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We studied the effects of a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, L-651,192, on the pulmonary dysfunction caused by endotoxemia in chronically instrumented unanesthetized sheep. The efficacy and selectivity of L-651,392 were tested by measuring in vivo production of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid after endotoxemia before and after pretreatment with L-651,392 and ex vivo from granulocytes and whole blood stimulated with calcium ionophore from sheep before and 24 h after pretreatment with L-651,392. A novel assay for LTB4 by high-performance liquid chromatography/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques was developed as a measure of 5-lipoxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acid. L-651,392 proved to be an effective in vivo 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor in sheep. L-651,392 blocked the increase in LTB4 observed in lung lymph after endotoxemia in vivo in sheep as well as inhibited by 80% the ex vivo production of LTB4 by granulocytes removed from sheep treated 24 h earlier with L-651,392. Although L-651,392 blocked the increase in cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid observed in lung lymph after endotoxemia in vivo in sheep, the drug probably did not function directly as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. L-651,392 did not attenuate the ex vivo production of thromboxane B2 by whole blood from sheep treated 24 h earlier with the drug. L-651,392 attenuated the alterations in pulmonary hemodynamics, lung mechanics, oxygenation, and lung fluid and solute exchange observed after endotoxemia in sheep. We speculate that 5-lipoxygenase products are a major stimulus for cyclooxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acid after endotoxemia in sheep.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid is metabolised via the cyclo-oxygenase pathway to several biologically active metabolites. These metabolites control important reproductive functions like luteolysis of the corpus luteum. The metabolism of arachidonic acid was studied by the enzymatic conversion of [1-14C]-labelled arachidonic acid in sheep endometrial tissue. The inhibitory capacity of sheep endometrial tissue was measured by the enzymatic conversion of [1-14C]-arachidonic acid by sheep seminal vesicular gland microsomes. Endometrial microsomes converted arachidonic acid into different prostaglandins and monohydroxy acids but at a low rate. A factor(s) inhibiting both prostaglandin and monohydroxy acid synthesis was found in both the microsomal and cytosolic fractions of endometrial tissue. A very high inhibitory potency of prostaglandin and monohydroxy acid synthesis, calculated as IC50 values, was found in cytosolic fractions. For comparison IC50 values of indomethacin, mefenamic acid, carprofen and acetylsalicylic acid were also calculated in this in vitro system. These data indicate that both prostaglandin and monohydroxy acid synthesizing capacities and an inhibitory factor(s) are present in sheep endometrium and possibly regulate arachidonic acid metabolism in this tissue.  相似文献   

alpha-Tocopherol and three derivatives in which the phytol chain is modified or deleted were examined for their effect on cultured keratinocyte arachidonic acid metabolism. 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-hydroxychromane (PMC), in which the phytol chain is replaced by a methyl group, inhibited basal, bradykinin (BK)- and A23187-stimulated prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis with an apparent Ki of 1.3 microM. The Ki of the analogue with six carbon atoms in the side chain (C6) was 5 microM while that of the C11 analogue was 10 microM. No effect of alpha-tocopherol was observed. The mechanism of inhibition was studied using PMC. The effect of PMC on phospholipase and cyclooxygenase activity was assayed using stable isotope mass measurements of PGE2 formation, which assesses arachidonate release and cyclooxygenase metabolism simultaneously. BK-stimulated formation of PGE2, derived from endogenous phospholipid, was decreased 60% by 5 microM PMC and eliminated by 50 microM PMC, compared with controls. No difference in PGE2 formed from exogenous arachidonic acid was observed, indicating no effect of PMC on cyclooxygenase activity. In contrast, no effect of 5 microM PMC was observed on BK-stimulated [3H]arachidonic acid release from prelabeled cultures. The capacity of PMC to inhibit phospholipase activity in vitro was also assessed. PMC inhibited hydrolysis of phospholipid substrate by up to 60%. These results suggest that alpha-tocopherol analogues with alterations in the phytol chain inhibit eicosanoid synthesis by preferential inhibition of phospholipase.  相似文献   

