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We investigated the bodily mass of infants and postpartum adult females longitudinally in provisioned free-ranging Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) troops of the Takasakiyama Natural Zoo, Oita, Japan. We investigated whether the rate of mass change in postpartum adult females and infants is more strongly associated with season (or calendar date) as opposed to the length of time since delivery/birth. Focal adult females' postpartum mass ranged between 7 and 10 kg for a year after delivery. For postpartum adult females, calender date (season) influenced the rate of mass change more than the length of time since delivery did. Rate of mass change in postpartum adult females was high in October (autumn) and April and May (spring) and low between December and February (winter). This may reflect seasonality in energy and protein intake from natural foods. Infant mass increased steadily from birth. Mass of infants varied between individuals, some infants reached 2 kg by about 240 days of age, and others by about 400 days of age. It was unclear, however, whether the rate of mass change in infants was influenced more by age or calendar date (season). Differences in trends between adult females and infants may reflect, to some degree, differences in sources of energy intake, i.e. solid foods for adult females and suckling and solid foods for infants.  相似文献   

We studied long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) populations in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, focusing on the effect of human provisioning on their demography and dietary composition. We conducted a field survey at three sites in the city: Gunung Meru, Gunung Padang, and Gunung Panggilun. Mean troop size (range 28–68) and infant ratio (range 0.38–1.00) were greater in Gunung Meru, where the macaques have been highly provisioned, than at the other two study sites (troop size 10–15; infant ratio 0.00–0.33). The macaques at all sites consumed both natural and human foods, but dependence on the latter differed among sites: three-quarters of the diet of macaques in Gunung Meru consisted of human foods, while human foods comprised less than 5% of the macaque diet at the other sites. The ability of macaques to modify the proportion of human food is a behavioral flexibility that facilitates the survival of the long-tailed macaque in urban habitats. Without restrictions on provisioning, the degree of dependence of macaques on human foods and population size could increase, especially in Gunung Meru, and human–macaque conflict could escalate. In order to create an effective management policy for urbanized monkeys, long-term quantitative data on macaque behavior and monitoring of population parameters are required.  相似文献   

We investigated the characteristics of a particular food-snatching behavior in which one individual forced another’s mouth open and grabbed the food, as performed by free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in Choshikei Monkey Park on Shodoshima Island, western Japan. We conducted a survey in late June 2012 and observed one of two monkey troops, comprising 214 monkeys. We recorded the age classes and sexes of the individuals who performed the snatching behavior and were snatched from, and examined the effects of provisioned food distribution and quantity on the frequency of snatching trials and success. During the survey, we recorded 747 snatching trials, of which 609 were successful, all of which were performed by seven individuals: one adult male and six adult females. The snatching behavior occurred only during provisioning. The target animals were primarily juveniles (650 trials, 578 successful), while cases in which food was snatched from adult females (93 trials, 30 successful) and subadult females (4 trials, 1 success) were less frequent. Among the juveniles, small juveniles had food snatched more frequently than large juveniles. The higher frequency of snatching trials against juveniles was likely due to their subordinate nature. Neither the distribution nor quantity of the provisioned foods had significant effects on the number of snatching trials and successes, while the time elapsed after provisioning had significant negative effects, attributed to a decrease in the number of wheat grains left within the mouth pouch of the potential target animals.  相似文献   

