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中国麋鹿种群密度制约现象与发展策略   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
1985年我国从英国引入在我国已灭绝的麋鹿,分别建立了北京和大丰两个麋鹿种群。14年来,这两个麋鹿种群经历了风土驯化和种群增长两个阶段。1997年底,中国麋鹿数量达671只。麋鹿种群的性比已经基本平衡,有效种群数目接近实际种群数目。北京麋鹿苑面积有限,大丰麋鹿仍生活围栏之中。于是,目前北京和大丰种群的增长都受到了种群密度的制约。对北京种群进一步的发展应加以人工调控,目前可能采取的措施有人工迁出部分个体和控制雌性生育率。大丰保护区有大面积海滩,将圈养麋鹿释放到没有围栏的海滩,实现建立自然生境中的野生麋鹿种群的中国麋鹿保护战略目标。同时,应考虑形成圈养麋鹿品系,为未来开发利用麋鹿资源开创条件。  相似文献   

大丰麋鹿种群的增长与管理   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
于长青  丁玉华 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):259-263
大丰自然保护区于1986年引入麋鹿39头,到1994年发展为191头,其成体平均产仔率为83.5%,周岁内仔鹿成活率为91%。周岁后年存活率平均为97%。根据Leslie矩阵模型,到1998年,麋鹿将发展到400余头,接近其环境容纳量,到2000年将发展到约1600头。届时它将逐渐达到稳定年龄分布。雌性麋鹿4岁时繁殖价最高。约为新产仔鹿的1.8倍。将麋鹿种群调整到环境容纳量水平上的固定年龄分布后,每年从1~2龄麋鹿中调出约28只(70.96%)。即可维持在种群规模为400头的固定年龄分布。  相似文献   

麋鹿古称为麋,因其长相奇特,面似马非马,尾似驴非驴,蹄似牛非牛,角似鹿角而非鹿角,而被人们称为“四不象”。在动物分类学上,麋鹿独为一个属。麋鹿属现生种类只有麋鹿一种。与其它游荡于山林的鹿类不同,麋鹿是一科喜水的沼鹿。它形成了适宜沼泽生境的特征,如麋鹿的一只足有四蹄,其中间一对蹄宽大并有皮腱膜相连,减轻了蹄着地时的压强,使得麋鹿能在沼泽地活动。 从第四纪中更新世到全新世,麋鹿曾  相似文献   

中国麋鹿遗传多样性现状与保护对策   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
于长青 《生物多样性》1996,4(3):130-134
通过对麋鹿野生种群的绝灭过程、圈养历史、种群增长及遗传多样性状况的分析研究,认为麋鹿脱离野生种群成为完全的圈养群体约有100多年的历史,捕猎和栖息地丧失是其绝灭的根本原因。麋鹿最初引入欧洲时曾经历了严重的近交衰退阶段,目前其耐受近交的能力显著增强。截至1994年我国麋鹿已达近500只,其遗传变异量约为其野生种群的70%。在我国重建麋鹿自然种群不仅完全可能,而且也只有如此才能使麋鹿在自然中进化并丰富其受损的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

迁地保护是《生物多样性公约》的重要内容,是"爱知生物多样性目标"的目标之一,也是《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》(2011-2030)的战略任务和优先行动.麋鹿(Elaphurusdavidianus)是国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物.中国麋鹿经历了本土野外灭绝、圈养种群引至国外、国外圈养种群重引入国内、种群复壮、迁地保...  相似文献   

中国麋鹿种群现状调查   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
麋鹿是野外绝灭物种 ,其野生种群早已从自然界消失。因此建立和发展圈养种群是麋鹿重引进项目第一阶段的主要任务 ,也是整个麋鹿保护行动的关键环节。自从 1 985年中国进行第一个麋鹿重引进项目以来 ,圈养种群的数量增加很快。到 2 0 0 1年全国麋鹿的总数量已达 1 2 0 0多头 ,其中绝大多数生活在圈养和半野生的条件下。本篇报告概述了我国麋鹿圈养种群发展的历史和现状 ,分析了一些小圈养种群在发展中产生的问题和原因 ,并提出了解决的建议。  相似文献   

<正>麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)曾是中国特有的大型沼泽湿地型鹿科动物。由于人类活动、气候变化和历史变迁等因素,麋鹿于1900年前后在中国本土灭绝,少数圈养个体流落海外(计宏祥,1985;曹克清和陈彬,1990)。1986年我国从英国引进39头麋鹿放养在苏北沿海滩涂,建立了大丰麋鹿自然保护区,1997年晋升为江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区(以下简称:大丰麋鹿保护区)。  相似文献   

湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区麋鹿种群动态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为实现麋鹿回归大自然的目标,1993年和1994年,湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区(以下简称石首麋鹿保护区)分别从北京麋鹿苑引入麋鹿30头(8♂,22♀)和34头(10♂,24♀)建立了繁殖种群。自2000年6月开始,作者每月一次(7-10d)实地监测石首麋鹿保护区内、外的麋鹿种群动态。到2006年产仔季节结束后,该保护区内的麋鹿种群达522头,2006年产仔前性比为1∶1.22。用指数增长模型拟合种群增长曲线,1998年后石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群呈指数增长(Nt=84e0.226t),其瞬时增长率为0.226;1998年夏季长江暴发特大洪灾,石首麋鹿保护区内的部分麋鹿逃逸到长江南岸,形成了自然野化麋鹿种群。该自然野化种群比保护区内麋鹿种群增长快,其瞬时增长率达到0.267。湖北石首和江苏大丰两个国家级自然保护区内麋鹿种群的出生率和增长率差异显著,而两地的死亡率无显著差异。石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群年均出生率(26.8%,P=0.010)和年均增长率(21.7%,P=0.038)均显著地高于江苏大丰国家级自然保护区内麋鹿种群的年均出生率(21.6%)和年均增长率(17.0%)。由于生境退化和人为干扰,当前石首麋鹿保护区内的麋鹿种群增长已开始出现密度制约迹象,亟待采取有效措施来改善麋鹿的生存繁衍条件。  相似文献   

种群生存力分析是通过对种群统计随机性、环境随机性、自然灾害、生境的空间结构以及各种管理措施等因素分析、估计濒危物种种群大小和灭绝风险的方法。洞庭湖麋鹿是一个完全自然野化的野生种群,受洪灾制约,面临着岛屿化和近交衰退的威胁,因此,通过种群监测和生存力分析制定科学有效的保护行动计划十分必要。本研究结果显示,目前湖南洞庭湖分布有3个麋鹿亚群,种群数量为210头左右。根据种群2006—2020年监测数据,参照种群现状、配偶体制、自然灾害、环境容纳量和死亡率等种群参数,利用VORTEX模型(10.5. 5.0)对麋鹿种群100年内的数量动态进行模拟分析,结果表明:在理想状态和环境容纳量为1 000头的情形下,种群在100年间灭绝概率为0,内禀增长率r为0.0991±0.0800,周限增长率λ为1.1041±1.1900,净增长率R0为2.006 2,雌性平均世代更替时间T为7.03年,雄性平均世代更替时间T为8.65年;随着时间推移,近交系数增加8.08%,种群基因期望杂合度和观察杂合度分别下降6.57%和8.30%;敏感度分析发现,洪水灾害是影响洞庭湖麋鹿种群增长的主要因子,并导致生育率下降和...  相似文献   

苏北滨海湿地麋鹿恢复种群的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1986年至2004年,在苏北滨海湿地开展恢复麋鹿野生种群的研究。从每年的2月份开始,在麋鹿的产仔期按照每旬记录产仔数,直至产仔结束。逐年统计半散养和野生麋鹿种群结构。选择不同年龄阶段和不同性别的麋鹿进行称重,分析个体的身体发育程度。半散养麋鹿种群由1986年引进的39 头,发展到2004年的706 头,年均出生率21.7%,鹿群年均增长率为17.5%,现已繁殖了子四代;野生放养麋鹿由31 头增加到2004年的41头,年均出生率16.3%,年均增长率为9.0% ,且于2003年、2004年各产1 头完全属野生的子二代。产仔季节相由引进时的紊乱已调整至目前的规律性产仔。研究表明大丰麋鹿种群繁殖很成功,其寿命、行为、生理发育、繁殖周期等都较引进时发生了显著的变化,已完全适应了黄海湿地生态环境。人类活动干扰仍是影响麋鹿种群恢复的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

