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Gross and radiographic changes characteristic of inadequate bone mineralization due to rickets are described in 21 immature skeletons from a 19th century urban population from Birmingham, England. The aims of the study are as follows: to evaluate and if possible augment existing dry-bone criteria for the recognition of rickets in immature skeletal remains; to investigate the value of radiography for the paleopathological diagnosis of rickets; and to compare and contrast the expression of rickets in this group with that previously documented for a rural agrarian population from Wharram Percy, England. Some gross skeletal signs of rickets which were not previously well-documented in paleopathological studies are noted. The worth of radiography for evaluating structural changes to both cortical and trabecular bone in the disease is demonstrated, and features useful for the interpretation of vitamin D deficiency are discussed. The pattern of skeletal elements affected and the severity of changes differs in the Birmingham group from that seen in the comparative rural population. It is emphasized that a variety of factors may influence the expression of rickets in paleopathological material, including rate of skeletal growth, age cohort affected, and intensity of vitamin D deficiency. Nevertheless, careful analysis, not only of the frequency of rickets but also of the degree of severity of lesions and the patterning with respect to skeletal elements affected, may enable more nuanced understanding of the biocultural context of the disease in earlier populations.  相似文献   

We examined the pathological conditions in a sample of 200 skulls of Alouatta palliata recovered from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, to investigate the prevalence of disease and injury in a free-ranging monkey population. Forty-five individuals (22.5%) have some type of nondental pathological condition, indicating that illness and injury are relatively common in this population. Ten individuals, all older adult males, exhibit clear signs of antemortem trauma in the form of healed fractures. We attribute the trauma primarily to fighting, and its frequency (16.4% of adult males) contradicts previous assertions that BCI howlers are nonaggressive. Nine of the 37 scorable immature individuals (24%) have signs of a larval infestation, supporting the suggestion that ectoparasites play an important role in BCI howler mortality. Other pathological conditions in the sample include shifted muscle attachments, periostitis, arthritis, neoplasm, periapical abscesses, and facial deformity, as well as various dental abnormalities.  相似文献   

Human skeletal evidence for the emergence of chronic infectious disease in northern Vietnam is examined. The sample includes the remains of 192 individuals representing the Mid-Holocene and Bronze to Iron Ages. The objective is to see if the transition from sedentary, foraging, coastally oriented economies to centralized chiefdoms with attendant development and intensification of agriculture, trade, metal technologies, warfare, and population increase was accompanied by an emergence of and/or increase in infectious disease. It was found that skeletal evidence for infectious disease was absent in the Mid-Holocene, while over 10% of the Metal period sample exhibited lesions consistent with either infectious disease or immune system disorders. Factors potentially contributing to the emergence of infectious disease in northern Vietnam in the Metal period include: increased contact with bacterial or fungal pathogens either directly or by way of vertebrate and/or arthropod vectors; higher levels of debilitation and/or decreased levels of immunocompetence in the Metal period; and evolution of pathogens present in Mid-Holocene human hosts into more virulent forms in the Metal period. The first two factors may be related to historically and archaeologically documented major demographic (Han colonizing efforts) and economic (agricultural intensification) changes in the region during the Metal period.  相似文献   

