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The use of axenic medium permits the study of mating type determination in stock 51 (sensitive) of syngen 4 of Paramecium aurelia. A high frequency of cytoplasmically bridged pairs was correlated with a high frequency of change of mating type following conjugation in axenic medium. The direction of change was predominantly from mating type VII to mating type VIII, suggesting a dominance of type VIII cytoplasm in the clones arising from a mixed cytoplasmic ancestry. No significant effect of either lower temperature or of NaX3 upon the pattern of mating type determination was found. The high frequency of cytoplasmic bridges between conjugants led to the formation of many double or higher multiplex clones.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. To establish and grow Paramecium caudatum in mass axenic culture the culture medium of Soldo, Godoy & van Wagtendonk was modified by substituting phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) for TEM-4T and by a 10-fold increase in folic acid. Population densities of 4000 to 6000 cells/ml and a generation time of 20–26 h are regularly obtained. Optimal growth is obtained with PE-stigmasterol ratios between 40:1 to 400:1. Cells from 1-day-old axenic cultures have many lipid bodies aggregated in clumps (which disappear in 2 to 3 days) as well as foci of rough endoplasmic reticulum bordered by dictyosomes. The latter suggests a very active metabolism. Crystalline sheets found in both food vacuoles and lysosomes presumably play a role in digestion. Axenically grown cells also have abundant Golgi bodies (dictyosomes) and by late log phase become filled with lysosomes.  相似文献   

A synthetic medium for Opercularia coarctata was developed that contains 20 amino acids, 10 vitamins, an 8-component balanced salt solution, Fe2(SO4)3·(NH4)2SO4·24H2O, Tween 80, stigmasterol, a 7-component nucleic acid mixture, phenol red as an indicator, and 2,500 U.S.P. units/ml penicillin to maintain sterility. This medium supported axenic survival for 96 hr. Multiple supplements of thioctic acid, niacin, niacinamide, inositol, PABA, oleic acid, and Fe(NO3)2·9H2O instead of Fe2(SO4)3·(NH4)2SO4·24H2O coverted the survival medium into a growth medium, which permitted 36–45 days continuous cultivation of populations in excess of 4 × 103 cells/3.0 ml final volume. Five generations were produced during the 48 hr logarithmic growth period. Serial transfers at 72 hr and during periods of greatest cell density produced a maximum of 8 generations 96 hr after initiation but the medium failed to sustain growth through more than 6 serial transfers. Extension of this investigation to formulating a minimal axenic medium is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Density of prey (Paramecium aurelia) and predator (Amoeba proteus) were varied while volume of inorganic medium was kept constant. Variations in density of prey had little effect on the rates of feeding and reproduction of the amoebae; but with increasing predator density the amoebae captured the paramecia less rapidly and ingested fewer before dividing, altho division size did not change appreciably. Therefore, amoebae of a low density population with a constant food supply carry more nutritional reserves from generation to generation than do those in a denser population.  相似文献   

Paramecium aurelia cells were exposed to N-methyl-N-nitroso-N′-nitroguanidine for periods of 15–30 min. The lethality in homozygous clones derived from treated cells depends on the time of treatment within the cell cycle. Exposures at interfission ages 0.04, 0.40, and 0.80 were tested yielding lethalities of 12.5, 44 and 2%, respectively. These results correlate with the period of DNA synthesis in the micronuclei. A temperature sensitive mutant has been found which cannot live at 31 C but divides at ~1 fission per day at 19 and 25 C. The rise in temperature from 19–25 C does not significantly change the fission rate whereas in normal cells it would be doubled. Genetic analysis shows that this mutation is caused by a single recessive gene.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Tetrahymena pyriformis strains E, A-136 31C and IMT II survived freezing in 10% dimethylsulfoxide when the temperature was lowered to freezing at 4.5 C/min. Survival was then obtained for at least 128 days by lowering the temperature rapidly to 95°C. Of the 3 strains, T. pyriformis IMT II was most resistant to the effects of freezing. Its volume averaged about half that of either of the other strains and may have contributed to the differences in survival. In addition to differences among strains, a medium relatively low in the concentration of nutrients, a culture nearing peak population, and a rate of cooling of 4.5 C/min, all gave best survival. Paramecium aurelia regained motility after being frozen in 6 to 7.5% dimethylsulfoxide for as long as 7 days at either –27 or –196 C, but cultures were obtained only after storage for 20 min at –27 C. A concentration of 6 to 7.5% dimethyl-sulfoxide, cooling at 4.5 C/min, and culture media containing Aerobacter aerogenes or composed of a commercially available composition were all required for survival of P. aurelia.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Paramecium aurelia syngen 4, stock 57 (sensitive) cultivated in Cerophyl infusion were exposed to cytochalasin B CB and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), the solvent for CB, to distinguish between the effects of these agents on a cellular system. DMSO significantly inhibited survival, fission rate, [3H]leucine incorporation, and cell size. CB-treated cells generally had slower division and poorer survival rates than cells exposed to the equivalent DMSO concentration, although the [3H]leucine incorporation was generally greater at the lower CB concentrations than for DMSO alone. As seen by electron microscopy and a new grycerination technic for observing polysomes, DMSO caused nuclear (nucleolar, chromatin) abnormalities as well as membrane degradation and polysomal breakdown; CB caused the formation of aberrant membrane structures and ribosomal tetramers, crystals, and tubes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS A method is described for the axenic mass cultivation of Paramecium tetraurelia strains 51s and 299s. the ciliate is grown in an enriched axenic medium developed by Soldo, Godoy & van Wagtendonk. Under continuous shaking on a rotary shaker, cultures were grown in one-liter Erlenmeyer flasks with 330 ml medium yield cell densities of 32,000 cell/ml and 20,000 cells/ml for strains 299s and 51s respectively. Doubling time is considerably shorter under these conditions than in the conventional static cultures. A 20-liter airlift bioreactor is described in detail which can be used successfully to otain up to 100 g wet weight of Paramecium in a single run; in this reactor the cell density reaches 38,000 cells/ml for strain 299s. and 23,000 cells/ml for 51s. This technic should facilitate the study of minor protein components of the ciliate.  相似文献   

