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《Small Ruminant Research》2007,67(1-3):156-163
A total of 548 Manchega ewes were used to compare progestagen impregnated intravaginal sponges (12 days) plus eCG with melatonin implant (100 days) treatments, as possible stimulants of reproductive performance during the seasonal anoestrus and the lactation period. The use of both methods of oestrous manipulation induced a significant improvement in conception rate (78% for progestagen and eCG; 78% for melatonin versus 65% for the control) and fecundity (1.50 for progestagen and eCG; 1.55 for melatonin versus 1.26 for the control), when compared to the control group. Likewise, the lambing rate was also increased (1.17 for progestagen and eCG; 1.21 for melatonin versus 0.82 for control). A total of 35 and 39 extra lambs/100 ewes mated were produced, with an increase in productivity (percentage of extra lambs) of 43% and 48%, for ewes treated with progestagen sponges and melatonin, respectively, compared to the control group. The interval between ram introduction and parturition was significantly decreased, with matings in February–April (early seasonal anoestrus), compared to matings in March–May (seasonal anoestrus) in the group treated with progestagen sponges. An increase in the interval between parturition and the following mating was also recorded. As the body condition improved, the number of lambing ewes and fecundity were significantly improved in all groups. All the fertility results obtained with the progestagen sponges and melatonin treatments were similar. It could be concluded that progestagen sponges plus eCG and melatonin implants improved the reproductive performance of ewes, in seasonal anoestrus and during the lactation period, to a similar extent.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in consecutive years in which recently (Experiment 1) or temporarily (Experiment 2) weaned ewes and matched post-partum non-lactating flockmates (DRY) were exposed to a stimulus group of rams and oestrous ewes (10 and 20 in Experiment 1, 20 and 20 in Experiment 2) for 28 days in spring. Lactating ewes (n = 130) in Experiment 1 were isolated from their lambs 4 (W-4), 2 (W-2), 1 (W-1) or 0 (W-0) days in advance and exposed along with a group of 32 DRY flockmates. Lactating ewes in Experiment 2 (n = 230) were allocated to an unreplicated factorial of two levels of temporary weaning before stimulation (B0: control; B24: lambs removed 24 h before stimulation) by four levels of ewe-lamb contact imposed at the start of the stimulation (A0: control; A12, A24 and A36: lamb-ewe separation during the initial 12, 24 or 36 h of exposure); DRY ewes (n = 54) acted as an augmented factorial control. Oestrus (rump marks) and ovulation (laparoscopy on day 5 and on day 28 (Experiment 1) or day 32 (Experiment 2)) were recorded. Ovulation and oestrous responses in Experiment 1 were similar for DRY (90.6% and 55.2%, respectively) and recently weaned ewes (83.8% and 53.7%, respectively). Amongst recently weaned ewes, the immediate ovulation response to the rams and the proportion of ewes still cycling by day 28 tended to be lower (P = 0.065 and P = 0.011) in ewes weaned on the day of ram exposure (71.9% and 54.8% v. 87.8% and 80.0%, respectively). Ovulation rate was lower (P < 0.003) in W-2 ewes (1.3 ± 0.10) than in the other recently weaned groups. In Experiment 2, ovulation (83.3%) and oestrous (68.9%) responses in DRY ewes were higher (P = 0.022 and P = 0.053, respectively) than in lactating ewes (66.2% and 51.0%, respectively). More ewes ovulated (P = 0.036) in B24 (70.5%) than in B0 (61.8%). Ewes having their lambs returned 12 h after the onset of stimulation (A12) had poorer ovulation responses (54.9%) than control ewes (A0, 72.9%, P < 0.05); this was probably associated to lamb restitution after the sunset. Main conclusions were that (i) the presence of the lambs is a depressing factor of both ovulation and oestrous responses to the ram effect in lactating ewes, (ii) the ovulation response of lactating ewes will probably benefit from removing lambs for a period of 24 h before the onset of stimulation, (iii) until additional information becomes available, temporary weaning protocols should be designed avoiding lamb restitution during the night.