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Summary The site of iodination in the endostyle of the adult amphioxus was examined by light-and electron-microscopic autoradiography. In accordance with previous studies, light-microscopic autoradiography showed a distinct accumulation of autoradiographic grains at the apical end of epithelial cells in the lateral part of the endostyle. In the electron microscope two distinct cellular zones were identified in an approximate position of the light-microscopic zone 5. Zone 5a, not previously recognized, was adjacent to zone 4 and consisted of six to nine rows of cells free of characteristic granules. Cells in zone 5b contained large mucous granules and had, in previous ultrastructural studies, been identified as belonging to the typical zone 5. Four or less incomplete rows of granule-containing cells, not observed in previous studies, marked the border between zones 5b and 6. After incubation in 125I for 5 min, electron-microscopic autoradiography showed a selective concentration of label to zone 5a, which, thus, corresponds to the iodination centre seen in the light microscope. The grains were associated with cilia and microvilli in the lumen. After longer incubation times (30, 60, 90 min) grains were still concentrated at the surface of zone 5a but were also associated with the surface of zones 5b and 6. Grains were also located over the cytoplasm of all three zones. They were associated with vesicles and lysosome-like structures, suggesting secondary uptake of labelled products by endocytosis. Methimazole, an inhibitor of peroxidase, abolished the autoradiographic reaction. In conclusion, the site of iodination in the endostyle of amphioxus is located in zone 5a, which has not previously been ultrastructurally defined. Iodination in the endostyle is an extracellular process, but secondary uptake by endocytosis appears to occur.  相似文献   

Summary In the posterior part of the mid-gut epithelium in the lancelet, Branchiostoma lanceolatum, fine-grained cells occur. The appearance of the these cells is conspicuous with a basal and an apical swelling with small secretory granules. At the end of the secretion cycle the granular content is released into the gut lumen. The secretion product seems to consist of proteins and probably has an enzyme function. The restricted localization, the fine granulation, and the characteristic shape are features, that make these cells distinguishable from other secretory cells in the lancelet intestinal epithelium. A possible endocrine capacity of the cells is discussed.This work was supported by grant 2124-23 from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and by grants from the Faculty of Science, University of Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   

Summary The lamellate cells of amphioxus have round nuclei, and cytoplasm with many mitochondria and a large amount of glycogen. Each of these cells projects a highly modified, branched cilium into the central canal, where it characteristically forms lamellar structures. Primary branches and secondary lamellae often contain accessory microtubules that are not derived from the axonema. The functional and evolutionary significance of this cell type is discussed in relation to the ciliary photoreceptors found in other chordates.This work is dedicated to Professor A. Carrato, Universidad Complutense, on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

棘胸蛙消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学定位   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We studied the distribution and density of the endocrine cells in the digestive tract of Paa spinosa using immunohistochemical method (streptavidin-peroxidase method) using eight gut hormone antisera.The 5-hydroxytryptamine immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract with the highest density in the stomachus pyloricus,the second highest in the duodenum,fewer in the oesophagus,stomachus cardiacus and rectum.The gastrin immunoreactive cells were located mainly in the stomachus pyloricus and occasionally in different parts of the intestine.The somatostatin immunoreactive cells occured mainly in the stomach,frequently in the stomachus pyloricus,and occasionally in different parts of the intestine.The pancreatic polypeptide immunoreaetive cells were found with the highest density in the duodenum,the second highest in the stomachus cardiacus,and rarely in the rectum.No immunoreactive cells were observed with the antisera to glucagon,substance P,growth hormone and calcitonin,but there were glucagon and substance P mucosal nerve plexus throughout the digestive tract,and both with the highest density in the duodenum[Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(6):858-864,2003].  相似文献   

