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The Notch locus of Drosophila melanogaster, which codes for a transmembrane protein sharing homology with the mammalian epidermal growth factor, is one of a small number of zygotically acting genes, the so called neurogenic loci, which are necessary for the correct segregation of neural from epidermal lineages during embryogenesis. In an attempt to identify genes whose products may interact with that of Notch, we designed a genetic screen aimed at identifying suppressors of certain Notch mutations which are known to affect the extracellular epidermal growth factor homologous domain of Notch. Mutations in two neurogenic loci were identified as suppressors: Delta, whose product was recently shown to interact with Notch and mastermind. In addition, a third, X-linked gene was shown capable of acting as a suppressor. We show that this gene is the deltex locus, characterize the phenotype of deltex mutations, and demonstrate both a maternal and zygotic action of the locus. All deltex alleles behave as recessive viables affecting wing, ocellar and eye morphology. There are allele specific interactions between deltex and various Notch alleles; for example, deltex mutants with a reduced dosage of wild-type Notch die as pupae. deltex also interacts with Delta and mastermind in a fashion that is formally analogous to its interaction with Notch. These results emphasize the special relationship between Notch, Delta and mastermind suggested by previous work and indicate that deltex is likely to play an important role in the same genetic circuitry within which these three neurogenic loci operate.  相似文献   

Interactions are described between the Notch locus of Drosophila melanogaster, and two other loci, scabrous and vestigial, which respectively affect the eyes and wings. The Notch locus is responsible for mediating decisions of cell fate throughout development in many different tissues. Mutations and duplications of vestigial and scabrous alter the severity of phenotypes associated with Notch mutations and duplications in a manner that is essentially tissue- and allele-specific. These interactions indicate that the products of vestigial and scabrous act in conjunction with Notch to stimulate the differentiation of specific cell types.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a pivotal component adult tissues and of many tissue-specific stem cell niches. It provides structural support and regulates niche signaling during tissue maintenance and regeneration. In many tissues, ECM remodeling depends on the regulation of MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) activity by inhibitory TIMP (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases) proteins. Here, we report that the only Drosophila timp gene is required for maintaining the normal organization and function of the germline stem cell niche in adult females. timp mutant ovaries show reduced levels of both Drosophila Collagen IV α chains. In addition, tissue stiffness and the cellular organization of the ovarian niche are affected in timp mutants. Finally, loss of timp impairs the ability of the germline stem cell niche to generate new cysts. Our results demonstrating a crucial role for timp in tissue organization and gamete production thus provide a link between the regulation of ECM metabolism and tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

