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Space remote sensing for spatial vegetation characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study area, Madhav National Park (MP) represents northern tropical dry deciduous forest. The national park, due to its unique location (nearest to township), is under tremendous biotic pressure. In order to understand vegetation structure and dynamics, vegetation mapping at community level was considered important. Prolonged leafless period and background reflection due to open canopy poses challenge in interpretation of satellite data. The vegetation of Madhav National Park was mapped using Landsat TM data. The ground data collected from sample points were subjected to TWINSPAN analysis to cluster sample point data into six communities. The vegetation classification obtained by interpretation (visual and digital) of remote sensing data and TWINSPAN were compared to validate the vegetation classification at community level. The phytosociological data collected from sample points were analysed to characterize communities. The results indicate that structural variations in the communities modulate spectral signatures of vegetation and form basis to describe community structure subjectively and at spatial level.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the composition and areal distribution of aquatic vegetation types, as well as their seasonal and interannual variations, is crucial for managing and maintaining the balance of lake ecosystems. In this study, a series of remotely sensed images with a resolution of 30 m (HJ-CCD and Landsat TM) were collected and used to map the distribution of aquatic vegetation types in Taihu Lake, China. Seasonal and interannual dynamics of aquatic vegetation types were explored and analyzed. The distribution areas of Type I (emergent, floating-leaved and floating vegetation) and Type II (submerged vegetation) were used to model their growing season phenology by double logistic functions. The resulting double logistic models showed, the area of Type I reached its peak in mid-August, and the maximum area for Type II occurred in mid-September. From 1984 to 2013, Type I area increased continuously from 59.75 km2 to 148.00 km2 (R2 = 0.84), whereas the area covered by Type II first increased and then decreased, with a trend conforming to a significant quadratic curve (R2 = 0.83). The eutrophication and stable state of Taihu Lake was assessed using a simple indicator which was expressed as a ratio of Type II area to Type I area. The results showed that the eutrophication in the lake might have been increasing in the area studied since 2000. Additionally, the results showed that air temperature had likely a direct effect on the growth of Type I (R2 = 0.66) and a significant, but delayed, effect on the growth of Type II.  相似文献   

应用遥感技术评价植被生化物质含量的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
植物叶片中的各种生化物质 (包括叶绿素、叶黄素、类胡萝卜素等色素 ,N、P、K等营养物质 ,纤维素、半纤维素、木质素、蛋白质、淀粉、糖和油等 )都直接或间接地参与生物地球化学循环。为进一步理解生态系统功能 ,必须对不同时间、不同空间的这些参数进行调查。遥感技术为获取多时相、大范围数据提供了极大的方便 ,在地表植被生化特征测定方面发挥着重要的作用。 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,世界各国相继推出了机载和星载高光谱传感器 ,高光谱遥感技术为植被生化物质的遥感开辟了新局面。本文从植被光谱特征出发 ,总结了目前生化参数遥感中的植被指数、导数光谱、红边位移分析和连续统去除等基本光谱处理方法 ,重点介绍了统计回归模型和光学 -几何模型在植被生化物质含量遥测中的应用。对现有利用遥感技术研究植被生化物质含量的研究进行了综合评述 ,并讨论了其局限性及未来的发展趋势  相似文献   

1. This study evaluates the efficacy of remote sensing technology to monitor species composition, areal extent and density of aquatic plants (macrophytes and filamentous algae) in impoundments where their presence may violate water‐quality standards. 2. Multispectral satellite (IKONOS) images and more than 500 in situ hyperspectral samples were acquired to map aquatic plant distributions. By analyzing field measurements, we created a library of hyperspectral signatures for a variety of aquatic plant species, associations and densities. We also used three vegetation indices. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), near‐infrared (NIR)‐Green Angle Index (NGAI) and normalized water absorption depth (DH), at wavelengths 554, 680, 820 and 977 nm to differentiate among aquatic plant species composition, areal density and thickness in cases where hyperspectral analysis yielded potentially ambiguous interpretations. 3. We compared the NDVI derived from IKONOS imagery with the in situ, hyperspectral‐derived NDVI. The IKONOS‐based images were also compared to data obtained through routine visual observations. Our results confirmed that aquatic species composition alters spectral signatures and affects the accuracy of remote sensing of aquatic plant density. The results also demonstrated that the NGAI has apparent advantages in estimating density over the NDVI and the DH. 4. In the feature space of the three indices, 3D scatter plot analysis revealed that hyperspectral data can differentiate several aquatic plant associations. High‐resolution multispectral imagery provided useful information to distinguish among biophysical aquatic plant characteristics. Classification analysis indicated that using satellite imagery to assess Lemna coverage yielded an overall agreement of 79% with visual observations and >90% agreement for the densest aquatic plant coverages. 5. Interpretation of biophysical parameters derived from high‐resolution satellite or airborne imagery should prove to be a valuable approach for assessing the effectiveness of management practices for controlling aquatic plant growth in inland waters, as well as for routine monitoring of aquatic plants in lakes and suitable lentic environments.  相似文献   

