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The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from a biogeographic boundary, geographical distance and the distribution of suitable habitat were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock-reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408-bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between 28 of 36 possible combinations of population pairs. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance and a modified Mantel test substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics, including temperature and salinity, but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns or any known historic barriers. There was an overall relationship of increasing genetic distance with increasing geographical distance between population pairs, in a manner consistent with isolation-by-distance. A significant habitat-by-geographical-distance interaction term indicated that, for a given geographical distance, populations separated by discontinuous habitat (sand) are more distinct genetically than are populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). In addition, populations separated by deep open waters were more genetically distinct than populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). These results indicate that levels of genetic differentiation among populations of A. nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of biogeography, geographical distance and availability of suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Sea ice occurrence predicts genetic isolation in the Arctic fox   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike Oceanic islands, the islands of the Arctic Sea are not completely isolated from migration by terrestrial vertebrates. The pack ice connects many Arctic Sea islands to the mainland during winter months. The Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), which has a circumpolar distribution, populates numerous islands in the Arctic Sea. In this study, we used genetic data from 20 different populations, spanning the entire distribution of the Arctic fox, to identify barriers to dispersal. Specifically, we considered geographical distance, occurrence of sea ice, winter temperature, ecotype, and the presence of red fox and polar bear as nonexclusive factors that influence the dispersal behaviour of individuals. Using distance-based redundancy analysis and the BIOENV procedure, we showed that occurrence of sea ice is the key predictor and explained 40-60% of the genetic distance among populations. In addition, our analysis identified the Commander and Pribilof Islands Arctic populations as genetically unique suggesting they deserve special attention from a conservation perspective.  相似文献   

Wolves (Canis lupus) and arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) are the only canid species found throughout the mainland tundra and arctic islands of North America. Contrasting evolutionary histories, and the contemporary ecology of each species, have combined to produce their divergent population genetic characteristics. Arctic foxes are more variable than wolves, and both island and mainland fox populations possess similarly high microsatellite variation. These differences result from larger effective population sizes in arctic foxes, and the fact that, unlike wolves, foxes were not isolated in discrete refugia during the Pleistocene. Despite the large physical distances and distinct ecotypes represented, a single, panmictic population of arctic foxes was found which spans the Svalbard Archipelago and the North American range of the species. This pattern likely reflects both the absence of historical population bottlenecks and current, high levels of gene flow following frequent long-distance foraging movements. In contrast, genetic structure in wolves correlates strongly to transitions in habitat type, and is probably determined by natal habitat-biased dispersal. Nonrandom dispersal may be cued by relative levels of vegetation cover between tundra and forest habitats, but especially by wolf prey specialization on ungulate species of familiar type and behaviour (sedentary or migratory). Results presented here suggest that, through its influence on sea ice, vegetation, prey dynamics and distribution, continued arctic climate change may have effects as dramatic as those of the Pleistocene on the genetic structure of arctic canid species.  相似文献   

Aim With climate change, reliable predictions of future species geographic distributions are becoming increasingly important for the design of appropriate conservation measures. Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to predict geographic range shifts in response to climate change. However, because species communities are likely to change with the climate, accounting for biotic interactions is imperative. A shortcoming of introducing biotic interactions in SDMs is the assumption that biotic interactions remain the same under changing climatic factors, which is disputable. We explore the performance of SDMs while including biotic interactions. Location Fennoscandia, Europe. Methods We investigate the appropriateness of the inclusion of biotic factors (predator pressure and prey availability) in assessing the future distribution of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) in Fennoscandia by means of SDM, using the algorithm MaxEnt. Results Our results show that the inclusion of biotic interactions enhanced the accuracy of SDMs to predict the current arctic fox distribution, and we argue that the accuracy of future predictions might also be enhanced. While the range of the arctic fox is predicted to have decreased by 43% in 2080 because of temperature‐related variables, projected increases in predator pressure and reduced prey availability are predicted to constrain the potential future geographic range of the arctic fox in Fennoscandia 13% more. Main conclusions The results indicate that, provided one has a good knowledge of past changes and a clear understanding of interactions in the community involved, the inclusion of biotic interactions in modelling future geographic ranges of species increases the predictive power of such models. This likely has far‐reaching impacts upon the design and implementation of possible conservation and management plans. Control of competing predators and supplementary feeding are suggested as necessary management actions to preserve the Fennoscandian arctic fox population in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