Though much has been learned about the process of ovarian follicle maturation through studies of oogenesis in both vertebrate and invertebrate systems, less is known about how follicles form initially. In Drosophila, two somatic follicle stem cells (FSCs) in each ovariole give rise to all polar cells, stalk cells, and main body cells needed to form each follicle. We show that one daughter from each FSC founds most follicles but that cell type specification is independent of cell lineage, in contrast to previous claims of an early polar/stalk lineage restriction. Instead, key intercellular signals begin early and guide cell behavior. An initial Notch signal from germ cells is required for FSC daughters to migrate across the ovariole and on occasion to replace the opposite stem cell. Both anterior and posterior polar cells arise in region 2b at a time when ∼16 cells surround the cyst. Later, during budding, stalk cells and additional polar cells are specified in a process that frequently transfers posterior follicle cells onto the anterior surface of the next older follicle. These studies provide new insight into the mechanisms that underlie stem cell replacement and follicle formation during Drosophila oogenesis.THE Drosophila ovary is a highly favorable system for studying epithelial cell differentiation downstream from a stem cell (reviewed in Blanpain et al. 2007; Kirilly and Xie 2007). New follicles consisting of 16 interconnected germ cells surrounded by an epithelial (follicle cell) monolayer are continuously produced during adult life and develop sequentially within ovarioles (reviewed in Spradling 1993). Follicle formation begins in the germarium (Figure 1A), a structure at the tip of each ovariole that houses 2–3 germline stem cells (GSCs) and 2 follicle stem cells (FSCs) within stable niches (reviewed in Morrison and Spradling 2008). Successive GSC daughters known as cystoblasts are enclosed by a thin covering of squamous escort cells and divide asymmetrically four times in sucession to produce 16-cell germline cysts, comprising 15 presumptive nurse cells and a presumptive oocyte (reviewed in de Cuevas et al. 1997). At the junction between region 2a and region 2b, cysts are forced into single file as they encounter the FSCs, lose their escort cell covering, and begin to acquire a follicular layer. Follicle cells derived from both FSCs soon mold them into a “lens shape” characteristic of region 2b. Under the influence of continued somatic cell growth, cysts and their surrounding cells round up, enter region 3 (also known as stage 1), and bud from the germarium as new follicles that remain connected to their neighbors by short cellular stalks (Figure 1B).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.—Prefollicle cells associate with cysts in an ordered fashion downstream from the FSCs. (A) A diagram of the Drosophila germarium showing the four subregions: 1, 2a, 2b, and 3. Two GSCs (orange) reside in region 1 and produce cysts (yellow ovals). Two FSCs reside at the border of regions 2a and 2b and produce follicle cells that encapsulate region 2b and region 3 cysts. (B) A diagram of two follicles that have budded from the germarium showing their pairs of anterior and posterior polar cells as well as the interconnecting 4–6 stalk cells. (C) Germaria stained with anti-traffic jam (green) to mark somatic cells, anti-vasa (red) to mark germ cells, and DAPI (blue). The numbers of somatic cells associated with each cyst (indicated) were reconstructed from three-dimensional image stacks. (D–F) Small transient clones stained with anti-LacZ (green, the clonal marker), anti-FasIII (red), and DAPI (blue). Regions 2b and 3 cysts are outlined in white. Pink dots indicate labeled FSC daughters; however, not all labeled cells are marked because some are not visible in the presented plane of focus. (D) A 4-cell clone associated with the first cyst in region 2b. (E) An 8-cell clone associated with the second region 2b cyst. (F) A 15-cell clone associated with the region 3 cyst. (G) Model of follicle layer acquisition. One FSC daughter, the cmc (light green, left) contacts the anterior face of the incoming cyst (2a/b, orange) and founds mostly anterior follicle cells (light green). Another FSC daughter, the pmc (dark green, left) contacts the posterior cyst face and founds mostly posterior follicle cells (dark green). Bar, 10 μm; anterior is to the left.A complex sequence of signaling and adhesive interactions between follicular and germline cells is required for follicle budding, oocyte development, and patterning (reviewed in Huynh and St. Johnston 2004). However, the mechanisms orchestrating the initial association between follicle cells and cysts within the germarium are less well understood. While lineage analysis indicates the presence of two FSCs (Margolis and Spradling 1995; Nystul and Spradling 2007), low fasciclin III (FasIII) expression has been claimed to specifically mark FSCs, leading to the conclusion that more FSCs are present under some conditions (Zhang and Kalderon 2001; Vied and Kalderon 2009).The differentiation of polar cells at both their anterior and posterior ends is required for normal follicle production (Ruohola et al. 1991; Larkin et al. 1996; Grammont and Irvine 2001), and depends on Notch signals received from the germline (Lopez-Schier and St. Johnston 2001). Subsequently, anterior polar cells send JAK-STAT and Notch signals that specify stalk cells (McGregor et al. 2002; Torres et al. 2003; Assa-Kunik et al. 2007). While the source of these signals and their effects are clear, the timing of polar cell specification and its dependence on cell lineage are not. Some anterior and posterior polar cells (but not stalk cells) were inferred by lineage analysis to arise and cease division within region 2b (Margolis and Spradling 1995). In contrast, on the basis of marker gene expression it was concluded that anterior polar cells are specified later, in stage 1, and posterior polar cells in stage 2 (Torres et al. 2003). Up to four polar cells may eventually form, but apoptosis reduces their number to a single pair at each end by stage 5 (Besse and Pret 2003). Moreover, polar and stalk are believed to arise exclusively from “polar/stalk” precursors that separate from the rest of the FSC lineage (Larkin et al. 1996; Tworoger et al. 1999; Besse and Pret 2003) and these cells were proposed to invade between the last region 2b cyst to affect follicle budding (Torres et al. 2003; Assa-Kunik et al. 2007).Here we have analyzed the detailed behavior of FSCs and their daughters in the germarium. No evidence of polar/stalk precursors was observed, and we show that the first anterior and posterior polar cells are specified in region 2b, prior to the previously accepted time of follicle cell specialization. Additional polar cells are also formed later during stages 1 and 2. Follicle cell differentiation appears to be independent of cell lineage, but is orchestrated by sequential cell interactions, and in particular by Notch signaling. Our results reveal the sophisticated, self-correcting behavior of an epithelial stem cell lineage at close to single-cell resolution.  相似文献   