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to evaluate the possibility of simplifying superovulatory treatments in Corriedale ewes with use of ovine FSH (oFSH). Ewes received intravaginal progestogen sponges for 14 days. In Experiment 1, several simplified schedules were tested. Ewes were treated with 176 NIH-FSH-S1 units' oFSH given as a single injection in saline, along with 500 IU eCG 48 h before sponge removal (Group A1), in four equal doses (B1), or given as a single injection in a polyvinylpyrrolidone vehicle (C1) 24 h before sponge removal. In Experiment 2, the simplified protocol that exhibited the most desirable results in Experiment 1 (A2) was compared with the same protocol, but using less oFSH (132 units) (B2) and with the most conventional protocol (176 units of oFSH in eight decreasing doses; C2). Estrus was detected and ewes were naturally mated. The ovarian response and embryo production were assessed on Day 6 after estrus. LH was measured at 6h intervals from pessary withdrawal. The onset of estrus and the pre-ovulatory LH surge were advanced (P<0.05) in ewes treated with FSH and eCG. In Experiment 1, protocol A1 produced a greater percentage of superovulated ewes compared to C1 (100.0 compared with 58.3%; P<0.05), increased ovulation rate (13.8 corpora lutea compared with 6.2 and 4.7 for B1 and C1, respectively; P<0.05), and tended to increase the number of transferable embryos compared to B1 (P=0.08). In Experiment 2, percentages of superovulated ewes and ovulation rates were similar among groups; however, Group A2 tended to have more large follicles (P=0.07) than C2. The number of transferable embryos was similar among the three treatments. In conclusion, the reduced-dose oFSH given once along with eCG is the most appropriate superovulatory treatment because it combines simplicity and a lesser dose of gonadotropin, which also implies a reduction in cost, without reducing embryo production.  相似文献   

Oestrus, conception and lambing performance were assessed in progesterone-primed seasonally anoestrous ewes induced to ovulate with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH), which was administered intravenously for 48 h as either injections of 250 ng at 2-h intervals (n = 15) or as a continuous infusion at the rate of 125 ng/h (n = 12) or 250 ng/h (n = 12).In 1415 of the ewes injected with Gn-RH, a preovulatory LH peak was recorded at a mean time interval of 33.9 ± 1.8 h after the start of treatment. All ewes displayed oestrus and all ovulated, with a mean ovulation rate of 1.67 ± 0.13. Eleven ewes were diagnosed as pregnant and subsequently lambed. Following infusion of Gn-RH, preovulatory LH peaks were recorded in 2124 ewes at a mean time of 36.1 ± 2.9 h (125 ng/h) and 34.7 ± 2.0 h (250 ng/h). All but two of the ewes displayed oestrus and 2324 ovulated. The group mean ovulation rates of 1.27 ± 0.14 (125 ng/h) and 1.75 ± 0.22 (250 ng/h) were not significantly different. Eleven of the 22 ewes mated were diagnosed as pregnant and produced live lambs.These results suggest that fertility of Gn-RH-induced ovulations in seasonally anoestrous ewes is comparable to that apparent in ewes ovulating spontaneously during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The embryos of ewes were killed with colchicine on Day 17 of gestation and the ewes were mated at the subsequent oestrus. Fertility was reduced at this mating, and fewer spermatozoa were found in the uterus and oviducts than in control animals. The total number of spermatozoa in the cervix and their distribution between the lumen and walls of the cervix were not altered, but the linear distribution along the cervical walls was changed. The density of the reamining spermatozoa in the control animals after flushing the cervix showed a progressive decrease from the posterior to the anterior segments. This did not occur in the untreated ewes. It seems likely that impaired sperm transport contributed to the lowered fertility.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted with ewes to investigate the effects of an enriched bovine follicular fluid inhibin preparation (INH) on gonadotrophin secretion after the onset of oestrus. Administration of INH (10 mg) 1 h after the onset of oestrus did not significantly alter the preovulatory FSH and LH surges or the second FSH peak. To determine the effects of INH on the second FSH surge, ewes were treated with saline (N = 7) or INH (N = 10) at 4 h (10 mg) and 24 h (5 mg) after the peak of the preovulatory LH surge. The second FSH surge was delayed about 24 h (P less than 0.05) in ewes treated with INH; however, the delay did not alter the interval to the next oestrus. In a third experiment, 16 ewes were assigned to 4 groups in a 2 x 2 factorial with the main effects being ovariectomy at 4 h and INH treatment (10 mg) at 4, 20 and 36 h after the peak of the LH surge. Controls received sham ovariectomy and saline injection as appropriate. Ovariectomy resulted in a rapid increase in serum FSH but not LH and this was delayed (P less than 0.05) by INH treatment. These results indicate that inhibin has a selective inhibitory action on FSH secretion in ewes and suggests that the second FSH surge results from increased basal FSH secretion due to decreased endogenous inhibin levels.  相似文献   

