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Abstract:  Based on a well-preserved specimen from the Early Triassic Lower Qinglong Formation exposed at Qingshan Quarry, Jurong, Jiangsu Province of China, the new taxon Peia jurongensis gen. et sp. nov. is named and described with anatomical details of its dermal skull, neurocranium and postcranial skeleton. The new taxon is characterized by the following set of characters: shallow V-shaped, tuber-like rostral; anterior part of frontal widened to roughly same width as its posterior part; roughly squared parietal; supraorbital absent; wide and slightly posteriorly inclined preopercle; five small ossifications present in dorsal half of preopercle; preopercular canal shifting anteriorly in ventral half of the preopercle, and reaching the anteroventral corner of this bone; dermosphenotic joining the skull roof and with a descending lamina; numerous branchiostegal rays. Comparisons are made between the new taxon and several parasemionotids from the same locality; a discussion is carried out on the distribution and evolution of several characters in halecomorphs and other closely related neopterygians.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intensive sampling of the Luolou (northwestern Guangxi) and the Daye (southern Guizhou) Formations in South China leads to the recognition of a regional Griesbachian and Dienerian ammonoid succession for this key palaeobiogeographical area. The new biostratigraphical sequence comprises the upper Griesbachian ‘Ophiceras beds’ and the lower Dienerian ‘Proptychites candidus beds’, which are separated from the uppermost Dienerian ‘Clypites beds’ by an unfossiliferous interval. These faunas contain some taxa with wide geographic distribution (e.g. Ambites, Pleurambites, Pleurogyronites, Proptychites candidus), thus facilitating correlation with faunal successions from other regions (i.e. British Columbia, Canadian Arctic, Himalayas and South Primorye). Two new genera (Jieshaniceras and Shangganites) and three new species (Anotoceras subtabulatus, Pleurambites radiatus and Shangganites shangganense) are described.  相似文献   

伊武军 《古生物学报》2004,43(4):556-570
报道福建大田崆峒山晚二叠世大隆组、长兴组及早三叠世溪口组介形类35属67种,其中描述8属9种(包括5新种)。产自长兴组的介形类化石被划分为3个组合,自下而上分别是:Polylites magnituberos-Or-thobairdia meishanensis-Pustulobairdia mailinensis组合,Baitrdia urodelofot-OS-orthobairdia exilimarginata-Bairdia subcontracta组合和Petasobairdia bicornuta-Neoamphissites costatus-Kegelites datianensis组合。大田崆峒山介形类动物群在二叠-三叠系界线上下具有明显的突变性质,这与世界其它地区一样,是遭受二叠纪末期的生物大灭绝事件重创所致。根据介形类化石组合特征,并参考共生或共存化石的内容,福建大田地区长兴组大致相当于浙江煤山长兴组的中、上部,长兴灰岩下伏的海相碎屑岩应划归长兴阶。大隆组、长兴组及溪口组的岩性和化石组合特征.显示古环境从滨海沼泽开始,经历浅海盆地→浅水碳酸盐台地→浅海近岸环境的演化过程。  相似文献   

描述了产自美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本被暂归入杰斐逊北方阔齿兽Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是3个齿尖。根据牙齿大小、直接替换情况,推测阔齿型齿从后部萌发,从前部脱落。这个类群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能是两代裂齿型犬后齿。  相似文献   

为解决早三叠世卡以头组地质时代和植物组合问题,对采于黔西滇东地区两条二叠系-三叠系海陆交互相界线剖面卡以头组中、下部的植物化石Annalepis(脊囊属)进行深入研究。与Annalepis同层或上部层位见有早三叠世早期的海相双壳类、介形类、腕足类、菊石类及大羽羊齿植物群残余分子,因此可以确定Annalepis在该地区出现于早三叠世早期的印度期(Induan),说明卡以头组(至少中、下部)地质时代属早三叠世早期。推测我国南方的Annalepis在早三叠世始于黔西滇东,随后向北迁移、中三叠世广布于长江中下游地区。建立由早三叠世An-nalepis和大羽羊齿植物群残存分子共同构成的我国南方早三叠世早期植物组合,填补了早三叠世晚期岭文组与晚二叠世B期Gigantonoclea guizhouensis-Ullmannia cf.bronnia-Annularia pinglouensis组合之间的空白。  相似文献   

