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Two new species of Erysiphe section Uncinula are described and illustrated based on the molecular and morphological analyses: (1) Erysiphe fernandoae sp. nov. on Fernandoa adenophylla is distinct from other Erysiphe species on the plant family Bignoniaceae by having smaller asci, ca 12 appendages per chasmothecium and being found only in Asia; (2) Erysiphe michikoae sp. nov. on Celtis jessoensis differs from Erysiphe kusanoi on other Celtis species in having smaller chasmothecial, ascal and ascospore dimensions, and fewer number of chasmothecium appendages. The phylogenetic relationships of the two new species with other closely related species are discussed based on 28S and ITS rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Takamatsu  Susumu  Sato  Yukio  Mimuro  Genki  Kom-un  Sawwanee 《Mycoscience》2003,44(3):165-171
 A new species of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula is described and illustrated from Japan. Erysiphe wadae sp. nov., found on Japanese beech (Fagus crenata, Fagaceae), is characterized by having two types of appendages, i.e., a long (true) appendage arising from the equatorial zone of the ascomata, and a short appendage arising from the upper part of the ascomata. This characteristic is shared by E. simulans, E. australiana, E. flexuosa, E. liquidambaris, E. prunastri, and E. togashiana. Erysiphe wadae differs from the latter five species in its brown-colored appendage. Erysiphe simulans is most similar to E. wadae, but differs in its loosely uncinate appendage and smaller number of ascospores. Identity of the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS region is 92.3% between the two species. The significance of the two types of appendage in taxonomy and phylogeny of powdery mildews is discussed based on molecular phylogenetic analysis. Received: November 8, 2002 / Accepted: January 29, 2003 Acknowledgments We are grateful to Drs. Yukio Harada and Hideki Naito for help in collecting powdery mildew specimens; Dr. Uwe Braun for providing the specimen of E. flexuosa; and Mr. Tetsuya Hirata and Miss Sanae Matsuda for nucleotide sequences of E. togashiana and E. flexuosa. This work was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 13660047) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula on Carpinus spp. was reconstructed using the 28S rDNA sequences and a combined alignment of the 28S, ITS, and IGS rDNA sequences. The analysis was supplemented with morphological data obtained from examination of voucher specimens. A sequence of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula on C. cordata formed a distinct lineage separated from sequences of other Erysiphe species on Carpinus spp., indicating a cryptic species, which is described as E. paracarpinicola. The new species is genetically as well as morphologically most similar to E. carpinicola s. str., but differs in having fewer asci per chasmothecium (mainly 3–5 vs 4–10) and shorter chasmothecial appendages. A key to species of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula on Carpinus spp. is provided.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the Erysiphe with uncinuloid ascoma appendages (Erysiphe section Uncinula, Erysiphales, Ascomycota) on Carpinus spp. was done using sequences of the rDNA ITS regions and the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA. These results, combined with morphological data, revealed a complex consisting of several distinct taxa. These included the already described Erysiphe carpinicola on C. japonica distinguishable from the Erysiphe sp. on C. betulus and C. tschonoskii as well as the one on C. laxiflora. Thus, it was shown that Oidium carpini, described from Europe on Carpinus betulus, the powdery mildew with uncinula-like ascomata, recently found in Europe on this host, as well as an Erysiphe on C. tschonoskii in Japan, described previously as E. carpinicola, all belong to a single new species, named E. arcuata in this paper. As the powdery mildew on C. laxiflora was also distinct from other known species, it is named E. carpini-laxiflorae in this paper. The already described E. pseudocarpinicola and Erysiphe sp. on Carpinus cordata are two additional taxa, which are morphologically and genetically distinguished from the other species of Erysiphe sect. Uncinula on Carpinus spp.  相似文献   

孙剑秋  余知和  王龙  臧威 《菌物学报》2022,41(4):680-688
根据形态学和CaM、Rpb2及rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列的分子系统学分析,界定篮状菌属岛篮状菌组Talaromycessect.Islandici的3个中国新记录种,即螨生篮状菌T.acaricola、根篮状菌T.radicus和哒叻篮状菌T.tratensis。螨生篮状菌生长局限,形成绒状菌落,在MEA上产生稀疏的灰绿色分生孢子,菌丝淡绿黄色,分生孢子梗双轮生、三轮生和不规则生,帚状枝排列较松散,瓶梗安瓿形,孢子梭形至椭球形,壁光滑。根篮状菌生长较慢,但在37℃可生长,形成致密短絮状菌落,菌丝体绿黄色,孢子稀疏,灰绿色,分生孢子梗双轮生,帚状枝排列紧密,瓶梗圆柱形至披针形,孢子椭球形,壁光滑。哒叻篮状菌生长缓慢,在25℃培养7 d后未产分生孢子,菌丝体呈浅橙黄色,产生适量橙黄色裸囊壳,子囊孢子椭球形,壁光滑至稍粗糙。  相似文献   

Miyauchi  S. 《Mycoscience》2002,43(4):0357-0361
 A new species and a new variety of Cortinarius sect. Defibulati are described and illustrated from Niigata, Japan. Cortinarius rugosolilacinus sp.nov., found in deciduous forests, is most similar to Cortinarius livido-ochraceus (=C. elatior), but differs mainly in its longer basidiospores, slender basidiocarp, and pale violet lamellae in the button stage. Cortinarius pseudosalor var. niigatensis var. nov., found in deciduous forests, is distinguished from the type variety by its brown to dark brown pileus with a wrinkled surface even when young. The differences between the two taxa and similar species are briefly discussed. Received: September 5, 2001 / Accepted: May 23, 2002  相似文献   