To fully understand the contemporary genetic structure of plants, both nuclear and plastid markers are needed. Three chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) lineages, which probably diverged before the major Pleistocene glaciations, have been identified in the circumpolar/circumboreal Vaccinium uliginosum. Here we investigate its nuclear DNA variation using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, DNA ploidy level measurements and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). We also extend the cpDNA dataset. Two ITS lineages, corresponding to diploids and tetraploids, respectively, were identified. However, both main sequence types apparently occurred in most individual plants but showed ploidy-biased homogenization and possibly reflect paralogy predating the origin of V. uliginosum. The ploidy levels were largely consistent with the cpDNA lineages, suggesting that the initial cpDNA divergence followed early polyploidizations. Five main AFLP groups were identified, consistent with recent glacial refugia in Beringia, western Siberia, the southern European mountains and areas south/east of the Scandinavian and Laurentide ice sheets. Except from the southern European mountains, there has been extensive expansion from all refugia, resulting in several contact zones. Surprisingly, the presumably older ploidy and cpDNA patterns were partly inconsistent with the main AFLP groups and more consistent with AFLP subgroups. A likely major driver causing the inconsistencies is recent nuclear gene flow via unreduced pollen from diploids to tetraploids. This may prevent cytoplasmic introgression and result in overlayed patterns formed by processes dominating at different time scales. The data also suggest more recent polyploidizations, as well as several chloroplast capture events, further complicating this scenario. This study highlights the importance of combining different marker systems to unravel intraspecific histories.  相似文献   

Patterns of gene flow and genetic structuring were examined in the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor (Cope). Hierarchical analysis of genetic variation was performed on mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes from 323 individuals, representing 32 populations from previously described phylogeographic regions. Results from AMOVA revealed that 60.4-78.9% of the recovered genetic variation was the result of differences in the appointment of genetic variation between subdivisions of the primary phylogeographic regions. In contrast, populations only contained between 13.9 and 30.1% of the observed haplotypic variation. Gene flow estimates based on calculations of phi ST revealed moderate levels of gene flow within phylogeographic regions, but there was no evidence of gene flow between these regions, suggesting that geographical boundaries were probably important in the formation of phylogeographic structure in H. arenicolor. Phylogeographic regions exhibited very different patterns of gene flow. One region showed evidence of recent colonization. Another region exhibited very limited gene flow. Moderate to high estimates of gene flow were obtained for populations from two distinct phylogeographic regions characterized by mesic and xeric environments. Isolation by distance was observed in both regions suggesting that these regions are in genetic equilibrium. Because gene flow is extremely unlikely between the populations in the xeric region, this result is interpreted as historical gene flow. These results indicate that isolation-by-distance effects may still be observed even when population genetic structure and gene flow are the result of historical association.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the presence of sea ice is an important factor in facilitating migration and determining the degree of genetic isolation among contemporary arctic fox populations. Because the extent of sea ice is dependent upon global temperatures, periods of significant cooling would have had a major impact on fox population connectivity and genetic variation. We tested this hypothesis by extracting and sequencing mitochondrial control region sequences from 17 arctic foxes excavated from two late-ninth-century to twelfth-century AD archaeological sites in northeast Iceland, both of which predate the Little Ice Age (approx. sixteenth to nineteenth century). Despite the fact that five haplotypes have been observed in modern Icelandic foxes, a single haplotype was shared among all of the ancient individuals. Results from simulations within an approximate Bayesian computation framework suggest that the rapid increase in Icelandic arctic fox haplotype diversity can only be explained by sea-ice-mediated fox immigration facilitated by the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