利用食草动物来管理自然保护地的植被平衡具有很大的应用潜力,一方面可提升动物的生态价值,另一方面通过控制取食规模,改变植被的生物多样性,达到对自然保护地生态平衡管理的目的。基于此于2021年6月5日引入4头麋鹿(2雄2雌),对野鸭湖自然保护区的“芦苇优势群落”采取保护性的生物控制研究,从项目的实施来看:1)单纯收割不能控制芦苇的生长扩张;对芦苇区系植物多样性的影响有限,未改变芦苇区系结构;2)麋鹿引入该区域后,通过取食、游泳、躺卧和踩踏等活动有效控制了芦苇和香蒲的过度扩张;1年后芦苇和香蒲面积下降了21.96%,为三棱水葱、水蓼等提供了生长空间,逐渐形成了仍以芦苇和香蒲为主且更多样的湿地环境;3)增加滩涂和开阔水面等景观,使多样性指数进一步提升,未改变周边区系湿地生态结构;4)麋鹿迁入可降低野鸭湖“脆弱物种”芦苇区系的丰富度,由引入前的(r=3.67)下降到引入后的(r=1.97);麋鹿迁入提升了野鸭湖植被区系物种多样性,芦苇区系的多样性指数由引进前的(r=0.90)上升到引进后的(r=2.11);麋鹿引入的第一年结果显示,整个引入区域的植被多样性指数由r=0.51上升到r=0.91。麋...  相似文献   

光周期可影响鹿角脱落和新茸再生,麋(Elaphurus davidianus)冬至解角,冬季持续的光照时长改变对鹿茸生长速度、角形态发育及夏季的繁殖溢出效应尚未见相关报道。依托北京麋鹿苑2018年出生的同父异母雄性麋鹿12头,于2021年11月-2023年3月进行光照时长处理实验,依次分组为:自然光照(对照组)、缩短光照2h、延长光照3h和6h;记录实验麋鹿解角日期,红外测量新茸再生速度,测定脱落的麋角形态参数,并持续追踪记录翌年发情期等级序位、打斗、交配、繁殖绩效等参数。结果显示:持续缩短2h光照(6L∶18D)使麋鹿解角日期、角主干总长度、单角重量分别较对照组(8L∶16D),提前(8.5±0.4)d、缩短2.93cm(P < 0.01,n=3)、减轻9.81g(P < 0.01,n=3);延长3h光照(10L∶14D)使麋鹿解角日期、角主干总长度、单角重量分别较对照组(8L∶16D),推迟(10.5±0.3)d、增长5.47cm(P < 0.01,n=6)、增加18.64g(P < 0.01,n=6);延长6h光照(12L∶12D)使麋鹿解角日期、角主干总长度、单角重量较对照组(8L∶16D),分别推迟(13.5±0.6)d、增长10.43cm(P < 0.01,n=6)、增加44.31g(P < 0.01,n=6)。光照时长对麋角切片重量的影响差异极显著(P < 0.01,n=6),缩短2h光照(6L∶18D)使麋角切片重量较对照组(8L∶16D)减轻(0.1230±0.0561)g/片;延长光照3h(10L∶14D)、6h(12L∶12D)使麋角切片重量较对照组(8L∶16D)分别增加(0.1200±0.0318)g/片、(0.3133±0.0618)g/片;冬季延长光照可明显增加夏季雄性麋鹿的交配机会和爬跨时长,增加发情持续天数、累积持续时间,增加查验母鹿发情、维护领地和圈群次数,提高交配成功率。综上所述,麋角脱落与光照时长之间密切相关,冬季持续光照时长变化对麋角脱落日期及繁殖产生了溢出效应,其机理仍需进一步研究,结果可为今后开展不同光照对麋角脱落及新茸再生多样化的分子调控机制研究提供理论支撑,可指导鹿科动物鹿茸产量提高、育种、保护与可持续发展。  相似文献   

动物对草地的采食和践踏直接影响着土壤的理化特性。以大丰麋鹿保护区半散养麋鹿为研究对象,分析了不同麋鹿干扰强度下土壤含水率、容重、全盐量、有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾的差异,探讨麋鹿放养对土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:(1)随着麋鹿干扰强度的增加,土壤含水量和有机质呈现下降的趋势;土壤盐分、容重和氮、磷、钾全量呈现上升的趋势。(2)麋鹿放养对土壤理化指标的影响显著,重度干扰样地与对照样地之间差异性达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。(3)土壤氮、磷、钾全量,在重度干扰区域达到最大值,分别为1.56 g/kg、0.95 g/kg和13.43 g/kg,全氮量的增长幅度最大。(4)在麋鹿活动最为频繁的重度干扰区域,土壤盐分含量达到9.26 g/kg,土壤盐碱化,这是导致栖息地退化的主要原因。麋鹿干扰强度增加最终导致土壤盐渍化加重,栖息地生境明显退化,严重区域向光裸地的演化。  相似文献   

