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We compared four algorithms by using leastsquares regression for determination of pulmonary resistance anddynamic elastance in subjects with emphysema, normal subjects, andsubjects with asthma before and after bronchoconstriction. The fourmethods evaluated include 1) asingle resistance and elastance, 2)separate resistances and elastances for each half breath,3) separate inspiratory andexpiratory resistances with a single elastance, and4) separate inspiratory andexpiratory resistances, an expiratory volume interaction term, and asingle elastance. All methods gave comparable results in normal andasthmatic subjects. We found expiratory resistance was larger thaninspiratory resistance in normal and asthmatic subjects during controlconditions, but inspiratory resistance was higher than expiratoryresistance in subjects who experienced severe bronchoconstriction inresponse to methacholine. In subjects who are flow limited,method 2 gives a higher inspiratoryresistance than would be computed by assuming that the elasticpressure-volume curve passes through the zero-flow points.Methods 1 and3 overestimate dynamic elastance andinspiratory resistance. Method 4 appears to identify flow limitation and dynamic hyperinflation andgives a good measure of inspiratory resistance and dynamic elastance.


We examined the response of five ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (principals) and five age- and gender-matched controls to the aerosol alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine after blockade with propranolol and atropine. Measurements were made with principal ponies in clinical remission (period A) and during acute airway obstruction (period B). The blockade had no effect on base-line pulmonary mechanics in control ponies during periods A and B or in the principal ponies during period A. However, in the principal ponies during period B, blockade increased dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and decreased pulmonary resistance (RL). Phenylephrine had no effect on the controls during either period. In the principals, phenylephrine decreased Cdyn and increased RL during both periods. The alpha 1-agonist aerosol prazosin shifted the phenylephrine dose-response curves to the right, but prasozin did not bronchodilate the principals during period B. This suggests that the role of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in airway narrowing in ponies with recurrent airway obstruction is minimal. However, the response to phenylephrine in only the principal ponies suggests an increase in alpha-receptor numbers and/or activity in these animals compared with controls.  相似文献   

Perfusion of the pulmonary acinus has been shown to be generally homogeneous, but there is a significant component that is heterogeneous. To investigate the contribution of the alveolar septal capillary network to acinar perfusion heterogeneity, the passage of fluorescent dye boluses through the subpleural microcirculation of isolated dog lung lobes was videotaped using fluorescence microscopy. As the videotapes were replayed, dye-dilution curves were recorded from each of the tributary branches of Y-shaped venules that drained single acini. For each Y-shaped venule, the mean appearance time difference between the pair of tributary branches was calculated from the dye curves. When the complex septal capillary networks were derecruited by high positive airway pressure, venular perfusion became proportionally more homogeneous. This result shows that septal capillary resistance and pathlength differences are important contributors to intra-acinar perfusion heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The contribution of pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity to the development of regional differences in lung injury and edema is unknown. To test whether regional differences in pulmonary perfusion are associated with regional differences in microvascular function during lung injury, pigs were mechanically ventilated in the prone position and infused with endotoxin (Escherichia coli 055:B5, 0.15 microg. kg(-1). h(-1); n = 8) or saline (n = 4) for 4 h. Extravascular albumin accumulation and perfusion were measured in multiple approximately 0.7-ml lung regions by injecting pigs with radiolabeled albumin and radioactive microspheres, respectively. Extravascular albumin accumulation was spatially heterogeneous but not correlated with regional perfusion. Extravascular albumin accumulation was greater in dorsal than ventral regions, and regions with similar albumin accumulation were spatially clustered. This spatial organization was less evident in endotoxemic than control pigs. We conclude that there are regional differences in lung albumin accumulation that are spatially organized but not mediated by regional differences in pulmonary perfusion. We speculate that regional differences in microvascular pressure or endothelial function may account for the observed distribution of extravascular albumin accumulation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether horses with naturally occurring, severe chronic recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) 1). have a greater resting energy expenditure (REE) than control horses, 2). suffer body mass depletion, and 3). have significantly decreased REE after bronchodilation and, therefore, also 4). whether increased work of breathing contributes to the cachexia seen in some horses with RAO. Six RAO horses and six control horses underwent indirect calorimetric measures of REE and pulmonary function testing using the esophageal balloon-pneumotachograph method before and after treatment with ipratropium bromide, a parasympatholytic bronchodilator agent, at 4-h intervals for a 24-h period. Body condition scoring was performed, and an estimate of fat mass was determined via B-mode ultrasonography. O(2) and CO(2) fractions, respiratory airflow, respiratory rate, and pleural pressure changes were recorded, and O(2) consumption, CO(2) production, REE, pulmonary resistance, dynamic elastance, and tidal volume were calculated. In addition, we performed lung function testing and calorimetry both before and after sedation in two control horses. RAO horses had significantly lower body condition scores (2.8 +/- 1.0 vs. 6.4 +/- 1.2) and significantly greater O(2) consumption than controls (4.93 +/- 1.30 vs. 2.93 +/- 0.70 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). After bronchodilation, there was no significant difference in O(2) consumption between RAO horses and controls, although there remained evidence of residual airway obstruction. There was a strong correlation between O(2) consumption and indexes of airway obstruction. Xylazine sedation was not associated with changes in pulmonary function but did result in markedly decreased REE in controls.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of aerosolized substance P (SP) in guinea pigs with reference to lung resistance and dynamic compliance changes and their recovery after hyperinflation. In addition, we have examined the concomitant formation of airway microvascular leakage and lung edema. Increasing breaths of SP (1.5 mg/ml, 1.1 mM), methacholine (0.15 mg/ml, 0.76 mM), or 0.9% saline were administered to tracheostomized and mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. Lung resistance (RL) increased dose dependently with a maximum effect of 963 +/- 85% of baseline values (mean +/- SE) after SP (60 breaths) and 1,388 +/- 357% after methacholine (60 breaths). After repeated hyperinflations, methacholine-treated animals returned to baseline, but after SP, mean RL was still raised (292 +/- 37%; P less than 0.005). Airway microvascular leakage, measured by extravasation of Evans Blue dye, occurred in the brain bronchi and intrapulmonary airways after SP but not after methacholine. There was a significant correlation between RL after hyperinflation and Evans Blue dye extravasation in intrapulmonary airways (distal: r = 0.89, P less than 0.005; proximal: r = 0.85, P less than 0.01). Examination of frozen sections for peribronchial and perivascular cuffs of edema and for alveolar flooding showed significant degrees of pulmonary edema for animals treated with SP compared with those treated with methacholine or saline. We conclude that the inability of hyperinflation to fully reverse changes in RL after SP may be due to the formation of both airway and pulmonary edema, which may also contribute to the deterioration in RL.  相似文献   

