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Adams JA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(3):601-607
Many protein kinases are activated strongly by the phosphorylation of a polypeptide region (activation loop) that lies outside the active-site cleft. Analysis of the X-ray crystallographic structures of the insulin receptor with the activation loop in the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms offers a testable model for the mechanism of activity regulation by the loop. In this model, the dephosphorylated activation loop can act as an autoinhibitor by blocking substrate access to the active site. Phosphorylation of the loop could then release the autoinhibitor from the active site, allowing substrate binding and catalysis. While this model has been widely invoked, it was not clear if solution studies would support an autoinhibitory model for kinase regulation, in general. We review the results of solution studies on six protein kinases that test the role of the activation loop in controlling active-site access. While loop phosphorylation enhances substrate binding in two cases, four protein kinases display little or no effect on substrate dissociation constants. By comparison, phosphorylation increases catalysis by 2-4 orders of magnitude in all cases. These findings can be used to place the phosphorylatable activation loops into two broad, functional subcategories. (i) Gated activation loops exhibit bifunctional properties restricting substrate access and controlling catalysis. (ii) Nongated activation loops allow free movement of the substrate in and out of the active site irrespective of phosphorylation state but potently modulate the phosphoryl transfer step. Thus, while activation loop phosphorylation greatly modulates catalytic potential, it does not necessarily affect substrate binding, as once widely believed.  相似文献   

Establishing species conservation priorities and recovery goals is often enhanced by extinction risk estimates. The need to set goals, even in data-deficient situations, has prompted researchers to ask whether general guidelines could replace individual estimates of extinction risk. To inform conservation policy, recent studies have revived the concept of the minimum viable population (MVP), the population size required to provide some specified probability of persistence for a given period of time. These studies conclude that long-term persistence requires ≥5000 adult individuals, an MVP threshold that is unaffected by taxonomy, life history or environmental conditions. Here, we re-evaluate this suggestion. We find that neither data nor theory supports its general applicability, raising questions about the utility of MVPs for conservation planning.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a putative shift in climate regime in the North Atlantic in the 1990s coincided with changes in the growth and recruitment of roach Rutilus rutilus in the north-east of England. The relationships between R. rutilus growth and recruitment and the environment were significantly different before and after the putative shift in climate regime. Water temperature, river discharge, growth, recruitment success and the Gulf Stream Index co-varied until the late 1990s, indicating a gradual progression between periods of warm-and-dry and cold-and-wet summers. Since the late 1990s, there has been an increased prevalence of warm-and-wet summers, and recruitment success has oscillated between extremes on an almost annual basis. The north wall (northern boundary) of the Gulf Stream has been undergoing a displacement south since the late 1990s, and the speed and amplitude of the change appears to support the hypothesis that there was a regime shift in the climate of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is possible that a continued displacement south of the north wall of the Gulf Stream will lead to further increases in river discharge, reductions in water temperature and reduced fish growth and recruitment success in the long term.  相似文献   

To combat the coronaviruses and their novel variants, therapeutic drugs and the development of vaccines that are to be effective throughout human life are urgently needed. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) acts as a modulator in the activation of the microcirculation, immune system, and autonomic nervous system, along with controlling pharmacological functions such as emotional responses, homeostasis, motor functions, cognition, and motivation. The ECS contains endogenous cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptor (CBRs), and enzymes that regulate their biosynthesis, transport, and degradation. Moreover, phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids that mimic the action of endocannabinoids also play an essential role in the modulation of the ECS. Cannabinoids, the main constituents of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.), are therapeutic compounds that have received international attention in the health field due to their therapeutic properties. Recently, they have been tested for the treatment of COVID-19 due to their antiviral properties. Indeed, cannabinoid-type compounds, and in particular cannabidiol (CBD), isolated from glandular trichomes found in the calyx of cannabis flowers with reported antiviral properties is hypothesized to be a therapeutic option in the ministration of SARS-CoV-2 consorted with COVID-19 disease. The relevant articles were determined from the database search published mainly in Web of Science, Google scholar, PubMed, Crossref, and ClinicalTrials.gov database during the pandemic period. The articles were evaluated for the therapeutic potentials, mechanisms of action of cannabinoids, the roles of the ECS in the immune system, impact of cannabinoids in SARS-CoV-2 septic, especially if they address the application of cannabinoids as drugs for the curability and management of SARS-CoV-2 and its novel variants. Although the evidence needed to be considered using cannabinoids in the control and treatment of viral diseases is currently in its infancy, they already offer an opportunity for clinicians due to their effects in relieving pain, improving appetite, and improving childhood epilepsy, especially in cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS) patients. In addition to these, the most recent scientific evidence emphasizes their use in the treatment of the coronavirus infected patients. In brief, all preclinic and clinic studies that have been reported show that, through the cannabinoid system, cannabinoids, particularly CBD, have many mechanisms that are effective in the treatment of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, more extensive studies are necessary in this area to fully identify the effects of cannabinoids on SARS-CoV-2.  相似文献   