A Maya burial of a late adolescent (Burial 98‐3) found in the rockshelter entrance of Actun Uayazba Kab (AUK), Belize, displays a combination of lesions that is consistent with scurvy. Signs include large, active lesions on the posterior surfaces of maxilla; relatively mild porotic hyperostosis along the midline of the skull on the parietals and occipital; cribra orbitalia; potential pinprick lesions on the greater wings of sphenoid and temporal; reactive lesions on the palate, temporal lines of frontal and parietals, and external and internal surfaces of zygomatics; small lesions on the popliteal surfaces of both femora; and periodontal disease. Identification of scurvy at AUK potentially informs the analysis of other primary burials and scattered bone found there and at other nearby sites, which often reveal evidence of nonspecific lesions that are usually attributed to anemia and infection, but that are also consistent with scurvy. The social and ecological context of this Protoclassic (0–AD 300) individual, who lived in a rural agricultural community with no evidence of complex social hierarchy, contrasts with typical discussions of disease among the Maya, which tend to focus on the degrading effects of overcrowding and resource deficiencies. While scurvy has been largely overlooked in the Maya area, this study supports earlier arguments for its presence that were based largely on clinical and ethnographic analogies and suggests the need to incorporate scurvy into broader synergistic models of ancient health. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:476–481, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen a proliferation in bioarchaeological literature on the identification of scurvy, a disease caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency, in ancient human remains. This condition is one of the few nutritional deficiencies that can result in diagnostic osseous lesions. Scurvy is associated with low dietary diversity and its identification in human skeletal remains can provide important contextual information on subsistence strategy, resource allocation, and human-environmental interactions in past populations. A large and robust methodological body of work on the paleopathology of scurvy exists. However, the diagnostic criteria for this disease employed by bioarchaeologists have not always been uniform. Here we draw from previous research on the skeletal manifestations of scurvy in adult and juvenile human skeletal remains and propose a weighted diagnostic system for its identification that takes into account the pathophysiology of the disease, soft tissue anatomy, and clinical research. Using a sample of individuals from the prehistoric Atacama Desert in Northern Chile, we also provide a practical example of how diagnostic value might be assigned to skeletal lesions of the disease that have not been previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

Tropical Pacific island streams have poorly understood communities that deserve scientific attention. We examined benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes of the Inem River on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Larval chironomids, lepidopterans, odonates, and freshwater shrimps dominated the benthos and drift. Diel periodicity in drift was not evident. Nine fishes, two shrimps, and one snail species were identified. Kosrae's stream fauna appears even more depauperate than other Pacific high islands, possible due to its extreme isolation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Terrestrial arthropods were investigated in 1990 and 1995 on Ascension, a young and extremely isolated volcanic island in the equatorial Atlantic. Three new genera (of Araneae, Oribatida and Psocoptera) were discovered and the number of apparently endemic species was increased from fourteen to about twenty-nine. Some 311 species of land animals (a few now extinct) are known to have established themselves on the island; in a few groups there may be significant numbers of unrecorded species. About ninety-five endemic and non-endemic species are considered to be native (including two marine turtles, twelve seabirds and two extinct landbirds); seventy-eight are of doubtful status; and at least 138 were probably introduced by humans. Natural colonists arrived mainly by air (drifting with the wind during migratory movements) but some evidently travelled on floating objects or attached to birds or other animals. Natural colonization was almost entirely from Africa. Before the arrival of humans, Ascension had an early successional ecosystem. The fauna in the lava and cinder deserts of the lowlands—both on the surface and in subterranean cracks and caves—was dominated by taxonomically varied scavengers and mainly arachnid predators. The scattered angiosperms here and in the foothills supported some host-specific herbivores with associated predators; they were also exploited (especially after exceptional rains) by a number of Orthoptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera derived from migratory African populations and perhaps reinforced at intervals by additional groups of colonists. The more extensive and largely cryptogamic vegetation on the central peak had a poor fauna probably composed mainly of micro-arthropods. Along coasts, on islets and in the extensive seabird colonies there were additional arthropod species and also a flightless rail and a night heron (both now extinct). Invertebrate stocks that colonized Ascension underwent a variety of evolutionary changes including phyletic evolution leading to endemic status, adaptation to subterranean life (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Collembola and Psocoptera), character release (phorid Diptera), and probably splitting of lineages (speciation) within the island (Isopoda, Collembola and gryllid Orthoptera). The relatively high diversity of Pseudoscorpiones (five species in five genera) and their 100% apparent endemicity is notable. The indigenous fauna of Ascension provides a view of an early stage in the processes of colonization, adaptive evolution and radiation which—over much longer periods—give rise to the richer and more distinctive faunas of older oceanic islands such as Ascension's nearest neighbour, St Helena, where a few invertebrate clades have undergone repetitive speciation and some adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Auscultation plays an important role in the clinic, and the research community has been exploring machine learning (ML) to enable remote and automatic auscultation for respiratory condition screening via sounds. To give the big picture of what is going on in this field, in this narrative review, we describe publicly available audio databases that can be used for experiments, illustrate the developed ML methods proposed to date, and flag some under-considered issues which still need attention. Compared to existing surveys on the topic, we cover the latest literature, especially those audio-based COVID-19 detection studies which have gained extensive attention in the last two years. This work can help to facilitate the application of artificial intelligence in the respiratory auscultation field.  相似文献   

