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Abstract. A new species of Clavagellidae, Bryopa aligamenta, from Okinawa, Japan, is described. The species is endolithic in living corals, with the left valve cemented to the crypt wall, as in all clavagellids. The free right valve exhibits an unusual growth pattern, with commarginal lines seemingly arising from the posterior valve margin and extending towards the anterior. This results from: (i) progressive anterior erosion of the umbones, probably as a consequence of the boring process; (ii) the apparent migration posteriorly, as the umbones are eroded, of the dorso‐ventral growth axis of the shell; and (iii) enhanced posterior inter‐commarginal growth. Unlike other clavagellid genera and species, however, there is no discernible primary ligament, at least in the adult. It is possible, however, that if a juvenile ligament were present (as in B. lata), it too would be lost as a consequence of antero‐dorsal erosion during boring. To retain valve alignment in the absence of a primary ligament, and possibly upon reaching an adult size, the mantle lays down alternating layers of calcium carbonate and proteinaceous periostracum onto the interior surface of the shell to thicken it, most noticeably marginally and, especially, posteriorly. The two valves are united dorsally, therefore, by thin layers of periostracum that probably exert a minimal opening force. B. aligamenta is, however, further characterised by large adductor, pallial, and siphonal retractor muscles so that the entire animal is encased tightly within an internally strengthened shell within a crypt. Movement must be minimal, blood being pumped into pallial haemocoels to push open the valves and extend the siphons. Despite a suggestion to the contrary, Bryopa is retained in the Clavagellidae, its unusual growth processes resulting from an endolithic life style within living corals. The fossil clavagellid Stirpulina bacillus, from the Pliocene/Pleistocene of Palermo, Sicily, Italy, was, unlike Bryopa aligamenta and other clavagellids, endobenthic, with a long adventitious tube and anterior watering pot superficially similar to species of Penicillidae, another family of the Clavagelloidea. Furthermore, as in all clavagellids only the left valve is fused into the fabric of the tube, the right being free within it. In all penicillids, both valves are fused into the fabric of their tubes. The watering pots of the fossil S. coronata, S. vicentina, and S. bacillus, moreover, are formed in a different manner to that of penicillids, by progressive encasement of the right valve inside the tube. In penicillids, the tube is secreted in a single event from the general mantle surface and the incorporation of both valves into its fabric. The constituent genera of the Clavagellidae thus constitute an example of parallel evolution with members of the Penicillidae.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new species of penicillid watering pot shell, Kendrickiana coquinacola sp. nov., is described from the middle Miocene (Balcombian) Bryant Creek Formation of the Murray Basin, South Australia. The new species differs from the extant K. veitchi in its smaller size, much shorter posterior tube, fewer tubules in the anterior watering pot structure, absence of the pedal slit, discontinuous dorsolateral bands of pitted muscle scars on the internal surface of the anterior bulb and habit of cementing itself to the shells in its surrounding environment. The fossil record of Kendrickiana is reviewed. The record from the Dry Creek Sands is discounted, while a record for the extant K. veitchi from the earliest Pleistocene of York Peninsula is added. K. coquinacola indicates the highly derived anatomy of the genus evolved over a 10‐Ma period from the late Oligocene through the early Miocene.  相似文献   

The extant anomalodesmatan bivalves have always proved rather enigmatic and difficult to interpret, both in terms of their relationships to other bivalve taxa and the interrelationships of the constituent families. These difficulties stem from their diverse and often highly specialized life habits which have resulted in a wide array of disparate morphologies, and also from the fact that many are extremely rare. Classifications based on morphological characters have been dogged by fears that convergent and parallel evolution has masked phylogenetic signals. Molecular surveys of members of 12 of the 15 constituent families, using the 18S rRNA gene, have revealed that anomalodesmatans are robustly monophyletic and lie within the basal heterodonts. The Anomalodesmata should no longer be regarded as a subclass, but as a part of the Heterodonta. Here we present an enhanced analysis of 32 anomalodesmatan species (representatives of 12 families). Our results, subjected to Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses, challenge our understanding of the internal relationships within the Anomalodesmata. In particular they indicate the need for a re-distribution of the families traditionally placed in the Thracioidea and Pandoroidea into a 'thraciid' lineage (Thraciidae + Cleidothaeridae + Myochamidae) and a 'lyonsiid' lineage (polyphyletic Lyonsiidae + Clavagellidae + Laternulidae + Pandoridae). The endolithic Clavagella and endobenthic Brechites and Penicillus form a robust clade. The hypothesis that the carnivorous septibranchs are monophyletic can, thus far, be neither supported nor rejected. Mapping critical morphological characters onto our molecular results provides evidence of multiple loss of some characters (e.g. prismato-nacreous shell microstructure and shell spicules) and also multiple gain of others (e.g. chondrophores).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 395–420.  相似文献   

