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The expression of mouse HtrA1 is developmentally regulated and restricted in embryo tissues which depend largely on TGF-beta signaling for their differentiation. We examined whether mouse HtrA3, another HtrA family member very close to HtrA1, shows similar expression patterns. HtrA3 and -1 were expressed mostly in the same embryonic organs but exhibited complementary patterns in various tissues; the lens epithelial cells in day 12.5 embryo expressed HtrA3 whereas the ciliary body and pigment retina expressed HtrA1. In the vertebrae of day 14.5 embryo, HtrA3 was expressed in the tail region, but HtrA1 was predominantly expressed in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Similar to HtrA1, HtrA3 bound to various TGF-beta proteins and inhibited the signaling of BMP-4, -2 and TGF-beta 1. HtrA3 did not inhibit signaling originated from a constitutively active BMP receptor, indicating that the inhibition occurred upstream of the cell surface receptor. HtrA3 also showed proteolytic activities indistinguishable from those of HtrA1 toward beta-casein and some extracellular matrix (ECM) proteoglycans. The protease activity was absolutely required for the TGF-beta signal inhibition activity. All these data suggest that HtrA3 and -1 have the overlapping biological activities but can function in complementary fashion in certain types of tissues.  相似文献   

Smad proteins are signaling intermediates of the TGF-beta superfamily and are involved in a range of biological activities including development and immune responses. We studied the expression of TGF-beta-receptor activated Smads (Smad2 and Smad3), the common partner Smad (Smad4), an inhibitory Smad (Smad7), and the activated (phosphorylated) Smad2 (pSmad2) in developing and adult kidneys of humans and mice. These studies demonstrate associated expression of these Smads in multiple renal cell types in all developmental stages and in mature non-diseased kidneys. Smad expression is in general most widespread at the earliest stages of nephron development and diminishes as components of the nephrons become more differentiated. Paucity of Smad expression in mesangial cells in contrast to widespread expression of these Smads in glomerular visceral epithelial cells in both developing and mature kidneys was remarkable. Divergent and less extensive expression of Smad4, compared with other Smad proteins, was also demonstrated in tubules of human kidneys. Based on the observed expression patterns, these findings demonstrate, for the first time, expression of the TGF-beta-receptor-activated Smad2 and Smad3, the common mediator Smad4, and the inhibitory Smad7 in the developing human fetal kidney, extending observations previously made in rodent systems to humans.  相似文献   

Identification of signaling pathways that maintain and promote adult pancreatic islet functions will accelerate our understanding of organogenesis and improve strategies for treating diseases like diabetes mellitus. Previous work has implicated transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling as an important regulator of pancreatic islet development, but has not established whether this signaling pathway is required for essential islet functions in the adult pancreas. Here we describe a conditional system for expressing Smad7, a potent inhibitor of TGF-beta signaling, to identify distinct roles for this pathway in adult and embryonic beta cells. Smad7 expression in Pdx1+ embryonic pancreas cells resulted in striking embryonic beta cell hypoplasia and neonatal lethality. Conditional expression of Smad7 in adult Pdx1+ cells reduced detectable beta cell expression of MafA, menin, and other factors that regulate beta cell function. Reduced pancreatic insulin content and hypoinsulinemia produced overt diabetes that was fully reversed upon resumption of islet TGF-beta signaling. Thus, our studies reveal that TGF-beta signaling is crucial for establishing and maintaining defining features of mature pancreatic beta cells.  相似文献   

TGF-beta and Smad3 signaling link inflammation to chronic fibrogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Transient adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of IL-1beta (AdIL-1beta), a proinflammatory cytokine, induces marked inflammation and severe and progressive fibrosis in rat lungs. This is associated with an increase in TGF-beta1 concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. TGF-beta1 is a key cytokine in the process of fibrogenesis, using intracellular signaling pathways involving Smad2 and Smad3. In this study we investigate whether inflammation induced by IL-1beta is able to independently induce lung fibrosis in mice deficient in the Smad3 gene. Seven days after AdIL-1beta administration, similar levels of IL-1beta transgene are seen in BAL in both wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice, and BAL cell profiles demonstrated a similar marked neutrophilic inflammation. Phospho-Smad2 staining was positive in areas of inflammation in both WT and KO mice at day 7. By day 35 after transient IL-1beta expression, WT mice showed marked fibrosis in peribronchial areas, quantified by picrosirius red staining and morphometry. However, there was no evidence of fibrosis or collagen accumulation in IL-1beta-treated KO mice, and peribronchial areas were not different from KO mice treated with the control adenovector. TGF-beta1 and phospho-Smad2 were strongly positive at day 35 in fibrotic areas observed in WT mice, but no such staining was detectable in KO mice. The IL-1beta-induced chronic fibrotic response in mouse lungs is dependent on Smad3. KO and WT animals demonstrated a similar inflammatory response to overexpression of IL-1beta indicating that inflammation must link to the Smad3 pathway, likely through TGF-beta, to induce progressive fibrosis.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of the avian alpha 6 integrin subunit was examined during early stages of development. The results show that this subunit is prevalent in cells of the developing nervous system and muscle. alpha 6 is first observed on neuroepithelial cells of the cranial neural plate and trunk neural tube. With time, immunoreactivity becomes prominent near the lumen and ventrolateral portions of the neural tube, co-distributing with neurons and axons, particularly notable on commissural neurons. The alpha 6 expression pattern is dynamic in the neural tube, with immunoreactivity peaking by embryonic day 6 (stage 30) and decreasing thereafter. The ventral roots and retina exhibit high levels of immunoreactivity throughout development. In the peripheral nervous system, alpha 6 immunoreactivity first appears on a subpopulation of sympathoadrenal cells around the dorsal aorta and later in the dorsal root ganglia shortly after gangliogenesis. Immunoreactivity appears on prospective myotomal cells as the somites delaminate into the dermomyotome and sclerotome, remaining prominent on myoblasts and differentiated muscle at all stages. The mesonephros also has intense immunoreactivity. In the periphery, alpha 6 immunoreactive regions often in proximity to laminin, which is thought to be the ligand of alpha 6 beta 1 integrin.  相似文献   

