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十五年前我们曾经提出蜜蜂间接飞翔肌粗肌丝大概是由一个贯穿整个肌小节,在A带是中空的内芯以及一层包含只位于A带的六根微丝之外套所组成。从分离出的微丝来看,它的构成单元很象是肌球  相似文献   

蜜蜂间接飞翔肌肌原纤维副肌球蛋白的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十五年前我们曾经提出蜜蜂间接飞翔肌粗肌丝大概是由一个贯穿整个肌小节,在A 带是中空的内芯以及一层包含只位于A 带的六根微丝之外套所组成。从分离出的微  相似文献   

本文报告我們观察蜜蜂間接飞翔肌肌細胞的电反应和測量膜的一些电性貭的結果。膜电位的数值为35±7毫伏,峯电位的振幅为42±11毫伏。“自发”放电和通过头腹部两点刺激引起的反应伴有延續时間較长(数十至数百毫秒)的負后电位,在它的上面还往往重复出現一些峯电位。直接刺激肌肉引起的反应的負后电位較小,而且沒有重复反应。細胞膜的电阻为1—4×10~3欧姆厘米~2,电容为2—9微法拉/厘米~2。  相似文献   

范世藩  陈明 《昆虫学报》1986,(2):139-142
用能溶解肌球蛋白但不溶解副肌球蛋白的溶液(300 mM KCI,pH6.0)处理分离的蜜蜂间接飞翔肌粗肌丝,经数分钟后可以看到粗肌丝端头散开成为多根微丝,微丝数最多为7根。延长处理时间,可以见到粗肌丝中央部分只剩下直径约为5 nm的徽丝。实验结果支持我们以前提出的蜜蜂间接飞翔肌粗肌丝的结构模式,并指示贯穿肌小节、两端都和Z线相连的内芯至少部分由副肌球蛋白组成。只存在于A带的,由6根微丝形成的外套是由肌球蛋白分子组成。  相似文献   

周念辉  王宝华  陈明 《昆虫学报》1992,35(1):117-118
肌肉收缩是由于肌原纤维中粗、细肌丝相互滑行的结果(Huxley,1988;Huxley,1983;Squire,1986)。许多无脊椎动物肌肉粗肌丝中除含有肌球蛋白外,还存在着含量不同的副肌球蛋白(陈明等,1984、1985)。我们曾经进行过一系列关于意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica Spin)间接飞翔肌原纤维排列及其粗肌丝亚丝结构的研究。间接飞翔肌的粗肌丝从Z-线延伸至另一Z-线(范世藩等,1966),分离的天然粗肌丝经变性剂(脲、胍)处理,可以散开成直径约为5nm的数根亚丝,在一些亚丝上  相似文献   

本文报告伸展程度不同的蜜蜂間接飞翔肌肌原纤維A带和I带蛋白浓度的比例。当肌小节长度从3.0微米增加到4.7微米,蛋白浓度之比稍稍上升。实驗結果和根据Hodge提出的肌原纤維由一組蛋白細絲組成的模型計算的結果大体相符。  相似文献   

吴孔明  郭予元 《昆虫学报》1997,40(-1):79-83
利用电子显微镜观测表明,棉铃虫Helicoverpa rmigera (Hubner)飞翔肌的肌原纤维由400~800根肌球蛋白丝组成,每根肌球蛋白由6根肌动蛋白丝环绕排列成六角形,肌节长度2.0~3.5μm,线粒体占飞翔肌的体积达42.38%~48.57%,微气管组织较为发达。初羽化棉铃虫肌原纤维和线粒体的发育基本完成,横管系统的发育相对较慢,羽化3日后趋于成熟,至5日龄占飞翔肌的体积达3.31%~3.54%。表明棉铃虫具有适宜飞行的飞翔肌结构。采自渤海海面距海岸线80km的迁飞蛾子飞翔肌基本结构和实验种群无明显的区别,但迁飞过程中的能量代谢导致线粒体内脊疏松而出现大量空洞。  相似文献   

收缩蛋白最初是在肌细胞中发现和加以命名的。肌细胞中收缩蛋白主要由肌动蛋白细丝和肌球蛋白粗丝组成。肌动蛋白是一种球形分子,在高浓度盐(0.1—0.05MKCl)条件下,这些球形分子作为亚基聚合成双螺旋丝状。在低盐浓度下(>0.05MKCl)又可以使聚合体  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂工蜂触角感受器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
杜芝兰 《昆虫学报》1989,32(2):166-169
对中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)工蜂触角感受器的扫描电镜观察,见到在触角上有九种类型的感受器,它们是板形感器、腔锥感器、坛形感器、钟形感器、锥形感器、毛形感器A、毛形感器B、毛形感器C和D、缘感器以及各种类型的刚毛等.对于这些感受器的外部形态和分布部位进行了详细地观察和描述,发现中华蜜蜂与西方意蜂(Apis mellifera)有差异.  相似文献   