During Drosophila development networks of genes control the developmental pathways that specify cell fates. The Notch gene is a well characterized member of some cell fate pathways, and several other genes belonging to these same pathways have been identified because they share a neurogenic null phenotype with Notch. However, it is unlikely that the neurogenic genes represent all of the genes in these pathways. The goal of this research was to use a genetic approach to identify and characterize one of the other genes that acts with Notch to specify cell fate. Mutant alleles of genes in the same pathway should have phenotypes similar to Notch alleles and should show phenotypic interactions with Notch alleles. With this approach we identified the deltex gene as a potential cell fate gene. An extensive phenotypic characterization of loss-of-function deltex phenotypes showed abnormalities (such as thick wing veins, double bristles and extra cone cells) that suggest that deltex is involved in cell fate decision processes. Phenotypic interactions between deltex and Notch as seen in double mutants showed that Notch and deltex do not code for duplicate functions and that the two genes function together in many different developing tissues. The results of these investigations lead to the conclusion that the deltex gene functions with the Notch gene in one or more developmental pathways to specify cell fate.  相似文献   

Epithelial stem cells are routinely lost or damaged during adult life and must therefore be replaced to maintain homeostasis. Recent studies indicate that stem cell replacement occurs through neutral competition in many types of epithelial tissues, but little is known about the factors that determine competitive outcome. The epithelial follicle stem cells (FSCs) in the Drosophila ovary are regularly lost and replaced during normal homeostasis, and we show that FSC replacement conforms to a model of neutral competition. In addition, we found that FSCs mutant for the basolateral junction genes, lethal giant larvae (lgl) or discs large (dlg), undergo a biased competition for niche occupancy characterized by increased invasion of neighboring FSCs and reduced loss. Interestingly, FSCs mutant for a third basolateral junction gene, scribble (scrib), do not exhibit biased competition, suggesting that Lgl and Dlg regulate niche competition through a Scrib-independent process. Lastly, we found that FSCs have a unique cell polarity characterized by broadly distributed adherens junctions and the lack of a mature apical domain. Collectively, these observations indicate that Lgl and Dlg promote the differentiation of FSC progeny to a state in which they are less prone to invade the neighboring niche. In addition, we demonstrate that the neutral drift model can be adapted to quantify non-neutral behavior of mutant clones.  相似文献   

It is estimated that half of all proteins expressed in eukaryotic cells are transferred across or into at least one cellular membrane to reach their functional location. Protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is critical to the subsequent localization of secretory and transmembrane proteins. A vital component of the translocation machinery is the signal peptidase complex (SPC) - which is conserved from yeast to mammals – and functions to cleave the signal peptide sequence (SP) of secretory and membrane proteins entering the ER. Failure to cleave the SP, due to mutations that abolish the cleavage site or reduce SPC function, leads to the accumulation of uncleaved proteins in the ER that cannot be properly localized resulting in a wide range of defects depending on the protein(s) affected. Despite the obvious importance of the SPC, in vivo studies investigating its function in a multicellular organism have not been reported. The Drosophila SPC comprises four proteins: Spase18/21, Spase22/23, Spase25 and Spase12. Spc1p, the S. cerevisiae homolog of Spase12, is not required for SPC function or viability; Drosophila spase12 null alleles, however, are embryonic lethal. The data presented herein show that spase12 LOF clones disrupt development of all tissues tested including the eye, wing, leg, and antenna. In the eye, spase12 LOF clones result in a disorganized eye, defective cell differentiation, ectopic interommatidial bristles, and variations in support cell size, shape, number, and distribution. In addition, spase12 mosaic tissue is susceptible to melanotic mass formation suggesting that spase12 LOF activates immune response pathways. Together these data demonstrate that spase12 is an essential gene in Drosophila where it functions to mediate cell differentiation and development. This work represents the first reported in vivo analysis of a SPC component in a multicellular organism.  相似文献   