Brian  Morton 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(3):445-468
All anomalodesmatans are 'rare' but Trigonothrucia jinxingae is relatively common in Xiamen Harbour, Fujian Province, China. This is because the species has a life span of approximately one year and is a simultaneous hermaphrodite, probably with either a short or absent planktonic larval stage. That is, success results from rapid maturation, self-fertilization, direct development and within-habitat recruitment over an extended period in early summer.
Trigonothracia jinxingae is interesting in another way, however. The Thraciidae is the Mesozoic stem group of the Thracioidea which also contains the more modern (Caenozoic) Laternulidae and Periplomatidae. Features of the anatomy of T. jinxingae , such as the method of hydraulically moving the foot by the pumping of blood into a capacious pallial haemocoel, and the structure of the stomach, are reminiscent of the earliest (Palaeozoic) anomalodesmaans, i.e. the Pholadomyoidea, represented today by Pholadomya candida. The thraciid Asthenothaerus sp. (Pelseneer, 1911) even has, like P. cundida , an opisthopodium on its visceral mass. P. candida , however, fed on sub-surface deposits using its foot. T. jinxingae is also a deposit feeder, but on surface deposits using the inhalant siphon.
Modern periplomatids resemble thraciids in their separate siphons, but both representatives of this family and the Laternulidae are suspension feeders with extensive sorting areas on the wall of the stomach to process such material. The Thraciidae thus form a link between the oldest, pedal feeding, pholadomyoidean anomalodesmatan and the most advanced, suspension feeding, laternulids and periplomatids.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stirpulina ramosa is the only extant endobenthic representative of the Clavagellidae and is restricted to the waters of Japan. A single intact adventitious tube of this species has been obtained and its structure is described. The right valve is 16 mm long and located within the adventitious tube. It has an opisthodetic ligament located on resilifers. There are anterior and posterior adductor muscle scars, a thick pallial line, and pallial and pedal gape (right valve only) sinuses. The left shell valve is but 9 mm long and is united into the fabric of the adventitious tube via the intermediary of a shelly saddle. Internally, only the anterior adductor muscle scar and a small element of the pallial line scar are identifiable on the left valve. The posterior adductor and the rest of the pallial line scar (including a pallial sinus) are, remarkably, located on the adventitious tube beyond the shell valve margin. The adventitious tube of S. ramosa is formed in a manner wholly dissimilar from that of Brechites vaginiferus (Penicillidae). In B. vaginiferus, the tube is secreted as a single entity from the general outer mantle surface, including the siphons, covering the body. As a consequence, both shell valves are incorporated into the structure of the tube and the watering pot is bilaterally symmetrical. In S. ramosa, the tube and watering pot are secreted from the mantle margin and surface surrounding and extending from the left shell valve, so that only the left valve is incorporated into its structure. A dorsally derived mantle element is progressively extended over to the right side of the body, meeting a ventrally derived counterpart that passes beneath it, forming a pleat in the calcareous structure of the right side of the tube that they secrete. This pleat extends into the complex of watering‐pot tubules and forms the pedal gape. The watering pot is thus Ω shaped. The ventrally derived mantle element forms a sinusoidal crest on the right‐hand base of the watering pot, creating a pedal gape sinus scar on the right valve. The Clavagellidae radiated widely in the Mesozoic, leaving behind a rich fossil record for Stirpulina. Only S. ramosa, however, has survived until the present. In contrast, the Cenozoic Penicillidae has a poor fossil record, but there is a rich variety of extant endobenthic watering‐pot shells. It has been argued hitherto that the two families represent a remarkable example of convergent evolution. In view of the success of the Penicillidae and thus the endobenthic, tube‐dwelling lifestyle, however, it is hard to understand why Stirpulina has largely died out—even S. ramosa being known by but one or two specimens. A study of the anatomy of S. ramosa might one day answer this question.  相似文献   