发情期的雄性麋鹿根据序位分为群主、挑战者和单身汉3个等级,序位变化是雄性麋鹿应对环境压力的直 观体现。本文利用胆量和侵犯2个行为指标在麋鹿生活史不同阶段的耦合强弱,来解释幼体时麋鹿序位发育、亚 成体时雄性序位定型及发情期时挑战者对群体序位的扰动。行为取样采用焦点取样法和扫描取样法相结合;分 析个体间行为样本流的非同步化水平,以同类型行为中较早发生、同步化率较低的判断为胆大;侵犯则结合攻 击行为和取胜指数来判定;粪样睾酮水平测定采用放射免疫分析法。结果显示雄性麋鹿幼体胆量和侵犯耦合与 等级序位呈负相关(r=-0.111 8,P=0.018 3);成体胆量和侵犯耦合与等级序位的波动呈正相关(r=0.917 9,P= 0.002 6)。从亚成体到成体:4头雄性麋鹿序位上升(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.852 3,P=0.000 3),其中1头成为鹿 王;4头序位未发生改变(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.482 9,P=0.006 3);3头序位下降(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.251 7, P=0.003 5)。雄性麋鹿幼体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.860 7,P=0.005 5);亚成体睾酮水平与等级序 位呈正相关(r=0.845 7,P=0.004 4);成体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.954 6,P=0.001 8)。结果表明雄 性麋鹿发情期胆量和侵犯耦合强度与等级序位波动呈正相关;等级序位上升与睾酮水平升高有关。  相似文献   

Père David’s deer underwent known bottlenecks but has recovered to more than 2000 individuals in China, making it interesting to assess its genetic variability from a microsatellite perspective. For this purpose, we developed eight novel microsatellite loci using magnetic-bead enrichment methods. These microsatellite markers revealed a low level of genetic variation in the David’s deer, showing two alleles each locus, 0.31 and 0.38 for average observed and expected heterozyogosities, respectively. Combined with previous cross-species primers, this set of markers would play an important role in future genetic investigation of the David’s deer.  相似文献   

From July 1997 to September 1997 and from March 1998 to July 1998, we studied reproductive behaviors of Père David's deer in Dafeng, China. During the field behavioral observations, we collected fresh voided fecal samples from the Père David's stags and hinds periodically and kept those samples under −20°C until laboratory analysis. We analyzed the fecal testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations in those samples using radioimmunoassay. During this study, we also recorded 17 types of male reproductive behaviors and nine types of female reproductive behaviors. Reproductive behaviors and the fecal steroid concentrations showed overt seasonal fluctuations. There were statistically significant correlations between some male reproductive behaviors, such as anogenital sniffing, urine sniffing, urine spraying, wallowing, bellowing, antler adorning, Antler swags mud, chasing, herding hinds, chin resting, mounting and copulating, with the fecal testosterone concentrations. These results suggested that seasonal reproductive behaviors in stags are strongly associated with circulating testosterone. We also found that some female reproductive behaviors fluctuate corresponding with changes in fecal estrogen concentrations. Although there was no direct evidence to confirm the correlations between female reproductive behaviors and fecal estrogen in our experiment, we could not rule out that reproductive activities of hinds were largely related to ovarian estrogen secretion, and estrogen is necessary for inducing female reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