Quantitative Growth of Naegleria in Axenic Culture   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A strain of Naegleria gruberi, isolated from a Vero cell culture and designated TS-1, was axenically cultivated in monolayer and mass aerating suspension culture. Cultural conditions for constant growth parameters and high-exponential cell densities were defined. Serum or other supplemented fractions were found essential in both Trypticase-yeast extract-glucose (TYG) and Casitone (CAS)-based media. Monolayer cultures grown in the CAS medium required lower levels of serum to reach maximum stationary densities of amoebae than cultures grown in the TYG medium. Heat-killed (121 C, 10 min) whole cell and cell lysate bacterial fractions were capable of replacing the serum in both the TYG and CAS media. Heat-killed bacterial fractions provided the same levels of growth as attained with serum in TYG medium, whereas the bacterial lysate supported only minimal growth in the same medium. In the CAS medium, both bacterial fractions resulted in the same level of growth which was equal to that obtained in reduced serum content. Strain TS-1 was established in suspension culture with the CAS medium used in monolayer culture. The addition of sheep red blood cells (RBC) or RBC lysate greatly enhanced growth responses. Further modifications resulted in a final medium for suspension culture consisting of Casitone-yeast extract-glucose-vitamin base, supplemented with serum and RBC lysate. This medium supported growth with a mean generation time of 9 h at 30 C and a stationary phase yield of greater than 5 x 10(6) amoebae per ml.  相似文献   

Nitrogen in cell fractions of Paramecium aurelia varied according to the growth medium. Trichloroacetic acid-soluble fractions of cells were chromatographer. Adenine, adenosine, guanine, guanosine, hypoxanthine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, lysine, proline, and phenylalanine were identified. Fyrimidines and xanthine, or their respective ribosides and ribotides, were not detected. Ammonia was released into the medium by both actively growing and "resting" cells. Culture fluids of "resting"cells also contained hypoxanthine and lesser amounts of adenine and guanine. Urea, uric acid, creatine, cretonne, and ailantoin were absent.
Pyrimidine nitrogen seems excreted as dihydrouracil. The following enzymes were detected in homogenates and cell-free preparations: nucleotidases, nucleoside hydrolases, and cytidine deaminase. Urease, uricase, adenase, guanase, xanthine oxidase, adenosine deaminase, and 5'-adenylic acid deaminase were not present in this organism.
Purine and pyrimidine incorporation into nucleic acids was investigated by the use of radioactive tracers. Guanosine gives rise to nucleic-acid guanine and adenine; adenosine was precursor to nucleic acid adenine only. Formate was incorporated into purines; glycine was not. P. aurelia can interconvert cytidine and uridine; both give rise to nucleic acid thymine. The methyl group of thymine may be derived from formate.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the finding of a new habitat (Kiryat Motzkin, north of Haifa, Israel) of Paramecium tredecaurelia from the P. aurelia complex. This is only the forth known locality of the species in the world. Previously, its strains were obtained from widely separated localities: the River Seine, Paris, France; Benenitra, Madagascar, and the Cuernavaca Valley, Taxco, Mexico. The studied strain originating from Israel was identified as P. tredecaurelia on the basis of the strong (90%) conjugation between the complementary mating type of the examined clones with the appropriate standard strain 209 of P. tredecaurelia from Paris, France (restricted to odd mating type). However, the strain from Israel is restricted to the even mating type.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A method is described for the collection of large numbers of axenically cultivated Paramecium aurelia free of contaminating particulate debris. The procedure takes advantage of the fact that the ciliates are negatively geotropic and involves migrating the organisms directly from the culture medium into an overlayer of salt solution of low density. Details are given for the construction of a simple apparatus used to carry out these migrations.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Kappa particles from killer cultures of stock 51 Paramecium aurelia were purified and their respiration measured polarographically. The slight bacterial contaminations in the kappa preparations were not significant. Freshly collected kappa in dilute buffer at room temperature had an endogenous QO2 of 17.0 ± 1.6 μl/mg dry weight/hr (mean ± standard error). The QO2 decayed 50% in 5 hr. Among the sugars tested only glucose and sucrose increased the respiratory rate of kappa. The di- and tri-carboxylates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle stimulated the respiration of kappa. KCN, CO and 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HOQNO) inhibited respiration. These findings ensure an organismic status for kappa and justify the belief that it is bacterial in origin.  相似文献   

The catalase activity of Paramecium aurelia was determined by the procedure of Sinha after bacteria elimination from culture medium. A significant level of catalase activity was shown, higher than in other cell kinds. The role of catalase activity in Paramecium sensitivity to low doses of ionizing radiations is discuted.  相似文献   

Vitally stained kappa in Paramecium aurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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