In the Croatian Adriatic, Arca noae occurs from the low intertidal to a depth of 60 m; it can live for > 15 years and is either solitary or forms byssally attached clumps with Modiolus barbatus. The shell is anteriorly foreshortened and posteriorly elongate. The major inhalant flow is from the posterior although a remnant anterior stream is retained. There are no anterior but huge posterior byssal retractor muscles and both anterior and posterior pedal retractors. The ctenidia are of Type B(1a) and the ctenidial–labial palp junction is Category 3. The ctenidia collect, filter and undertake the primary sorting of potential food in the inhalant water. The labial palps are small with simple re‐sorting tracks on the ridges of their inner surfaces. The ciliary currents of the mantle cavity appear largely concerned with the rejection of particulate material. The mantle margin comprises an outer and an (either) inner or middle fold. The outer fold is divided into outer and inner components that secrete the shell and are photo‐sensory, respectively. The latter bears a large number of pallial eyes, especially posteriorly. The inner/middle mantle fold of A. noae, possibly representative of simpler, more primitive conditions, may have differentiated into distinct folds in other recent representatives of the Bivalvia.  相似文献   

The origin of the anomalodesmatan bivalves and the relationships of the constituent families are far from being settled. Phylogenetic uncertainties result from the morphological heterogeneity of the Anomalodesmata and from parallel/convergent evolution of several character complexes due to similar life habits. Here, we assess these problems with 26 near-complete anomalodesmatan 18S rRNA sequences from 12 out of 15 families and a selection of heteroconch outgroup taxa. The robustly monophyletic Anomalodesmata share insertions in the V2 and V4 expansion regions. Both parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses confirm their position among the basal heterodonts rooting between Carditidae and Lucinidae or, together with the latter, between Carditidae and the remaining Heterodonta. There is no support for monophyletic Myoida, nor for a close relationship of Anomalodesmata with any myoid taxon. At the base of the Anomalodesmata is an unstable cluster of long-branch species belonging to the Poromyidae, Verticordiidae, Lyonsiellidae and Thraciidae. The remaining Anomalodesmata split consistently but with varying branch support into three major clades: the Cuspidariidae excluding Myonera ; a 'thraciid' clade consisting of (Euciroidae, ( Myonera ( Thracia, Cleidothaerus , Myochamidae))); and a 'lyonsiid' clade with Laternulidae, Pandoridae, diphyletic Lyonsiidae due to a robust clade of Lyonsia norwegica and the clavagellid Brechites vaginiferus . Tests of various alternative topologies showed that all are significantly longer but optimal likelihood trees with monophyletic carnivorous taxa and/or Thraciidae are not significantly less likely. These results differ greatly from previous morphological studies. Palaeontological data and homology decisions for selected characters are evaluated in the light of the molecular trees.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 229–246.  相似文献   

Rostromysis bacescuii gen. et sp. nov. and Megalopsis denlicaudagen. et sp. nov. belonging to the tribe Leptomysini are describedfrom the south-west coast of Australia. The characters uniqueto the genus Rostromysis are the unusually long club-shapedrostrum and the large delicate lamella-like pleopods of thefemale, thus easily distinguishing it from the allied generaTenagomysis and Doxomysis. The genus Megalopsis is closely alliedto Leptomysis, Prionomysis and Promysis but is readily distinguishablein having a short linguiform uncleft telson with a pair of medianplumose setae.  相似文献   