圈养条件下仔狍的生长与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003 年4 月至2004 年10 月对12 只狍东北亚种雌性生产的16 只仔狍进行了生长发育观察。记录仔狍出生日期,观察生长过程的毛色变化,定期检查牙齿生长状况,测定体尺和体重,所得数据采用SPSS13. 0 软件处理,绘制生长曲线并建立体长与体重的拟合曲线方程。结果表明,圈养条件下仔狍出生主要集中在5 月中旬至6
月中旬,出生时毛色呈暗棕黄色,身体两侧分布不规则的白斑,翌年换毛后白斑消失;出生仔狍的齿式为(0 03 0 /4 0 3 0)×2 = 20,成年狍的齿式为(0 1 3 3/4 0 3 3)×2 = 34,乳齿6 ~7 月龄开始脱换,8 ~9 月龄完成,脱换的顺序为中央切齿→两侧切齿→隅齿;(上、下颌)后臼齿的第一后臼齿2 月龄萌发、3 ~ 4 月龄生长完成,第
二后臼齿6 ~ 7 月龄萌发,8 ~9 月龄生长完成,第三后臼齿12 ~ 13 月龄萌发,14 ~ 15 月龄生长完成;乳齿的前臼齿从12 月龄开始脱换,14 月龄完成,脱换的顺序是上颌第一前臼齿和下颌第三前臼齿→上、下颌第二前臼齿→上颌第三前臼齿和下颌第一前臼齿;仔狍体尺增长率顺序为体长> 臀高> 肩高> 胸围> 腰围。仔狍体长与体重的拟合曲线方程是Y = 63.1084 - 0.0070x + 1.1e - 6 x2 - 3e- 11 x3 ,生长发育过程可分为生长快速期、生长缓慢期和雌雄狍生长差异期3 个阶段。  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence that Afro‐Palaearctic (A‐P) migrant bird populations have declined in Europe in recent decades, often to a greater degree than resident or short‐distance migrants. There appear to have been two phases of decline. The first in the 1960s–1970s, and in some cases into the early 1980s, largely affected species wintering predominantly in the arid Sahelian zone, and the second since the 1980s has mostly affected species wintering in the humid tropics and Guinea forest zone. Potential drivers of these declines are diverse and are spread across and interact within the migratory cycle. Our knowledge of declining species is generally better for the breeding than the non‐breeding parts of their life cycles, but there are significant gaps in both for many species. On the breeding grounds, degradation of breeding habitats is the factor affecting the demography of the largest number of species, particularly within agricultural systems and woodland and forests. In the non‐breeding areas, the interacting factors of anthropogenic habitat degradation and climatic conditions, particularly drought in the Sahel zone, appear to be the most important factors. Based on our synthesis of existing information, we suggest four priorities for further research: (1) use of new and emerging tracking technologies to identify migratory pathways and strategies, understand migratory connectivity and enable field research to be targeted more effectively; (2) undertake detailed field studies in sub‐Saharan Africa and at staging sites, where we understand little about distribution patterns, habitat use and foraging ecology; (3) make better use of the wealth of data from the European breeding grounds to explore spatial and temporal patterns in demographic parameters and relate these to migratory pathways and large‐scale patterns of habitat change and climatic factors; and (4) make better use of remote sensing to improve our understanding of how and where land cover is changing across these extensive areas and how this impacts A‐P migrants. This research needs to inform and underpin a flyway approach to conservation, evaluating a suite of drivers across the migratory cycle and combining this with an understanding of land management practices that integrate the needs of birds and people in these areas.  相似文献   

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes play a key role in the immune response to infectious diseases, some of which are highly prevalent in specific environments, like malaria in sub‐Saharan Africa. Former case–control studies showed that one particular HLA‐B allele, B*53, was associated with malaria protection in Gambia, but this hypothesis was not tested so far within a population genetics framework. In this study, our objective was to assess whether pathogen‐driven selection associated with malaria contributed to shape the HLA‐B genetic landscape of Africa. To that aim, we first typed the HLA‐A and ‐B loci in 484 individuals from 11 populations living in different environments across the Sahel, and we analysed these data together with those available for 29 other populations using several approaches including linear modelling on various genetic, geographic and environmental parameters. In addition to relevant signatures of populations’ demography and migrations history in the genetic differentiation patterns of both HLA‐A and ‐B loci, we found that the frequencies of three HLA alleles, B*53, B*78 and A*74, were significantly associated with Plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence, suggesting their increase through pathogen‐driven selection in malaria‐endemic environments. The two HLA‐B alleles were further identified, by high‐throughput sequencing, as B*53:01:01 (in putative linkage disequilibrium with one HLA‐C allele, C*04:01:01:01) and B*78:01 in all but one individuals tested, making them appropriate candidates to malaria protection. These results highlight the role of environmental factors in the evolution of the HLA polymorphism and open key perspectives for functional studies focusing on HLA peptide‐binding properties.  相似文献   

The conservation and tourism development of World Heritage (WH) sites has always been a key and urgent scientific issue to be solved urgently by academia and industry all over the world. An increasing number of researchers and practitioners are paying attention to this issue. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive literature review on this topic. To fill this gap, this study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) based on 179 related studies retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) databases. Focusing on the research question of the conservation and tourism development of World Natural Heritage (WNH) sites, we built an SLR framework to implement the review process. First, quantitative research was conducted to analyse the annual numbers, content and continents of the published literature. Second, we classified and summarized the main progress and achievements from theoretical research, technical methods, model construction, monitoring and evaluating, and application demonstration. Finally, in view of the current research situation of the conservation and tourism development of WNH sites, we proposed eight key scientific issues to be solved and several directions for future research.  相似文献   

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