对北美切斯比克海湾99个河口海岸带地理特征(流域土地利用类型、河口宽度、海岸线分形维度、流域面积与河口面积比、高分辨率平均波浪高度和沉积物等)对1984-2009年间沉水植被丰度的影响进行了研究.结果表明:相同盐度分区的不同土地利用类型下,以及相同土地利用类型的不同盐度分区下,沉水植被丰度存在着明显的差异;沉水植被丰度与海岸带地理特征各单因子之间呈微弱相关性(-0.157≤r≤0.442),其中,沉水植被丰度与河口宽度(r=0.442,P<0.001)、分形维度(r=0.290,P=0.007)和平均波浪高度(r=0.306,P=0.002)相关关系相对较高,且呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);分类回归树模型分析表明,影响沉水植被丰度的海岸带地理特征因子依次为流域与河口面比、河口分形维度、盐度和平均波浪高度,共可解释沉水植被丰度空间变异的60%以上.研究表明,海岸带地理特征直接或间接的影响着区域沉水植被丰度,二者之间存在一定的相关关系;不同特征因子对沉水植被丰度的影响程度不同,但整体呈现出多因素综合的复杂影响.研究结果对切斯比克海湾沉水植被的生态恢复具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于遥感影像的植被指数研究方法述评   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
随着遥感技术的发展,植被指数作为用来表征地表植被覆盖和生长状况的度量参数,已经在环境、生态、农业等领域有了广泛的应用。本文在分析植被指数形成机制及影响因子的基础上,对其具有一定技术突破的典型植被指数进行了归纳分类与比较分析,并评价了各自的优势和局限性。植被指数按遥感数据采集的平台可以分为航空植被指数和航天植被指数两大类,其中航天植被指数又可以分为基于波段简单线性组合的植被指数、消除影响因子的植被指数和针对高光谱遥感及热红外遥感的植被指数三类。最后就植被指数应用中存在的问题以及发展前景谈了一些看法:植被指数数目繁琐重复,急待规范条理化;植被指数应用领域不同,使用者时要慎重;植被指数影响因子很多,具体使用时应适时修正;植被指数公式繁琐阻碍其应用,应开发植被指数产品;遥感技术日新月异,积极研发新的植被指数。  相似文献   

上海滩涂植被资源遥感分析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
黄华梅  张利权  高占国 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2686-2693
利用2003年8月2日L andsat5-TM多光谱遥感影像,运用遥感处理软件ERDA S Im ag ine 8.6,经几何校正分幅裁剪等图像预处理后,采用监督分类和目视解译相结合对上海市滩涂植被进行解译分析。结合全球定位系统(GPS)样点定位,对分类结果进行全面的野外核实和修正,同时利用地理信息系统(G IS)对解译结果进行数据合成,统计出滩涂各类植被的分布区域及面积等数据。实际调查及其分析统计显示,上海滩涂植物群落总面积为21302.1hm2,主要植被组成为芦苇、海三棱草及互花米草三大群落,滩涂植物群落具有明显的高程梯度分布规律。大尺度的上海市滩涂植被的空间分布现状及其数量调查为上海市滩涂资源的合理规划、生物多样性保护和可持续开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

天然草地植被覆盖度的高光谱遥感估算模型   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用ASD FieldSpec Pro FRTM光谱仪,对内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟的天然草地进行高光谱遥感地面观测,并计算天然草地植被覆盖度;选择25个高光谱特征变量与天然草地植被覆盖度进行相关性分析.结果表明,共有17个变量通过极显著性检验,尤以红边波长范围内一阶微分波段值总和(SDr)的相关系数0.781为最高在此基础上将观测数据分成两组:一组观测数据作为训练样本(n=49),运用单变量线性、非线性和逐步回归方法,建立植被覆盖度高光谱遥感估算模型;另一组观测数据作为检验样本(n=32),进行精度检验分析结果显示,采用逐步回归分析方法,运用冠层原始反射率数据估算草地植被覆盖度的效果并不理想;而以红边波长范围内一阶微分波段值的总和(SDr)为变量的线性回归方程是最佳估算模型,模型标准差为10.4%,估算精度为83.99%.  相似文献   

