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The ArsA ATPase is the catalytic subunit of the ArsAB oxyanion pump in Escherichia coli that is responsible for extruding arsenite or antimonite from inside the cell, thereby conferring resistance. Either antimonite or arsenite stimulates ArsA ATPase activity. In this study, the role of histidine residues in ArsA activity was investigated. Treatment of ArsA with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) resulted in complete loss of catalytic activity. The inactivation could be reversed upon subsequent incubation with hydroxylamine, suggesting specific modification of histidine residues. ATP and oxyanions afforded significant protection against DEPC inactivation, indicating that the histidines are located at the active site. ArsA has 13 histidine residues located at position 138, 148, 219, 327, 359, 368, 388, 397, 453, 465, 477, 520, and 558. Each histidine was individually altered to alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. Cells expressing the altered ArsA proteins were resistant to both arsenite and antimonite. The results indicate that no single histidine residue plays a direct role in catalysis, and the inhibition by DEPC may be caused by steric hindrance from the carbethoxy group.  相似文献   

The ArsA ATPase is the catalytic subunit of the arsenite-translocating ArsAB pump that is responsible for resistance to arsenicals and antimonials in Escherichia coli. ATPase activity is activated by either arsenite or antimonite. ArsA is composed of two homologous halves A1 and A2, each containing a nucleotide binding domain, and a single metalloid binding or activation domain is located at the interface of the two halves of the protein. The metalloid binding domain is connected to the two nucleotide binding domains through two DTAPTGH sequences, one in A1 and the other in A2. The DTAPTGH sequences are proposed to be involved in information communication between the metal and catalytic sites. The roles of Asp142 in A1 D 142TAPTGH sequence, and Asp447 in A2 D 447TAPTGH sequence was investigated after altering the aspartates individually to alanine, asparagine, and glutamate by site-directed mutagenesis. Asp142 mutants were sensitive to As(III) to varying degrees, whereas the Asp447 mutants showed the same resistance phenotype as the wild type. Each altered protein exhibited varying levels of both basal and metalloid-stimulated activity, indicating that neither Asp142 nor Asp447 is essential for catalysis. Biochemical characterization of the altered proteins imply that Asp142 is involved in Mg (2+) binding and also plays a role in signal transduction between the catalytic and activation domains. In contrast, Asp447 is not nearly as critical for Mg (2+) binding as Asp142 but appears to be in communication between the metal and catalytic sites. Taken together, the results indicate that Asp142 and Asp447, located on the A1 and A2 halves of the protein, have different roles in ArsA catalysis, consistent with our proposal that these two halves are functionally nonequivalent.  相似文献   

S G Miran  S H Chang  F M Raushel 《Biochemistry》1991,30(32):7901-7907
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from Escherichia coli catalyzes the formation of carbamoyl phosphate from ATP, bicarbonate, and glutamine. The amidotransferase activity of this enzyme is catalyzed by the smaller of the two subunits of the heterodimeric protein. The roles of four conserved histidine residues within this subunit were probed by site-directed mutagenesis to asparagine. The catalytic activities of the H272N and H341N mutants are not significantly different than that of the wild-type enzyme. The H353N mutant is unable to utilize glutamine as a nitrogen source in the synthetase reaction or the partial glutaminase reaction. However, binding to the glutamine active site is not impaired in the H353N enzyme since glutamine is found to activate the partial ATPase reaction by 40% with a Kd of 54 microM. The H312N mutant has a Michaelis constant for glutamine that is 2 orders of magnitude larger than the wild-type value, but the maximal rate of glutamine hydrolysis is unchanged. These results are consistent with His-353 functioning as a general acid/base catalyst for proton transfers while His-312 serves a critical role for the binding of glutamine to the active site.  相似文献   