The timing of ovulations in 42 PMSG-treated ewes was determined by repeated endoscopy. The first ovulation occurred at a median time of 23 . 6 +/- 0 . 5 (s.e.m.) h after the onset of oestrus. The median interval between first and second ovulations was less than 1 h, and that between first and last ovulations was approximately 6 h. In 59 untreated ewes, probit regression analysis was applied to the number of ovulations which were found by endoscopy to have occurred by 23, 25 and 27 h after the onset of oestrus. The median time of first ovulation was 25 . 5 +/- 0 . 5 h after the onset of oestrus, this interval being similar in single- and twin-ovulating ewes. The median interval between twin ovulations was 1 . 2 +/- 0 . 6 h. Ovulation occurred after the end of oestrus in at least 75% of ewes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in a large flock of Berrichon purebred and Romanov × Berrichon F1 crossbred ewes. In experiment 1, 157 ewe lambs were placed in six groups according to season of mating and maternal breed. Within each group equal numbers of females were treated with either medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) or fluorogestone acetate (FGA)-impregnated sponges for 14 days; dosage of PMSG at the time of sponge removal was 500 and 300 I.U. respectively for pure and crossbred. In experiment 2, 111 dry yearling ewes of the Berrichon breed were involved, of which 35, 51 and 25 had either a short lambing to treatment interval (approximately 3 months), a long lambing to treatment interval (approximately 6 months), or were primiparous or nulliparous. They were also treated either with MAP or FGA.The conception rates were extremely high (overall near 86%) in ewe lambs and not significantly affected by seasons or breeds or treatments. Prolificacy and number of lambs per ewe mated were higher in the F1 crossbred group than in pure Berrichon females (respectively 1.91 vs. 1.34 lambs/mated ewe). No significant difference between the two progestagens could be observed for any of the productivity criteria. Fertility was equally satisfactory in yearlings (overall near 85%) irrespective of the interval between lambing and mating. However, the fertility of the nulliparous ewes (those that failed to conceive as ewe lambs) was significantly lower (72%). The number of lambs per ewe mated was 1.78 in yearlings with a 6-month interval from lambing to mating but was not significantly different from the numbers recorded in the other two groups (1.37 and 1.36). As in experiment 1, there was no difference in the results obtained after either of the two progestagen treatments.In conclusion, progestagen treatment has been shown in both ewe lambs and yearlings to be a very effective means of increasing lamb production in large flocks. This was achieved in ewe lambs regardless of the season and, in dry yearling ewes, regardless of the interval from lambing to mating in the anoestrous season.  相似文献   

The effect of structural modifications of the melatonin molecule on plasma half-life of the analogues and basal prolactin secretion was studied in Border-Leicester x Merino ewes. Halogenation at position 6 and/or unsaturation of the 2,3-double bond of the melatonin molecule slightly lengthened the half-life of the analogues. Melatonin, 6-chloromelatonin, 2,3-dihydromelatonin and 6-chloro-2,3-dihydromelatonin decreased plasma prolactin to 31, 45, 54 and 48% of control levels respectively when administered daily (100 micrograms at 1600 h) for 21 days. The brain metabolite of melatonin, N-acetyl-N'-formyl-5-methoxykynurenamine, and the putative natural melatonin analogue, 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone, failed to affect prolactin levels when administered in a similar manner. These results indicate that certain structural modifications to the melatonin molecule can be tolerated biologically; however, the modifications reported here still did not prevent rapid clearance from the circulation.  相似文献   

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