Developmentally regulated gene expression in Schistosoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Profibrogenic TGF-beta signaling in hepatic stellate cells is modulated during transdifferentiation. Strategies to abrogate TGF-beta effects provide promising antifibrotic results, however, in vivo data regarding Smad activation during fibrogenesis are scarce. METHODS: Here, liver fibrosis was assessed subsequent to bile duct ligation by determining liver enzymes in serum and collagen deposition in liver tissue. Activated hepatic stellate cells were identified by immunohistochemistry and immunoblots for alpha smooth muscle actin. Cellular localization of Smad3 and Smad7 proteins was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry. RTPCR for Smad4 and Smad7 was conducted with total RNA and Northern blot analysis for Smad7 with mRNA. Whole liver lysates were prepared to detect Smad2/3/4 and phospho- Smad2/3 by Western blotting. RESULTS: Cholestasis induces TGF-beta signaling via Smad3 in vivo, whereas Smad2 phosphorylation was only marginally increased. Smad4 expression levels were unchanged. Smad7 expression was continuously increasing with duration of cholestasis. Hepatocytes of fibrotic lesions exhibited nuclear staining Smad3. In contrast to this, Smad7 expression was localized to activated hepatic stellate cells. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatocytes of damaged liver tissue display increased TGF-beta signaling via Smad3. Further, negative feedback regulation of TGF-beta signaling by increased Smad7 expression in activated hepatic stellate cells occurs, however does not interfere with fibrogenesis.  相似文献   

The ability of inflammatory cytokine TGF-beta1 to alter endothelial cell phenotype suggests its role in the regulation of vascular endothelial cell permeability. We demonstrate that depletion of TGF-beta1 receptor ALK5 and regulatory protein Smad4, but not ALK1 receptor attenuates TGF-beta1-induced permeability increase and significantly inhibits TGF-beta1-induced EC contraction manifested by actin stress fiber formation and increased MLC and MYPT1 phosphorylation. Consistent with these results, EC treatment with SB 431542, an inhibitor of ALK5 but not ALK1 receptor, significantly attenuates TGF-beta1-induced permeability. Thus, our data demonstrate for the first time direct link between TGF-beta1-mediated activation of ALK5/Smad and EC barrier dysfunction.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha 7 beta 1 is a specific cellular receptor for laminin. In the present work, we studied the distribution pattern of the alpha 7 subunit by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation and the role of the integrin by blocking antibodies in early chick embryos. alpha 7 immunoreactivity was first detectable in the neural plate during neural furrow formation (stage HH5, early neurula, Hamburger & Hamilton 1951) and its expression was upregulated in the neural folds during primary neurulation. The alpha 7 expression domain spanned the entire neural tube by stage HH8 (4 somites), and was then downregulated and confined to the neuroepithelial cells in the germinal region near the lumen and the ventrolateral margins of the neural tube in embryos by the onset of stage HH17 (29 somites). Expression of alpha 7 in the neural tube was transient suggesting that alpha 7 functions during neural tube closure and axon guidance and may not be required for neuronal differentiation or for the maintenance of the differentiated cell types. alpha 7 immunoreactivity was strong in the newly formed epithelial somites, although this expression was restricted only to the myotome in the mature somites. The most intense alpha 7 immunoreactivity was detectable in the paired heart primordia and the endoderm apposing the heart primordia in embryos at stage HH8. In the developing heart, alpha 7 immunoreactivity was: (i) intense in the myocardium; (ii) milder in the endocardial cushions of the ventricle; (iii) intense in the sinus venosus; (iv) distinct in the associated blood vessels; and (v) undetectable in the dorsal mesocardium of embryos at stage HH17. Inhibition of function of alpha 7 by blocking antibodies showed that alpha 7 integrin-laminin signaling may play a critical role in tissue organization of the neural plate and neural tube closure, in tissue morphogenesis of the heart tube but not in the directional migration of pre-cardiac cells, and in somite epithelialization but not in segment formation in presomitic mesoderm. In embryos treated with alpha 7 antibody, the formation of median somites in place of a notochord was intriguing and suggested that alpha 7 integrin-laminin signaling may have played a role in segment re-specification in the mesoderm.  相似文献   

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