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Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from umbilical cord blood (UCB) from full-term deliveries is a laborious, time-consuming process that results in a low yield of cells. In this study we identified parameters that can be helpful for a successful isolation of UCB-MSCs. According to our findings, chances for a well succeeded isolation of these cells are higher when MSCs were isolated from UCB collected from normal full-term pregnancies that did not last over 37 weeks. Besides the duration of pregnancy, blood volume and storage period of the UCB should also be considered for a successful isolation of these cells. Here, we found that the ideal blood volume collected should be above 80 mL and the period of storage should not exceed 6 h. We characterized UCB-MSCs by morphologic, immunophenotypic, protein/gene expression and by adipogenic differentiation potential. Isolated UCB-MSCs showed fibroblast-like morphology and the capacity of differentiating into adipocyte-like cells. Looking for markers of the undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, we analyzed the UCB-MSCs’ protein expression profile along different time periods of the differentiation process into adipocyte-like cells. Our results showed that there is a decrease in the expression of the markers CD73, CD90, and CD105 that correlates to the degree of differentiation of UCB-MSCs We suggest that CD90 can be used as a mark to follow the differentiation commitment degree of MSCs. Microarray results showed an up-regulation of genes related to the adipogenesis process and to redox metabolism in the adipocyte-like differentiated MSCs. Our study provides information on a group of parameters that may help with successful isolation and consequently with characterization of the differentiated/undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, which will be useful to monitor the differentiation commitment of UCB-MSC and further facilitate the application of those cells in stem-cell therapy.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received significant attention in recent years due to their large potential for cell therapy. Indeed, they secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory factors of interest for the treatment of immune-related disorders and inflammatory diseases. MSCs can be extracted from multiple tissues of the human body. However, several factors may restrict their use for clinical applications: the requirement of invasive procedures for their isolation, their limited numbers, and their heterogeneity according to the tissue of origin or donor. In addition, MSCs often present early signs of replicative senescence limiting their expansion in vitro, and their therapeutic capacity in vivo. Due to the clinical potential of MSCs, a considerable number of methods to differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into MSCs have emerged. iPSCs represent a new reliable, unlimited source to generate MSCs (MSCs derived from iPSC, iMSCs) from homogeneous and well-characterized cell lines, which would relieve many of the above mentioned technical and biological limitations. Additionally, the use of iPSCs prevents some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In this review, we analyze the main current protocols used to differentiate human iPSCs into MSCs, which we classify into five different categories: MSC Switch, Embryoid Body Formation, Specific Differentiation, Pathway Inhibitor, and Platelet Lysate. We also evaluate common and method-specific culture components and provide a list of positive and negative markers for MSC characterization. Further guidance on material requirements to produce iMSCs with these methods and on the phenotypic features of the iMSCs obtained is added. The information may help researchers identify protocol options to design and/or refine standardized procedures for large-scale production of iMSCs fitting clinical demands.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is a severe form of cancer most likely arising from the transformation of stem or progenitor cells resident in the brain. Although the tumorigenic population in glioblastoma is defined as composed by cancer stem cells (CSCs), the cellular target of the transformation hit remains to be identified. Glioma stem cells (SCs) are thought to have a differentiation potential restricted to the neural lineage. However, using orthotopic versus heterotopic xenograft models and in vitro differentiation assays, we found that a subset of glioblastomas contained CSCs with both neural and mesenchymal potential. Subcutaneous injection of CSCs or single CSC clones from two of seven patients produced tumor xenografts containing osteo-chondrogenic areas in the context of glioblastoma-like tumor lesions. Moreover, CSC clones from four of seven cases generated both neural and chondrogenic cells in vitro. Interestingly, mesenchymal differentiation of the tumor xenografts was associated with reduction of both growth rate and mitotic index. These findings suggest that in a subclass of glioblastomas the tumorigenic hit occurs on a multipotent stem cell, which may reveal its plasticity under specific environmental stimuli. The discovery of such biological properties might provide considerable information to the development of new therapeutic strategies aimed at forcing glioblastoma stem cell differentiation.  相似文献   