基于不同光谱指数的植被物候期遥感监测差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植被物候是陆地生态系统响应气候和环境变化的一项综合性指标.遥感光谱已经被广泛用于提取植被物候期,但遥感提取的物候期与站点观测差别很大,其物理意义尚不明确.本文选取中国东北部的一景MODIS数据(2000—2014年),分析了基于红波段和近红外波段的归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)和简单比植被指数(SR)提取的植被生长季起始期(SOS)和结束期(EOS)的差异.结果表明:两者的物候期存在显著差别,基于NDVI提取的SOS比SR提取的SOS平均早18.9 d,基于NDVI提取的EOS比SR提取的EOS平均晚19.0 d,NDVI得到的生长季长度更长.基于NDVI和SR提取的物候期的年际变化也存在显著差别,超过20%的像元SOS和EOS甚至表现出相反的年际变化趋势.上述差异与两种植被指数自身的季节曲线特征和抗噪性差异有关.NDVI与SR观测数据来源完全一致,仅数学表达形式不同,提取的物候期结果却存在显著差异.说明遥感监测的植被物候期高度依赖于植被指数的数学表达形式,如何建立可靠的植被物候期遥感提取方法仍需进一步研究.  相似文献   

We studied the relation between aquatic vegetation coverage, summer dissolved oxygen and density of sunfishes (Lepomis spp.) in 10 shallow bays of a eutrophic reservoir. The bays ranged 5.2–15.7 ha in area, 0.6–1.3 m mean depth and 6–91% vegetation area coverage. Over the 10 bays mean dissolved oxygen concentration ranged 5.8–9.0 mg l-1 in open water at least 20 m away from the vegetation, 0.8–8.1 mg l-1 at the vegetation-water edge and 0.5–7.7 mg l-1 in dense vegetation. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were inversely related to vegetation coverage. In open water, dissolved oxygen levels were consistently higher than 8 mg l-1 when vegetation coverage was <20% of the bay and decreased to about 6 mg l-1 at coverages near 80%. At the vegetation-water edge and within dense vegetation, dissolved oxygen levels dropped rapidly as vegetation coverage increased to 20% of the bay; when vegetation reached about 50% coverage, dissolved oxygen remained near 1.5 mg l-1at the vegetation-water edge, but oxygen dropped below 1 mg l-1in dense vegetation. Scarce vegetation harbored high Lepomis relative abundance (fish per m2 of vegetation) whereas extensive vegetation harbored low relative abundance, both contributing little to absolute abundance (total fish in all vegetation); however, intermediate coverage offered a combination of mid-level fish relative abundance that together with mid-level plant coverage translated into high absolute fish abundance. We suggest this response is related to hypoxia, and where aquatic vegetation is extensive, the effect of vegetation on hypoxia and water quality in general may influence fish populations in a way similar to that often attributed to reduced foraging efficiency and increased competitive interactions.  相似文献   

植被含水量是陆地植被重要的生物物理特征, 其定量遥感反演有助于植被干旱胁迫的实时监测与诊断评估。该文系统综述了国内外利用高光谱遥感评估植被水分状况的4个常见植被水分指标——冠层含水量、叶片等量水厚度、活体可燃物湿度和相对含水量的概念及其遥感估算方法研究进展, 评述了植被含水量高光谱遥感估算各类方法的优缺点, 探讨了植被含水量高光谱遥感估算目前存在的问题, 并提出进一步的研究任务, 即服务于植被干旱胁迫的高光谱遥感监测、预警与评估。  相似文献   

植被含水量是陆地植被重要的生物物理特征, 其定量遥感反演有助于植被干旱胁迫的实时监测与诊断评估。该文系统综述了国内外利用高光谱遥感评估植被水分状况的4个常见植被水分指标——冠层含水量、叶片等量水厚度、活体可燃物湿度和相对含水量的概念及其遥感估算方法研究进展, 评述了植被含水量高光谱遥感估算各类方法的优缺点, 探讨了植被含水量高光谱遥感估算目前存在的问题, 并提出进一步的研究任务, 即服务于植被干旱胁迫的高光谱遥感监测、预警与评估。  相似文献   