The reproductive data for Japanese monkeys,Macaca fuscata fuscata, which had been recorded for the 34 years from 1952 to 1986 on Koshima, were analyzed in terms of the influence of changes in artificial food supplies, the differences in reproductive success between females, the timing of births, and the secondary sex ratio. Koshima monkeys increased in number until 1971 when the population density was still small and artificial provisioning was copious. As described byMori (1979b), the severe reduction in artificial food supplies, which began in 1972, had an enormous deleterious effect on reproduction: the birth ratio of adult females of 5 years of age or more fell from 57% to 25%; the rate of infant mortality within 1 year of birth rose from 19% to 45%; primiparous age rose from 6 to 9 years old on average; and there was an increased death rate among adult and juvenile females. The prolonged influence of “starvation” may be seen in the significantly delayed first births of those females that were born just before the change in food supplies. When reproductive parameters are compared between the females who belonged to six lineages in the group during these periods, they were found to be rather consistent, although some individual differences can be recognized among females and subgroups. The apparent trend was that some of the most dominant females retained superior reproductive success while that of the second-ranked females has tended to diminish over the years since 1972. Such opposing trends were seen only in the most dominant lineage group and such a difference was not recognized among the females of other lineages. The difference in reproductive success is discussed in relation to both the different situations that arise because of the artificial food supplies and differences in feeding strategies. Multiparous females, after a sterile year, gave birth somewhat earlier than those who reared infants in the preceding year and, when artificial provisioning was intense, they tended to give birth a little earlier than during other periods. There is some evidence that the mortality of later-born infants was higher than that of earlier-born infants after 1972. However, this difference may not be responsible for the differential reproductive success of females since the timing of births did not differ among lineages. Furthermore, during the time when many females gave birth continuously, prior to 1972, the infant mortality did not differ with respect to the timing of births. The differences in infant mortality were not correlated with the reproductive history, parity or age of the mother, or with the sex of the infant. The secondary sex ratio varied by only a small amount, from slightly male-biased ratio (114: 100) when correlated with reproductive history, parity, age of mother, sex and survival ratio for preceding infants, timing of birth, and lineage of the female. Furthermore, the change in artificial food supplies did not cause any modifications of the secondary sex ratios, despite its enormous deleterious effect on reproduction. The secondary sex ratio of Japanese monkeys may not be influenced by the social factors mentioned.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reproductive parameters of free-ranging rehabilitant female orangutans. We aimed to assess the factors that influence these parameters and provide information that could assist with the management of orangutan reintroduction programs. We analyzed the birth records of free-ranging female rehabilitants at Bukit Lawang, Bukit Tigapuluh, Sepilok, Camp Leakey, Kaja Island, Sungai Wain, and Meratus and compared them with reproductive parameters reported in wild and zoo populations. Females’ ages at first birth were 10.6–14.7 years, significantly earlier than those of wild and zoo orangutans. Computed inter-birth intervals (IBIs) calculated by the Kaplan–Meier method were 65.1–90.1 months; the values for Camp Leakey and Bukit Lawang rehabilitants were significantly shorter than those reported for wild Sumatran orangutans. Infant mortality rates were 18–61%; the values for Bukit Lawang and Sepilok were significantly higher than those reported for wild Sumatran and zoo orangutans. In rehabilitants, young ages at first birth and shorter IBIs may result from the high energy intake enabled by provisioning, although the possibility exists that they reflect underestimations of age on arrival at rehabilitation centers. The observed high infant mortality rate may reflect poor mothering skills due to human rearing and/or increased disease transmission. This study demonstrates that accelerated reproductive rates (younger age at first birth and shorter IBI) are common in provisioned rehabilitant females on both Sumatra and Borneo.  相似文献   

From the late 1960s to the early 1970s, many congenitally malformed infants were born into provisioned Japanese macaque troops. Although the exact cause of this problem was not determined, the occurrence of malformations decreased thereafter. We examined possible factors such as total population size, number of adult females, birth rate, and volume of provisioned food. Agrichemicals attached to provisioned food are suspected as the main cause, as other factors were found to have no influence. Many more malformations were seen in males compared with females, in feet compared with hands, and in the fourth compared with other digits. We confirmed that the frequency of congenital malformation was high during the 1960s through to the mid-1970s when increased levels of provisioned food were given and that the incidence of congenital malformations was also elevated among wild macaques during this time.  相似文献   

In a wild-living, artificially provisioned population of Japanese macaques at Takasakiyama in southern Japan, nine sets of twins were recorded from 12,392 known deliveries over a 56-year study period. Recorded twinning frequency was 0.073%. During the first 28-year period, artificial food was given until macaques were satiated and population size increased rapidly. In the second 28-year period, provisioned food was restricted to about half of the former period’s calorific content. Seven sets of twins were born in the first period and two sets in the second. Twining frequency in the two periods was 0.137 and 0.027%, respectively. In comparing studies of other Catarrhine primate samples, we hypothesize that twinning frequency is influenced by living conditions, and we suggest that living conditions should be carefully evaluated in studies of twinning frequency.  相似文献   