We examined 2 cichlid fish species native to México, Cichlasoma callolepis and C. fenestratum, and 2 introduced African cichlids, Oreochromis aureus and O. niloticus, from 3 localities in southeastern México for monogeneans. Six monogenean species infected the African cichlids: Cichlidogyrus haplochromii, C. dossoui, C. longicornis longicornis, C. sclerosus, C. tilapiae, and Enterogyrus malmbergi. We found all these parasite species, except C. haplochromii and C. dossoui, on the native C. fenestratum and C. callolepis. Prevalences of Cichlidogyrus spp. were 3-10% and abundances ranged from 0.03 +/- 0.2 to 0.1 +/- 0.3 for native cichlids. We only recovered a single E. malmbergi from 1 C. callolepis. We found Sciadicleithrum bravohollisae, a monogenean of native Cichlasoma spp., on the gills of the introduced O. aureus from Lake Catemaco (prevalence 3%, abundance 0.03 +/- 0.2). Although prevalence and abundance in atypical hosts were fairly low, the present findings provide evidence of monogenean transfer from African to American cichlids and vice versa. This is the first record of exotic monogeneans in the genus Cichlidogyrus and Enterogyrus infecting native American cichlid fish. It is also the first record from southeastern México of a native American monogenean infecting introduced African cichlids.  相似文献   

Taste, smell, and chemical irritation (so-called trigeminal sensation) combine in our daily experience to produce the supramodal sensation of flavor, are processed by partly overlapping neural mechanisms, and show functional interconnectivity in experiments. Given their collaboration in flavor formation and the well-established connections between these senses, it is plausible that polymodal detection mechanisms might contribute to individual differences in measured sensitivity. One would expect the existence of a general chemosensory sensitivity factor to result in associations among taste, smell, and trigeminal stimulation thresholds. Measures of 5 detection thresholds from all the chemical senses were assessed in the same group of young healthy subjects (n=57). An unbiased principal components analysis (PCA) yielded a 2-component solution. Component 1, on which taste thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 29.4% of the total variance. Component 2, on which the odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds loaded strongly, accounted for 26.9% of the total variance. A subsequent PCA restricted to a 3-component solution cleanly separated the 3 sensory modalities and accounted for 75% of the total variance. Thus, though there may be a common underlying factor that determines some individual differences in odor and trigeminal lateralization thresholds, a general chemical sensitivity that spans chemosensory modalities seems unlikely.  相似文献   