地面测量与ASTER影像综合计算植被盖度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
选择我国北方温带典型草原作为研究对象,在研究区内分别针对植被盖度是高、中、低的地区随机选取49块样地,在每块样地内采用嵌套的方式作样方,样方尺度有60、30、15m3个尺度,嵌套的方式是60m的样方嵌套30m的样方,30m的样方嵌套15m的样方。15m的样方内作3个1m的样方,30m的样方内作5个1m的样方,60m的样方内作10个1m的样方。对于每个1m的样方,采用将数码相机架设在离草本层2m高的位置,垂直对样方进行拍摄,并记录影像的方式估计植被盖度。基于以上地面实测数据以及ASTER遥感数据,建立植被盖度经验模型。模型建立的步骤主要包括以下内容:(1)利用植被盖度信息提取模型计算野外实测的各张数码相片的植被盖度值,在15、30m以及60m3个样方尺度上计算各样方的植被盖度;(2)计算ASTER数据的各种植被指数(RVI,NDVI,NDGI);(3)将地面样方与相应的ASTER影像像元在不同的尺度上相匹配。(4)基于某一样方尺度,计算与地面样方相对应区域内的ASTER影像像元植被指数的中值。(5)基于该样方尺度,建立地面实测植被盖度值与ASTER数据植被指数值之间的回归模型;(6)对回归模型进行显著性检验。在建立经验模型的过程中,研究植被指数(NDVI、NDGI以及RVI)与植被盖度的相关性以及地面样方尺度对经验模型的影响。此外,还将经验模型与目前广泛使用的亚像元分解模型作比较,检验亚像元分解模型在中国北方温带典型草原的适用性。结果表明,(1)对于中国北方典型草原区而言,利用植被指数NDVI监测草地的植被盖度是比较适宜的,它优于植被指数RVI,也比植被指数NDGI的效果好。(2)地面样方尺度的选择对于植被盖度经验模型的建立有很大的影响。就中国北方典型草原区来看,在地面作大样方,取其中值的方法在一定程度上可以克服由于地面的测量和遥感测量之间发生空间错配而产生的影响,有利于提高植被指数与植被盖度之间相关系数的显著水平。(3)60m×60m的样方尺度,基于NDVI的植被盖度经验模型相比,利用亚像元分解模型估测中国北方温带典型草原植被盖度的精度低于前者。  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in lake littoral zones is an inland water wetland type that provides numerous essential ecosystem services, such as supplying food and habitat for fauna, regulating nutrient fluxes, stabilizing sediments, and maintaining a clear water state. However, little is known on how inland SAV quantities are changing globally in response to human activities, where loss threatens the provisioning of these ecosystem services. In this study, we generate a comprehensive global synthesis of trends in SAV quantities using time series (>10 years) in lakes and identify their main drivers. We compiled trends across methods and metrics, integrating both observational and paleolimnological approaches as well as diverse measures of SAV quantities, including areal extent, density, or abundance classes. The compilation revealed that knowledge on SAV is mostly derived from temperate regions, with major gaps in tropical, boreal, and mountainous lake-rich regions. Similar to other wetland types, we found that 41% of SAV times series are largely decreasing mostly due to land use change and resulting eutrophication. SAV is, however, increasing in 28% of cases, primarily since the 1980s. We show that trends and drivers of SAV quantities vary regionally, with increases in Europe explained mainly by management, decreases in Asia due to eutrophication and land use change, and variable trends in North America consistent with invasive species arrival. By providing a quantitative portrait of trends in SAV quantities worldwide, we identify knowledge gaps and future SAV research priorities. By considering the drivers of different trends, we also offer insight to future lake management related to climate, positive restoration actions, and change in community structure on SAV quantities.  相似文献   

遥感反演植被含氮量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈永喆  傅伯杰  冯晓明 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6240-6252
植被含氮量表征植被氮素状态。它作为植被生长状况的重要指标,在生态系统健康状况检测、生态系统生产估测、精准农业、生态系统干扰评估等方面均有重要意义。遥感监测植被含氮量主要基于高光谱和多光谱数据,采用的算法包括经验方法(波谱指数与回归分析)及物理方法(辐射传输模型法)。但受数据源和研究方法的局限,目前植被氮含量遥感监测局限于区域范围较小且内部植被类型与环境条件(气候、地形等)基本一致的情形,而对复杂生态系统的监测能力不足。未来的研究需针对氮沉降和人类活动的生态系统响应这一重大研究需求,发展和改进现有植被含氮量遥感反演方法。可考虑开展对不同环境条件下、不同类型植被光谱曲线进行标准化的研究,以形成普适的植被含氮量反演方法。并考虑综合运用多种数据(如微波遥感、无人机遥感),形成多尺度同步监测,以提高遥感对区域乃至全球范围内植被氮含量常规监测的能力。  相似文献   