Because of their mediating role in the stress response and potential effects on fitness, glucocorticoid (GC) hormones are increasingly used to assess the physiological costs of environmental and behavioral variation among wild vertebrates. Identifying the proximate causes of GC variation, however, is complicated by simultaneous exposure to multiple potentially stressful stimuli. Here, we use data from a partially provisioned social group of Sykes' monkeys to evaluate the effects of potential psychological and metabolic stressors on temporal and individual variation in fecal GC (fGC) excretion among 11 adult females. Despite high rates of agonism over provisioned foods fGCs declined during periods of high provisioning frequency when fruit availability was dominated by neem (Azadirachta indica), an item requiring great feeding effort. Provisioned foods did not prevent fGC increases when availability of the most preferred main fruit item, tamarind (Tamarindus indica), declined drastically. Although rank-related differences in access to provisioned foods and rates of agonism did not lead to an overall effect of rank on fGCs, low-ranking females excreted more fGCs than high-ranking females during a period of high provisioning intensity and low fruit availability. The emergence of this rank effect was associated with elevated feeding effort in all females, a greater access to provisioned items by high-ranking females, and a higher proportion of time spent moving in low-ranking females. Our findings suggest that metabolic stressors were the primary determinants of both temporal and individual variation in fGCs, indicating potential fitness benefits for high-ranking females when food availability is limited.  相似文献   

Correlations among female age, dominance, and reproduction were investigated for a 12-year period in free-ranging, provisioned Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus), living in one-male groups near Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India. Of 2940 displacement episodes, 27% occurred over natural food, 26% over provisioned food, 8% over grooming, 23% over position and shade, and 16% for other reasons. It was possible to reconstruct a displacement hierarchy that was linear and stable over short periods but fluctuated according to the age composition of the troop, resulting in an age inversed dominance structure. Females occupied top ranks as soon as they experienced menarche (around 2.4 years of age) and gradually declined thereafter, with postmenopausal females (≥30 years) being the lowest ranking individuals. Old females tended to be peripheral, while young females were highly social and active. Fertility peaked at about 7 years and gradually decreased thereafter, but infant mortality was much higher in young females than in old ones. During years when females gave birth, their ranks, especially those of old females, were higher than the average expectation for their age class, which suggests that females compete more vigorously if they have an infant. Reproductive success (i.e., infant survival to ≥2 years) declined significantly from high-over middle-to low-ranking females but did not differ for the three age classes investigated, because the higher fecundity of young females was balanced by better rearing success of older females. These results are discussed in light of the controversy over whether the langur social system is strongly influenced by kin selection (Hrdy and Hrdy, 1976; Dolhinow et al., 1979).  相似文献   

Over a 30-year period from 1954 to 1983, 975 live births were recorded for Japanese macaque females at the Iwatayama Monkey Park, Arashiyama, Japan. Excluding unknown birth dates, primiparous mothers gave birth to 185 infants (182 cases with age of mother known) and multiparous mothers gave birth to 723 infants (603 cases with age of mother known). The peak month of birth was May with 52.3% of the total births occurring during the period. Multiparous females who had not given birth the previous year did so earlier than multiparous females who had given birth the previous year and also earlier than primiparous females. Among the females who had given birth the previous year, females whose infant had died gave birth earlier than females who had reared an infant the previous year. The offspring sex ratio (1:0.97) was not significantly different from 1:1, and revealed no consistent association with mother's age. Age-fecundity exhibited a humped curve. The annual birth rate was low at the age of 4 years but increased thereafter, ranging between 46.7% and 69.0%, at between 5 and 19 years of age, but again decreased for females between 20 and 25 years of age. Some old females displayed clear reproductive senescence. The infant mortality within the first year of age was quite low (10.3%) and the neonatal (less than 1 month old) mortality rate accounted for 49.0% of all infant deaths. There was no significant difference between the mortality rates of male and female infants. A female's rank-class had no apparent effect on the annual birth rate, infant mortality, and offspring sex ratio. These long-term data are compared with those from other primate populations.  相似文献   

We analyzed fertility and mortality records for 113 provisioned, free-ranging chimpanzees at the River Gambia National Park, The Gambia. The chimpanzees are rehabilitated orphans released by the Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project (CRP), and their descendants born in a natural environment. Females experienced their 1st births at an average age of 14.3 yr, with average interbirth intervals of 68 mo. Despite limited provisioning, reproductive parameters in both released and 1st-generation females resembled those of wild chimpanzees and showed seasonal fluctuations. Mortality rates were low compared to those for wild chimpanzees, particularly for infants and juveniles; life expectancy at birth was 23.6 yr for females and 18 yr for males. The results have implications for our understanding of variation in reproductive parameters between captive and wild chimpanzees. We also discuss issues related to chimpanzee conservation and captive rearing.  相似文献   