报道的叶肢介新属(Kenyaestheriagen.nov.)采自肯尼亚MajiyaChumvi地区的一钻孔,属下三叠统上马几牙楚姆维组(UpperMajiyaChumviFormation),其特征为壳瓣后背缘最后几条生长线靠近背缘处形成一个凹缘构造,但生长线在背缘并不反转弯曲,同时具有放射线纹饰,据此将其归于凹缘叶肢介科(Ulugkemiidae)。该科是一个灭绝的类群,分布于中泥盆统至上三叠统,古生代的类型都发现于欧亚大陆,晚三叠世的Triasulugkemia见于阿根廷,新属首见于早三叠世,也是在南大陆出现的第二例凹缘叶肢介类。孢粉Lunatisporitespellucidus和叶肢介AquilonoglyptaCorniaPalaeolimnadiaFalsisca组合指示含化石的地层时代为早三叠世早期。  相似文献   

沈炎彬 《古生物学报》2006,45(2):175-181
报道的叶肢介新属(Kenyaestheria gen.nov.)采自肯尼亚Maji ya Chumvi地区的一钻孔,属下三叠统上马几牙楚姆维组(Upper Majiya Chumvi Formation),其特征为壳瓣后背缘最后几条生长线靠近背缘处形成一个凹缘构造,但生长线在背缘并不反转弯曲,同时具有放射线纹饰,据此将其归于凹缘叶肢介科(Ulugkemiidae)。该科是一个灭绝的类群,分布于中泥盆统至上三叠统,古生代的类型都发现于欧亚大陆,晚三叠世的Triasulugkemia见于阿根廷,新属首见于早三叠世,也是在南大陆出现的第二例凹缘叶肢介类。孢粉Lunatisporites pellucidus和叶肢介Aquilonoglypta—Cornia—Palaeolimnadia—Falsisca组合指示含化石的地层时代为早三叠世早期。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The growth dynamics of the Early Triassic non-mammalian cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus were assessed through bone histology. Several limb bones of various sizes were examined, revealing a rapidly deposited, uninterrupted, fibro-lamellar bone tissue. A region of slowly deposited parallel-fibred bone occurs peripherally in most skeletal elements studied, becoming more extensively developed in the larger limb bones. On the basis of the bone histology, it is proposed that Thrinaxodon liorhinus grew rapidly during early ontogeny, and at a slower rate with increasing age, possibly once sexual maturity was reached. Variation in bone tissue patterns at different stages of ontogeny is noted and discussed. Given that growth rings are generally absent from the skeletal elements studied, and that the environment was seasonal, it appears that Thrinaxodon liorhinus growth was unaffected by environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

青海省下三叠统巴颜喀拉山群下亚群的孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
首次对青海中部下三叠统巴颜喀拉山群下亚群孢粉组合进行综合研究。共发现孢粉:下岩组59属89种(包括1新种),按在组合中百分含量的平均值,蕨类植物孢子占55.71%,裸子植物花粉占36.3%,疑源类9属2种占7.36%,称之为Lundbladispora-Cycadopites-Veryhachium组合;上岩组86属119种(包括3新种),蕨类植物孢子占46.03%,裸子植物花粉占31.91%,疑源类13属16种占21.64%,称之为Limatulasporites?Cycadop-tes?Tubermonocolpites-Micrhystridium组合。上述孢粉组合特征,大体可与国内外早三叠世孢粉组合对比,因此,巴颜喀拉山群下亚群的时代应属早三叠世。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new South American Early Triassic stereospondyl is described and considered to represent a new taxon, Cabralia lavinai gen. et sp. nov. The material consists of two well-preserved skull fragments. According to recent phylogenetic analyses of rhytidosteids and related taxa, the new taxon is referred to the Rhytidosteidae based on the presence of orbits that are located close to the skull margins, an otic notch that is reduced to an embayment, tabular horns that are reduced and broad based, a straight posterior margin of the palate, skull sculpture with nodules and pustules, and a 'twisted' quadrate ramus of the pterygoid. The presence of a prominent lacrimal bone suggests a basal position within Rhytidosteidae for C. lavinai , and possibly a close relationship with the Indian Indobrachyops , because all other known rhytidosteids exhibit the derived condition of an absence of the lacrimal. The presence of a basal rhytidosteid in the Paraná Basin of South America strongly supports previous hypotheses of a Gondwanan origin and radiation of stereospondyl temnospondyls during the Early Triassic, but leaves unresolved the question of where exactly they arose within that region.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Bromalites from the Soom Shale are allocated to five main categories on the basis of shape, content and internal structure: those containing broken conodont elements; those containing brachiopod fragments; corrugated/spiral forms; coiled coprolites and wrinkled coprolites. It is impossible to allocate specific bromalites to the organisms that formed them, but the occurrence of crushed discinoid valves in several specimens demonstrates that an effective durophagous predator was present in the Soom Shale community. The presence of fragmented elements of conodonts in other specimens provides direct evidence of tiering within the predatory trophic level in the Soom Shale. Conodonts, other agnathan vertebrates, orthoconic cephalopods and eurypterids are all possible contenders for producing most of the bromalites recorded, but there may have been unrecorded large predators in the community.  相似文献   