Cladonia (sect. Cocciferae , subsect. Ochroleucae) norvegica T0nsb. & Holien sp. nov., is closely related to C. bacilliformis (Nyl.) DT. & Sarnth. but is morphologically, chemically, and ecologically distinct. Superficially it may resemble C. (sect. Cladonia) coniocraea auct., which is often growing with it. C. norvegica is known from Norway only.  相似文献   

Asplenium basiscopicum is described, illustrated, and compared to the most similar species,A. purpurascens.  相似文献   

The new species Justicia ornatopila from Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, and J. lorata from Kenya are described and illustrated. Information on pollen morphology is also provided  相似文献   

During the DNA sequence analyses of specimens on Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis deposited as Erysiphe gracilis or Cystotheca wrightii, some specimens exhibited DNA sequences that are different from the sequences of the two species. Based on BLAST search and morphological observations, the true causal agent was identified as E. quercicola. This is the first record of E. quercicola on species of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis. Previous studies revealed that E. quercicola is plurivorous infecting a wide range of tropical fruit trees and woody plants. Further studies are needed to address the question as to why only E. quercicola infect species of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis.  相似文献   

Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan & Mohanan (Araceae), a new species closely related to the SW. Indian endemic and little known speciesP. thomsonianus Schott is described. It is characterized by the the non-ligulate, shortly vaginate petiole, thickly peduncled inflorescence, broadly ovate spathe and a sessile spadix. It is included in ser.Brevivaginati Engler of sect.Allopothos Schott.  相似文献   

通过形态学、解剖学、化学与分子系统学相结合的方法对中国星果衣属地衣型真菌进行研究,发现该属一新种即Astrothelium sinense和一中国新记录种A.macrocarpum.新种的主要特征为地衣体具有突起,子囊器除顶端呈黑色外边缘部分形成白色环状区域且地衣体和假子座均为UV+黄色,含有地衣黄等.分别与其相似种进...  相似文献   

光柱长鳞杜鹃——四川杜鹃花属一新变种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了四川杜鹃花属一新变种——光柱长鳞杜鹃 Rhododendron longesquamatumSchneid. var. glabristylum Y. Y. Geng et Z. L. Zhao。该变种与原变种长鳞杜鹃R. longesquamatum Schneid. var. longesquamatum的主要区别是叶片和花较小,叶片及叶脉成熟后无毛或仅见零星残存毛,花萼仅有绒毛而无腺毛,花柱光滑。  相似文献   

报道依据形态学和基于BenA、Rpb2和rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列的分子系统学分析确定的篮状菌属篮状菌组Talaromyces sect.Talaromyces的3个中国新记录种,即蛇床篮状菌T.cnidii,苹果篮状菌T.malicola和丘陵篮状菌T.tumuli.T.cnidii生长较快,形成典型...  相似文献   

Collections of bionectriaceous fungi from different areas of China were examined, in which 3 new species were encountered. Bionectria intermedia is characterized by smooth perithecia, 2-layered perithecial wall, cylindrical to clavate asci with an apical ring, ascospore striations composed of separate warts, and dimorphic conidiophores. Hydropisphaera yunnanensis has hairy ascomata which are cupulate when dry, clavate asci with a simple apex, and spinulose and very narrow ascospores fusiform and constricted at septum. Nectriopsis apiosporae possesses laterally pinched perithecia when dry, 1-layered perithecial wall, rough perithecial surface, clavate asci with a simple apex, spinulose ascospores with 3 septa, and on Apiospora sp. Four species, Bionectria epichloë, B. kowhaii, B. subquaternata and Hydropisphaera suffulta, are reported as new to China.  相似文献   

描述了中国云南北部的金丝桃属Hypericum L.(藤黄科)两个新种,即楚雄金丝桃H. fosteri N. Robson和漾濞金丝桃H. wardianum N. Robson.二者均与短柱金丝桃H. hookerianum Wight & Arn.相近.楚雄金丝桃为一地方特有种,目前仅在模式地点发现;漾濞金丝桃在缅甸东北部还有分布.二者主要以蒴果伸长,非卵状近球形,萼片无中脉而有别于短柱金丝桃.此外,将宽萼金丝桃H. latisepalum (N. Robson) N. Robson从亚种提升为种;将变异较大的纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum N. Robson划分为两个亚种,即叶较宽、具有开张习性的原亚种纤枝金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. lagarocladum和叶较窄、更为直立的新亚种狭叶金丝桃H. lagarocladum ssp. angustifolium N. Robson.  相似文献   

Hieracium busambarense (Asteraceae), a new species from calcareous-dolomite cliffs of Rocca Busambra (western Sicily, Italy) is described and illustrated here.  相似文献   

Cystotheca tjibodensis, formerly known as Lanomyces tjibodensis (Perisporiales), is a fungus found in 1920 in Indonesia. This species, hitherto only known from its type collection, is now regarded as belonging to the Erysiphales. However, molecular data are still required to verify the taxonomic affinity. In March 2011, we rediscovered this fungus at Cibodas Botanical Garden, Java. Detailed characterizations of this tropical powdery mildew are reported in this study based on morphological and molecular examinations. The anamorph of this species that was not found in the type specimen is also reported in this study.  相似文献   

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