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The ability of prostacyclin analogues to stimulate adenylyl cyclase (AC) and phospholipase C (PLC) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing cloned human (hIP) or cloned mouse (mIP) prostacyclin receptors has been compared. For hIP, the order of potency (pEC(50)) for stimulating AC and PLC pathways was similar: AFP-07 (9.3, 8.4)>cicaprost (8.3, 6.9), iloprost (7.9, 6.8)>taprostene (7.4, 6.8)>carbacyclin (6.9, 6.6), PGE(1) (6.6, 5.1). Although the standard IP agonists cicaprost and iloprost behaved similarly in both hIP and mIP receptor-expressing cells, carbacyclin and PGE(1) showed significantly higher potency at the mIP receptor, suggesting that the agonist recognition sites on hIP and mIP receptors are not identical. A further distinction between hIP and mIP receptors was found with taprostene, which had greater efficacy at hIP receptors (AC 94%, PLC 14%) than at mIP receptors (AC 77%, PLC 0%) (cicaprost=100% in each assay).  相似文献   

1. Acoustic scattering from fish and macroinvertebrates was studied in a boreal Finnish lake at three echosounder frequencies (38, 120 and 200 kHz). Split-beam transducers with partly overlapping 7° beams were employed. Acoustic, fish and invertebrate sampling were undertaken simultaneously. Vertical gradients of temperature and oxygen concentration were measured during the exercise.
2. At all frequencies, a narrow scattering layer coincided with the thermocline. At 38 kHz, fish were detected well with practically no reverberation from invertebrates while 200 kHz detected both fish and invertebrates.
3. Minor differences in the magnitude of acoustic scattering from fish were found between frequencies and between depth layers, but scattering at different frequencies was correlated at all depths. Acoustic scattering and fish density indices from trawl catches, consisting mostly of smelt ( Osmerus eperlanus ) (97%) and vendace ( Coregonus albula ) (3%), were significantly correlated.
4. Acoustic scattering from invertebrates increased with sound frequency. Correlation analysis suggested that the invertebrate scattering was mostly induced by Chaoborus flavicans . A low frequency is recommended for estimating fish abundance without bias from reverberation induced by invertebrate scattering. Although fish and invertebrates can also be successfully discriminated at a single frequency by thresholding and cross filtering, the combination of a low and a high frequency is a more robust tool for effective fish-invertebrate discrimination.  相似文献   

Antiviral activity of recombinant human leukocyte A interferon was inactivated by heating at 65 degrees C or by reduction of disulfide bonds. The specific immunoreactivity, as measured by radioimmunoassays measuring binding to monoclonal antibodies, decreased concomitantly with the antiviral activity. Although the monoclonal antibodies did bind to inactivated interferon, their binding affinity to inactivated interferon was in general very much lower than their binding affinity to active interferon. Therefore, this immunoassay could replace the antiviral assay for detection of biologically active interferon. In addition, most of these antibodies should be especially useful for purification of the interferons since they discriminate between the native active and inactive denatured species. Screening for such antibodies is convenient and simple. The general use of antibodies that preferentially interact with native molecules provides a powerful new principle for choosing monoclonal antibodies with extraordinary potential in assay and purification.  相似文献   

Many promiscuous plasmids encode the antirestriction proteins ArdA (alleviation of restriction of DNA) that specifically affect the restriction activity of heterooligomeric type I restriction-modification (R-M) systems in Escherichia coli cells. In addition, a lot of the putative ardA genes encoded by plasmids and bacterial chromosomes are found as a result of sequencing of complete genomic sequences, suggesting that ArdA proteins and type I R-M systems that seem to be widespread among bacteria may be involved in the regulation of gene transfer among bacterial genomes. Here, the mechanism of antirestriction action of ArdA encoded by IncI plasmid ColIb-P9 has been investigated in comparison with that of well-studied T7 phage-encoded antirestriction protein Ocr using the mutational analysis, retardation assay and His-tag affinity chromatography. Like Ocr, ArdA protein was shown to be able to efficiently interact with EcoKI R-M complex and affect its in vivo and in vitro restriction activity by preventing its interaction with specific DNA. However, unlike Ocr, ArdA protein has a low binding affinity to EcoKI Mtase and the additional C-terminal tail region (VF-motif) is needed for ArdA to efficiently interact with the type I R-M enzymes. It seems likely that this ArdA feature is a basis for its ability to discriminate between activities of EcoKI Mtase (modification) and complete R-M system (restriction) which may interact with unmodified DNA in the cells independently. These findings suggest that ArdA may provide a very effective and delicate control for the restriction and modification activities of type I systems and its ability to discriminate against DNA restriction in favour of the specific modification of DNA may give some advantage for efficient transmission of the ardA-encoding promiscuous plasmids among different bacterial populations.  相似文献   