Central nervous system injury induces a regenerative response in ensheathing glial cells comprising cell proliferation, spontaneous axonal remyelination, and limited functional recovery, but the molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. In Drosophila, this involves the genes prospero and Notch controlling the balance between glial proliferation and differentiation, and manipulating their levels in glia can switch the response to injury from prevention to promotion of repair. In the mouse, Notch1 maintains NG2 oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) in a progenitor state, but what factor may enable oligodendrocyte (OL) differentiation and functional remyelination is not understood. Here, we asked whether the mammalian homologue of prospero, Prox1, is involved. Our data show that Prox1 is distributed in NG2+ OPCs and in OLs in primary cultured cells, and in the mouse spinal cord in vivo. siRNA prox1 knockdown in primary OPCs increased cell proliferation, increased NG2+ OPC cell number and decreased CC1+ OL number. Prox1 conditional knockout in the OL cell lineage in mice increased NG2+ OPC cell number, and decreased CC1+ OL number. Lysolecithin-induced demyelination injury caused a reduction in CC1+ OLs in homozygous Prox1-/- conditional knockout mice compared to controls. Remarkably, Prox1-/- conditional knockout mice had smaller lesions than controls. Altogether, these data show that Prox1 is required to inhibit OPC proliferation and for OL differentiation, and could be a relevant component of the regenerative glial response. Therapeutic uses of glia and stem cells to promote regeneration and repair after central nervous system injury would benefit from manipulating Prox1.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, silent chromatin is formed at HMR upon the passage through S phase, yet neither the initiation of DNA replication at silencers nor the passage of a replication fork through HMR is required for silencing. Paradoxically, mutations in the DNA replication processivity factor, POL30, disrupt silencing despite this lack of requirement for DNA replication in the establishment of silencing. We tested whether pol30 mutants could establish silencing at either replicated or non-replicated HMR loci during S phase and found that pol30 mutants were defective in establishing silencing at HMR regardless of its replication status. Although previous studies tie the silencing defect of pol30 mutants to the chromatin assembly factors Asf1p and CAF-1, we found pol30 mutants did not exhibit a gross defect in packaging HMR into chromatin. Rather, the pol30 mutants exhibited defects in histone modifications linked to ASF1 and CAF-1-dependent pathways, including SAS-I- and Rtt109p-dependent acetylation events at H4-K16 and H3-K9 (plus H3-K56; Miller, A., Yang, B., Foster, T., and Kirchmaier, A. L. (2008) Genetics 179, 793–809). Additional experiments using FLIM-FRET revealed that Pol30p interacted with SAS-I and Rtt109p in the nuclei of living cells. However, these interactions were disrupted in pol30 mutants with defects linked to ASF1- and CAF-1-dependent pathways. Together, these results imply that Pol30p affects epigenetic processes by influencing the composition of chromosomal histone modifications.  相似文献   

Highlights? PTPMT1 depletion causes cell cycle delay and differentiation block in HSCs ? The HSC pool in PTPMT1 knockout mice is drastically (~40-fold) expanded ? Mitochondrial metabolism is altered and AMPK is highly activated in knockout HSCs ? PTPMT1 PIP substrates directly enhance fatty-acid-induced activation of UCP2  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) convey odor information to the central brain, but like other sensory neurons were thought to play a passive role in memory formation and storage. Here we show that Notch, part of an evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling pathway, is required in adult Drosophila ORNs for the structural and functional plasticity of olfactory glomeruli that is induced by chronic odor exposure. Specifically, we show that Notch activity in ORNs is necessary for the odor specific increase in the volume of glomeruli that occurs as a consequence of prolonged odor exposure. Calcium imaging experiments indicate that Notch in ORNs is also required for the chronic odor induced changes in the physiology of ORNs and the ensuing changes in the physiological response of their second order projection neurons (PNs). We further show that Notch in ORNs acts by both canonical cleavage-dependent and non-canonical cleavage-independent pathways. The Notch ligand Delta (Dl) in PNs switches the balance between the pathways. These data define a circuit whereby, in conjunction with odor, N activity in the periphery regulates the activity of neurons in the central brain and Dl in the central brain regulates N activity in the periphery. Our work highlights the importance of experience dependent plasticity at the first olfactory synapse.  相似文献   

