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Yushan cane ( Yushania niitakayamensis ) is distributed in southeast Asia. In Taiwan, the species occurs in mountains 1000–3600 m above sea level. The species appears to spread mainly by rhizomes and flowers only rarely. Nine locations across its distribution range in Taiwan were sampled. Locations at higher altitudes generally consist of grassland and forest undergrowth habitats while those of lower altitudes generally consist of forest undergrowth only. Thus two sampling sites (montane grassland and forest undergrowth) were selected from each location at higher altitudes while only one sampling site was selected from each location at lower altitudes, resulting in a total of 13 sampling sites. Within each sampling site, 20 individual plants were sampled. The results of the cluster analysis and the principal coordinate analysis based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) indicated that the populations are generally differentiated according to geographical separation and altitudinal differences that interrupt gene flow. The populations at higher altitudes, where the species is distributed somewhat contiguously, were found to be more similar genetically. Analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) revealed that the among-location, between sampling sites within location, and among individuals within sampling site components accounted for 15.27%, 4.80% and 79.93% of the total variance, respectively. For locations with two sampling sites, two-level AMOVA revealed that the diversities between sampling sites (sun and shade habitats) within locations ranged from 2.91% to 7.99% of the total diversity. Random permutation tests revealed that these diversities were significant, implying that there is microgeographic differentiation due to habitat differences.  相似文献   

Wu  Kun-Sung  Kao  Wen-Yuan 《Journal of plant research》2021,134(5):1021-1035
Journal of Plant Research - Yushania niitakayamensis (Bambusoideae; Poaceae), a perennial grass distributed from mid to high elevations in Taiwan, is often found growing in exposed grassland or...  相似文献   

Two new species of Yushania (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Arundinarieae) are described and illustrated from Hunan, China. Yushania longshanensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye is distinguished from related species (Y. confusa, Y. angustifolia and Y. pachyclada) by having a thinner culm (0.2–0.3 cm in diameter), glabrous sheath scar, no oral setae, a large glabrous leaf blade (10–20 × 0.9–1.3 cm) and 3–4 pairs of secondary veins. Yushania stoloniforma D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye has a distinctive scrambling habit, which differs from its putative close allies. Both of these two new species have a solitary branch at the basal nodes and can be assigned to Yushania sect. Yushania based on morphological features. Additionally, we treated Yushania gigantea T.P. Yi & L. Yang as a new synonym of Y. elevata T.P. Yi and renamed Y. microphylla T.P. Yi & L. Yang as Y. weiningensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye.  相似文献   

Stands of canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis, Fagaceae) are maintained for fuelwood, fire management, recreation, and as habitat for wildlife. Information about the link between the oak's reproductive ecology and its extent of genetic diversity is important in developing land management policies that will maintain the long-term viability of populations. Basal sprouting is the primary means of reproduction following fire or cutting, and stands frequently include groups of visibly connected trees in a clustered distribution that suggests cloning. We determined the extent to which clusters of trees were clonal and defined the spatial pattern and diversity of genotypes for six populations across nearly the entire east-west extent of the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California. We mapped over 100 trees at each of five sites and genotyped each tree for allozymes at seven polymorphic loci. We identified clones using these multilocus genotypes and detected an average of 34.4 ± 7.3 (SD) clones per site, most of which had unique genotypes. In general, clustered trees belong to single clones and most clones consist of few trees (mean = 3.4 ± 0.6 trees per clone). However, clone size increased significantly with increased individual heterozygosity, suggesting that selection may favor highly heterozygous clones. Clonal diversity and evenness were high relative to reports for most other clonal species; an average of 97% of clones had distinct genotypes, and Simpson's index of diversity averaged 0.95 ± 0.02. Population genetic analyses of 319 clones from six sites revealed high genetic diversity within sites (mean HS = 0.443). Only a small proportion of the total genetic diversity was explained by variation among sites (mean GST = 0.018), which is consistent with high gene flow among sites (Nm = 9.5). We found no significant substructure among plots within sites, and fixation indices within sites were generally small, suggesting that either little inbreeding occurs, and/or few inbred progeny survive. However, spatial autocorrelation analysis of clones indicated fine-scale genetic structure at distances under 4 m, possibly due to limited seed dispersal. Our data suggest that guidelines for seed collection of canyon live oak for use in restoration can be specified in a manner similar to that recommended for conifer species within the region studied.  相似文献   