A central question for the understanding of biological reaction networks is how a particular dynamic behavior, such as bistability or oscillations, is realized at the molecular level. So far this question has been mainly addressed in well-mixed reaction systems which are conveniently described by ordinary differential equations. However, much less is known about how molecular details of a reaction mechanism can affect the dynamics in diffusively coupled systems because the resulting partial differential equations are much more difficult to analyze.  相似文献   

The understanding of physiological and molecular processes underlying the sense of smell has made considerable progress during the past three decades, revealing the cascade of molecular steps that lead to the activation of olfactory receptor (OR) neurons. However, the mode of primary interaction of odorant molecules with the OR proteins within the sensory cells is still enigmatic. Two different concepts try to explain these interactions: the ‘odotope hypothesis’ suggests that OR proteins recognize structural aspects of the odorant molecule, whereas the ‘vibration hypothesis’ proposes that intra-molecular vibrations are the basis for the recognition of the odorant by the receptor protein. The vibration hypothesis predicts that OR proteins should be able to discriminate compounds containing deuterium from their common counterparts which contain hydrogen instead of deuterium. This study tests this prediction in honeybees (Apis mellifera) using the proboscis extension reflex learning in a differential conditioning paradigm. Rewarding one odour (e.g. a deuterated compound) with sucrose and not rewarding the respective analogue (e.g. hydrogen-based odorant) shows that honeybees readily learn to discriminate hydrogen-based odorants from their deuterated counterparts and supports the idea that intra-molecular vibrations may contribute to odour discrimination.  相似文献   

Footprinting experiments employing DNAase I have been performed at 4 degrees C. At this temperature several simple intercalating ligands, including both ethidium and proflavine, can be seen to induce marked changes in the pattern of cleavage. From an analysis of the changes in patterns of digestion by DNAase I we deduce that ethidium binds best to regions of mixed nucleotide sequence, especially those containing alternating purines and pyrimidines. Binding seems to be weakest to poly dA sequences which consequently appear as regions of relatively enhanced cleavage. Attempts to reproduce these changes using DNAase II as a footprinting tool were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Individual discrimination provides animals the opportunity to adjust their exposure and behavior when interacting with other animals, both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, were exposed to scents of house cats, Felis catus. Our first experiment tested whether meadow voles could discriminate between caudal, interdigital, and facial scents produced by a cat with a habituation–dishabituation paradigm. Upon exposure to the familiar scent and a novel one, meadow voles did not investigate either scent more than the other. Our second experiment tested whether meadow voles discriminate between the facial scents of different cats. When exposed to a familiar scent of one cat and the unfamiliar scent of another cat, the meadow voles did discriminate and investigated the unfamiliar scent more than the familiar scent. The results suggest that meadow voles will discriminate between cats using any scent that the cat may inadvertently leave within the environment, thereby reducing the vole's risk of predation by that individual.  相似文献   



Apis mellifera and Apis cerana are two sibling species of Apidae. Apis cerana is adept at collecting sporadic nectar in mountain and forest region and exhibits stiffer hardiness and acarid resistance as a result of natural selection, whereas Apis mellifera has the advantage of producing royal jelly. To identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that affect the development of hypopharyngeal gland (HG) and/or the secretion of royal jelly between these two honeybee species, we performed a digital gene expression (DGE) analysis of the HGs of these two species at three developmental stages (newly emerged worker, nurse and forager).


Twelve DGE-tag libraries were constructed and sequenced using the total RNA extracted from the HGs of newly emerged workers, nurses, and foragers of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Finally, a total of 1482 genes in Apis mellifera and 1313 in Apis cerana were found to exhibit an expression difference among the three developmental stages. A total of 1417 DEGs were identified between these two species. Of these, 623, 1072, and 462 genes showed an expression difference at the newly emerged worker, nurse, and forager stages, respectively. The nurse stage exhibited the highest number of DEGs between these two species and most of these were found to be up-regulated in Apis mellifera. These results suggest that the higher yield of royal jelly in Apis mellifera may be due to the higher expression level of these DEGs.