The DNL-type zinc-finger protein DNLZ regulates the activity and solubility of the human mitochondrial chaperone HSPA9. To identify DNLZ residues that are critical for chaperone regulation, we carried out an alanine mutagenesis scan of charged residues in a W115I mutant of human DNLZ and assessed the effect of each mutation on interactions with HSPA9. All mutants analyzed promote the solubility of HSPA9 upon expression in Escherichia coli. However, binding studies examining the effect of DNLZ mutants on chaperone tryptophan fluorescence identified three mutations (R81A, H107A, and D111A) that decrease DNLZ binding affinity for nucleotide-free chaperone. In addition, ATPase measurements revealed that DNLZ–R81A and DNLZ–D111A both stimulate the catalytic activity HSPA9, whereas DNLZ–H107A does not elicit an increase in activity even when present at a concentration that is 10-fold higher than the level required for half-maximal stimulation by DNLZ. These findings implicate a conserved histidine as critical for DNLZ regulation of mitochondrial HSPA9 catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Macrolide 2'-phosphotransferase (MPH(2')) catalyzes the transfer of the gamma-phosphate of ATP to the 2'-hydroxyl group of macrolide antibiotics. In this study, H198 and H205, conserved in the ATP-binding region motif 1 in the putative amino acid sequence of MPH(2')II, were replaced by Ala to investigate their role. H205 was also subsequently replaced by Asn. H198A and H205N mutant enzymes retained more than 50% of the specific activity of the original enzyme to substrate oleandomycin. On the other hand, the specific activity of the H205A mutant enzyme was reduced to less than 1% of that of the wild enzyme. The results suggested that H205 is crucial for maintaining the catalytic activity of MPH(2')II, and Asn can substitute for His at this position.  相似文献   

D-Aminoacylase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6 (Alcaligenes A-6) was strongly inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC). An H67N mutant was barely active, with a kcat/Km 6.3 x 10(4) times lower than that of the recombinant wild-type enzyme, while the H67I mutant lost detectable activity. The H67N mutant had almost constant Km, but greatly decreased kcat. These results suggested that His67 is essential to the catalytic event. Both H69N and H69I mutants were overproduced in the insoluble fraction. The kcat/Km of H250N mutant was reduced by a factor of 2.5 x 10(4)-fold as compared with the wild-type enzyme. No significant difference between H251N mutant and wild-type enzymes in the Km and kcat was found. The Zn content of H250N mutant was nearly half of that of wild-type enzyme. These results suggest that the His250 residue might be essential to catalysis via Zn binding.  相似文献   

YchF, a universally conserved protein, hitherto thought to be a GTPase, was shown to be an ATPase based on structural and biochemical studies on hOLA1, a human ortholog of YchF. However, the cellular role of YchF is unclear. Based on the presence of a RNA binding domain in this protein and significant homology to ribosome binding Obg family GTPases, we examined its ability to associate with the ribosome. Here, we show that Escherichia coli YchF binds the 50S and 70S ribosomal particles in a nucleotide independent manner and it hydrolyzes ATP utilizing a potassium dependent mechanism. A potassium mediated acceleration of hydrolysis activity was thus far known for a few GTPases. Like these, YchF too conserves the structural features required for K+ coordination, making it a unique ribosome binding ATPase utilizing a similar mechanism. Furthermore, we show that Lys78 is an important determinant of the potassium dependent ATPase activity.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)X基因及其编码的多功能蛋白HBx是乙型肝炎病毒基因转录所必需的作用因子。同时,HBx通过与宿主功能蛋白直接或间接地相互作用而调节多种蛋白的功能,参与调控多条细胞信号通路转导,激活多种转录因子,在肝细胞抗凋亡和引发肝癌的过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

A chimeric transport protein was made by expression of a fusion of thearsB genes fromEscherichia coli plasmid R773 andStaphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258. The two genes were fused to encode a functional protein with first eight membrane spanning -helices of theS. aureus and the last four helices of theE. coli protein. The hybrid protein provided arsenite resistance and transport. When anarsA gene was expressed in trans with the ArsB proteins encoded by the R773, pI258 and fusion genes, arsenite efflux was dependent on chemical but not electrochemical energy. The Ars system is hypothesized to be a novel transport system that functions as a primary ATP-driven pump or a secondary carrier, depending on the subunit composition of the complex.  相似文献   

5-羟色胺(5-HT)作为一种神经递质在中枢神经系统中具有重要的作用,同时在外周组织系统中5-HT也发挥多种重要的生物功能, 如广泛参与机体的糖脂代谢、肝再生、胃肠运动等。综述外周5-HT诱导胰岛素抵抗的作用机制研究新进展,重点介绍5-HT对胰岛素信 号转导、糖脂代谢等方面的影响。  相似文献   