We investigated the variation of Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) pup growth rates in response to sex, breeding season and duration of both maternal foraging trip and attendance bouts. Data were collected during five consecutive rearing seasons at Cape Shirreff, the most important breeding colony in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Our results showed significant interannual and sexual variations in pup growth rates. Male pups grew significantly faster than female pups during 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 seasons, whilst during 2003 no difference was found. The interannual variation in pup growth rates was correlated with the interannual fluctuation in maternal foraging trip and attendance bouts. There was a significant effect of pup sex and maternal foraging trip duration on pup growth rates, which varied between years having foraging trip duration a major effect during 2003, when females spent more time at sea and interestingly on that year there were no sexual differences in pup growth rates. The effect of attendance bout on pup growth rates was not significant. Diet analysis showed that Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) was the most frequent prey item during the study period. Analysis of krill size distribution showed a significant difference in krill length, during 2003, when A. gazella preyed upon the smallest sizes of krill. In this study, sex was the most important factor on pup growth rates, but when prey availability seemed more limited, there are longer foraging trips and shorter attendance bouts the sex factor became less significant.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide and contribute to changing community patterns and ecosystem processes. However, it is often not obvious whether an invader is the “driver” causing ecosystem changes or a “passenger” which is facilitated by previous ecosystem changes. Causality of the impact can be demonstrated by experimental removal of the invader or introduction into a native community. Using such an experimental approach, we tested whether the impact of the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera on native vegetation is causal, and whether the impact is habitat‐dependent. We conducted a field study comparing invaded and uninvaded plots with plots from which I. glandulifera was removed and plots where I. glandulifera was planted within two riparian habitats, alder forests and meadows. A negative impact of planting I. glandulifera and a concurrent positive effect of removal on the native vegetation indicated a causal effect of I. glandulifera on total native biomass and growth of Urtica dioica. Species α‐diversity and composition were not affected by I. glandulifera manipulations. Thus, I. glandulifera had a causal but low effect on the native vegetation. The impact depended slightly on habitat as only the effect of I. glandulifera planting on total biomass was slightly stronger in alder forests than meadows. We suggest that I. glandulifera is a “back‐seat driver” of changes, which is facilitated by previous ecosystem changes but is also a driver of further changes. Small restrictions of growth of the planted I. glandulifera and general association of I. glandulifera with disturbances indicate characteristics of a back‐seat driver. For management of I. glandulifera populations, this requires habitat restoration along with removal of the invader.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative genetic analysis of life span in experimental adult animals predicts that resistance to stress and longevity are positively correlated, but such studies on field populations of animals are rare. We tested this hypothesis using dauer juveniles of 15 natural populations of the entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, collected from diverse localities. Dauer juvenile longevity at 25 degrees C in autoclaved tap water and tolerance to major environmental stresses including heat (survival at 40 degrees C for 2 h), ultraviolet (UV) radiation (original virulence remaining after exposure to 302 nm UV for 5 min), hypoxia (survival at approximately 0% dissolved O2 at 25 degrees C for 96 h), and desiccation (survival in 25% glycerol at 25 degrees C for 72 h) differed significantly among populations. Intrinsic dauer juvenile longevity, defined as the number of weeks to 90% mortality (LT90) estimated using probit analysis of nematode survival data at 25 degrees C varied between 6 and 16 weeks among populations. Longevity was most strongly correlated with heat followed by UV and hypoxia tolerance, respectively, but showed no correlation with desiccation tolerance. The strong positive correlation of longevity with heat tolerance was further confirmed through principal components analysis which showed almost identical variance for heat and longevity. Among the stress factors, only UV tolerance was positively correlated with heat and hypoxia tolerance. Differences in longevity and stress tolerance in nematode populations isolated from a single 200 m2 grassland locality further support another hypothesis that population structure of heterorhabditid nematodes is highly fragmented, thus suggesting the existence of metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Creatine supplementation is an established ergogenic aid in sports and is now claimed to have therapeutical applications in a variety of diseases. The available literature mainly covers the short-term (one to several weeks) effects of creatine supplementation on skeletal muscle function in health and disease, which is of little help to evaluate the long-term (two or more months) potential of creatine as a drug in chronic disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases or muscular dystrophies. Recent findings in healthy humans indicate that the beneficial effect on muscle function and muscle total creatine content may disappear when creatine is continuously ingested for more than two or three months. The mechanism for this habituation to chronic creatine exposure is poorly understood. The primary purpose of the present review article is to critically evaluate the available evidence for long-term efficacy of creatine administration and to hypothesize about ways to optimize creatine administration regimens.  相似文献   

Poor reproductive success, developmental abnormalities, and behavioral alterations in fish-eating birds in some Great Lakes areas have led to more than 35 years of toxicological studies and residue monitoring of herring gull (Larus argentatus) populations. Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), especially polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are widespread contaminants in the Great Lakes ecosystem. The introduction of regulations and elimination of point sources since the 1970s have resulted in decreased PHAHs in fish-eating bird eggs and tissues. PCB exposure is associated with thyroid disruption (hypothyroidism) in mammals, but much less is known of PCB effects on avian thyroid function. Our 1998-2000 studies of herring gulls from the Great Lakes show that both pipping embryos and prefledglings from highly contaminated sites have marked depletion of thyroid gland hormone stores compared with similarly aged gulls at the reference sites. However, organismal hypothyroidism was not apparent in many embryo and chick collections where severe depletion of thyroid gland hormone was observed. Adults, sampled at two high PCB sites and a low PCB site in the Great Lakes and the maritime reference colony in 2001, showed no differences in organismal thyroid status across sites, but gulls from the high sites had enlarged thyroid glands and depressed thyroid gland hormone stores. Here we discuss the evidence that ecological exposure to PHAHs are responsible for thyroid deficiencies in gulls and that during development these deficiencies lead to developmental abnormalities in young gulls from highly contaminated Great Lakes sites.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure and intrapopulation levels of genetic variation have important implications for population dynamics and evolutionary processes. Habitat fragmentation is one of the major threats to biodiversity. It leads to smaller population sizes and reduced gene flow between populations and will thus also affect genetic structure. We use a natural system of island and mainland populations of house sparrows along the coast of Norway to characterize the different population genetic properties of fragmented populations. We genotyped 636 individuals distributed across 14 populations at 15 microsatellite loci. The level of genetic differentiation was estimated using F‐statistics and specially designed Mantel tests were conducted to study the influence of population type (i.e. mainland or island) and geographic distance on the genetic population structure. Furthermore, the effects of population type, population size and latitude on the level of genetic variation within populations were examined. Our results suggest that genetic processes on islands and mainland differed in two important ways. First, the intrapopulation level of genetic variation tended to be lower and the occurrence of population bottlenecks more frequent on islands than the mainland. Second, although the general level of genetic differentiation was low to moderate, it was higher between island populations than between mainland populations. However, differentiation increased in mainland populations somewhat faster with geographical distance. These results suggest that population bottleneck events and genetic drift have been more important in shaping the genetic composition of island populations compared with populations on the mainland. Such knowledge is relevant for a better understanding of evolutionary processes and conservation of threatened populations.  相似文献   