Summary Silver impregnation of nerves, histochemical reactions for acetylcholinesterase, and electron microscopy reveal an efferent innervation of the notochord in amphioxus. Extensions of the notochordal lamellae end in groups (the notochordal horns) just below the ventro-lateral surface of the spinal cord where they are opposed to large nerve terminals originating as short collaterals of axons running longitudinally in the nerve cord. This neurochordal junction resembles an ordinary neuro-muscular junction in several respects and is interpreted as a part of the muscular system found in the notochord itself. Acknowledgement. The author is indebted to the staffs at the Marine laboratory in Plymouth and the Biological station at Helgoland for supply of material. The expert advices and criticism of Q. Bone, Ph. D., Plymouth, and Dr. U. Welsch, Kiel, are also greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary The asymmetric endostyle in the larval amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) was examined by light-and electron-microscopic cytochemistry (peroxidase; incubation in diaminobenzidine) and autoradiography (incubation in 125I-). Compared to the adult the same cellular zones were also found in the larval endostyle, with the exception of zone 1, which was absent. The corresponding adult and larval zones had a similar morphology. All cells in zones 5a, 5b, and 6 were reactive for peroxidase. A reaction product was also present in the lateral 2 to 3 cell rows of zone 3. The dense reaction product was located on the inner surface of membranes of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and vesicles, and multivesicular bodies as well as on the outer surface of the luminal plasma membrane. An incomplete row of granule-containing, peroxidase-negative cells was located between zones 5b and 6. After incubation of larvae in sea water containing 125I-, autoradiographic grains were selectively concentrated over the lumen at the apical surface of all peroxidase-positive zones. The highest grain density occurred in relation to zone 5a, which in the adult has been recognized as the iodination center. Few grains were located over the cytoplasm. Methimazole, an inhibitor of peroxidase, abolished the cytochemical reaction and the appearance of autoradiographic grains. The observations indicate that iodination in the larval endostyle takes place extracellularly and is catalyzed by peroxidase bound in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

目的探讨北方狭口蛙(Kaloula borealis)消化道5-羟色胺细胞的分布密度规律和形态学特点。方法免疫组织化学SABC法鉴别和定位雌雄各6只北方狭口蛙食管、贲门、胃体、幽门、十二指肠、空肠、回肠和直肠的5-羟色胺细胞。结果5-羟色胺细胞的分布密度高峰位于胃幽门部,胃体和十二指肠其次,贲门最低。开放型和闭合型细胞的比值从食管至直肠呈”V”形分布,胃幽门部为比值的最低点。食管、贲门和肠道各段的5一羟色胺细胞以开放型细胞为主,胃体开放型和闭合型细胞的数量几近相等,胃幽门部以闭合型细胞为主。结论北方狭口蛙消化道5-羟色胺细胞的分布型和形态学特点与其他两栖动物既有相同点,也有自身的独特性,这可能与其食性和善于穴居掘土的生活方式有关。  相似文献   