Signal transduction systems comprising histidine kinases are suggested as new molecular targets of antibiotics. The important human fungal pathogen Candida albicans possesses three histidine kinases, one of which is the type III histidine kinase CaNik1, which activates the MAP kinase Hog1. We established a screening system for inhibitors of this class of histidine kinases by functional expression of the CaNIK1 gene in S. cerevisiae. This transformant was susceptible to fungicides to which the wild type strain was resistant, such as fludioxonil and ambruticin. Growth inhibition correlated with phosphorylation of Hog1 and was dependent on an intact Hog1 pathway. At the N-terminus the histidine kinase CaNik1 has four amino acid repeats of 92 amino acids each and one truncated repeat of 72 amino acids. Within these repeats we identified 9 HAMP domains with a paired structure. We constructed mutants in which one or two pairs of these domains were deleted. S. cerevisiae transformants expressing the full-length CaNIK1 showed the highest sensitivity to the fungicides, any truncation reduced the susceptibility of the transformants to the fungicides. This indicates that the HAMP domains are decisive for the mode of action of the antifungal compounds.  相似文献   

Microtubule (MT) binding accelerates the rate of ATP hydrolysis in kinesin. To understand the underlying mechanism, using charged‐to‐alanine mutational analysis, we identified two independent sites in tubulin, which are critical for kinesin motility, namely, a cluster of negatively charged residues spanning the helix 11–12 (H11–12) loop and H12 of α‐tubulin, and the negatively charged residues in H12 of β‐tubulin. Mutation in the α‐tubulin‐binding site results in a deceleration of ATP hydrolysis (kcat), whereas mutation in the β‐tubulin‐binding site lowers the affinity for MTs (K0.5MT). The residue E415 in α‐tubulin seems to be important for coupling MT binding and ATPase activation, because the mutation at this site results in a drastic reduction in the overall rate of ATP hydrolysis, largely due to a deceleration in the reaction of ADP release. Our results suggest that kinesin binding at a region containing α‐E415 could transmit a signal to the kinesin nucleotide pocket, triggering its conformational change and leading to the release of ADP.  相似文献   

细胞骨架在植物抗病中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物细胞骨架在调节植物适应周围环境变化方面起的重要作用越来越明显,现对植物细胞骨架在植物病原物互作过程及其信号转导中所起作用的一些新认识进行综述。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus cause infections by producing toxins, a process regulated by cell-cell communication (quorum sensing) through the histidine-phosphorylation of the target of RNAIII-activating protein (TRAP). We show here that TRAP is highly conserved in staphylococci and contains three completely conserved histidine residues (His-66, His-79, His-154) that are phosphorylated and essential for its activity. This was tested by constructing a TRAP(-) strain with each of the conserved histidine residues changed to alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. All mutants were tested for pathogenesis in vitro (expression of RNAIII and hemolytic activity) and in vivo (murine cellulitis model). Results show that RNAIII is not expressed in the TRAP(-) strain, that it is non hemolytic, and that it does not cause disease in vivo. These pathogenic phenotypes could be rescued in the strain containing the recovered traP, confirming the importance of TRAP in S. aureus pathogenesis. The phosphorylation of TRAP mutated in any of the conserved histidine residues was significantly reduced, and mutants defective in any one of these residues were non-pathogenic in vitro or in vivo, whereas those mutated in a non-conserved histidine residue (His-124) were as pathogenic as the wild type. These results confirm the importance of the three conserved histidine residues in TRAP activity. The phosphorylation pattern, structure, and gene organization of TRAP deviates from signaling molecules known to date, suggesting that TRAP belongs to a novel class of signal transducers.  相似文献   

The conserved arginine 274 and histidine 224 and 228 residues in subunit NuoCD of complex I from Escherichia coli were substituted for alanine. The wild-type and mutated NuoCD subunit was expressed on a plasmid in an E. coli strain bearing a nuoCD deletion. Complex I was fully expressed in the H224A and H228A mutants, whereas the R274A mutation yielded approximately 50% expression. Ubiquinone reductase activity of complex I was studied in membranes and with purified enzyme and was 50% and 30% of the wild-type activity in the H224A and H228A mutants, respectively. The activity of R274A was less than 5% of the wild type in membranes but 20% in purified complex I. Rolliniastatin inhibited quinone reductase activity in the mutants with similar affinity as in the wild type, indicating that the quinone-binding site was not significantly altered by the mutations. Ubiquinone-dependent superoxide production by complex I was similar to the wild type in the R274A mutant but slightly higher in the H224A and H228A mutants. The EPR spectra of purified complex I from the H224A and H228A mutants did not differ from the wild type. In contrast, the signals of the N2 cluster and another fast-relaxing [4Fe-4S] cluster, tentatively assigned as N6b, were drastically decreased in the NADH-reduced R274A mutant enzyme but reappeared on further reduction with dithionite. These findings show that the redox potential of the N2 and N6b centers is shifted to more negative values by the R274A mutation. Purified complex I was reconstituted into liposomes, and electric potential was generated across the membrane upon NADH addition in all three mutant enzymes, suggesting that none of the mutations directly affect the proton-pumping machinery.  相似文献   