The largest Recent family of Bivalvia, the marine Veneridae with approximately 800 species, comprises one of the least understood and most poorly defined molluscan taxa, despite including some of the most economically important and abundant bivalves, for example quahog, Pismo clams, and Manila clams. A review of previous phylogenetic analyses including the superfamily Veneroidea (Veneridae, Petricolidae, Glauconomidae, Turtoniidae, Neoleptonidae) and within the Veneridae shows minimal taxon sampling leading to weak conclusions and few supported synapomorphies. New phylogenetic analyses on 114 taxa tested the monophyly of Veneroidea, Veneridae, and 17 nominal venerid subfamilies, using morphological (conchological, anatomical) data and molecular sequences from mitochondrial (16S, cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (28S, histone 3) genes. Morphological analyses using 45 exemplar taxa and 23 traditional characters were highly homoplastic and failed to reconstruct traditional veneroid classification. Full morphological analyses (31 characters) supported the monophyly of Veneroidea and Veneridae but only when certain taxa were excluded, revealing analytical difficulties caused by a suite of characters associated with neotenous or miniaturized morphology. Molecular analyses resulted in substantially higher clade consistency. The combined molecular data set resulted in significant support for a particular topology. The monophyly of Veneridae was supported only when Petricolidae and Turtoniidae were subsumed, and recognized as members with derived or neotenous morphologies, respectively. Morphological character mapping on molecular trees retained a high level of homoplasy, but revealed synapomorphies for major branch points and supported six subfamily groups (Dosiniinae, Gemminae, Samarangiinae, Sunettinae, Tapetinae, combined Chioninae + Venerinae). Glauconomidae and Neoleptonidae are provisionally maintained in Veneroidea pending further study; Petricolinae and Turtoniinae are placed in Veneridae. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 148 , 439–521.  相似文献   

A new cephalobaenid pentastome, Rileyella petauri gen: nov., sp. nov. from the lungs and nasal sinus of the petaurid marsupial, Petaurus breviceps, is described. It is the smallest adult pentastome known to date, represents the first record of a mammal as the definitive host of a cephalobaenid and may represent the only pentastome known to inhabit the lungs of a mammal through all its instars, with the exception of patent females. Adult males, non-gravid females and nymphs moulting to adults occur in the lungs; gravid females occur in the nasal sinus. R. petauri is minute and possesses morphological features primarily of the Cephalobaenida but the glands in the cephalothorax and the morphology of the copulatory spicules are similar to some members of the remaining pentastomid order, the Porocephalida. This unusual combination of features distinguish the new genus from other genera in the Cephalobaenida. The occurrence of only seven fully-formed larvae in eggs in the uterus, each representing about 10% of the length of the patent female, and her presence in the nasal sinus of a dependent juvenile P. breviceps (36 gm) implies a direct life cycle.  相似文献   

A new red algal genus is described, based on the southern Australian Chaetangium corneum J. Agardh. It is reproductively unique in that while the auxiliary cell is intercalary in an adventitious filament, a defining character of the order Cryptonemiales, the vegetative structure, carpogonial branches, connecting filaments and gonimoblast development seem strongly allied to lower families of the Gigartinales. Although its predominantly thallus-inward gonimoblast development is characteristic of the gigartinalian family Furcellariaceae, it is suggested that the new alga should be placed in the Nemastomataceae and that this family exhibits features which, in an ancient algal stock, could theoretically have given rise to the lower cryptonemialian and higher gigartinalian lines. The possible relationships between the Nemastomataceae, Furcellariaceae and Solieriaceae are discussed, and some seemingly primitive features of the Nemastomataceae are enumcrated.  相似文献   

Dianyuea C. Shang, S. Liao & Z. X. Zhang, a new monotypic genus of Salicaceae based on Flacourtia turbinata H. J. Dong & H. Peng, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, Dianyuea differs from Flacourtia Comm. ex L'Hér. by having six connate stamens, basal placentation and lobed seed appendages. All those features indicate that Dianyuea is allied with Scyphostegia Stapf. A molecular phylogenetic analysis using plastid trnL‐F, matK, and rbcL sequence data for representatives of 16 genera in Salicaceae s.l. shows that Dianyuea is sister to Scyphostegia. The new combination Dianyuea turbinata (H. J. Dong & H. Peng) C. Shang, S. Liao & Z. X. Zhang is proposed.  相似文献   

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