One of the most widely distributed bats in the New World, the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) exhibits well-documented geographic variation in morphology and life history traits, suggesting the potential for significant phylogeographic structure as well as adaptive differentiation among populations. In a pattern broadly consistent with morphologically defined subspecies, we found deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages restricted to different geographic regions. In contrast, sequence data from two nuclear loci suggest a general lack of regional genetic structure except for peripheral populations in the Caribbean and Mexico/South America. Coalescent analyses suggest that the striking difference in population structure between genomes cannot be attributed solely to different rates of lineage sorting, but is likely due to male-mediated gene flow homogenizing nuclear genetic diversity across most of the continental range. Despite this ongoing gene flow, selection has apparently been effective in producing and maintaining adaptive differentiation among populations, while strong female site fidelity, maintained over the course of millions of years, has produced remarkably deep divergence among geographically isolated matrilines. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating multiple genetic markers for a more complete understanding of population structure and history.  相似文献   

北极狐GHR基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据狗(AF133835)的GHR基因cDNA编码全序列设计了三对引物,利用RT-PCR方法克隆出北极狐GHR基因编码区全长cDNA序列(GenBank accession No.EU304325)。结果表明,北极狐GHR的ORF为1917bp,编码638个氨基酸的前体蛋白,由18个氨基酸的信号肽和620个氨基酸的成熟肽组成。通过同源性比较发现北极狐与狗的同源性最高,达到98%。另外,利用邻接法(NJ法)构建的分子系统进化树聚类结果表明,北极狐与狗先聚为一类,该聚类结果与传统的物种进化关系基本一致。另外,通过氨基酸对位序列比较发现,北极狐GHR在氨基酸序列上存在明显的特异性,如45和451位分别为A和E,而其它物种均分别为T(大鼠为K)和A(牛羊为V,鼠为T)。  相似文献   

Phylogeographic studies are often focused on temperate European species with relict footholds in the Mediterranean region. Past climatic oscillations usually induced range contractions and expansions from refugial areas located in southern Europe, and spatial distribution of genetic diversity show that northward expansions were usually pioneer-like. Actually, few studies have focused on circum-Mediterranean species, which probably were not influenced in the same way by climatic oscillations. We present the phylogeography of the bark beetle Tomicus destruens, which is restricted to the whole Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coasts of North Africa and Portugal. We systematically sequenced 617 bp of the mitochondrial genes COI and COII for 42 populations (N = 219). Analysis revealed 53 haplotypes geographically structured in two clades, namely eastern and western clades, that diverged during the Pleistocene. A contact zone was identified along the Adriatic coast of Italy. Interestingly, we found contrasting levels of genetic structure within each clade. The eastern group was characterized by a significant phylogeographic pattern and low levels of gene flow, whereas the western group barely showed a spatial structure in haplotype distribution. Moreover, the main pine hosts were different between groups, with the Aleppo-brutia complex in the east and the maritime pine in the west. Potential roles of host species, climatic parameters and geographical barriers are discussed and the phylogeographic patterns are compared to classical models of postglacial recolonization in Europe.  相似文献   

Hybridization between wild and captive-bred individuals is a serious conservation issue that requires measures to prevent negative effects. Such measures are, however, often considered controversial by the public, especially when concerning charismatic species. One of the threats to the critically endangered Fennoscandian arctic fox Alopex lagopus is hybridization with escaped farm foxes, conveying a risk of outbreeding depression through loss of local adaptations to the lemming cycle. In this study, we investigate the existence of escaped farm foxes among wild arctic foxes and whether hybridization has occurred in the wild. We analysed mitochondrial control region sequences and 10 microsatellite loci in samples from free-ranging foxes and compared them with reference samples of known farm foxes and true Fennoscandian arctic foxes. We identified the farm fox specific mitochondrial haplotype H9 in 25 out of 182 samples, 21 of which had been collected within or nearby the wild subpopulation on Hardangervidda in south-western Norway. Genetic analyses of museum specimens collected on Hardangervidda (1897–1975) suggested that farm fox genotypes have recently been introduced to the area. Principal component analysis as well as both model- and frequency-based analyses of microsatellite data imply that the free-ranging H9s were farm foxes rather than wild arctic foxes and that the entire Hardangervidda population consisted of farm foxes or putative hybrids. We strongly recommend removal of farm foxes and hybrids in the wild to prevent genetic pollution of the remaining wild subpopulations of threatened arctic foxes.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary and biogeographical history of Peromyscus keeni and P. maniculatus within the coastal forest ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest of North America, we sampled 128 individuals from 43 localities from southeastern Alaska through Oregon. We analysed mitochondrial DNA variation using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene and control region, and we found two distinct clades consistent with the morphological designation of the two species. The sequence divergence between the two clades was 0.0484 substitutions per site for cyt-b and 0.0396 for the control region, suggesting that divergence of the two clades occurred during the middle to late Pleistocene. We also examined the historical demography of the two clades using stepwise and exponential expansion models, both of which indicated recent rapid population growth. Furthermore, using the program migrate we found evidence of migration from populations north of the Fraser River (British Columbia) to the south in both clades. This study demonstrates the utility of these model-based demographic methods in illuminating the evolutionary and biogegographic history of natural systems.  相似文献   