During adipogenic differentiation human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) produce collagen type IV. In immunofluorescence staining differentiating hMSCs started to express collagen type IV when Oil Red O-positive fat droplets appeared intracellularly. Quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction confirmed progressive increase of collagen type IV α1 and α2 mRNA levels over time, 18.6- and 12.2-fold by day 28, respectively, whereas the copy numbers of α3-α6 mRNAs remained rather stable and low. Type IV collagen was in confocal laser scanning microscopy seen around adipocytes, where also laminins and nidogen were found, suggesting pericellular deposition of all key components of the fully developed basement membrane. Immunofluorescence staining of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2, 72 kD type IV collagenase, gelatinase A) and MMP-9 (92 kD type IV collagenase, gelatinase B) disclosed only faint staining of MSCs, but MMP-9 was strongly induced during adipogenesis, whereas MSC supernatants disclosed in zymography pro-MMP-2 and faint pro-MMP-9 bands, which increased over time, with partial conversion of pro-MMP-2 to its active 62 kD form. Differentiation was associated with increasing membrane type 1-MMP/MMP-14 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) staining, which may enable participation of type IV collagenases in basement membrane remodelling via ternary MT1-MMP/TIMP-2/MMP-2 or -9 complexes, focalizing the fully active enzyme to the cell surface. MMP-9, which increased more in immunofluorescence staining, was perhaps preferentially bound to cell surface and/or remodelling adipocyte basement membrane. These results suggest that upon MSC-adipocyte differentiation collagen type IV synthesis and remodelling become necessary when intracellular accumulation of fat necessitates a dynamically supporting and instructive, partly denatured adipogenic pericellular type IV collagen scaffold.  相似文献   

Neural cells differentiated from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), including both embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, provide a powerful tool for drug screening, disease modeling and regenerative medicine. High-purity oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) have been derived from PSCs recently due to the advancements in understanding the developmental signaling pathways. Extracellular matrices (ECM) have been shown to play important roles in regulating the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of neural cells. To improve the function and maturation of the derived neural cells from PSCs, understanding the effects of ECM over the course of neural differentiation of PSCs is critical. During neural differentiation of PSCs, the cells are sensitive to the properties of natural or synthetic ECMs, including biochemical composition, biomechanical properties, and structural/topographical features. This review summarizes recent advances in neural differentiation of human PSCs into OPCs and NPCs, focusing on the role of ECM in modulating the composition and function of the differentiated cells. Especially, the importance of using three-dimensional ECM scaffolds to simulate the in vivo microenvironment for neural differentiation of PSCs is highlighted. Future perspectives including the immediate applications of PSC-derived neural cells in drug screening and disease modeling are also discussed.  相似文献   

LIGHT is a cytokine belonging to the TNF family. This cytokine has been extensively defined in its role on T‐cell regulation and dendritic cell maturation. It also exhibits the role in liver regeneration. We recently identified its role in regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation. However, the question whether this cytokine regulates mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) proliferation and/or differentiation remains unknown. In this study, we observed that MSCs express LT‐βR but not HVEM. PCR analysis show LIGHT mRNA is undectable in MSCs. LIGHT did promote neither MSCs proliferation nor migration. However, LIGHT promoted MSCs differentiation into adipocyte which was confirmed by Oil Red O Staining Assay. Since either MSCs or adipocytes are the major cell population in bone marrow niche, we then suggest that LIGHT regulate bone marrow niche, such as MSCs differentiation. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 346–353, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural cells differentiated from pluripotent stem cells(PSCs), including both embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, provide a powerful tool for drug screening, disease modeling and regenerative medicine. High-purity oligodendrocyte progenitor cells(OPCs) and neural progenitor cells(NPCs) have been derived from PSCs recently due to the advancements in understanding the developmental signaling pathways. Extracellular matrices(ECM) have been shown to play important roles in regulating the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of neural cells. To improve the function and maturation of the derived neural cells from PSCs, understanding the effects of ECM over the course of neural differentiation of PSCs is critical. During neural differentiation of PSCs, the cells are sensitive to the properties of natural or synthetic ECMs, including biochemical composition, biomechanical properties, and structural/topographical features. This review summarizes recent advances in neural differentiation of humanPSCs into OPCs and NPCs, focusing on the role of ECM in modulating the composition and function of the differentiated cells. Especially, the importance of using three-dimensional ECM scaffolds to simulate the in vivo microenvironment for neural differentiation of PSCs is highlighted. Future perspectives including the immediate applications of PSC-derived neural cells in drug screening and disease modeling are also discussed.  相似文献   

One of the recent paradigm shifts in stem cell biology has been the discovery that stem cells can begin to differentiate into mature tissue cells when exposed to intrinsic properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as matrix structure, elasticity, and composition. These parameters are known to modulate the forces a cell can exert upon its matrix. Mechano-sensitive pathways subsequently convert these biophysical cues into biochemical signals that commit the cell to a specific lineage. Just as with well-studied growth factors, ECM parameters are extremely dynamic and are spatially- and temporally-controlled during development, suggesting that they play a morphogenetic role in guiding differentiation and arrangement of cells. Our ability to dynamically regulate the stem cell niche as the body does is likely a critical requirement for developing differentiated cells from stem cells for therapeutic applications. Here, we present the emergence of stem cell mechanobiology and its future challenges with new biomimetic, three-dimensional scaffolds that are being used therapeutically to treat disease.  相似文献   

Type II collagen is known to modulate chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In this study, MSCs from human bone marrow aspirates were used to study the modulating effects of type II collagen on MSC differentiation during the early stages of osteogenesis and adipogenesis. With osteogenic induction, MSCs cultured on the type II collagen-coated surface showed an enhanced calcium deposition level with increasing mRNA expressions of RUNX2, osteocalcin, and alkaline phosphatase. A synthetic integrin binding peptide, which specifically interacts with the I-domain of α(1)β(1)/α(2)β(1) integrins significantly blocks the mineralization-enhancing effect of type II collagen. MSCs attached on the type II collagen-coated plates exhibited expanded cell morphology with increasing spreading area, and the pretreatment of cells with integrin α(1)β(1) or α(2)β(1)-blocking antibody reduced the effect. The phosphorylation levels of FAK, ERK, and JNK significantly increased in the MSCs that attached on the type II collagen-coated plates. On the contrary, the mineralization-enhancing effect of type II collagen was diminished by JNK and MEK inhibitors. Furthermore, type II collagen blocked the adipogenic differentiation of MSCs, and this effect is rescued by JNK and MEK inhibitors. In conclusion, type II collagen facilitates osteogenesis and suppresses adipogenesis during early stage MSC differentiation. Such effects are integrin binding-mediated and conducted through FAK-JNK and/or FAK-ERK signaling cascades. These results inspire a novel strategy encompassing type II collagen in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Conditioned medium from cultures of HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells grown on extracellular bone marrow matrix induces macrophage-like differentiation of fresh HL-60 cells. The active medium component is sensitive to protease treatment, indicating that it is a protein, but it is heat stable. Conditioned medium from HL-60 cells grown on protease-treated bone marrow matrix still contains the active component. Thus, it appears that the differentiation-inducing protein is produced by HL-60 cells and is not released from the bone marrow matrix. To identify this differentiation factor, RNA was isolated from HL-60 cells grown on bone marrow matrix and assayed by Northern analysis for expression of mRNA for human differentiation factor, tumor necrosis factor, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor, all inducers of monocyte/macrophage differentiation. Expression of differentiation factor, tumor necrosis factor, or macrophage colony-stimulating factor mRNA was not enhanced in HL-60 cells grown on matrix compared to cells grown on uncoated plastic flasks. Thus, the maturation factor does not appear to be differentiation factor, tumor necrosis factor, or macrophage colony-stimulating factor within the limits of detection of Northern analysis. Elution of the active conditioned medium fraction on a Sephacryl S-200 column revealed a molecular weight of approximately 40,000. The active protein eluted on a DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange column at an ionic strength of 0.3 M NaCl, indicating that it is fairly anionic. Thus, bone marrow matrix is able to induce HL-60 cells to produce a maturation-inducing 40 kilodalton protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are promising research materials to investigate cell fate determination since they have the capability to differentiate. Stem cell differentiation has been extensively studied with various microenvironment mimicking structures to modify cellular dynamics associated with the cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions and cell-cell communications. In the current study, our aim was to determine the effect of microenvironmental proteins with different concentrations on the capacity and differentiation capability of mouse ESCs (mESCs), combining the biochemical assays, imaging techniques, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and unsupervised multivariate analysis. Based on our data, coating the surface of mESCs with Matrigel, used as an acellular matrix substrate, resulted in morphological and biochemical changes. mESCs exhibited alterations in their phenotype after growing on the Matrigel-coated surfaces, including their differentiation capacity, cell cycle phase pattern, membrane fluidity, and metabolic activities. In conclusion, mESCs can be stimulated physiologically, chemically, or mechanically to convert them a new phenotype. Thus, identification of ESCs’ behavior in the acellular microenvironment could be vital to elucidate the mechanism of diseases. It might also be promising to control the cell fate in the field of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a promising source of material for autologous cell transplantation therapies, in particular, their potential use for the treatment of damaged nervous tissue. Much of the work in this area has focused on the transplantation of MSCs into animal models of neurological disorders, including stroke and spinal cord injury. Although numerous studies have reported significant functional improvements in these systems, the exact mechanism(s) by which MSCs elicit recovery remains largely undefined. While it has been proposed that 'trans'-differentiation and/or cell fusion events underly MSC-mediated neural repair, there is considerable doubt that the low frequency of these phenomena is sufficient to account for the observed levels of recovery. Furthermore, in vitro studies call into question the ability of MSCs to produce authentic neural derivatives. In this review we focus on recent evidence indicating that transplanted MSCs promote endogenous repair of neurologically damaged areas via the release of soluble trophic factors and cytokines. Through the modern analysis of MSC-conditioned media it is becoming possible to gain new insight into the release and interplay of these soluble factors and their neurogenic effects. Ultimately this understanding may lead to the rational design of new therapies for the treatment of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) has been known as a good source of progenitor for multiple connective tissue including cartilage, muscle, adipocyte, and bone. P-glycoproteins (P-gps) also known as ABCB1 that exports diverse substrates are the product of the multidrug resistance-1 (MDR-1) gene. P-gp expression has been reported in chondrosarcoma and hypertrophic chondrocyte in the human growth plate. This study was designed to investigate the expression of P-gp during chondrogenic differentiation of adult human stem cells. Bone marrow samples were obtained from nine human donors after informed consent. The isolated mononuclear cells (MNCs) were incubated as one pellet/tube and 0.5ml chondrogenic medium in the presence of 10ng/ml of TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 3 for 28 days. The expression of surface P-gps was analyzed by flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR was performed for the detection of mRNA expression of MDR-1 and type II collagen gene. Total collagen and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents of the pellets were measured. Surface P-gp expression of the MSCs was decreased during chondrogenic differentiation. MDR-1 gene was decreased 10-fold after the 2-week incubation whereas type II collagen gene was increased 491-fold after the 4-week incubation in chondrogenic medium. The total amount of collagen and GAG were increased during pellet culture. This study has demonstrated a decrease in expression of P-gp and down regulation of MDR-1 gene consistently by flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR, but an increased expression of type II collagen on MSC during chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) respond to a variety of differentiation signal provided by their local environments. A large portion of these signals originate from the extracellular matrix (ECM). At the same time, MSCs secrete various matrix‐altering agents, including proteases, that alter ECM‐encoded differentiation signals. Here we investigated the interactions between MSC and ECM produced by endothelial cells (EC‐matrix), focusing not only on the differentiation signals provided by EC‐matrix, but also on MSC‐alteration of these signals and the resultant affects on MSC differentiation. MSCs were cultured on EC‐matrix modified in one of three distinct ways. First, MSCs cultured on native EC‐matrix underwent endothelial cell (EC) differentiation early during the culture period and smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation at later time points. Second, MSCs cultured on crosslinked EC‐matrix, which is resistant to MSC modification, differentiated towards an EC lineage only. Third, MSCs cultured on EC‐matrix pre‐modified by MSCs underwent SMC‐differentiation only. These MSC‐induced matrix alterations were found to deplete the factors responsible for EC‐differentiation, yet activate the SMC‐differentiation factors. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the EC‐matrix contains factors that support MSC differentiation into both ECs and SMCs, and that these factors are modified by MSC‐secreted agents. By analyzing the framework by which EC‐matrix regulates differentiation in MSCs, we have uncovered evidence of a feedback system in which MSCs are able to alter the very matrix signals acting upon them. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 706–713, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fractures to the osteoporotic bone feature a delay in callus formation and reduced enchondral ossification. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), the cellular source of fracture healing, are recruited to the fracture site by cytokines, such as BMP-2 and BMP-7. Aim of the study was to scrutinize hMSC for osteoporosis associated alterations in BMP mediated migration and invasion as well as in extracellular matrix (ECM) binding integrin expression.  相似文献   

Although the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from adipose tissue (AT) have been widely studied, relatively little information is available on the underlying mechanism of apoptosis during the adipogenic differentiation. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze how the expression of some apoptotic markers is affected by in vitro expansion during adipogenic differentiation of AT-MSCs. The cultures incubated or not with adipogenic medium were investigated by Western blot at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days for the production of p53, AKT, pAKT, Bax, PDCD4 and PTEN. MSCs were recognized for their immunoreactivity to MSC-specific cell types markers by immunocytochemical procedure. The effectiveness of adipogenic differentiation was assessed by staining with Sudan III and examination of adipogenic markers expression, such as PPAR-γ and FABP, at different time points by Western blot. The adipogenic differentiation medium led to the appearance, after 7 days, of larger rounded cells presenting numerous vacuoles containing lipids in which it was evident a red–orange staining, that increased in size in a time-dependent manner, parallel to an increase of the levels of expression of PPAR-γ and FABP. More than 50 % of human MSCs were fully differentiated into adipocytes within the four-week induction period. The results showed that during adipogenic differentiation of AT-MSCs the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway is activated and that p53, PTEN, PDCD4, and Bax proteins are down-regulated in time-dependent manner. Our data provide new information on the behavior of some apoptotic markers during adipogenic differentiation of AT-MSCs to apply for tissues repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

Aging has less effect on adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) than on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), but whether the fact holds true in stem cells from elderly patients with osteoporotic fractures is unknown. In this study, ADSCs and BMSCs of the same donor were harvested and divided into two age groups. Group A consisted of 14 young patients (36.4 ± 11.8 years old), and group B consisted of eight elderly patients (71.4 ± 3.6 years old) with osteoporotic fractures. We found that the doubling time of ADSCs from both age groups was maintained below 70 hrs, while that of BMSCs increased significantly with the number of passage. When ADSCs and BMSCs from the same patient were compared, there was a significant increase in the doubling time of BMSCs in each individual from passages 3 to 6. On osteogenic induction, the level of matrix mineralization of ADSCs from group B was comparable to that of ADSCs from group A, whereas BMSCs from group B produced least amount of mineral deposits and had a lower expression level of osteogenic genes. The p21 gene expression and senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity were lower in ADSCs compared to BMSCs, which may be partly responsible for the greater proliferation and differentiation potential of ADSCs. It is concluded that the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of ADSCs were less affected by age and multiple passage than BMSCs, suggesting that ADSCs may become a potentially effective therapeutic option for cell-based therapy, especially in elderly patients with osteoporosis.  相似文献   

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