In this study, we investigated the DEGs between the HGs of two sibling honeybee species (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana). Our results indicated that the gene expression difference was associated with the difference in the royal jelly yield between these two species. These results provide an important clue for clarifying the mechanisms underlying hypopharyngeal gland development and the production of royal jelly.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-744) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission (AE) sensors are a reliable tool in detecting fracture; however they have not been used to differentiate between compressive osseous and tensile ligamentous failures in the spine. This study evaluated the effectiveness of AE data in detecting the time of injury of ligamentum flavum (LF) and vertebral body (VB) specimens tested in tension and compression, respectively, and in differentiating between these failures. AE signals were collected while LF (n=7) and VB (n=7) specimens from human cadavers were tested in tension and compression (0.4m/s), respectively. Times of injury (time of peak AE amplitude) were compared to those using traditional methods (VB: time of peak force, LF: visual evidence in high speed video). Peak AE signal amplitudes and frequencies (using Fourier and wavelet transformations) for the LF and VB specimens were compared. In each group, six specimens failed (VB, fracture; LF, periosteal stripping or attenuation) and one did not. Time of injury using AE signals for VB and LF specimens produced average absolute differences to traditional methods of 0.7 (SD=0.2) ms and 2.4 (SD=1.5) ms (representing 14% and 20% of the average loading time), respectively. AE signals from VB fractures had higher amplitudes and frequencies than those from LF failures (average peak amplitude 87.7 (SD=6.9) dB vs. 71.8 (SD=9.8)dB for the inferior sensor, p<0.05; median characteristic frequency from the inferior sensor 97 (interquartile range, IQR, 41) kHz vs. 31 (IQR 2) kHz, p<0.05). These findings demonstrate that AE signals could be used to delineate complex failures of the spine.  相似文献   

Ability to discriminate between related odor mixtures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this study was to investigate (i) the abilityof human subjects to detect changes in related odor mixturesfollowing omission of components, and (ii) the possible relationshipbetween the number of substances comprising a mixture and theability to detect changes in its composition. A total of 36panelists was tested repeatedly in five separate sessions usingsniff bottles, and asked to rate the difference between pairsof stimuli using a 6-point verbal scale. Stimuli were 3-, 6-and 12-component mixtures paired with stimuli from which oneor more of the components had been omitted or had been leftunchanged. Rating behavior was highly consistent, with no significantdifferences found between sessions or panels in judging theidentical control pairs. Although asymmetrical pairs were judgedto be different significantly more often than control pairs,correct assignment was considerably poorer than expected. Correlationsbetween complexity of a stimulus and ability to discriminatechanges in its composition were weak and possibly confoundedby substance-specific, synergistic effects. While factors suchas lack of feedback or the arbitrary nature of the stimuli mayhave affected performance, it remains to be investigated whetherthe findings indeed reflect our limited capacity to discriminatebetween related odor mixtures.  相似文献   

Evolution of complex cognition in animals has been linked to complex social behaviour. One of the costs of sociality is increased competition for food which may be reduced by food caching, but cache theft may undermine the benefits of caching. In birds, sophisticated food-caching-related cognition has been demonstrated only for corvids and attributed to their highly social behaviour. Many non-corvid food-caching species exhibit similar complex social behaviour and here I provide experimental evidence that mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) adjust their caching strategies depending on social context. Chickadees were allowed to cache seeds in the presence of potential cache pilferer, either conspecific or heterospecific (red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis) and a non-pilferer (dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis) positioned at the opposite sides of the experimental arena. Available caching sites were either exposed to these observers or hidden from their view while the cacher could always see both observers. Chickadees chose caching sites that were hidden from direct view of the potential pilferers while caching in direct view of the non-pilferers. When no pilferers were present, chickadees made equal use of all available caching substrates and there were no differences in the amount of caching in the presence or absence of pilferers. These results suggest that (i) chickadees may be able to recognize potential cache thieves, both conspecific and heterospecific, and adjust their caching strategies to minimize potential cache pilferage and (ii) chickadees appear to discriminate between caching sites that can or cannot be seen by observers, which may allow them to control visual information available to potential pilferers.  相似文献   