漠河地区养殖的北极狐冬季被毛性状与保温性能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程志斌  张伟  华彦  徐艳春 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2972-2980
被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,其保温功能对动物适应寒冷环境意义重大。为了探讨北极狐(Alopex lagopus)在被毛性状上如何适应寒冷的气候条件,对大兴安岭漠河地区人工养殖北极狐的背中部直针毛、上层绒毛、下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度、毛干细度以及毛密度、单个毛束内的毛数量、毛束密度、复合毛囊最大横切面积、1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积等14个性状因子进行测量分析。结果表明,北极狐绒毛分为上下两层,下层绒毛的长度、毛根细度和毛干细度均小于上层绒毛,上层绒毛长度与直针毛接近,直针毛长度与上层绒毛、下层绒毛长度均不存在显著相关性;毛密度与毛束密度极度正相关(P0.01),但与毛根细度、毛干细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和1mm2内复合毛囊最大横切面总面积不存在显著相关性,且与复合毛囊最大横切面积的相关性较小;复合毛囊最大横切面积受毛根细度、单个毛束内的毛数量和毛束密度的影响较小。北极狐不是通过降低毛细度的方式来增加毛密度以加强保温功能,而是通过改变被毛在皮肤内的分布格局来增加毛密度,以及将有髓质的绒毛分为上下两层来改变被毛空间结构这两种策略提高被毛内静止空气的量以加强保温功能,进而适应高纬度地区的寒冷环境。  相似文献   

The ant Formica exsecta has two types of colonies that exist in sympatry but usually as separate subpopulations: colonies with simple social organization and single queens (M type) or colonial networks with multiple queens (P type). We used both nuclear (DNA microsatellites) and mitochondrial markers to study the transition between the social types, and the contribution of males and females in gene flow within and between the types. Our results showed that the social types had different spatial genetic structures. The M subpopulations formed a fairly uniform population, whereas the P subpopulations were, on average, more differentiated from each other than from the nearby M subpopulations and could have been locally established from the M-type colonies, followed by philopatric behavior and restricted emigration of females. Thus, the relationship between the two social types resembles that of source (M type) and sink (P type) populations. The comparison of mitochondrial (phiST) and nuclear (FST) differentiation indicates that the dispersal rate of males is four to five times larger than that of females both among the P-type subpopulations and between the social types. Our results suggest that evolution toward complex social organization can have an important effect on genetic population structure through changes in dispersal behavior associated with different sociogenetic organizations.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of the bark beetle Ips typographus was assessed using five microsatellite markers. Twenty-eight populations were sampled throughout Europe on the host tree Picea abies . I. typographus showed very low levels of genetic diversity, and the study revealed a lack of genetic structure across Europe. No significant barrier to gene flow was found, even though P. abies has a fragmented distribution. A weak but significant effect of isolation by distance was found. These results suggest a high dispersal capacity of I. typographus , which leads to low genetic differentiation between populations. Its high dispersal capacity is likely to have prevented I. typographus from developing important local adaptations to its host, which would have influenced its genetic structure. The nuclear data was compared to previously published mitochondrial data that showed strong differentiation between Central–Northern European populations and Russian–Baltic populations, and a founder effect in Scandinavia, probably reflecting the postglacial history of I. typographus . Discrepancies between nuclear and mitochondrial markers could be due to the maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, and to sex-biased dispersal in I. typographus . The overall low genetic diversity observed on both markers on a large geographical scale is discussed. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 239–246.  相似文献   