Reissner's fibers are secretions produced by different ependymal areas of the chordate brain, viz., in adult vertebrates, by the dorsal subcommissural organ, and in all stages of cephalochordates (Branchiostoma lancelets), by the ventral infundibular organ. Fibers produced by these different organs are seemingly identical and the two fiber sources also share some immunocytochemical and lectin-binding properties. The secretions in these two glands are, however, not identical; the infundibular organ cells are strongly reactive with antibodies against vertebrate Reissner's fibers, but they do not react with antibodies raised against the source of the vertebrate fibers, viz., the subcommissural organ. The results support the possibility that, in adult vertebrates, the Reissner's fibers are composed of material not only from the subcommissural organ, but also from another, not yet identified, source that is identical or equivalent to the infundibular organ of the lancelet. There are indications that the infundibular organ is immunocytochemically closely akin to some secretory cells in the vertebrate embryonic brain and also to those that produce the juvenile vertebrate Reissner's fibers, viz., secretory cells in the flexural organ.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In vergleichend autoradiographischen Untersuchungen wurde der Einbau von percutan applizierten 3H-Uridin, 3H-Histidin und 3H-Glucose in die wichtigsten Organsysteme (Epidermis, ZNS, Muskeln, Chorda, Leber, Kiemendarm, Darm) von Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Acranier) und Brachydanio rerio (Teleosteer) nach Inkorporationszeiten von 11 min bis zu 7 Tagen verfolgt. Der Stoffwechsel der markierten Substanzen in den einzelnen morphologisch miteinander zu homologisierenden Organen war bei den beiden Spezies sehr ähnlich, bei Branchiostoma allerdings (mit Ausnahme des ZNS) 4–5mal stärker als bei Brachydanio. Bei dem letzteren wurde außerdem eine zeitliche Verzögerung in der Tracer-Aufnahme (lag-Phase) beobachtet. Insbesondere der ZNS-Stoffwechsel von Acraniern zeigte ähnliche Charakteristika wie der von Vertebraten: Verbleib des Hauptanteils der neusynthetisierten RNS im Perikaryon, axonalen Protein-Transport, Vorwiegen der Glykogensynthese in den Nervenfaserendformationen. Allerdings fanden sich im ZNS von Branchiostoma niedrigere Stoffwechselraten als im ZNS von Brachydanio.
Comparative histophysiological investigations of different organs in Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Cephalochordata) and Brachydanio rerio (Teleostei)
Summary Incorporation of 3H-uridine, 3H-histidine and 3H-glucose into some organs (epidermis, CNS, muscles, spinal cord, notochord, liver, gills, intestine) of Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Acrania) and Brachydanio rerio (Teleostei) was investigated by means of comparative autoradiograms following incorporation periods of 11 min to 7 days. The metabolism of the labeled substances in the various homologous organs examined was quite similar, although it was 4 to 5 times higher in Branchiostoma than in Brachydanio; in the latter there was also a delay of tracer incorporation of about 3 hrs, a so-called lag-phase. In particular the metabolism of the CNS of Branchiostoma showed the same characteristics as the CNS of vertebrates, e. g. storage of neuronally synthesized RNA in the neuronal perikarya, axonal flow of proteins, glycogen synthesis in nerve endings. However, metabolic activity of the CNS was lower in Branchiostoma.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical localization of nine different neuropeptides was studied in the central nervous system of the amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri. In the brain, perikarya immunoreactive for urotensin I and FMRFamide were localized in the vicinity of the central canal. One of the processes of each of these perikarya was found to cross the dorso ventral slit-like lumen of the central canal. Oxytocin-immunoreactive short fibers, but not perikarya, were detected in the ventral part of the brain. Perikarya immunoreactive for arginine vasopressin/vasotocin, oxytocin and FMRFamide were widely distributed in the spinal cord. Arginine vasopressin/vasotocin-immunoreactive fibers often made contacts with Rohde cell axons. Angiotensin II-immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the posterior half of the spinal cord, and urotensin I-immunoreactive perikarya were found in the caudal region of the spinal cord. Cholecystokinin/gastrin-immunoreactive fibers, but not perikarya, were detected in the spinal cord; some extended as far as the ependymal layer of the cerebral ventricle. No colocalization of the peptides examined was observed. No immunoreactivity for atrial and brain natriuretic peptides nor for urotensin II was detected. The present study indicates that there are at least six separate neuronal systems that contain different peptides, respectively, in the central nervous system of the amphioxus. Their functions remain to be determined.Part of this investigation has previously been presented in abstract form (Uemura et al. 1989)  相似文献   

重口裂腹鱼消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学鉴别和定位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)俗称“雅鱼”,属鲤科,裂腹鱼亚科,主要分布于大渡河、青衣江水系上游,以动物性食性为主。因其生长缓慢,肉质鲜嫩,深受人们喜爱。随着捕捞强度的增大和自然生态环境的破坏,其资源量急剧下降。目前大多数学者使用哺乳动物抗血清对鱼类消化道内分泌细胞进行了鉴别和定位,在硬骨鱼和软骨鱼的胃肠胰中分别发现了17种和20种内分泌细胞。[第一段]  相似文献   

蓝狐消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝狐又名北极狐(Alopex lagopus),属于食肉目(Carnivora),犬科(Canidae),北极狐属(Alopex).  相似文献   

Summary Secretin-like cells have been detected in the digestive tract of the ascidian Styela plicata by means of immunofluorescent and immunocytochemical methods.Especially, in the esophageal epithelium there are immunoreactive cells (S2) in which a biogenic amine (5-HT) and a regulatory peptide (secretin) occur together. In the gastric epithelium only secretin-like cells (S1) are present.Tests of cross-reactivity performed with glucagon, GIF and VIP, have confirmed the presence of a secretin-like molecule only in the S1 and S2 cells.  相似文献   