发表了云南高黎贡山西坡玉山竹属二新种:大玉山竹(Yushania gigantea Yi et L.Yang)和片马玉山竹(Yushania pianmaensis Yi et L.Yang)。大玉山竹近似西藏玉山竹(Y.xizangensis Yi),不同在于秆柄粗壮,直径7~12 mm,节间长达2.5 cm;秆较高大,高6~7 m,节间分枝一侧基部扁平或具短纵沟槽;小枝具(5)6(7)叶;叶鞘较长,长(2.5)3.2~4.8 cm;叶柄无毛;叶片较大,长(3.5)10~ 18(20) cm,宽(4.5)8~13(18) mm,易于区别。片马玉山竹相似大玉山竹(Y.gigantea Yi et L.Yang),但本种秆较矮小,高2.5~4 m,直径1~1.8(2.5) cm;枝条较多而细,在秆上每节12~30枚,直径1~1.5(2) mm;箨鞘背面无毛,箨片较小,长1.5~3.5 cm,宽1~2.5 mm;小枝具叶较少,为(3)4~5枚;叶片较小,长达12.5 cm,宽达8 mm。  相似文献   

描述了产自贵州的竹亚科一新种:黎平玉山竹(Yushania lipingensis Z. X. Zhang, Y. H. TongZ. Yang)。本种形态上与显耳玉山竹(Y. auctiaurita T. P. Yi)接近,但区别在于该种箨鞘背面密被向上的黄褐色或紫色疣基刺毛,箨耳及叶耳明显弯曲呈镰刀形,鞘口繸毛发达,通常呈放射状,箨舌先端截平,不圆拱,边缘密生短纤毛,箨片腹面被微柔毛,叶片次脉通常5~6对。  相似文献   

台湾海峡鲐鱼种群遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张丽艳  苏永全  王航俊  王军 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7097-7103
以往研究表明,台湾海峡的鲐鱼分属2个地理种群,即东海种群和闽南——粤东地方种群.为研究这2个种群的遗传结构,对鲐鱼闽东(30尾)和闽南(30尾)种群进行了AFLP分析,8对选择性引物在2个种群60个个体中,共扩增出497个位点,其中多态位点343个.闽东和闽南种群的多态位点比例、Nei遗传多样性指数和Shannon遗传多样性指数分别为57.75%、64.59%,0.1779、0.2123,0.2725和0.3228,2个种群的遗传多样性处于同一水平.与其他鱼类对比显示,台湾海峡鲐鱼种群的遗传多样性水平高.生境广及生命周期短被认为是台湾海峡鲐鱼具有较高遗传变异水平的原因;基因分化系数Gst、Shannon遗传多样性指数和AMOVA分析均显示鲐鱼的遗传变异主要来源于种群内,而种群间无明显的遗传分化.Nm显示2个种群间基因交流频繁.种群的显性基因型频率分布显示2个种群有基本相同的种群遗传结构.结果表明,鲐鱼闽东和闽南种群间无明显的遗传差异.幼体较强的扩散能力、海洋环流及洄游特性可能是造成台湾海峡鲐鱼种群间遗传同质性较高的原因.  相似文献   

孑遗植物桫椤种群遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
应用 RAPD标记分析了桫椤分布在海南尖峰岭及霸王岭 ,广东塘朗山、黑石顶及大西山孑遗种群的遗传变异。 2 8个引物共检测到 1 1 8个位点 ,其中多态位点 33个 ,多态位点比率 2 7.97%。Shannon多样性、Nei遗传分化和分子方差分析 ( AMOVA)结果一致显示尖峰岭种群遗传多样性最大 ,霸王岭种群次之、塘郎山种群第三 ,黑石顶种群第四 ,而大西山种群最小。种群的遗传变异主要发生在种群间 ;Shannon指数测出的种群间遗传多样性所占比率为 79.1 0 % (基于表型频率 )和 77.85 % (基于基因频率 ) ,Nei基因分化系数 ( Gst)达 80 .69% ,分子方差分析也表明种群分化极为显著 ( Φst=0 .82 86,P<0 .0 0 1 )。桫椤的种内遗传多样性水平很低 ,种内 Shannon多样性仅为 0 .0 641 (基于表型频率 )和 0 .1 1 2 4 (基于基因频率 ) ,总基因多样性只有 0 .0 770。另外 ,Jaccard相似性系数的 UPGMA分析结果显示 5个种群分为两个分支 :尖峰岭种群和霸王岭种群组成一分支 ;黑石顶、塘郎山和大西山种群组成另一分支 ,并且三者中前两者的遗传关系更为密切。聚类分析结果还得到主成分分析的支持。根据桫椤种群的遗传变异特点 ,初步探讨了保护策略。  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)方法,对13个花椰花品种的基因组DNA进行多态性分析。选用20个10bp随机引物,共扩增出175条DNA片段,其中多态性片段118例,占67.4%,结果表明,花椰花品种间具有丰富的遗传多样性。依据扩增结果进行遗传相似系数分析,构建聚类分析树状图。初步探讨了各品种间的遗传变异关系及RAPD技术在花椰花种质资源分类鉴定和育种工作中的应用前景。  相似文献   