J. V. Price  E. D. Savenye  D. Lum    A. Breitkreutz 《Genetics》1997,147(3):1139-1153
The Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a key component of a complex signaling pathway that participates in multiple developmental processes. We have performed an F(1) screen for mutations that cause dominant enhancement of wing vein phenotypes associated with mutations in Egfr. With this screen, we have recovered mutations in Hairless (H), vein, groucho (gro), and three apparently novel loci. All of the E(Egfr)s we have identified show dominant interactions in transheterozygous combinations with each other and with alleles of N or Su(H), suggesting that they are involved in cross-talk between the N and EGFR signaling pathways. Further examination of the phenotypic interactions between Egfr, H, and gro revealed that reductions in Egfr activity enhanced both the bristle loss associated with H mutations, and the bristle hyperplasia and ocellar hypertrophy associated with gro mutations. Double mutant combinations of Egfr and gro hypomorphic alleles led to the formation of ectopic compound eyes in a dosage sensitive manner. Our findings suggest that these E(Egfr)s represent links between the Egfr and Notch signaling pathways, and that Egfr activity can either promote or suppress Notch signaling, depending on its developmental context.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations at the suppressor of sable [su(s)] locus in Drosophila melanogaster result in suppression of second site mutations caused by insertions of the mobile element 412. In order to determine whether su(s) mutations might have other phenotypes, a saturation mapping of the su(s) region was carried out. The screen yielded 76 mutations that comprise ten genetic complementation groups ordered distal to proximal as follows: l(1)1Bh, l(1)1Bi, M(1)1B, su(s), l(1)1Bk, l(1)1Ca, mul, tw, l(1)lDa and brc. Twenty-three of the mutations are su(s) alleles, and all are suppressors of the 412-insertion-caused v1 allele. Although the screen could have detected su(s) mutations causing sex-specific dominant lethality or sterility as well as all types of recessive lethality or sterility, the only other phenotype observed was male sterility that is enhanced by cold temperature. This type of sterility is exhibited only by alleles induced by base-substitution-causing mutagens. Genetic functions of the poly(A+) messages transcribed from the su(s) microregion were identified by the reintroduction of cloned sequences into embryos by P element transformation. su(s) function has been attributed to a 5-kb message. The segment of DNA encoding only this 5-kb message rescues both the suppression and cold-sensitive male sterility phenotypes of su(s). Minute (1) 1B has been provisionally identified as encoding a 3.5-kb message; lethal (1)1Bi encodes a 1-kb message; and lethal (1)1Bk encodes a 4-kb message. The possible functions of su(s) and M(1)1B are discussed.  相似文献   

D. Pauli  B. Oliver    A. P. Mahowald 《Genetics》1995,139(2):713-732
Only a few Drosophila melanogaster germline sex determination genes are known, and there have been no systematic screens to identify new genes involved in this important biological process. The ovarian phenotypes produced by females mutant for dominant alleles of the ovo gene are modified in flies with altered doses of other loci involved in germline sex determination in Drosophila (Sex-lethal(+), sans fille(+) and ovarian tumor(+)). This observation constitutes the basis for a screen to identify additional genes required for proper establishment of germline sexual identity. We tested 300 deletions, which together cover ~58% of the euchromatic portion of the genome, for genetic interactions with ovo(D). Hemizygosity for more than a dozen small regions show interactions that either partially suppress or enhance the ovarian phenotypes of females mutant for one or more of the three dominant ovo mutations. These regions probably contain genes whose products act in developmental hierarchies that include ovo(+) protein.  相似文献   

Mammalian Notch receptors require modification by fucose on epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats of their extracellular domain to respond optimally to signal induction by canonical Notch ligands. Inactivation of the Golgi GDP-fucose transporter Slc35c1 in mouse or human does not cause marked defects in Notch signaling during development, and shows milder fucosylation defects than those observed in mice unable to synthesize GDP-fucose, indicating the existence of another mechanism for GDP-fucose transport into the secretory pathway. We show here that fibroblasts from mice or humans lacking Slc35c1 exhibit robust Notch signaling in co-culture signaling assays. A potential candidate for a second GDP-fucose transporter is the related gene Slc35c2. Overexpression of Slc35c2 reduces expression of the fucosylated epitopes Lewis X and sialylated Lewis X in CHO cells, indicating competition with Slc35c1. The fucosylation of a Notch1 EGF repeat fragment that occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum was increased in CHO transfectants overexpressing Slc35c2. In CHO cells with low levels of Slc35c2, both Delta1- and Jagged1-induced Notch signaling were reduced, and the fucosylation of a Notch1 fragment was also decreased. Immunofluorescence microscopy of rat intestinal epithelial cells and HeLa cells, and analysis of rat liver membrane fractions showed that Slc35c2 is primarily colocalized with markers of the cis-Golgi network and endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC). The combined results suggest that Slc35c2 is either a GDP-fucose transporter that competes with Slc35c1 for GDP-fucose, or a factor that otherwise enhances the fucosylation of Notch and is required for optimal Notch signaling in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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