The distribution, argyrophilia, and the possible amine/peptide co-localizations in endocrine cells immunoreactive (IR) to antisera against chromogranin A (CgA) and chromogranin B (CgB) in the alimentary tract of the lizard Podarcis sicula have been investigated using novel monoclonal antibodies. Many CgA-IR and CgB-IR cells were found in the tract, except in the distal small intestine. Almost all chromogranin-IR cells (Cgs-IR) were also argyrophilic with parallel intensity. Some CgA-IR and CgB-IR cells did not display co-localized amines or peptides. CgA or CgB or both were found co-localized, with some local differences, in almost all serotonin-IR, histamine-IR, substance P-IR and gastric peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY)-IR cells. Moreover, both Cgs were co-localized only in some somatostatin-IR cells, whereas neurotensin-IR, gastrin/cholecystokinin-IR, pancreatic polypeptide-IR and intestinal PYY-IR cells did not show any co-localization with Cgs. The presence of Cgs in the endocrine cells was heterogeneous with regard to the complex interrelationship with their amine/peptide content. Consequently, Cgs cannot be considered as universal markers of all endocrine cell types.  相似文献   

The digestive tract is the largest endocrine organ in the body; the distribution pattern of endocrine cells varies with different pathological and physiological states. The aim of the present study was to investigate the distributed density of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), gastrin (GAS), somatostatin (SS) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) immunoreactive (IR) cells in the digestive tract of Alligator sinensis during the active and hibernating period by immunohistochemical (IHC) method. The results indicated that 5-HT-IR cells were distributed throughout the entire digestive tract, which were most predominant in duodenum and jejunum. The density increased significantly in stomach and duodenum during hibernation. GAS-IR cells were limited in small stomach and small intestine. The density decreased significantly in small stomach during hibernation, while increased in duodenum. What's more, most of the endocrine cells in duodenum were generally spindle shaped with long cytoplasmic processes ending in the lumen during hibernation. SS-IR cells were limited in stomach and small stomach. The density increased in stomach while decreased in small stomach during hibernation, meanwhile, fewer IR cells occurred in small intestine. VIP-IR cells occurred in stomach and small stomach. The density decreased in small stomach, while increased in stomach during hibernation. These results indicated that the endocrine cells in different parts of digestive tract varied differently during hibernation, their changes were adaptive response to the hibernation.  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of the pituitary of Rana ridibunda captured throughout the spring and summer was examined with immunofluorescence techniques using antisera to mammalian pituitary hormones. On the basis of their immunoreactivity, four different cell types are recognized: 1) cells immunoreactive to anti-bovine LTH, 2) cells immunoreactive to anti-bovine STH, 3) cells immunoreactive to anti-ovine LH, and 4) cells immunoreactive to anti-synthetic ACTH (1–24). Their distribution and morphology as well as their staining characteristics (classical histological techniques) are reported in this study.  相似文献   

Novel monoclonal antibodies to human chromogranin A (CgA) and chromogranin B (CgB) were used to investigate the presence of immunoreactive (-IR) elements in the alimentary tract of the green frog Rana esculenta. Numerous CgA-IR and a few CgB-IR endocrine cells were found within the gut mucosa, from the oesophagus to the cloaca, with some local differences in density. Co-localization studies demonstrated that they were costored in almost all the serotonin-IR, the amylin-IR or islet amyloid polypeptide-IR cells and in the peptide tyrosine tyrosine-IR cells located proximal to the pylorus, but not in those located in more caudal tracts. No other co-localization was demonstrated; substances investigated included somatostatin, substance P, gastrin/cholecystokin, glucagon, glycentin, bombesin, secretin and neurotensin. CgA-IR and CgB-IR cells nearly always displayed argyrophilia with the Grimelius silver method  相似文献   

Faecal and vomit samples were collected from 12 griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) in May 2002 and examined for bacteria, fungi and parasites. Bacteria present included Escherichia coli, Aeromonas salmonicidia, Proteus sp., Escherichia fergusonii, Providencia alcalifaciens, Micrococcus sp. and Streptococcus sp. Mycological examination revealed the presence of Candida sp., yeasts and in one case, Rhodotorula rubra. Strongyle eggs were found in several samples. In most faecal samples, ascarid eggs of Toxocara type were found. Tapeworm eggs of Moniezia type were present in one faecal sample. Both microbiologic and parasitic findings are most likely the result of the feeding habits of griffon vultures.  相似文献   

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