Macrophages play an important role in the development of chronic inflammatory states. Ethanol has been shown to impair a number of membrane-linked phenomena. The synthesis and secretion of oxygenated metabolites of arachidonic acid is triggered at the cytoplasma membrane level. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of ethanol on the arachidonic acid metabolism in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Two types of experiments were performed: with endogenous radiolabeled arachidonic acid and with exogenously added radiolabeled arachidonic acid. Our data show that ethanol in vitro activates the release of arachidonic acid from intracellular pools, while the proportion of endogenous substrate metabolized in the presence of ethanol is similar to that in controls. From the exogenous it seems clear that ethanol induces different effects depending whether the arachidonic acid is endogenous or added exogenously.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid at concentrations from 0.2 to 2.0 × 10?6M induces the secretion of lysosomal enzymes from cytochalasin B-treated rabbit neutrophils. These concentrations of arachidonic acid are metabolized primarily to hydroxyeicosatetraenic acids rather than to cyclooxygenase products. A good correlation is observed between the extent of arachidonic acid metabolism and the secretion of lysosomal enzymes. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (1?10μM) inhibits both lysosomal enzyme secretion and the production of lipoxygenase products by neutrophils.  相似文献   

Studies from our laboratory have suggested a role for ferrous iron in the metabolism of arachidonic acid and demonstrated that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis exert their effect by complexing with the heme group of cyclooxygenase. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a potent competitive inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism by sheep vesicular gland prostaglandin synthetase. In this study we have evaluated the effect of exogenously added DHA on platelet function and arachidonic acid metabolism. DHA at 150 microM concentration inhibited aggregation of platelets to 450 microM arachidonic acid. At this concentration DHA also inhibited the second wave of the platelet response to the action of agonists such as epinephrine, adenosine diphosphate and thrombin. Inhibition induced by this fatty acid could be overcome by the agonists at higher concentrations. DHA inhibited the conversion of labeled arachidonic acid to thromboxane by intact, washed platelet suspensions. However, platelets in plasma incubated first with DHA then washed and stirred with labeled arachidonate generated as much thromboxane as control platelets. These results suggest that the polyenoic acids, if released in sufficient quantities in the vicinity of cyclooxygenase, could effectively compete for the heme site and inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cyclo-oxygenase products of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism increase prior to the development of significant hyperoxic lung injury. To further assess the role of AA metabolites in the development of hyperoxic lung injury, we have utilized this same model of hyperoxic lung injury and administered either indomethacin (an inhibitor of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway of AA metabolism) or dexamethasone (inhibitor of AA release). A total of 46 adult rabbits were exposed to greater than 95% oxygen for 65 hours. Fourteen animals were given either 2 or 3 mg/kg/day indomethacin, 7 served as controls: 18 animals were given either 0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg/day of dexamethasone, 7 served as controls. The surviving animals were sacrificed after 65 hours of hyperoxia and bronchoalveolar lavage of the left lung was done; the right lung was examined by light microscopy. Treatment with indomethacin or dexamethasone failed to ameliorate the hyperoxic lung injury process. However, in both the indomethacin and dexamethasone treatment groups, significant suppression of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, a PGI2 metabolite, was observed. Some suppression of TXB2 production was observed, but there was no evidence of any decrease in leukotriene production. We postulate that failure to ameliorate hyperoxic lung injury with either indomethacin or dexamethasone therapy was related to significant suppression of PGI2, a potentially protective AA metabolite, and/or to failure to significantly decrease production of potential pathogenic participants, such as TXA2 or LTB4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the effects of platelet-activating factor (PAF-acether) on phospholipase activity in renal epithelial cells. When platelet-activating factor was added to renal cells prelabeled with [3H]arachidonic acid, it induced the rapid hydrolysis of phospholipids. Up to 26% of incorporated [3H]arachidonic acid was released into the medium from renal cells. After the addition of PAF-acether, the degradation of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine were observed. The amount of [3H]arachidonic acid released were comparable to the losses of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine. In renal cells biosynthetically labeled by incorporation of [3H]choline into cellular phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, the range of concentrations of PAF-acether-induced hydrolysis of labeled phosphatidylcholine were approximately equal to the amounts of lysophosphatidylcholine produced. We also observed a transient rise of diacylglycerol after the addition of platelet-activating factor to these cells. To test for action of phospholipase C, the accumulations of [3H]choline, [3H]inositol and [3H]ethanolamine were determined. The radioactivities in choline and ethanolamine showed little or no change. An increase in inositol was detectable within 1 min and it peaked at 3 min. These results indicate that platelet-activating factor stimulates phospholipase A2 and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C activity in renal epithelial cells. These phospholipase activities were Ca2+ dependent. Moreover, PAF-acether enhanced changes in cell-associated Ca2+. These results suggest that the increased Ca2+ permeability of cell membrane stimulates phospholipases A2 and C in renal epithelial cells. Prostaglandin biosynthesis was also enhanced in these cells by platelet-activating factor.  相似文献   