林天瑞 《古生物学报》2002,41(3):428-433
描述采用自南澳大利亚Officer盆地东部Manya-6号钻井的下寒武统Ouldburra组的Abadiella三叶虫的一新种-Abadiella officerensis,同时指出Parabadiella是Abadiella的同义名。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Carnian (Late Triassic) flora of Lunz in Lower Austria is famous for an abundance of well-preserved bennettitalean and cycadalean foliage and reproductive structures. However, only the fertile remains have been studied in detail to date. Recently completed systematic macromorphological and cuticular analyses of leaf fossils from Lunz revealed that several forms previously accommodated in the genus Macrotaeniopteris do not represent ferns but rather Bennettitales assignable to the genus Nilssoniopteris . We describe three species of Nilssoniopteris , which represent the first records for this genus from Lunz, and one of the earliest accounts of Nilssoniopteris in the Northern Hemisphere. The following new combinations are introduced: Nilssoniopteris haidingeri (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov., N. angustior (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. and N. lunzensis (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. The discovery of Nilssoniopteris further substantiates the significance of the Lunz flora as one of the richest and most diverse early Late Triassic floras from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Remains of a peculiar traversodontid cynodont, Protuberum cabralensis gen. et sp. nov., are described herein. The material was collected from two outcrops representing the Therapsid Cenozone (Middle Triassic) of the Santa Maria Formation, and consists of a cranium with most of its dentition preserved and an associated postcranial skeleton. The upper postcanines have two sharp cusps that are connected by a medial crest on unworn postcanines. The specimens possess several autapomorphies, including: (1) presence of thickened bone on the dorsal surface of the skull; (2) thick dorsal ribs, with remarkable processes situated on their dorsal borders that decrease in size distally; and (3) an iliac blade with a series of rugosities along its dorsal border. The lumbar ribs bear overlapping costal plates and have distally projecting rib shafts that differ from the pattern observed in Thrinaxodon , Pascualgnathus and Cynognathus .  相似文献   

川东北及陕南三叠纪有孔虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何炎 《古生物学报》1993,32(2):170-187
四川宣汉、万源、旺苍及陕西镇巴三叠纪有孔虫产于中统雷口坡组,下统嘉陵江组及飞仙关组上部.根据有孔虫的分布,划分下统为两个带,5个亚带,中统1个带,并讨论了其对比问题.  相似文献   

松辽盆地西南部下三叠统及其孢粉组合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对松辽平原西南部开鲁盆地哲中坳陷中的八仙筒凹陷和奈曼凹陷的参数井所揭露的地层及其孢粉化石进行了系统的分析和研究。该参数井揭露出的下三叠统哈达陶勒盖组,按岩性及其孢粉组合特征划分为下、上两段。下段孢粉以Calamospora -Lundbladispora-Alisporites组合为代表;上段孢粉以Verrucosisporites -Lundbladis pora -Chordas porites组合为代表。时代为早三叠世。  相似文献   

这是在我国首次发现的鲎类足迹化石,标本采自安徽南陵下三叠统青龙组薄层灰岩。除对它们的形态特征加以描述、分析和比较外,还就其形成环境及保存特点作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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