广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

Melocanna baccifera (Roxburgh) Kurtz ex Skeels, a species of bamboo introduced to Sri Lanka from India, flowered and set fruit during 2001–2002. Culms that flowered and set fruit died. The incidence of flowering is significant in that flowering took place close to the predicted mast flowering in 2007. At the onset of flowering, inflorescences were predominantly staminate. But later in 2002, bisexual and pistilate flowers also developed leading to fruiting. Both protandry and protogyny were observed in the bisexual florets. Floral characters indicated that the species was mainly out-crossing. Although anther dehiscence released pollen and stigmas were exerted, pollination of stigmas was inefficient. The few stigmas that were naturally pollinated showed limited pollen tube growth. However, fruit set took place. Fruits were very rarely seen to germinate naturally. Many fruits were devoid of an embryo, indicating that parthenocarpy and/or apomixis may have taken place. Excised embryos germinated in vitro .  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 287–291.  相似文献   

华木莲居群遗传结构与保护单元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华木莲(Sinomanglietia glauca)仅分布于江西宜春和湖南永顺, 是我国一级重点保护植物。前人采用RAPD、ISSR以及叶绿体SSCP(single-stranded conformation polymorphism)标记对华木莲进行了居群遗传学研究, 但未包括后发现的湖南居群或未检出居群内遗传变异。为了全面检测华木莲遗传多样性及其空间分布格局, 并据此确定保护单元, 本研究采用细胞核微卫星标记对华木莲所有4个居群共77个个体进行了居群遗传学分析。结果表明, 华木莲具有较低的遗传多样性(平均等位基因数A = 2.604, 平均期望杂合度HE = 0.423)和较高的遗传分化(FST = 0.425)。STRUCTURE和主成分分析(Principal Coordinated Analysis, PCA)将4个居群首先分为江西、湖南两组, 江西的2个居群实际上是同一个自然繁育居群, 而湖南的2个居群则为2个分化明显的自然繁育居群。研究还发现湖南居群存在明显的杂合子过剩现象, 可能是小居群内随机因素造成的。研究结果表明华木莲可能在近期历史上遭受过强烈的瓶颈效应, 导致种群缩小、遗传多样性丧失和居群分化加剧, 需要加强对其进化潜力的保护。在制定保护措施时, 需要考虑其较高的遗传分化水平, 根据遗传结构可以将其划分为3个保护单元, 即湖南居群和江西居群分别为2个进化显著单元, 湖南居群进一步划分为2个管理单元(分别为朗溪乡云盘村和小溪乡鲁家村居群)。  相似文献   

Hippophae rhamnoides is an outcrossing pioneer plant species with a severely fragmented distribution. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker variation was analysed in 10 populations of ssp. rhamnoides and in one population of ssp. mongolica to estimate the amount and distribution of genetic variability. No less than 89.7% of the scorable markers were polymorphic, but few of these were fixed and populations consequently differed mainly by frequency variation of individual markers. Within-population gene diversity was somewhat low for an outcrossing plant species: 0.192 or 0.159 for ssp. rhamnoides , depending on whether it was based on all 156 polymorphic RAPDs or on only those 63 RAPDs that fulfilled the 3/ N criterion. Analysis of molecular variance applied to the ssp. rhamnoides showed only 15% between-population variability, indicating a relatively restricted population differentiation as expected in outcrossing species and shown in several other AMOVA studies. The tendency for island populations to be somewhat more differentiated, and to have less within-population diversity than mainland populations, may indicate an effect of population fragmentation. Genetic distance estimates among populations, obtained with and without pruning of RAPD loci on the basis of the 3/ N criterion, were generally in very good agreement. Cluster analyses and principal coordinate analyses showed populations of ssp. rhamnoides to be rather close, but quite isolated from the single ssp. mongolica population. Genetic and geographical distances between the ssp. rhamnoides populations were not associated, indicating that large-scale geographical and ecotypic differentiation was not reflected in the RAPD profiles.  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation among seven Prunus mahaleb (Rosaceae) populations extending over approximately 100 km2 to examine local differentiation in relation to spatial isolation due to both geographical distance and differences in elevation. No less than 51. 4% of the RAPD loci were polymorphic, but very few were fixed and among-population variation accounted for 16.46% of variation in RAPD patterns. Mean gene diversity was 0.1441, with mean Nei's genetic diversity for individual populations ranging between 0.089 and 0.149. Mean GST value across loci was 0.1935 (range, 0.0162-0.4685), giving an average estimate for Nm of 1.191. These results suggest extensive gene flow among populations, but higher GST and lower Nm values relative to other outcrossing, woody species with endozoochorous dispersal, also suggest a process of isolation by distance. The combined effect of both geographical and elevation distances and nonoverlapping flowering and fruiting phenophases on the GST matrix was partially significant, revealing only marginal isolation of the P. mahaleb populations. The matrix correlation between estimated Nm values among populations and the geographical + elevation distance matrices (r = -0.4623, P = 0.07), suggests a marginal trend for more isolated populations to exchange less immigrants. Long-distance seed dispersal by efficient medium-sized frugivorous birds and mammals is most likely associated to the high levels of within-population genetic diversity. However, vicariance factors and demographic bottlenecks (high postdispersal seed and seedling mortality) explain comparatively high levels of local differentiation.  相似文献   