王浆是由工蜂的咽下腺所分泌,咽下腺位于工蜂头腔内两侧,每侧腺体都有一条长而粗的分泌管,在分泌管的两侧平行排列有许多椭圆形小叶,每个小叶内有十多个细胞,每个细胞有一根胞外管与分泌管直接相通,细胞内有一条胞内管又与胞外管相连。王浆就是通过细胞内分泌块分泌而成,由胞内管把王浆输送到胞外管,最后由分泌管到咽喉部,在此处饲喂王浆给蜂王、幼蜂和雄蜂。通过咽下腺的超微结构观察,不仅了解到咽下腺各种细胞器的形态特征,同时也了解到输送王浆的途径。  相似文献   

Limulus paramyosin and myosin were localized in the A bands of glycerinated Limulus striated muscle by the indirect horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibody and direct and indirect fluorescent antibody techniques. Localization of each protein in the A band varied with sarcomere length. Antiparamyosin was bound at the lateral margins of the A bands in long (~ 10.0 µ) and intermediate (~ 7.0 µ) length sarcomeres, and also in a thin line in the central A bands of sarcomeres, 7.0–~6.0 µ. Antiparamyosin stained the entire A bands of short sarcomeres (<6.0). Conversely, antimyosin stained the entire A bands of long sarcomeres, showed decreased intensity of central A band staining except for a thin medial line in intermediate length sarcomeres, and was bound only in the lateral A bands of short sarcomeres. These results are consistent with a model in which paramyosin comprises the core of the thick filament and myosin forms a cortex. Differential staining observed using antiparamyosin and antimyosin at various sarcomere lengths and changes in A band lengths reflect the extent of thick-thin filament interaction and conformational change in the thick filament during sarcomeric shortening.  相似文献   

意蜂(Apis mellifera)蜂王婚飞交尾机制的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过氯气球悬挂意蜂(Apis mellifera)雌蜂及提取物等方法模拟蜂王婚飞交尾试验,比较不同生理状态的雌蜂及其提取物对雄蜂的性引诱力,结果表明:1.在工峰、处女王与产卵王及其提取物中,以产卵王及其提取物对雄峰性诱最大.平均分别为16只和14.3只雄蜂;2.不同数量的处女王提取物对雄蜂引诱力存在差异.以3只处女王提取物对雄蜂引诱力最大,平均引诱31.3只雄蜂;3.1000烛光以上的光照比400烛光以下的光照更有利于雄蜂的水分,且雄蜂集聚的个性体敏越多,相互激活力越强。  相似文献   

As an experimental model for the different forms of muscle degeneration, injury caused by 2 hours' ischemia has been studied from 20 minutes to 16 hours after release of the tourniquet. Discoid degeneration developed in stretched fibers by dissolution of the I bands (Z substances and actin). The discs represented the Q bands (A-H-A). In fibers which passively maintained contraction lengths during degeneration, the Z substances were dissolved, but the continuity of the fibrils was preserved, since the filaments are continuous over all sarcomeres under these conditions. Mitochondria and the tubules of the endoplasmic reticulum swelled, ruptured, and disintegrated. Granular degeneration developed in fibers where mitochondria were abundant. Unstretched degenerating fibers with few mitochondria gave a homogeneous or hyaline appearance. The different forms of degeneration therefore were dependent on the status of stretch and the fiber type. The extent of degeneration was not a function of time after ischemia, there being both nearly normal and severely damaged fibers at 20 minutes and 16 hours after the release of tourniquets. When degeneration occurred, however, the basic alterations were the same in all fibers; there was mitochondrial and reticular swelling, dissolution of the Z substances, and finally disintegration of the contractile material. Some damage developed in the sarcolemmas and capillaries. The mitochondrial disintegration was not linked with inactivation of the succinic dehydrogenase system.  相似文献   