A central event in the invasion of a host cell by an enveloped virus is the fusion of viral and cell membranes. For many viruses, membrane fusion is driven by specific viral surface proteins that undergo large-scale conformational rearrangements, triggered by exposure to low pH in the endosome upon internalization. Here, we present evidence suggesting that in both class I (helical hairpin proteins) and class II (beta-structure-rich proteins) pH-dependent fusion proteins the protonation of specific histidine residues triggers fusion via an analogous molecular mechanism. These histidines are located in the vicinity of positively charged residues in the prefusion conformation, and they subsequently form salt bridges with negatively charged residues in the postfusion conformation. The molecular surfaces involved in the corresponding structural rearrangements leading to fusion are highly conserved and thus might provide a suitable common target for the design of antivirals, which could be active against a diverse range of pathogenic viruses.  相似文献   

Most signal transduction and cell signaling pathways are mediated by protein kinases. Protein kinases have emerged as important cellular regulatory proteins in many aspects of neoplasia. Protein kinase inhibitors offer the opportunity to target diseases such as cancer with chemotherapeutic agents specific for the causative molecular defect. In order to identify possible targets and assess kinase inhibitors, quantitative methods for analyzing protein phosphorylation have been developed. This review examines some of the current formats used for quantifying kinase function for drug development.  相似文献   

采用磷酸铅沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法,对经冷驯化及未经冷驯化的金边卫矛 EuonymusradicansEmorald&Gold. 以及两者在-5℃下处理1d后的叶肉细胞进行了ATPase的超微细胞化学定位的比较观察,并对冷驯化可提高植物抗寒力及ATPase与植物抗寒性关系进行了探讨.标志ATPase活性反应的磷酸铅沉淀物主要分布在叶片栅栏细胞和海绵细胞的质膜和液泡膜上,ATPase在这两类细胞中的分布及活性无明显差异.金边卫矛幼苗经4℃低温驯化7d后,其质膜和液泡膜的ATPase活性高于22℃下生长的幼苗,冷驯化后的金边卫矛幼苗在-5℃处理1d后,其质膜和液泡膜上仍可观察到ATPase的活性反应,但较低温胁迫前有所降低,且超微结构完整,未见任何伤害.而未经冷驯化的金边卫矛幼苗在-5℃处理1d后,其质膜和液泡膜上的ATPase完全失活,同时细胞的超微结构受到严重伤害.实验结果表明,冷驯化可提高金边卫矛幼苗ATPase在低温胁迫下的稳定性,这种活性变化与植物抗寒力的提高呈正相关,同时还发现液泡膜ATPase活性较质膜ATPase变化幅度大,推测液泡膜可能较质膜ATPase对低温更为敏感.  相似文献   

The TagF protein from Bacillus subtilis 168 is the poly(glycerol phosphate) polymerase responsible for the synthesis of wall teichoic acid and is the prototype member of a poorly understood family of similar teichoic acid synthetic enzymes. Here we describe in vitro and in vivo characterization of TagF, which localizes the active site to the carboxyl terminus of the protein and identifies residues that are critical for catalysis. We also establish the first mechanistic link among TagF and similar proteins by demonstrating that the identified residues are also critical in the function of TagB, a homologous enzyme implicated as the glycerophosphotransferase responsible for priming poly(glycerol phosphate) synthesis. We investigated the dependence of TagF activity on pH and showed that deprotonation of a residue with a pK(a) near neutral is critical for proper function. Alteration of histidine residues 474 and 612 by site-directed mutagenesis abolished TagF activity in vitro (5000-fold reduction in k(cat)/K(m)) while variants in four other conserved acidic residues showed minimal loss of activity. Complementation using H474A and H612A mutant alleles failed to suppress a lethal temperature-sensitive tagF defect in vivo despite confirmation of robust expression by Western blot. When corresponding mutations were made to the homologous tagB gene, these alleles were unable to suppress a tagB temperature-sensitive lethal phenotype. These results extend the mechanistic observations for TagF across a wider family of enzymes and provide the first biochemical evidence for the relatedness of these two enzymes.  相似文献   

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