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Abstract A promotor-less oad gene of bacteriophage T5, encoding the receptor binding protein pb5, was cloned into pT7-3 under the control of phage T7 promoter Φ10. Induction with IPTG resulted in enhanced production of pb5. Upon fractionation of the producing cells, most of the overproduced pb5 was found in the membrane fraction, which was most likely due to aggregation of the protein. The minor, soluble fraction of pb5 specifically inhibited adsorption of T5 to its FhuA receptor protein. Inhibition was also seen with trace amounts of pb5, and binding of pb5 to FhuA appeared to be almost irreversible. Purification of pb5 from the cytosolic fraction was performed by FPLC using a MonoQ column. pb5, which did not bind to the matrix of the column, was obtained in almost pure form. The purified protein also inhibited T5 adsorption.  相似文献   

Irreversible binding of bacteriophage T5 to its FhuA receptor protein is characterized by a high activation energy, typical for reactions where covalent bonds are formed [Zarnitz, M.L. and Weidel, W. (1963) Z. Naturforsch. 18b, 276-280]. Upon binding of radiolabeled T5 phages to FhuA formation of a new protein of 250 kDa was observed. Using electrophoretical and Western blotting techniques this protein was shown to be formed by cross-linking of 3 copies of tail protein pb4, rather than by cross-linking of FhuA and the receptor-binding protein.  相似文献   

T-5-induced DNA polymerase has been shown to possess a 3' leads to 5'-exonucleolytic activity. The exonuclease acts on both native and denatured DNA, but the apparent rate of degradation of denatured DNA is about five times faster than that for native DNA. The enzyme appears to act only on 3'-OH ends and produces mainly 5'-dNMP's. Like polymerase activity, exonuclease activity shows a pH optimum around 8.6. Mg2+, dithiothreitol, and N-ethylmaleimide had identical effects on both the activities. Nicked DNA was almost totally protected from exonuclease action under synthetic conditions, i.e., in the presence of 4dNTP's. Denatured DNA was partly degraded in the early phase of incubation with 4dNTP's, presumably due to unhybridized tails at the 3'-OH primer ends. However, the exonuclease activity was operative in both cases under synthetic conditions, as evidenced by template-dependent conversion of [3H]dTTP to [3H]dTMP.  相似文献   

Second-step transfer of bacteriophage T5 DNA requires the function of the T5 pre-early proteins A1 and A2. We have isolated and characterized the gene A2 protein as part of an effort to determine the mechanism of second-step transfer. The A2 protein was purified by DNA-cellulose column chromatography followed by gel filtration and ion-exchange column chromatography. The A2 protein's identity was confirmed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and thin-layer gel filtration in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride demonstrated a molecular weight of 15,000 for the A2 polypeptide. Migration of the A2 protein through gel filtration columns under nondenaturing conditions, in combination with sedimentation behavior, indicated dimerization of the A2 polypeptide. The existence of the A2 dimer was confirmed by protein cross-linking with dimethyl suberimidate and analysis of the cross-linked proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition, degree of polymerization, DNA-binding ability, and physical characteristics of the T5 gene A2 protein are consistent with a function of the A2 protein in DNA transfer.  相似文献   

The majority of bacterial viruses are bacteriophages bearing a tail that serves to recognise the bacterial surface and deliver the genome into the host cell. Infection is initiated by the irreversible interaction between the viral receptor binding protein (RBP) and a receptor at the surface of the bacterium. This interaction results ultimately in the phage DNA release in the host cytoplasm. Phage T5 infects Escherichia coli after binding of its RBP pb5 to the outer membrane ferrichrome transporter FhuA. Here, we have studied the complex formed by pb5 and FhuA by a variety of biophysical and biochemical techniques. We show that unlike RBPs of known structures, pb5 probably folds as a unique domain fulfilling both functions of binding to the host receptor and interaction with the rest of the phage. Pb5 likely binds to the domain occluding the β-barrel of FhuA as well as to external loops of the barrel. Furthermore, upon binding to FhuA, pb5 undergoes conformational changes, at the secondary and tertiary structure level that would be the key to the transmission of the signal through the tail to the capsid, triggering DNA release. This is the first structural information regarding the binding of a RBP to a proteic receptor.  相似文献   

A DNA-protein complex was isolated from Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi29 by sucrose gradient sedimentation or gel filtration in the presence of agents known to break noncovalent bonds. A 28,000-dalton protein was released from this complex by subsequent hydrolysis of the DNA. The DNA-protein complex was examined for its susceptibility to enzymes which act upon the 5' and 3' termini of DNA molecules. It was susceptible to exonucleolytic degradation from the 3' termini by exonuclease III but not from the 5' termini by lambda exonuclease. Attempts to label radioactively the 5' termini by phosphorylation with T4 polynucleotide kinase were unsuccessful despite prior treatment with alkaline phosphatase or phosphatase treatment of denatured DNA. Removal of the majority of the bound protein by proteolytic digestion did not increase susceptibility. These results suggest that the linked protein is covalently attached to the 5' termini of phi29 DNA.  相似文献   