Atypical wear and oral lesions were studied in the dental remains from the Middle Neolithic Pitted Ware Culture site Ajvide on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Teeth (n = 764) from 17 males and 11 females were examined microscopically to document unusual wear, assess wear patterns and oral lesions as evidence of habitual behavior, and determine their effect on the oral health of this population. Five atypical wear types were observed: occlusal facets, occlusal excessive load, labial vertical striae, labial horizontal striae, and interproximal striae. Three oral lesions were recorded: chipping, periapical lesions, and dental tilting. Results indicate that teeth were used in a habitual manner at Ajvide, based on the morphology and regularity of the patterns of atypical wear. Differences were observed between the sexes, indicating gender-related differences in the habitual use of teeth. Some wear categories showed a significant correlation with age, signifying increased or accumulated wear with age. Statistically significant positive correlations were found in the molars between occlusal excessive load wear and periapical lesions as well as tilting. Other apparent links were also observed between chipping and vertical striae as well as excessive load, although these were not significant. This suggests a relationship between dental wear and dental pathologies at this site, suggesting that habitual use of teeth indirectly affected the general oral health at the site. Wear patterns, furthermore, seem to mirror both frequent activities as well as single events.  相似文献   

Microelectrode array (MEA) technology holds tremendous potential in the fields of biodetection, lab-on-a-chip applications, and tissue engineering by facilitating noninvasive electrical interaction with cells in vitro. To date, significant efforts at integrating the cellular component with this detection technology have worked exclusively with neurons or cardiac myocytes. We investigate the feasibility of using MEAs to record from skeletal myotubes derived from primary myoblasts as a way of introducing a third electrogenic cell type and expanding the potential end applications for MEA-based biosensors. We find that the extracellular action potentials (EAPs) produced by spontaneously contractile myotubes have similar amplitudes to neuronal EAPs. It is possible to classify myotube EAPs by biological signal source using a shape-based spike sorting process similar to that used to analyze neural spike trains. Successful spike-sorting is indicated by a low within-unit variability of myotube EAPs. Additionally, myotube activity can cause simultaneous activation of multiple electrodes, in a similar fashion to the activation of electrodes by networks of neurons. The existence of multiple electrode activation patterns indicates the presence of several large, independent myotubes. The ability to identify these patterns suggests that MEAs may provide an electrophysiological basis for examining the process by which myotube independence is maintained despite rapid myoblast fusion during differentiation. Finally, it is possible to use the underlying electrodes to selectively stimulate individual myotubes without stimulating others nearby. Potential uses of skeletal myotubes grown on MEA substrates include lab-on-a-chip applications, tissue engineering, co-cultures with motor neurons, and neural interfaces.  相似文献   

The skeletal sample from Grotta dell’Uzzo, Sicily (2 adult females and 5 adult males) was compared to a number of more representative population samples from Western Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. The majority of these were from Italian pre- and protohistoric sites. The research protocol analyzed skeletal indicators of labour activity and sexual division of labour (body size and proportions, sexual dimorphism, limb lateralization, bone robustness, the development of muscular attachments, accessory articular facets, signs of muscular hyperfunction). Sexual dimorphism and limb lateralization showed some regular patterns of possible general significance in all the samples examined here. A general pattern of gracilization and de-specialization of physical activity is observed in the Mesolithic as compared to the Upper Palaeolithic samples. The main features of the Mesolithic samples are: a reduction of body size and bone robustness, a lower degree of sexual dimorphism and limb bone asymmetry, a reduction of the mechanical stress on the lower limbs indicated by less pronounced muscular attachments and reduced talar flattening. This trend is reversed towards the Neolithic period. The main features of these variations are discussed in relation to economic and environmental changes. The Uzzo sample fits well into the general picture of the Western European Mesolithic, although showing some intermediate features between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic samples. This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Roland Menk, who made significant contribution to our understanding of the Mesolithic transition.  相似文献   