1. Bees respond by a characteristic reflex to a movement in their visual field. By confining the field to a series of parallel dark and luminous bars it is possible to determine the size of bar to which the bees respond under different conditions and in this way to measure the resolving power or visual acuity of the eye. The maximum visual acuity of the bee is lower than the lowest human visual acuity. Under similar, maximal conditions the fineness of resolution of the human eye is about 100 times that of the bee. 2. The eye of the bee is a mosaic composed of hexagonal pyramids of variable apical angle. The size of this angle determines the angular separation between adjacent ommatidia and therefore sets the structural limits to the resolving power of the eye. It is found that the visual angle corresponding to the maximum visual acuity as found experimentally is identical with the structural angular separation of adjacent ommatidia in the region of maximum density of ommatidia population. When this region of maximum ommatidia population is rendered non-functional by being covered with an opaque paint, the maximum visual acuity then corresponds to the angular separation of those remaining ommatidia which now constitute the maximum density of population. 3. The angular separation of adjacent ommatidia is much smaller in the vertical (dorso-ventral) axis than in the horizontal (anterio-posterior) axis. The experimentally found visual acuity varies correspondingly. From this and other experiments as well as from the shape of the eye itself, it is shown that the bee''s eye is essentially an instrument for uni-directional visual resolution, functional along the dorso-ventral axis. The resolution of the visual pattern is therefore determined by the vertical angular separation of those ocular elements situated in the region of maximum density of ommatidia population. 4. The visual acuity of the bee varies with the illumination in much the same way that it does for the human eye. It is low at low illuminations; as the intensity of illumination increases it increases at first slowly and then rapidly; and finally at high intensities it becomes constant. The resolving power of a structure like the bee''s eye depends on the distance which separates the discrete receiving elements. The data then mean that at low illuminations the distance between receiving elements is large and that this distance decreases as the illumination increases. Since such a moving system cannot be true anatomically it must be interpreted functionally. It is therefore proposed that the threshold of the various ommatidia are not the same but that they vary as any other characteristic of a population. The visual acuity will then depend on the distance apart of those elements whose thresholds are such that they are functional at the particular illumination under investigation. Taking due consideration of the angular separation of ommatidia it is possible to derive a distribution curve for the thresholds of the ommatidia which resembles the usual probability curves, and which describes the data with complete fidelity.  相似文献   

1. The flight muscles of blowflies are easily dispersed in appropriate media to form suspensions of myofibrils which are highly suitable for phase contrast observation of the band changes associated with ATP-induced contraction. 2. Fresh myofibrils show a simple band pattern in which the A substance is uniformly distributed throughout the sarcomere, while the pattern characteristic of glycerinated material is identical with that generally regarded as typical of relaxed vertebrate myofibrils (A, I, H, Z, and M bands present). 3. Unrestrained myofibrils of both fresh and glycerinated muscle shorten by not more than about 20 per cent on exposure to ATP. In both cases the A substance migrates during contraction and accumulates in dense bands in the Z region, while material also accumulates in the M region. It is proposed that these dense contraction bands be designated the Cz, and Cm bands respectively. In restrained myofibrils, the I band does not disappear, but the Cz and Cm bands still appear in the presence of ATP. 4. The birefringence of the myofibrils decreases somewhat during contraction, but the shift of A substance does not result in an increase of birefringence in the Cz and Cm bands. It seems therefore that the A substance, if it is oriented parallel with the fibre axis in the relaxed myofibril, must exist in a coiled or folded configuration in the C hands of contracted myofibrils. 5. The fine structure of the flight muscle has been determined from electron microscopic examination of ultrathin sections. The myofibrils are of roughly hexagonal cross-section and consist of a regular single hexagonal array of compound myofilaments the cores of which extend continuously throughout all bands of the sarcomere in all states of contraction or relaxation so far investigated. 6. Each myofilament is joined laterally with its six nearest neighbours by thin filamentous bridges which repeat at regular intervals along the fibre axis and are present in the A, I, and Z, but not in the H or M bands. When stained with PTA, the myofilaments display a compound structure. In the A band, a lightly staining medullary region about 40 A in diameter is surrounded by a densely staining cortex, the over-all diameter of the myofilament being about 120 A. This thick cortex is absent in the I and H bands, but a thinner cortex is often visible. 7. It is suggested that the basic structure is a longitudinally continuous framework of F actin filaments, which are linked periodically by the lateral bridges (possibly tropomyosin). The A substance is free under certain conditions to migrate to the Z bands to form the Cz bands. The material forming the Cm bands possibly represents another component of the A substance. The results do not clearly indicate whether myosin is confined to the A bands or distributed throughout the sarcomere.  相似文献   

1. Bees respond by a characteristic reflex to a movement in their visual field. By confining the field to a series of parallel stripes of different brightness it is possible to determine at any brightness of one of the two stripe systems the brightness of the second at which the bee will first respond to a displacement of the field. Thus intensity discrimination can be determined. 2. The discriminating power of the bee''s eye varies with illumination in much the same way that it does for the human eye. The discrimination is poor at low illumination; as the intensity of illumination increases the discrimination increases and seems to reach a constant level at high illuminations. 3. The probable error of See PDF for Equation decreases with increasing I exactly in the same way as does See PDF for Equation itself. The logarithm of the probable error of ΔI is a rectilinear function of log I for all but the very lowest intensities. Such relationships show that the measurements exhibit an internal self-consistency which is beyond accident. 4. A comparison of the efficiency of the bee''s eye with that of the human eye shows that the range over which the human eye can perceive and discriminate different brightnesses is very much greater than for the bee''s eye. When the discrimination power of the human eye has reached almost a constant maximal level the bee''s discrimination is still very poor, and at an illumination where as well the discrimination power of the human eye and the bee''s eye are at their best, the intensity discrimination of the bee is twenty times worse than in the human eye.  相似文献   

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