Mammary gland fragments were incubated in the presence of prolactin and arachidonic acid which stimulate casein secretion. The effects of these stimuli in the presence of agents that influence arachidonic acid metabolism were investigated. Chloroquine, a blocker of phospholipase A2 activity, decreased prolactin but not arachidonic acid stimulation of casein secretion. Phospholipase A2 markedly stimulated casein secretion. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), an antioxidant that inhibits lipoxygenase, blocked the stimulating effect of prolactin and arachidonic acid. Ultrastructural studies indicated that phospholipase A2-induced stimulation of secretion was comparable to that of prolactin but that arachidonic acid-induced stimulation did not involve the same Golgi membrane modifications. These studies suggest that prolactin and phospholipase A2 stimulate secretion by a common way, and that arachidonic acid interferes with secretion by metabolic products of the lipoxygenase pathway.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is able to bind specifically polyunsaturated fatty acids, one of the major ligands being arachidonic acid (C20:4). In the present study, we demonstrate that AFP is able to reduce the metabolism of exogenous C20:4 by obl7 cells. Both prostaglandins and lipoxygenase products formation were reduced when cells were maintained in the presence of AFP. This decrease was counterbalanced by a higher release of C20:4 into the culture medium by the cells. The amount of C20:4 incorporated into cellular lipids was decreased but the distribution of C20:4 in the different lipid classes remained unchanged. The modification of C20:4 metabolism by AFP might be of primordial importance in developmental biology and may shed a new light on the physiological actions of AFP which have been described in the past years such as ovarian inhibition, cell growth control and immuno-suppressive activity.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts are routinely maintained in vitro on tissue culture plastic, in an environment which is devoid of collagen, the most abundant extracellular protein in dermis. Recent work has shown that by seeding fibroblasts into a collagen matrix, many aspects of their metabolism change dramatically: they stop proliferation, organize and contract the collagen matrix, and secrete much larger quantities of the usual extracellular matrix components. Because so many fibroblast functions are dramatically altered by the presence of the collagen matrix, matrix effects on fibroblast metabolism of arachidonic acid were examined. The studies presented here show that during the period of matrix contraction, metabolism of arachidonate to prostaglandins by fibroblasts is increased sixfold compared to cells plated on plastic, and that this increase is correlated with contraction but does not regulate it. The increase in prostaglandin synthesis is due in part to an increased new synthesis of the rate-limiting enzyme in prostaglandin synthesis, cyclooxygenase. No change in the profile of products the fibroblasts synthesize from arachidonate is induced by the presence of the matrix. After the lattice contraction is complete, the basal arachidonate metabolism of matrix-embedded cells have the same capacity to synthesize PGE2 in response to IL-1 as do cells grown on plastic. However, the response to the hormone agonist bradykinin by the matrix-embedded cells is present on day 1 but not on day 3, the time when cells grown on plastic are most responsive. These data indicate that while basal prostaglandin metabolism is unaffected in quiescent fibroblasts which have been embedded in a collagen matrix, response to hormone agonists may be greatly attenuated. The changes in the metabolism of arachidonate which occur during the process of matrix contraction and organization may play a part in the regulation of wound repair.  相似文献   