The immune response to F protein in mice provides a system in which the capacity of antigen-presenting cells to present autologous protein to T cells can be examined. When we used the F-type 1 (F.1) and F-type 2 (F.2) combination, these cells proved equally able to present autologous and foreign protein in both an in vivo adoptive transfer and an in vitro proliferation assay. This formally excludes the possibility that these cells themselves discriminate between self and nonself, while still allowing the possibility that their uptake of antigen may be regulated by lymphocyte products.  相似文献   

Three synchronization measures are applied to scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) data collected from 20 patients diagnosed to have either: (1) no dementia, (2) mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or (3) Alzheimer's disease (AD). We apply the three synchronization measures--the phase synchronization, and two measures of nonlinear interdependency--to the data collected from awake patients resting with eyes closed. We show that the synchronization in potential between electrodes near the left and right occipital lobes provides a statistically significant discriminant between the healthy and AD subjects, and the MCI and AD subjects. None of the three measures appears able to distinguish between the healthy and MCI subjects, although MCI subjects show synchronization values intermediate between healthy subjects (with high synchronization values) and AD subjects (with low synchronization values) on average.  相似文献   

The abilities ofMyiopharus doryphorae (Riley) andM. aberrans (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae) to discriminate between parasitized and non-parasitized Colorado potato beetle (host)Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae, were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory experiments showed that bothMyiopharus species have a significantly greater frequency for larvipositing in non-parasitized hosts over parasitized ones. Direct field observations of larvipositional behavior of bothMyiopharus species over three growing seasons showed effective restraint from larviposition into parasitized hosts, while larviposition into nonparasitized ones occurred readily. Avoidance of previously-parasitized hosts occurred after the larvipositing flies briefly landed on host larvae without attempting to insert the larvipositor. The low levels of superparasitism which occurred in the caged experiments and in the field appeared to be due to a breakdown of the larvipositing parasitoids' restraint when they met only parasitized hosts or when many parasitoids competed for reduced numbers of hosts late in the season.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate odour cues from different conspecifics has been demonstrated in a variety of small mammalian species. We used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to investigate whether 10-week-old female pigs,Sus scrofa , are able to discriminate between urinary odours from similar-aged conspecifics that were unfamiliar (not encountered for at least 7 weeks). We also examined whether environmental factors can affect the ease with which urine from different individuals is discriminated. Subjects receiving urine samples from the same unfamiliar individual in two successive 2-min exposures separated by a 15-min interval showed habituation in their investigation response to the urine in the second exposure. This habituation was maintained in a third 2-min exposure, 15 min later, if the urine sample was again from the same individual. However, if the urine sample was from a different unfamiliar individual, there was a dishabituation of the investigation response. This was taken to indicate an ability to discriminate the two samples. These data indicate that young pigs could use urinary cues to discriminate other individuals. Effective individual discrimination should facilitate the formation and maintenance of stable social groupings but could be disrupted if, for example, animals from the same group share common odour cues that mask individually distinctive scents. However, urine samples from individuals living in the same group appeared to be no more difficult to discriminate than those from individuals living in different groups. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Formal models of cultural evolution have illustrated circumstances under which behavioral traits that have no inherent advantage over others can undergo positive selection pressure. One situation in which this may occur is when the behavior functions as a social marker, and there is pressure to identify oneself as a member of a particular group. Our aim in the current study was to determine whether participants organized into subpopulations could effectively exploit variation in a completely novel behavior to advertise themselves as belonging to a particular subpopulation, such that discrimination between in-group and out-group members was possible and subpopulations exhibited increasing distinctiveness. Eighty participants took part, organized into four subpopulations, each composed of five four-member generations. They each completed a tower-building task, used in previous experimental studies of cultural evolution. An incentive payment structure was imposed with the aim of motivating participants to advertise themselves as belonging to a particular subpopulation and to distinguish in-group members from members of other subpopulations. The first generation were exposed to photographs of randomly assigned “seed” towers, and later generations were exposed to photographs of the towers built by the members of the previous generation of their own subpopulation. Participants were able to discriminate towers built by in-group members of the same generation, from towers built by out-group members. Over generations, tower designs evolved such that they were increasingly identifiable as belonging to a particular subpopulation. Arbitrary traits which had no prior advantage became associated with group membership, providing empirical support for theoretical models.  相似文献   

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