To partition the central and peripheral airway resistance in awake humans, a catheter-tipped micromanometer sensing lateral pressure of the airway was wedged into the right lower lobe of a 3-mm-ID bronchus in 5 normal subjects, 7 patients with chronic bronchitis, 8 patients with emphysema, and 20 patients with bronchial asthma. We simultaneously measured mouth flow, transpulmonary pressure, and intra-airway lateral pressure during quiet tidal breathing. Total pulmonary resistance (RL) was calculated from transpulmonary pressure and mouth flow and central airway resistance (Rc) from intra-airway lateral pressure and mouth flow. Peripheral airway resistance (Rp) was obtained by the subtraction of Rc from RL. The technique permitted identification of the site of airway resistance changes. In normal subjects, RL was 3.2 +/- 0.2 (SE) cmH2O.l-1.s and the ratio of Rp to RL was 0.24 during inspiration. Patients with bronchial asthma without airflow obstruction showed values of Rc and Rp similar to those of normal subjects. Although Rc showed a tendency to increase, only Rp significantly increased in those patients with bronchial asthma with airflow obstruction and patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The ratio of Rp to RL significantly increased in three groups of patients with airflow obstruction (P less than 0.01). These observations suggest that peripheral airways are the predominant site of airflow obstruction, irrespective of the different pathogenesis of chronic airflow obstruction.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to define the sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of lung perfusion scanning (LPS) in pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). PTE diagnostic techniques are comparatively assessed. The data on 108 patients with suspected PTE and lung perfusion defects revealed at pulmonary scintigraphy were analyzed. The diagnostic techniques included electrocardiography (ECG), 150 echocardiography, venous ultrasonography, chest X-ray, and LPS. The significant signs of PTE were singled out of 150 ones (history data, complaints, clinical symptoms, instrumental findings, autopsy data); LPS data were analyzed in detail. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of LPS were 95.2, 20, and 77.7%, respectively. It is shown that lung scans should be interpreted, by taking into account X-ray data, and LPS should follow ECG, venous ultrasonography, and chest X-ray.  相似文献   



Hyperpolarized (HP) 129Xe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) permits high resolution, regional visualization of pulmonary ventilation. Additionally, its reasonably high solubility (>10%) and large chemical shift range (>200 ppm) in tissues allow HP 129Xe to serve as a regional probe of pulmonary perfusion and gas transport, when introduced directly into the vasculature. In earlier work, vascular delivery was accomplished in rats by first dissolving HP 129Xe in a biologically compatible carrier solution, injecting the solution into the vasculature, and then detecting HP 129Xe as it emerged into the alveolar airspaces. Although easily implemented, this approach was constrained by the tolerable injection volume and the duration of the HP 129Xe signal.