Male provisioning of incubating females can increase reproductive success by maintaining physiological condition of females and consistency of incubation. The effects of male provisioning on the maintenance of incubation temperature and embryo development should be particularly pronounced in environments where ambient temperature exceeds the tolerance of unincubated eggs and where consistency of female incubation might be particularly important for hatching success. Here, we investigated the reproductive consequences of incubation feeding in a desert population of House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) in southwestern Arizona. We found that greater nest attentiveness by females was related to higher minimum incubation nest temperature, that in turn was closely associated with hatching success. Only 44% of males regularly provisioned their incubating females. Although provisioned females maintained higher incubation temperature and took fewer incubation breaks than non-provisioned females, overall, male provisioning did not influence incubation dynamics or hatching success. Further, a male’s incubation feeding rate did not correlate with male provisioning of nestlings. These results corroborate the finding that, in male House Finches, neither provisioning of incubating females nor pre-incubation courtship feeding are associated with increases in circulating pituitary prolactin––the hormone regulating male provisioning of nestlings. We suggest that incubation provisioning by male might be a component of pair maintenance behavior and that variation in male incubation behavior is best understood in relation to asymmetries in residual reproductive values between the mates.  相似文献   

Historically, humans and other primates (primates henceforth) have coexisted across cultures and contexts, and many primate populations use anthropogenic food sources as their main or supplementary food. While primates may actively forage for such food, they are also directly provisioned by humans in many regions. Ethnoprimatology views humans and primates as cohabitants of integrated socioecological spaces who mutually influence each other’s ecologies and social lives. We contextualized provisioning of primates by humans within an ethnoprimatological framework and examined if the availability of anthropogenic food affected primate diets or the amount of time primates spent in anthropogenic habitats and whether primates influenced the human act of provisioning. To this end, we used scan sampling on a group of rhesus macaques across a year, and conducted interviews with 86 people who paused at a nearby tea shop for refreshments. We found that the macaques’ consumption of natural resources and dietary diversity decreased, and they spent more time in human-modified habitats when provisioned food was available. We also found that particular behaviors of the provisioned macaques stimulated provisioning by humans. Our findings show that provisioning influences macaque feeding ecology and habitat use, and that the behavior of the macaques themselves drives people to provide them with food subsidies, illustrating a complex web of interactions between the sympatric species.  相似文献   

A first case of newborn Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) twins was observed in a free-ranging group at Huangshan, China. The female that gave birth to the twins was studied during their first 5 months post-partum, and her activity budget was compared to those of adult females with single or no offspring in order to assess her behavioral changes. Our report shows that female Tibetan macaques can produce twins, and that twins can successfully survive. The adult female with twins spent more time foraging and resting, but less time moving and engaged in other social behaviors than adult females with a single infant or no infant. Our report provides a case of successfully surviving twins in a wild environment and suggests that the mother modified her behavior patterns to adapt to the heavy burden. We conclude that both food provisioning and the mother’s behavioral strategies facilitated the survivorship of twins. This expands our understanding of the reproductive biology of Tibetan macaques.  相似文献   

In nonhuman primates, females with infants visually monitor their infants from a distance to detect and consequently avoid potential threats to their infants. We recorded maternal visual monitoring of infants (infant monitoring) ages 7–18 wk in a free-ranging, provisioned group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). The infant monitoring rate declined as a function of infants’ ages in weeks and increased when the infants were beyond their mother’s reach, indicating that infant monitoring reflects the vulnerability of infants. Females with infants increased infant monitoring when their infants were handled by other group members but not when their infants moved alone. This suggests that intragroup threats (harassment/mishandling or kidnapping) have a relatively stronger influence on infant monitoring than external threats (predation or infanticide) under the condition of this study. Infant monitoring of middle-/low-ranking females was more frequent than that of high-ranking females when their infants were handled by other individuals. This may reflect greater intragroup threats to infants of middle-/low-ranking females; however, further study is needed to confirm this. During important activities (feeding or grooming), the infant monitoring rate was lower than that during other activities (resting or self-directed behavior). However, even during important activities, females with infants increased infant monitoring when infants were handled. This indicates that females with infants face a trade-off between infant monitoring and other important activities, and even if females have to reduce the time spent on important activities, they increase infant monitoring when their infants face greater potential intragroup threats.  相似文献   