时间信息熵及其在植被覆盖时空变化遥感检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王超军  吴锋  赵红蕊  陆胜寒 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7359-7367
基于遥感影像的变化检测是当前的研究热点,可为区域生态环境保育、资源管理与发展规划等提供决策支撑。目前遥感影像的变化检测多基于两个时相,不能充分地反映植被在时间维的连续变化特征。通过引入信息论,提出了利用时间信息熵来综合表征植被长时间序列的变化特征。研究以延河流域为试验区,基于MODIS/NDVI数据,应用时间信息熵方法来计算了2000—2010年该区域的植被覆盖变化信息,厘清了时空变化特征。研究结果表明,近10年延河流域的植被覆盖的变化以增加为主,占流域面积的80.7%;植被覆盖明显增加的区域占流域面积13.9%,主要分布在流域的东北部和东南部;植被覆盖减少的区域占比2.4%,主要分布在流域的西部和西北部;严重减少的区域占比1.1%,主要分布在流域的中部和西南部,是需要重点的生态恢复与治理区域。时间信息熵方法与回归分析法相比,能够更为客观地表征长时间序列植被覆盖的连续变化强度和变化趋势,可为区域生态环境的保护和管理提供更为科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

基于大气辐射校正的广州市植被覆盖度遥感估算   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
植被覆盖度是描述生态系统的基本参数,也是进行生态系统健康与安全评价的重要生态参数.基于1990、1995、2000和2005年4个时相的TM遥感数据源,以广州市为研究区域,运用减少大气辐射影响的植被指数计算模型,通过非监督分类及图像空间模型运算,修正了大气辐射校正参数,建立了植被覆盖度与校正植被指数的模型,估算了不同时期内广州市的植被覆盖度.结果显示,广州市植被覆盖度在1990—2000年的10年内持续下降,从2000年开始呈上升趋势,符合广州市的经济发展与环境建设实际.所建立的模型适合于区域植被覆盖度动态变化研究,且在植被覆盖度的动态变化特征研究方面有较大优势,其结果适于进行城市生态环境质量与动态评价.  相似文献   

Foody  Giles M.  Lucas  Richard M.  Curran  Paul J.  Honzak  Miroslav 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):143-154
At regional to global scales the only feasible approach to mapping and monitoring forests is through the use of coarse spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery. Significant errors in mapping may arise as such imagery may be dominated by pixels of mixed land cover composition which cannot be accommodated by conventional mapping approaches. This may lead to incorrect assessments of forest extent and thereby processes such as deforestation which may propagate into studies of environmental change. A method to unmix the class composition of image pixels is presented and used to map tropical forest cover in part of the Mato Grosso, Brazil. This method is based on an artificial neural network and has advantages over other techniques used in remote sensing. Fraction images depicting the proportional class coverage in each pixel were produced and shown to correspond closely to the actual land cover. The predicted and actual forest cover were, for instance, strongly correlated (up to r = 0.85, significant at the 99% level of confidence) and the predicted extent of forest over the test site much closer to the actual extent than that derived from a conventional approach to mapping from remotely sensed imagery.  相似文献   

植被叶面积指数遥感监测模型   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
叶面积指数是植被定量遥感的重要参数,区域的时序列叶面积指数揭示了区域生态的演化过程,反演方法上主要是通过植被指数建立相关模型实现的,对于不同地区或不同气候带而言,模型的通用性以及各种植被指数在模型中的灵敏度都需做进一步的探讨。以江苏省宜兴市作为研究区,采用2002年8月22日获得的Landsat-5TM图像数据和2003年8月23~26日采用LAI-2000进行的野外实测植被叶面积指数(LAI)数据,分别探讨了植被指数(VI)与LAI的一元、多元线性回归模型和非线性回归模型,其中的非线性回归模型包括对数、指数、乘幂和多项式回归模型。结果表明,VI与LAI之间的最佳回归模型为多元线性回归模型,R2达0.864;采用逐步选择剔除法,遴选出了用于回归模型的植被指数为RVI、PVI、SAVIL=0.35、MSAVI、ARVIγ=1、ARVIγ=0.5和SARVI。经模型LAI=-ln((VI-VI∞)/(VIg-VI∞))/KVI检验,预测值(y)与实测值(x)的拟合度较好y=0.5345x 1.3304,R2为0.7379。RVI与LAI的三次多项式回归模型也较好,R2为0.7806。再次为RVI与LAI的一元线性回归模型,R2为0.7726,比值植被指数RVI在反演叶面积指数模型中具有较高的灵敏度。  相似文献   

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