This study builds on earlier quantitative ethnobotanical studies to develop an approach which represents local values for useful forest species, in order to explore factors affecting those values. The method, based on respondents ranking of taxa, compares favourably with more time-consuming quantitative ethnobotanical techniques, and allows results to be differentiated according to social factors (gender and ethnic origin), and ecological and socio-economic context. We worked with 126 respondents in five indigenous and five immigrant communities within a forest-dominated landscape in the Peruvian Amazonia. There was wide variability among responses, indicating a complex of factors affecting value. The most valued family is Arecaceae, followed by Fabaceae and Moraceae. Overall, fruit and non-commercialised construction materials predominate but women tend to value fruit and other non-timber species more highly than timber, while the converse is shown by men. Indigenous respondents tend to value more the species used for fruit, domestic construction and other NTFPs, while immigrants tend to favour commercialised timber species. Across all communities, values are influenced by both markets and the availability of the taxa; as the favourite species become scarce, others replace them in perceived importance. As markets become more accessible, over-exploitation of the most valuable species and livelihood diversification contribute to a decrease in perceived value of the forest.  相似文献   

S. Kumar  A. Mohan  R. Guleria 《Biomarkers》2013,18(5):385-405
Biomarkers provide a powerful and dynamic approach to understanding the spectrum of malignancies with applications in observational and analytic epidemiology, randomized clinical trials, screening, diagnosis and prognosis. Defined as alterations in the constituents of tissues or body fluids, these markers offer a means for homogeneous classification of a disease and risk factor, and they can extend one's basic information about the underlying pathogenesis of disease. The goals in cancer research include finding biomarkers that can be used for the early detection of cancers, design individual therapies, and to identify underlying processes involved in the disease. Because so many myriad processes are involved in the diseased states, the goal is similar to ‘finding a needle in a haystack’. However, the development of many -omic technologies, such as genomics and proteomics, has allowed us to monitor a large number of key cellular pathways simultaneously. This has enabled the identification of biomarkers and signalling molecules associated with cell growth, cell death and cellular metabolism. These are also facilitating in monitoring the functional disturbance, molecular and cellular damage, and damage response. This brief review describes the development of biomarkers in cancer research and detection with emphasis on different proteomic tools for the identification and discovery of new biomarkers, different clinical assays to detect various biomarkers in different specimens, role of biomarkers in cancer screening and last but not the least, the challenges in this direction of cancer research.  相似文献   

S. Kumar  A. Mohan  R. Guleria 《Biomarkers》2006,11(5):385-405
Biomarkers provide a powerful and dynamic approach to understanding the spectrum of malignancies with applications in observational and analytic epidemiology, randomized clinical trials, screening, diagnosis and prognosis. Defined as alterations in the constituents of tissues or body fluids, these markers offer a means for homogeneous classification of a disease and risk factor, and they can extend one's basic information about the underlying pathogenesis of disease. The goals in cancer research include finding biomarkers that can be used for the early detection of cancers, design individual therapies, and to identify underlying processes involved in the disease. Because so many myriad processes are involved in the diseased states, the goal is similar to 'finding a needle in a haystack'. However, the development of many -omic technologies, such as genomics and proteomics, has allowed us to monitor a large number of key cellular pathways simultaneously. This has enabled the identification of biomarkers and signalling molecules associated with cell growth, cell death and cellular metabolism. These are also facilitating in monitoring the functional disturbance, molecular and cellular damage, and damage response. This brief review describes the development of biomarkers in cancer research and detection with emphasis on different proteomic tools for the identification and discovery of new biomarkers, different clinical assays to detect various biomarkers in different specimens, role of biomarkers in cancer screening and last but not the least, the challenges in this direction of cancer research.  相似文献   