Thamnocalamus , Fargesia and Yushania, of the alpine bamboos and one species of Ampelocalamus as an out-group were studied. The results indicated that Thamnocalamus spathiflorus var. crassinodus and the Fargesia spathacea clade form the basal groups but bootstrap support was weak. Among the rest of the species, including species previously placed in Fargesia (plus Borinda) and Yushania, the F. yunnanensis subclade and the F. communis subclade were recognized but internal support for such groups was again low. The result indicated that, Fargesia and Yushania as delimited by morphological characters, are not monophyletic in the ITS phylogeny and require further resolution. We revealed relatively high levels of genetic variability in the alpine bamboos and showed that the ITS region could be used to improve generic delimitation of the woody bamboos in general. Received 18 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 9 May 2001  相似文献   

To study the impact of disturbance by mowing on clonal variation, we compared the genetic structure of Ranunculus ficaria (Ranunculaceae) in meadows and forests located in southeast Germany. We applied random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to investigate the clonal and genetic diversity and analysed a total of 117 samples from three study plots in each habitat type. Polymerase chain reaction with six primers resulted in 57 fragments. Clonal diversity differed clearly between the two analysed habitat types and was significantly higher in the study plots from meadows than in those from forests. The mean percentage of distinguishable genotypes (PD) was 0.80 in meadow plots and 0.36 in forest plots, and the detected genets were smaller in meadow plots than in forest plots. Mean genetic diversity measured as percentage of polymorphic bands, Shannon’s information index and Nei’s gene diversity was also higher in meadows (44.4, 0.22 and 0.14) than in forests (25.1, 0.09 and 0.05). The higher level of clonal diversity in meadow plots is most likely due to the effects of disturbance by mowing, which increases the dispersal of bulbils and promotes the establishment of new plants in meadows compared to forests.  相似文献   

Contrasting with former taxonomic treatments, chromosome numbers and isozyme data support the delimitation of the seminiferous representatives of the Festuca brachyphylla complex in Svalbard into four species: F. baffinensis, F. brachyphylla, F. hyperborea and F. edlundiae. Unique enzyme markers were found for all species. Festuca brachyphylla proved hexaploid, and the others, tetraploid. The chromosome numbers of F. hyperborea and F brachyphylla (as circumscribed at present) are new to Svalbard. Festuca baffinensis is the most distinct species within the complex, probably representing a separate evolutionary lineage. The three other species seem closely related, showing mutually equidistant relationships. Some deviating plants found on disturbed ground might represent hybrid derivatives or an introduced foreign strain of the elsewhere variable F. brachyphylla. Materials of diploid F. ovina from northern Fennoscandia was enzymatically closely related to the F brachyphylla complex in Svalbard. Festuca brachyphylla, F. edlundiae , and F. hyperborea all had a stronger affinity to F ovina than to F baffinensis , indicating that the F brachyphylla complex is an artificial taxonomic group. There are reasons to believe that the origin of the polyploid taxa of the F brachyphylla complex can be traced to diploid species of the F. brachyphylla and F ovina complexes.  相似文献   

RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers were used to investigate relationships between a sample of Bambusa species from South Eastern China that have been placed in Bambusa or in several segregate genera, Dendrocalamopsis, Leleba, Lingnania, Neosinocalamus and Sinocalamus by different authors. On the resultant neighbor-joining tree, a thorny core Bambusa cluster was distinguished, as was a Lingnania group, and a cluster of Dendrocalamus species with more capitate inflorescences. However, Leleba was found to be a polyphyletic group in the present study.  相似文献   

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