Methods and Principal Findings

Here, we overcome the volume and temporal constraints imposed by injection, by using hydrophobic, microporous, gas-exchange membranes to directly and continuously infuse 129Xe into the arterial blood of live rats with an extracorporeal (EC) circuit. The resulting gas-phase 129Xe signal is sufficient to generate diffusive gas exchange- and pulmonary perfusion-dependent, 3D MR images with a nominal resolution of 2×2×2 mm3. We also show that the 129Xe signal dynamics during EC infusion are well described by an analytical model that incorporates both mass transport into the blood and longitudinal relaxation.


Extracorporeal infusion of HP 129Xe enables rapid, 3D MR imaging of rat lungs and, when combined with ventilation imaging, will permit spatially resolved studies of the ventilation-perfusion ratio in small animals. Moreover, EC infusion should allow 129Xe to be delivered elsewhere in the body and make possible functional and molecular imaging approaches that are currently not feasible using inhaled HP 129Xe.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that a focal, limited, inflammatory response can be safely elicited after direct bronchial instillation of small doses of endotoxin into a single lung segment. Because the radiotracer [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) is taken up at accelerated rates within inflamed tissues, we hypothesized that we could detect and quantify this regional inflammatory response with positron emission tomography (PET). We imaged 18 normal volunteers in a dose-escalation study with 3 endotoxin dosing groups (n = 6 in each group): 1 ng/kg, 2 ng/kg, and 4 ng/kg. Endotoxin was instilled by bronchoscopy into a segment of the right middle lobe, with imaging performed approximately 24 h later, followed by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). A "subtraction imaging analysis" was performed in the highest dose cohort to identify the area of inflammation, using the preendotoxin scan as a baseline. BAL neutrophil counts were significantly higher in the highest dose group compared with the other two groups (1,413 +/- 625 vs. 511 +/- 396 and 395 +/- 400 cells/mm3; P < 0.05). Autoradiography performed on cells harvested by BAL showed specific [3H]deoxyglucose ([3H]DG) uptake limited to neutrophils. In vitro [3H]DG uptake in BAL neutrophils in the 4 ng/kg dose group (but not in the 2 ng/kg group) was statistically greater than in peripheral blood neutrophils obtained before endotoxin instillation. The rate of [18F]FDG uptake was greatest in the 4 ng/kg group, with a consistent, statistically significant increase in the rate of uptake after endotoxin instillation compared with baseline. We conclude that the inflammatory response to low-dose endotoxin in a single lung segment can be visualized and quantified by imaging with FDG-PET.  相似文献   

Normal aging is associated with a decline in pulmonary function and efficiency of gas exchange, although the effects on the spatial distribution of pulmonary perfusion are poorly understood. We hypothesized that spatial pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity would increase with increasing age. Fifty-six healthy, nonsmoking subjects (ages 21-76 yr) underwent magnetic resonance imaging with arterial spin labeling (ASL) using a Vision 1.5-T whole body scanner (Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). ASL uses a magnetically tagged bolus to generate perfusion maps where signal intensity is proportional to regional pulmonary perfusion. The spatial heterogeneity of pulmonary blood flow was quantified by the relative dispersion (RD = SD/mean, a global index of heterogeneity) of signal intensity for voxels within the right lung and by the fractal dimension (D(s)). There were no significant sex differences for RD (P = 0.81) or D(s) (P = 0.43) when age was considered as a covariate. RD increased significantly with increasing age by approximately 0.1/decade until age 50-59 yr, and there was a significant positive relationship between RD and age (R = 0.48, P < 0.0005) and height (R = 0.39, P < 0.01), but not body mass index (R = 0.07, P = 0.67). Age and height combined in a multiple regression were significantly related to RD (R = 0.66, P < 0.0001). There was no significant relationship between RD and spirometry or arterial oxygen saturation. D(s) was not related to age, height, spirometry, or arterial oxygen saturation. The lack of relationship between age and D(s) argues against an intrinsic alteration in the pulmonary vascular branching with age as being responsible for the observed increase in global spatial perfusion heterogeneity measured by the RD.  相似文献   

The fact that snoring and obstructive apnea only occur during sleep means that effective neuromuscular functioning of the upper airway during sleep is vital for the maintenance of unimpeded breathing. Recent clinical studies in humans have obtained evidence demonstrating that upper airway neural receptors sense the negative pressure generated by inspiration and "trigger," with a certain delay, reflex muscle activation to sustain the airway that might otherwise collapse. These findings have enabled us to propose a model in which the mechanics is coupled to the neuromuscular physiology through the generation of reflex wall stiffening proportional to the retarded fluid pressure. Preliminary results on this model exhibit three kinds of behavior typical of unimpeded breathing, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea, respectively. We suggest that the increased latency of the reflex muscle activation in sleep, together with the reduced strength of the reflex, have important clinical consequences.  相似文献   

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