Treatments for spinal cord injury: is there hope in neurosteroids?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this review, we describe the current therapeutic strategies to find a cure for paralysis. We use the example of DHEA, a neurosteroid normally produced in the developing neural tube, to raise the hypothesis that such a class of molecules, capable of modulating proliferation of committed neural precursors, could serve as an environmental cue in the adult injured spinal cord to promote re-population of CNS lesion with endogenous dormant precursor cells. Such mechanism may be a part of the natural response to heal the injured CNS and promote recovery of function, suggesting that neurosteroid-treatment could be a promising and novel therapeutic avenue for SCI. We will review pertinent biological activities of DHEA supporting this hypothesis, demonstrate that such activities, dependent on an intact sonic-hedgehog pathway, are responsible for the motor and bladder functional recovery observed after DHEA-treatment in the adult injured spinal cord. We will also raise the current limitations to further development of DHEA- or other neurosteroid-treatments as drug candidates, including the urgent need to further document DHEA long-term safety in CNS indications.  相似文献   

A higher susceptibility to diseases or parasites in males than females may be an ultimate consequence of the different reproductive strategies favored by selection in the two sexes. At the proximate level, the immunosuppressant effects of testosterone in vertebrates provide a mechanism that can cause male biases in parasite infections. Invertebrates, however, lack testosterone and other steroid hormones. We used a meta-analysis of published results to investigate whether sex biases in parasite infections were generally observed among arthropod hosts despite the absence of the immune-endocrine coupling provided by testosterone. Overall, male and female arthropods did not differ in prevalence or intensity of parasite infections. This is based on an analysis of sex differences corrected for sample size and, when possible, variability in the original data. Sex biases in parasite infection were not more likely to be observed in certain host or parasite taxa, and were not more pronounced in experimental studies than in surveys of naturally infected hosts. Our results suggest that because of the absence of endocrine-immune interactions in arthropods, males are not generally more prone to parasite infections than females despite the greater intensity of sexual selection acting on males.  相似文献   

Preliminary evidence on inefficient selection has indicated that asexual (=parthenogenetic) animals suffer from a greater accumulation of deleterious mutations compared with their closest sexual sister taxa. However, previous work on bdelloid rotifers did not completely rule out the confounding effects of sample size and habitat differences. Here, we present further evidence of inefficient selection against deleterious mutations in the bdelloid rotifers in comparison with their closest clade, the monogononts, by taking account of larger samples. However, the analysis of samples from both clades co-occurring in the same location seems to contradict the hypothesis. Both groups show evidence of the accumulation of deleterious mutations in mitochondrial DNA, but further population sampling and inclusion of additional genes is needed to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Is there evidence for an age-related reduction in metabolic rate?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determinewhether the age-related reduction in basal metabolic rate (BMR) isexplained by a quantitative and/or qualitative change in thecomponents of lean tissue, we conducted a cross-sectional study ingroups of young (n = 38, 18-35yr) and older (n = 24, 50-77 yr)healthy individuals. BMR was measured by indirect calorimetry. Bodycomposition was obtained by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), which permitted four compartments to be quantified [bone mineral mass, fat mass (FM), appendicular lean tissue mass(ALTM), and nonappendicular leantissue mass (NALTM)].Absolute BMR and ALTM were lower,whereas FM was significantly higher in the older, compared with young,subjects. BMR, adjusted for differences in FM,ALTM, andNALTM, was significantly lower inthe older subjects by 644 kJ/day. In separate regression analyses ofBMR on body compartments, older subjects had significantly lowerregression coefficients for ALTMand NALTM, compared with youngsubjects. Hence, the age-related decline in BMR is partly explained bya reduction in the quantity, as well as the metabolic activity, ofDEXA-derived lean tissue components.


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