Long-term studies have shown remarkable similarity in the social behaviour and relationships of Japanese and rhesus macaques living in free-ranging groups. The vast majority of these studies have been of provisioned groups and many key principles have been derived from them. Provisioning is known to influence various aspects of life history and demography, as well as quantitative aspects of social behaviour, such as the frequencies of grooming and aggression. It has been widely assumed, however, that the fundamental characteristics of social behaviour and relationships observed in provisioned populations are representative of those that would occur under natural conditions. This paper reviews findings from fieldwork on Japanese macaques living under natural conditions, and compares them with patterns of social behaviour reported by multiple studies of provisioned groups of both species. Differences are apparent in the nature of social relationships between adult females, between adult males, and between adult males and females. Some of these differences can be attributed to the increased levels of aggression associated with provisioning. Others appear to be related to demographic peculiarities of provisioned groups, such as large size and skewed sex ratio. These differences can be used to generate predictions concerning the influence of ecological variables on the dynamics of social relationships and social structure. Ways in which these predictions could be tested by further fieldwork on provisioned and natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of population dynamics can be useful in managing harvested populations of monkeys on islands. Between 1988 and 1991, 420 adult female and 58 adult male simian retrovirus-free Macaca fascicularis were released onto Tinjil Island, Indonesia, to provide the nucleus for a free-ranging breeding colony. Natural habitat breeding facilities are excellent alternatives to wild trapping and compound breeding, maximizing the health and well-being of animals destined for essential biomedical research. To avoid a population crash, the number of offspring that can be harvested annually must be based on life table characteristics such as age-specific natality and mortality. We used a modified Leslie matrix to model changes in female population size over 26 years. First, we assumed that all 420 females were released simultaneously and varied the annual birth rate (50%, 60%, 70%), survival rate, and number of offspring harvested per year. Assuming high survival and birth rates vs. low rates, about four times as many female offspring could be harvested annually from a stable population (87 vs. 20 offspring). Terminal population size after 26 years did not differ much across rates modeled (568–696 females). Second, we modeled the number of females actually released (including the recent addition of 42 new female breeders) and harvested (averaging 49 annually 1991–1994), and projected the population through 2014. This indicated that threshold harvest rates and terminal population sizes increased considerably over the first model, assuming intermediate (78 harvested, 952 females) and high (152 harvested, 1,331 females) rates of survivorship and natality, but were unchanged assuming low rates (20 harvested, 559 females). A review of the literature and field observations on Tinjil suggest that actual birth and survival rates resemble the intermediate values modeled. If so, the present density on the island, projected to be ∼215 males and females per square kilometer, is approaching carrying capacity. The high values are realistic upper limits. If actual survivorship and birth rates are at the high end of those modeled, the island's population may be on the verge of rapid expansion, requiring increased harvest and provisioning. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intergroup interactions in primates vary from nonagonistic to severely aggressive. Food resources and fertile females cause intergroup aggression when groups defend resources and mates from other groups. Peaceful intermingling during intergroup encounters is rare but has been reported in several primates, including bonobos (Pan paniscus). Although intergroup encounters in bonobos occur at both nonprovisioned and provisioned sites, provisioning may be one factor responsible for frequent intergroup encounters. We studied intergroup encounters between one bonobo group (PE) and its neighboring groups, one semihabituated and two habituated groups, under nonprovisioned conditions in 2010–2015 at Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. We examined whether fruit abundance and females with sexual swellings influenced encounter frequency. PE group encountered the other groups on 7.1 days (mean, range: 0–19) per month. Up to four different groups met simultaneously at one location. Encounter frequency was highest around the yearly peak in fruit abundance, suggesting that reduced food competition is linked to increased encounter frequency. During periods of relatively low fruit abundance, the probability of an encounter was higher when a higher number of adult females with maximum sexual swellings were present, suggesting that the attractiveness of females with sexual swellings promoted group encounters during periods of relatively low fruit abundance. These findings suggest that both competition for food and the availability of females with sexual swellings influence encounter frequency in bonobos.  相似文献   

人工投食行为对非人灵长类社会生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏 《人类学学报》2008,27(3):274-283
近年来,国内开展了对几种非人灵长类投食群的研究。借鉴日本猴(Macaca fuscata)、恒河猴(M.mulatta)和黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)长期积累的研究经验,有利于我们减少人工投食对非人灵长类带来的不利影响,也有利于推动国内非人灵长类社会生态学的深入研究。本文通过比较这三种灵长类野生群和投食群之间的差异,量化地分析了人工投食对灵长类动物社会生态学方面的影响。结果表明在社会行为方面,人工投食会导致灵长类动物的聚集、增加争斗频率、改变个体间等级关系、延缓分群现象、影响活动域和增加新兴行为。在种群数量方面,人工投食会缩短雌性性成熟时间、增加出生率和婴猴存活率、减少成年猴死亡率。而人工投食对雄性性成熟、出生间隔等方面的影响仍需要进一步考证。最后我们讨论了人工投食行为的利弊,并建议应谨慎和妥善地实施人工投食,和对非人灵长类投食群进行合理的监管。  相似文献   

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