Large pelagic vertebrates pose special conservation challenges because their movements generally exceed the boundaries of any single jurisdiction. To assess the population structure of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), we sequenced complete mitochondrial DNA control regions from individuals collected across a global distribution. We observed 51 single site polymorphisms and 8 regions with indels comprising 44 haplotypes in 70 individuals, with high haplotype (h = 0.974 +/- 0.008) and nucleotide diversity (pi = 0.011 +/- 0.006). The control region has the largest length variation yet reported for an elasmobranch (1143-1332 bp). Phylogenetic analyses reveal no geographical clustering of lineages and the most common haplotype was distributed globally. The absence of population structure across the Indian and Pacific basins indicates that oceanic expanses and land barriers in Southeast Asia are not impediments to whale shark dispersal. We did, however, find significant haplotype frequency differences (AMOVA, Phi(ST) = 0.107, P < 0.001) principally between the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations. In contrast to other recent surveys of globally distributed sharks, we find much less population subdivision and no evidence for cryptic evolutionary partitions. Discovery of the mating and pupping areas of whale sharks is key to further population genetic studies. The global pattern of shared haplotypes in whale sharks provides a compelling argument for development of broad international approaches for management and conservation of Earth's largest fish.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian archipelago is often cited as the premier setting to study biological diversification, yet the evolution and phylogeography of much of its biota remain poorly understood. We investigated crab spiders (Thomisidae, Mecaphesa ) that demonstrate contradictory tendencies: (i) dramatic ecological diversity within the Hawaiian Islands, and (ii) accompanying widespread distribution of many species across the archipelago. We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data sampled across six islands to generate phylogenetic hypotheses for Mecaphesa species and populations, and included penalized likelihood molecular clock analyses to estimate arrival times on the different islands. We found that 17 of 18 Hawaiian Mecaphesa species were monophyletic and most closely related to thomisids from the Marquesas and Society Islands. Our results indicate that the Hawaiian species evolved from either one or two colonization events to the archipelago. Estimated divergence dates suggested that thomisids may have colonized the Hawaiian Islands as early as ~10 million years ago, but biogeographic analyses implied that the initial diversification of this group was restricted to the younger island of Oahu, followed by back-colonizations to older islands. Within the Hawaiian radiation, our data revealed several well-supported genetically distinct terminal clades corresponding to species previously delimited by morphological taxonomy. Many of these species are codistributed across multiple Hawaiian Islands and some exhibit genetic structure consistent with stepwise colonization of islands following their formation. These results indicate that dispersal has been sufficiently limited to allow extensive ecological diversification, yet frequent enough that interisland migration is more common than speciation.  相似文献   

Due to their maternal mode of inheritance, mitochondrial markers can be regarded as almost 'ideal' tools in evolutionary studies of conifer populations. In the present study, polymorphism was analysed at one mitochondrial intron (nad 1, exon B/C) in 23 native European Pinus sylvestris populations. In a preliminary screening for variation using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism approach, two length variants were identified. By fully sequencing the 2.5 kb region, the observed length polymorphism was found to result from the insertion of a 31 bp sequence, with no other mutations observed within the intron. A set of primers was designed flanking the observed mutation, which identified a novel sequence-tagged-site mitochondrial marker for P. sylvestris. Analysis of 747 trees from the 23 populations using these primers revealed the occurrence of two distinct haplotypes in Europe. Within the Iberian Peninsula, the two haplotypes exhibited extensive population differentiation (PhiST = 0.59; P < or = 0.001) and a marked geographical structuring. In the populations of central and northern Europe, one haplotype largely predominated, with the second being found in only one individual of one population.  相似文献   

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