The action of a trichothecene (T-2), microcystin-LR and saxitoxin on arachidonic acid metabolism in cultured rat alveolar macrophages was studied. Pulmonary macrophages exposed to T-2 trichothecene were stimulated to synthesize and release large amount of thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and 6-Keto F1 alpha. Microcystin-LR induced significant release of prostaglandins F2 alpha (140%), PGE2 (175%) and TxB2 (169%) compared to controls. Saxitoxin induced TxB2 release by 37%. Arachidonic acid release was stimulated by all three toxins. The release of arachidonic acid and its metabolites in alveolar macrophages exposed to T-2 toxin was partially blocked by fluocinolone (1 microM). These results suggest that macrophages synthesize and release inflammatory mediators in response to toxin exposure, and fluocinolone may protect against T-2 toxicosis.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid effect on arachidonic acid metabolism in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glucocorticoids have been shown in in vitro systems to inhibit the release of arachidonic acid metabolites, namely prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes, apparently, via the induction of a phospholipase A2 inhibitory protein, called lipocortin. On the basis of these in vitro results, it has been suggested that inhibition of eicosanoid production is, at least partially, responsible for the well-known anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids. There is, however, no firm evidence proving that glucocorticoids also inhibit prostaglandin or leukotriene synthesis in vivo. In a series of studies, we have investigated the effects of anti-inflammatory steroids on the production of six different cyclo-oxygenase products in vivo. Urinary prostaglandin (PG) E2(1), PGF2 alpha, thromboxane B2 (TxB2), 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, and the major urinary metabolites of the E and F PGs, PGE-M and PGF-M, respectively, were determined by radioimmunoassay and by GC-MS. Administration of pharmacological doses of dexamethasone to rabbits failed to inhibit urinary excretion rates of PGE2, TxB2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and that of PGE-M and PGF-M. In contrast, urinary PGF2 alpha was slightly reduced by dexamethasone. In further experiments the effect of dexamethasone was studied in humans. Urinary excretion rates of PGE2, PGE-M, PGF-M, 2,3-dinor TxB2 and 2,3-dinor 6-keto-PGF1 alpha were not suppressed by dexamethasone. Collagen-induced platelet TxB2 formation and platelet aggregation was also unaltered. To test one possible explanation for the apparent discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo effects of glucocorticoids on arachidonic acid metabolites we investigated the effects of dexamethasone in vivo on basal and on antidiuretic hormone-stimulated renal PG synthesis. Dexamethasone treatment failed to inhibit both basal and antidiuretic hormone-stimulated PGE2 and PGF2 alpha production. We conclude that glucocorticoids in vivo do not decrease the basal rate of total body, kidney and platelet prostanoid synthesis, and that dexamethasone does not inhibit renal PG production when it is elevated by antidiuretic hormone, a physiological stimulus. Thus, a differential effect of glucocorticoids on basal vs stimulated PG synthesis cannot account for the discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro effects.  相似文献   

Study on the effect of superoxide dismutase on arachidonic acid metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L Parente 《Prostaglandins》1982,23(5):725-730
The effect of orgotein, the drug version of bovine Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase, on PG production by phagocytosing leukocytes has been investigated. Orgotein inhibited PG formation in a dose/dependent manner. Arachidonic acid was able to reverse this inhibitory effect. In the light of these results it is suggested that anti-inflammatory properties of orgotein may depend, at least in part, on the inhibition of phospholipase activation.  相似文献   

Epoxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Chronic administration of mood stabilizers to rats down‐regulates the brain arachidonic acid (AA) cascade. This down‐regulation may explain their efficacy against bipolar disorder (BD), in which brain AA cascade markers are elevated. The atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine (OLZ) and clozapine (CLZ), also act against BD. When given to rats, both reduce brain cyclooxygenase activity and prostaglandin E2 concentration; OLZ also reduces rat plasma unesterified and esterified AA concentrations, and AA incorporation and turnover in brain phospholipid. To test whether CLZ produces similar changes, we used our in vivo fatty acid method in rats given 10 mg/kg/day i.p. CLZ, or vehicle, for 30 days; or 1 day after CLZ washout. [1‐14C]AA was infused intravenously for 5 min, arterial plasma was collected and high‐energy microwaved brain was analyzed. CLZ increased incorporation coefficients and rates Jin,i of plasma unesterified AA into brain phospholipids i, while decreasing plasma unesterified but not esterified AA. These effects disappeared after washout. Thus, CLZ and OLZ similarly down‐regulated kinetics and cyclooxygenase expression of the brain AA cascade, likely by reducing plasma unesterified AA availability. Atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers may be therapeutic in BD by down‐regulating, indirectly or directly respectively, the elevated brain AA cascade of that disease.  相似文献   

This paper describes parallel and comparative experiments on the enzymatic cyclooxygenase (COX) driven conversion of arachidonic acid (AA, all-cis-5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid) into prostaglandins by using pure arachidonic acid and AA samples containing relatively small amounts of thiyl radical induced trans-isomers. The experiments were performed in a liquid aqueous model system using COX-1 as well as by the in vitro feeding of VD(3)-differentiated and LPS-stimulated promyelocytic HL-60 cells using the cell's own COX-2. In the model solution, all the different test methods used (oxygen consumption, ROS induced luminescence, and TMPD oxidation) indicated the greatly disproportionate, non-stoichiometric inhibition of the prostaglandin metabolism by the trans-isomers. Accordingly, measurements performed in the cell system gave comparable results: both luminescence ROS detection and the ELISA test on PGE(2) expression resulted in the strong inhibition of the prostaglandin metabolism. We interpret these findings as enzyme blocking caused by just one mono-trans-isomerized double bond of AA.  相似文献   

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