Dual‐specificity tyrosine phosphorylation‐regulated kinase‐1A (DYRK1A) is known to phosphorylate the microtubule‐associated tau protein. Overexpression is correlated with tau hyperphosphorylation and neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) formation in Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study assessed the potential of SM07883, an oral DYRK1A inhibitor, to inhibit tau hyperphosphorylation, aggregation, NFT formation, and associated phenotypes in mouse models. Exploratory neuroinflammatory effects were also studied. SM07883 specificity was tested in a kinase panel screen and showed potent inhibition of DYRK1A (IC50 = 1.6 nM) and GSK‐3β (IC50 = 10.8 nM) kinase activity. Tau phosphorylation measured in cell‐based assays showed a reduction in phosphorylation of multiple tau epitopes, especially the threonine 212 site (EC50 = 16 nM). SM07883 showed good oral bioavailability in multiple species and demonstrated a dose‐dependent reduction of transient hypothermia‐induced phosphorylated tau in the brains of wild‐type mice compared to vehicle (47%, p < 0.001). Long‐term efficacy assessed in aged JNPL3 mice overexpressing the P301L human tau mutation (3 mg/kg, QD, for 3 months) exhibited significant reductions in tau hyperphosphorylation, oligomeric and aggregated tau, and tau‐positive inclusions compared to vehicle in brainstem and spinal cord samples. Reduced gliosis compared to vehicle was further confirmed by ELISA. SM07883 was well tolerated with improved general health, weight gain, and functional improvement in a wire‐hang test compared to vehicle‐treated mice (p = 0.048). SM07883, a potent, orally bioavailable, brain‐penetrant DYRK1A inhibitor, significantly reduced effects of pathological tau overexpression and neuroinflammation, while functional endpoints were improved compared to vehicle in animal models. This small molecule has potential as a treatment for AD.  相似文献   

This is a study of the metabolic and distal cardiovascular/cerebrovascular outcomes associated with the use of second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) compared to antidepressants (ADs) in adults aged 18-65 years, based on data from Thomson Reuters MarketScan® Research Databases 2006-2010, a commercial U.S. claims database. Interventions included clinicians'' choice treatment with SGAs (allowing any comedications) versus ADs (not allowing SGAs). The primary outcomes of interest were time to inpatient or outpatient claims for the following diagnoses within one year of SGA or AD discontinuation: hypertension, ischemic and hypertensive heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. Secondary outcomes included the same diagnoses at last follow-up time point, i.e., not censoring observations at 365 days after SGA or AD discontinuation. Cox regression models, adjusted for age, gender, diagnosis of schizophrenia and mood disorders, and number of medical comorbidities, were run. Among 284,234 individuals, those within one year of exposure to SGAs versus ADs showed a higher risk of essential hypertension (adjusted hazard ratio, AHR+1.16, 95% CI: 1.12-1.21, p<0.0001), diabetes mellitus (AHR+1.43, CI: 1.33-1.53, p<0.0001), hypertensive heart disease (AHR+1.34, CI: 1.10-1.63, p<0.01), stroke (AHR+1.46, CI: 1.22-1.75, p<0.0001), coronary artery disease (AHR+1.17, CI: 1.05-1.30, p<0.01), and hyperlipidemia (AHR+1.12, CI: 1.07-1.17, p<0.0001). Unrestricted follow-up results were consistent with within one-year post-exposure results. Increased risk for stroke with SGAs has previously only been demonstrated in elderly patients, usually with dementia. This study documents, for the first time, a significantly increased risk for stroke and coronary artery disease in a non-elderly adult sample with SGA use. We also confirm a significant risk for adverse metabolic outcomes. These findings raise concerns about the longer-term safety of SGAs, given their widespread and chronic use.  相似文献   

Worldwide, American foulbrood (AFB) is the most devastating bacterial disease of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Because the distinction between AFB and powdery scale disease is no longer considered valid, the pathogenic agent has recently been reclassified as one species Paenibacillus larvae, eliminating the subspecies designations Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae and Paenibacillus larvae subsp. pulvifaciens. The creamy or dark brown, glue-like larval remains of infected larvae continue to provide the most obvious clinical symptom of AFB, although it is not conclusive. Several sensitive and selective culture media are available for isolation of this spore-forming bacterium, with the type of samples that may be utilized for detection of the organism being further expanded. PCR methods for identification and genotyping of the pathogen have now been extensively developed. Nevertheless, biochemical profiling, bacteriophage sensitivity, immunotechniques and microscopy of suspect bacterial strains are entirely adequate for routine identification purposes.  相似文献   

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