The first twenty-eight amino acid residues from the amino terminal of the T5 phage-coded gene A2 protein were determined. Some evidence is presented which suggests the existence of two forms of the protein; one in the cytoplasm which may have a signal sequence and another form present in the outer membrane. The amino terminal A2 protein sequence shows some sequence homology to the amino terminal region of the T4 phage-coded gene 32 protein. Finally it is important to note that residues ten through twenty-one of the A2 protein are amino acids with low ambiguity codons which should facilitate in the DNA sequencing of the A2 gene.  相似文献   

Multitailed T2 bacteriophage.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Binding of bacteriophage T5 to its receptor, the Escherichia coli FhuA protein, is mediated by tail protein pb5. In this article we confirm that pb5 is encoded by the T5 oad gene and describe the isolation, expression, and sequencing of this gene. In order to locate oad precisely, we analyzed recombinants between BF23, a T5-related phage with a different host range, and plasmid clones containing segments of the T5 chromosome. This analysis also showed that oad has little or no homology with hrs, the analogous BF23 gene. We were able to overproduce a protein that comigrates with pb5 after fusing a 2-kb segment containing oad to a phage T7 promoter. This segment contains an open reading frame that can encode a protein of the appropriate size. Its deduced amino acid sequence does not closely resemble that of any other protein in the database. The sequence upstream of the open reading frame shows typical characteristics of a promoter region with two overlapping, divergently orientated promoters.  相似文献   

After infection of Escherichia coli B by bacteriophage T5, a major new protein species, as indicated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, appears in the cells' membranes. Phage mutants with amber mutations in the first-step-transfer portion of their DNA have been tested for their ability to induce membrane protein synthesis after they infect E. coli B. We have found that phage with mutations in the Al gene of T5 do not induce the synthesis of the T5-specific major membrane protein, whereas phage that are mutant in the A2 gene do induce its synthesis. We conclude that gene Al must function normally for T5-specific membrane protein biosynthesis to occur and that only the first 8% (first-step-transfer piece) of the DNA need be present in the cell for synthesis to occur.  相似文献   

Binding of bacteriophage T5 to Escherichia coli cells is mediated by specific interactions between the receptor-binding protein pb5 (67.8 kDa) and the outer membrane iron-transporter FhuA. A histidine-tagged form of pb5 was overproduced and purified. Isolated pb5 is monomeric and organized mostly as beta-sheets (51%). pb5 functionality was attested in vivo by its ability to impair infection of E. coli cells by phage T5 and Phi80, and to prevent growth of bacteria on iron-ferrichrome as unique iron source. pb5 was functional in vitro, since addition of an equimolar concentration of pb5 to purified FhuA prevented DNA release from phage T5. However, pb5 alone was not sufficient for the conversion of FhuA into an open channel. Direct interaction of pb5 with FhuA was demonstrated by isolating a pb5/FhuA complex using size-exclusion chromatography. The stoichiometry, 1 mol of pb5/1 mol of FhuA, was deduced from its molecular mass, established by analytical ultracentrifugation after determination of the amount of bound detergent. SDS-PAGE and differential scanning calorimetry experiments highlighted the great stability of the complex: (i) it was not dissociated by 2% SDS even when the temperature was raised to 70 degrees C; (ii) thermal denaturation of the complex occurred at 85 degrees C, while pb5 and FhuA were denatured at 45 degrees C and 74 degrees C, respectively. The stability of the complex renders it suitable for high-resolution structural studies, allowing future analysis of conformational changes into both FhuA and pb5 upon adsorption of the virus to its host.  相似文献   

First-step-transfer deoxyribonucleic acid of bacteriophage T5.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Enterovirus nonstructural 2B protein is involved in cell membrane permeabilization during late viral infection. Here we analyze the pore forming activity of poliovirus 2B and several of its variants. Solubilization of 2B protein was achieved by generating a fusion protein comprised of poliovirus 2B attached to a maltose-binding protein (MBP) as an N-terminal solubilization partner. MBP-2B was assayed using large unilamellar vesicles as target membranes. This fusion protein was able to assemble into discrete structures that disrupted the permeability barrier of vesicles composed of anionic phospholipids. The transbilayer aqueous connections generated by MBP-2B were stable over time, allowing the passage of solutes of molecular mass under 1,000 Da. Oligomerization was investigated using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Our data indicate that MBP-2B aggregation occurs at the membrane surface. Moreover, MBP-2B binding to membranes promoted the formation of SDS-resistant tetramers. We conclude that MBP-2B forms oligomers capable of generating a tetrameric aqueous pore in lipid bilayers. These findings are the first evidence of viroporin activity shown by a protein from a naked animal virus.  相似文献   

O antigen-dependent mutant of bacteriophage T5.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The administration of cyclophosphamide (50 to 100 mg/kg) at 48 to 72 h before removal of murine lung or spleen mononuclear cells for culture rendered DBA/2 mice incapable of generating an effective cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response to influenza A virus-infected cells. The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor frequency to influenza A virus in lung and spleen cells from cyclophosphamide-treated mice was significantly decreased when compared with that of normal littermate controls. The low cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity in the lungs and spleens of cyclophosphamide-treated mice could be partially restored in vitro by human interleukin 2.  相似文献   

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